Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1288: Black hole

   The two-pronged approach mentioned by Lu Chuan is actually abandoning the neutron star and solar star expansion plan, and instead uses two other plans, two of which are also catastrophic in the universe.

   The first one was to create a pulsar.

   The second is to create a black hole.

   Many people do not know what a pulsar is. The rotation of a pulsar exceeds 2000 revolutions per second, and gamma rays are ejected outwards, and everything is destroyed wherever it goes.

   To use a clearer explanation, pulsars are a member of neutron stars and can also be called variable stars.

  Imagine that it takes 24 hours for the earth to rotate one circle, but a pulsar rotates one circle, less than 0.0014 seconds. What is this concept?

   Imagine again that the diameter of a pulsar only needs to reach 50 kilometers. In theory, its rotation should exceed the speed of light. How inexplicable is it?

   Obviously, a pulsar is a member of a neutron star, how can its volume be less than 50 kilometers?

   If it suddenly formed inside this galaxy, and such a crazy planet appeared, the entire galaxy would be a lot of fun. The gamma rays it ejected, the needle easily sent this galaxy into hell.

   If pulsars can't work, Lu Chuan has a second plan, which is a black hole.

   Too many people will ask, pulsars are so perverted, who is more powerful than black holes?

   Lu Chuan can say with certainty that black holes are more powerful.

   Strictly speaking, a black hole is not a black hole. It is also a kind of planet. The density of a dense celestial body can be so high that even light cannot escape.

  Pulsars really encounter black holes, and they will end up being swallowed.

   Making a black hole is much more difficult than making a pulsar, so Lu Chuan listed it as the second option.

   Now, of course, the first plan is implemented.

   "The central galaxy, of course, can only come from a black hole, but the galaxy next to it is about the size of five solar systems, and one pulsar is enough."

   Lu Chuan calculated it, and when the person flashed, he already appeared in a certain galaxy.

   Once again, his mind moved, and Lu Chuan arrived on a huge planet in the center of the galaxy. It was a desolate and useless planet, with only a few places being developed, which was really of little value.

   Lu Chuan fell on the surface of this planet, then stretched out his hand, leaned down, and printed his hand on the gravel here.

   I don't know why, Lu Chuan's hands are shaking slightly.

   Although this galaxy is only five solar systems as large, it is a magical galaxy. There are more than one hundred planets in it, two-thirds of which are life stars and have a dense population.

   Lu Chuan knew that as long as he activated it, they would all die and the entire galaxy would be destroyed.


After hesitating for a few seconds, after Lu Chuan exhaled, his arm suddenly burst into a dazzling light, which hit the ground with his arm, and then spread at the speed of light. In just a few seconds, it covered the whole Planet.

  The power given by the gods madly changed this huge planet.

   The life stars in the galaxy, the lives here, they never thought of what this moment means to them, they still live at their own pace.

   It wasn't until this planet burst with dazzling light, like a sun, that they raised their heads and looked up at the sky, but they didn't know what was going on.

   And the monitoring agency in the galaxy locked on this planet for the first time, their technology, and the astronomical telescope they produced, captured what happened on this planet with the fastest speed, and then transmitted it to the rear.

   Their astronomical telescopes can directly see every detail of the planet, accurate to the millimeter.

   But at this moment, what they can see is the dazzling light, and then they can see nothing. This scene naturally shocked every scientist in this galaxy, and they immediately invested in research and analysis.

   The magnitude of the changes on this planet is far beyond their imagination.

   The planet is shrinking at a terrifying speed, and its material is being changed. It took only half an hour from discovery to transformation into a neutron star.

   It is hard to imagine that a process that has been completed tens of billions of years is completed within half an hour.

   At the center of the galaxy, a neutron star appeared, making the faces of each scientist completely changed. They knew what it meant.

   What's more terrifying is that this neutron star is still changing, and then gradually spins up.

The sixth-level civilizations have long had unparalleled research on celestial bodies. When they realized that it was a pulsar, they all sat down. They knew that in this position, a What would a pulsar look like.

   From the moment the pulsar rotates, the entire galaxy is completely chaotic, and the nearby planets seem to be torn apart by an invisible force, falling apart in the universe, from large to small, and then to dusty existence.

   Many planets are constantly exploding and being torn apart, and then pushed by an invisible force, moving towards the rear.

   The entire galaxy collapsed at this moment, and the life on the planet, without even a reaction, was torn apart, just like playing with cutting fruits, the crazy power kept cutting through, tearing the planet into countless pieces.

  Billions of trillions of life, without even the opportunity to struggle, it becomes forever.

   A galaxy, from the moment the pulsar was created by Lu Chuan, its result is doomed.

