Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1267: Restlessness

In just one month, Lu Chuan had absorbed the knowledge of a third-level civilization. This terrifying ability was something that he could not even imagine.

After absorbing the knowledge, it is not an exaggeration to say that Lu Chuan is now the same as the civilization **** of the Jellyfish clan, because Lu Chuan knows the subtleties of each of their civilizations, that is, the omnipotent **** of knowledge.

Of course, this is not the focus of Lu Chuan. Lu Chuan absorbs such a huge amount of knowledge in order to transform their training system so that they can go on a correct path next, which is equivalent to letting them sit on a path leading to the sixth level of civilization. On the express train.

Lu Chuan is now an inspector, unlike a true god, but the ability of the inspector is beyond imagination.

After absorbing this knowledge, Lu Chuan found a place where there was no one, then sat down, closed his eyes, and began to organize the absorbed knowledge.

I don't know how many trillions of bytes are beating, Lu Chuan is now a rule-breaker, and naturally he knows the mysteries of the entire universe. It can be said that Lu Chuan understands the universe best in the entire universe.

Knowing the rules and loopholes, it is not difficult to take advantage of them.

To cultivate civilization, to put it plainly, is to use the energy of loopholes to strengthen oneself. It's just that their cultivation methods are not the most scientific and reasonable. This is a process of exploration. After they understand a little method and truth, they will make a little progress.

Only true geniuses will bring forth the new and constantly improve their cultivation methods.

And these geniuses who can bring forth new ones are all the great abilities in this civilization, their achievements will be unprecedented, and they are also the saints of the new generation.

In fact, Lu Chuan is not more genius than them, but the difference is that Lu Chuan can insight into the mystery of the entire cultivation, can directly point to the most core place, and can maximize the use of the energy formed between the world.

With this, it is enough.

Ten days passed in a flash.

Lu Chuan stood up, shook his somewhat swollen head, and showed a smile. Because he succeeded in raising their cultivation methods to the level of sixth-level cultivation civilization in these ten days, that is to say, when they practice, they will break through the superb speed and achieve*.

"It turns out that this is the scary thing about rule breakers." The smile on Lu Chuan's face was playful.

Lu Chuan had never understood how to plant nails to the beads, and had no idea.

But now, Lu Chuan is suddenly enlightened. In fact, advancing the process of a civilization is really simple. The more you practice civilization, the easier it is.

To use an analogy, science and technology civilization involves all aspects of being strong in order to improve. But they don't need to cultivate civilization. They only need to spend a certain amount of time and one mind to cultivate, and then they can make continuous breakthroughs and reach the standard in a very short time.

Taking Lu Chuan's reformed cultivation methods as an example, they only need hundreds of years to reach the standard of level 6 civilization, which is fast enough to fly.

Lu Chuan estimated that it would take tens of millions of years before, but now it seems that his previous estimation was completely wrong.

The correct way of cultivation can reach the standard of level 6 civilization in hundreds of years.

They don't need to explore, don't need to bear the consequences of mistakes, and there are no bottlenecks at all. It will not be troublesome for hundreds of years or thousands of years because of a problem in cultivation.

It's like a Chinese course. From elementary school to university, everything is done for you. As long as you are not a waste material, what is the difficulty of becoming a college student?

Whether it's technology or civilization, there will be a dilemma, which is not working together.

Take the earth as an example. There are more than one hundred countries in a small earth. You block my technology and I limit your resources... Let’s have fun. The original technology, if it were jointly developed, might be Conquer in one year. But everyone can block each other's technology, etc. A technology may take decades to overcome.

In terms of resources, this is especially true.

Countries with a large amount of resources, from time to time play with global restrictions on production, or lower prices, etc., which stirs the international situation, and it is definitely not a good situation for everyone.

Occasionally, if you stay calm for a longer time, Guotai and the people will be safe, and you will play a little war again to suppress the development trend.

Cultivation civilization also has these dilemmas. Like the jellyfish race now, they split into hundreds of different forces. The war between them does not require the loss of many powerful people.

Every strong man is like a cutting-edge scientist. Any death is a huge loss to a certain country, or even the entire civilization. There are some super geniuses whose death is more likely to delay the progress of a civilization for hundreds of thousands of years.

There is one national power, and the other is each society, each faction and religion, and so on.

The various forces in the Jellyfish tribe are intertwined. They each have their own mental methods and combat skills. They have always been regarded as the most precious things. They all treasure themselves, and they will not communicate with other tribes at all, let alone teach them to other tribes.

All this is so, the breakthrough in cultivation will be difficult.

A good exercise is like a sports car, it can be one step faster. As for the forces with top-level techniques, they suppress the rise of other forces and suppress the forces that may rise.