Standing outside the galaxy, Lu Chuan looked at the pulsar that turned into a light curtain at the center. The gamma rays it ejected were invisible. All you could see was the falling apart of the stars. In the end, there was nothing left. under.

   The power of the universe is so shocking.

   Lu Chuan's heart twitched, but he still forced himself to calm down.

   "This is just the beginning, this is just a small galaxy." Lu Chuan muttered to himself, he didn't stay here any longer, but a thought moved and appeared in the central galaxy.

   The central galaxy with a diameter of one hundred thousand light-years cannot be destroyed by a single pulsar. Lu Chuan could have produced a few, but this time it was also an experimental battle.

   Lu Chuan needs to be familiar with the power of the inspector, such as the power to create a black hole. He needs to be familiar with it.

   Lu Chuan didn't dare to test before because he knew the horror of black holes.

   With such conditions now, Lu Chuan would naturally not give up. Using black holes, in this way, the life in the entire galaxy will not die in pain. In the face of this kind of cosmic power, they will lose their lives silently.

   The central galaxy is located at the center of the entire empire, but not at the center of the entire civilization.

The sixth-level civilization is too huge. An empire has several galaxies, or even a dozen galaxies. There are so many countries here. It is not impossible to destroy with one person, but very hard work. .

   Why does Lu Chuan need so many inspectors? Like dealing with a sixth-level civilization, there are more people, more power, and faster speed. It no longer takes a few months to destroy a sixth-level civilization like before. 78 Chinese debut

   Mind moves, Lu Chuan is already in the central galaxy.

   Ignoring the temperature of the sun star, Lu Chuan appeared on the surface of the sun star. The temperature here was over 8,000 degrees, but it could not hurt Lu Chuan's hair.

   There are solar storms that erupt everywhere, and the converted energy can easily destroy a planet.

   Lu Chuan stretched out his hand again, and volleyed it down.

   The terrifying light once again enveloped the Sun Star. The first step was to suppress all its violent solar storms, and then let it quickly enter the cooling process.

   In just a few minutes, the solar star that provided light and heat to the entire galaxy was extinguished.

This incident was received by the first planet more than ten minutes later, but this kind of darkness suddenly turned into a black with no fingers in the daytime, making them all stunned, and then they raised their heads, never again. Can't see the sun.

  Like this kind of abnormality, it is natural to report and deal with it immediately, and observe the sun and stars.

   The destruction of a galaxy in their empire, their distance, there is no way to receive it so quickly, through the wormhole, it will take at least a week for them to receive news here.

   "The sun disappeared?"

  The countless people of the tribe were all taken aback. The sun no longer shines and heats up, and immediately caused the planet to change. The planet seems to have lost its restraint.

   But it didn't surprise them even more. The sun star quickly dimmed, first the light and heat disappeared, and then it turned into the pitch black of the universe.

  In a way they cannot understand, this huge sun star is transforming towards the black hole.

"how is this possible?"

   "This must be a joke."

   "The sun star can operate for at least tens of billions of years. It cannot be extinguished, let alone become a black hole."

   They also have research on black holes, including the formation of black holes and so on. The sun star, no matter what, has no possibility of becoming a black hole.


   It is obvious that they have challenged their worldview now, and the sun star is indeed turning into a black hole.

   In a very short period of time, the sun star completely blackened.

   Lu Chuan on the surface of the sun star, when he felt the moment when the black hole was formed, the surrounding light disappeared and was swallowed. The four-strike countless celestial bodies have broken away from their own orbits and moved towards the black and the black hole is not static, it is also moving.

   Lu Chuan only felt that he was also in this vortex, being sucked into the center of the black hole. Fortunately, Lu Chuan's reaction, the movement of mind rose, and the next moment was already on a planet outside the central galaxy.

   Here, the power of the black hole's horror has not yet been affected, but the planets in the center are like moths into the fire, crashing into the black hole, and then being swallowed up, leaving nothing.

   Black hole is actually a kind of celestial body that connects subspace. All the matter swallowed is thrown into subspace, and nothing can exist.

   A galaxy began to be swallowed up at the center, and it continued to spread around.

   This kind of visual impact was shocked by Lu Chuan's perspective. No matter how powerful your civilization is, it is so vulnerable to this kind of cosmic power.

The alien races in the planets want to escape, but their abilities are nothing at all in the face of this kind of galaxy collapse, and there is no response. The planet has deviated from its orbit, broke up early, and was sucked in by the black hole. . 78 Chinese update fastest computer terminal: https://

   "This is the power of the universe?"

   Lu Chuan was silent. He created the black hole, but the power far exceeded his imagination.

  In human understanding, the power of black holes is abstract and there is no real concept. But when you observe from this position, you know what a terrible existence it is for the universe and for a galaxy.

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