Under the consumption of each other, it is exactly the same as the technology in the earth.

In Lu Chuan, if the earth could be unified, the technological leap would be beyond imagination. In the same way, if the Jellyfish tribe can work together to teach the most top-level exercises, all members of the tribe can learn, and countless geniuses will inevitably emerge to promote the advancement of the entire civilization.

Lu Chuan is sure that the jellyfish clan of the third-level cultivation civilization will advance by leaps and bounds as long as they teach it by himself, and eventually promote the civilization to the fourth, fifth, and sixth levels.

"Counting this, the entire civilization is his own disciple and grandson?" Lu Chuan was taken aback for a moment.

This seems to be the case. After all, I taught them how to cultivate their minds and guided them on a correct path.

Lu Chuan suddenly understood why rule-breakers always risked the appearance of the destruction of a civilization. The reason is still here. After all, it is the civilization that he has supported. It is now going to be destroyed and cannot help. Take a look. , Can be regarded as the end of this love.

Lu Chuan gave a helpless smile, even more so for people. After emotional entanglements, things became complicated.

The most sensible way is to leave now.

But can it?

Lu Chuan spent more than a month studying their civilizations. From the beginning to the present, the feelings have long been there. Is it possible to get out of yourself?

As I thought before, seeing and not seeing are two different things.

Now that I have seen it myself, I can't stand by and watch it. It's a bottom line for people.

Putting everything aside, Lu Chuan figured it out and decided to start with the holy city, because this is the place where the cultivation civilization traced back to its origin, and it has an irreplaceable position in the heart of the entire civilization.


The holy city of the jellyfish family.

On this day, the weather suddenly became hotter, and even the plants outside were soft, without a trace of energy. Such a high temperature is nothing to the Jellyfish tribe who has accomplished cultivation.

The ones who really suffer are ordinary tribesmen. They are just ordinary tribesmen. They have no cultivation, and their physical fitness is naturally different. They can't stand the current high temperature. It's not realistic to go out, you can only stay at home, or in the shade.

Eschatology has already prevailed in this world.

The time of death under the enlightenment of the gods is constantly being consumed. Now the hot and unusual sky is so consistent with the revelation given by the gods. Maybe then, they will really be roasted into dried meat by the heat.

People who don't believe it anymore have to believe it as the weather changes.

Naturally, under this kind of revelation, some tribesmen were crazy, their temperament changed drastically, and their inner desires were madly agitated. There are also tribesmen, with the most pious attitude, begging the gods to manifest spirits, save them, and free them from this sea of ​​suffering.

The crazy clansmen pulled up countless believers, and gradually began to transform into riots.

In their eyes, it is the incompetence of today's superiors that allowed the gods to descend this last days and punish them for their disrespect. Only by killing all these high-ranking people and begging the gods can the gods forgive them.

However, there are more people of any race who hold charity.

At the time when the last days are constantly approaching, although they are afraid and fearful, they have arrived at the altar. Every day, hundreds of thousands of people sit around the altar, chanting the name of the gods religiously.

In the holy city, the holy son goes to the altar every day, crunching above the white jade, leading the people, hoping to get the wealth of the gods.

The saint child in the cultivation civilization is often held by the most talented people. It is an important part of promoting the progress of civilization, because it can obtain the most comprehensive training in the holy city, has the most complete resources, and the most complete Similar exercises and combat skills.

The Son selected by the entire civilization is absolutely extraordinary.

In fact, there is no **** in this world, no one can say clearly, even the Son, it cannot be confirmed. However, the current situation does not allow it not to do so, because it is the Son, the spokesperson of the gods in this world.

Hundreds of thousands of people sitting in a circle are indeed spectacular.

On this day, I don't know why, it seems to be affected by some kind of influence. More and more people walked out of their houses, and then spontaneously gathered around the altar.

Originally there were hundreds of thousands, but the number of tribe members continued to rise, gradually increasing towards one million.

The altar is very When it was built, it was designed for the gathering of more than three million people. Among them, many people have the ability to fly, so there is no need to worry about trampling. It may seem exaggerated to accommodate 3 million people, but here, it is not exaggerated at all.

"I seem to feel the call of the gods."

Many powerhouses in the holy city, they all felt something, they arrived in the holy city.

This kind of psychic induction seems to have a power to guide them here. Moreover, that kind of Tianwei made their hearts tremble, irresistible.

Such a vision is unprecedented. Throughout history, there is almost never.

Not a tribe, but the tribe of the holy city, all felt the call.

Countless strong men flew to the altar one after another, and the people who were almost invisible here were all tribesmen. It could not contain it, so it flew into the sky, and the buildings around the altar were full of tribesmen.

The holy city of tens of millions of people, at this moment, agitated.

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