Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1298: Fish tail

   When Lu Chuan went and returned, nearly 50,000 inspectors had followed Lu Chuan and appeared on this deserted planet.

   "Emperor Botu, you bring 10,000 inspectors to destroy their wormhole devices, send people to track the wormholes, and don't miss any of them. Block the wormholes, and destroy any spaceships that come close to me."

   Lu Chuan stared into the distance and issued instructions.

   Emperor Botu nodded, saluted Lu Chuan, waved his hand, and disappeared in front of Lu Chuan first.

   The next moment, the inspectors named by Emperor Botu, they disappeared one by one in front of Lu Chuan, and they will go to execute this order from Lu Chuan.

"Others, just point me directly at their hearts and surround these two planets." Lu Chuan's eyes were indifferent. He will not show mercy to this civilization. What he greets will be Lu Chuan's anger. The monstrous waves.

  A civilization that is destined to be destroyed, any mercy will only be hypocritical.

   "Remember, anything that can fly is the target of your attack." Lu Chuan's voice was cold.

   "Yes, boss!"

   Many inspectors answered in unison. They could feel the anger and murderous intent in the boss's voice, and their expressions became full of murderous intent, and each one became scary.

   Lu Chuan waved his hand, and he was the first to disappear.

   In this galaxy, when they enter here, they can move at will. Because every planet here has its light, which can be used as a mark of mind movement.

   The terrible movement of the mind is that it can span a distance beyond imagination.


   When Lu Chuan appeared, it was in an outer space in this civilized twin star.

   Lu Chuan's finger pointed to another civilization mother star. When the next five thousand inspectors disappeared again, when they appeared, they were already in front of this mother star.

   There is no need for Lu Chuan to say more, they immediately dispersed and surrounded the home planet numbered 2.

   "Tell them, we are coming." Lu Chuan sneered.

   The more than 10,000 inspectors standing behind Lu Chuan scattered one after another, but their target was a large number of various reconnaissance and communication spacecraft over this planet.

   In addition, the super spaceport of the No. 1 parent star in space is also the target of Lu Chuan and others.

   Lu Chuan and the others, who suddenly appeared, were discovered immediately. Lu Chuan did not deliberately hide his figure, even the inspectors.

   When this race discovered humans in this space, they fell into a panic, and a stern alarm sounded. In a moment, the people of the two home planets all knew about the invasion of alien races.

  Lu Chuan, who are still in space, are terrifying to this ethnic civilization, because they don't have the ability to ignore space by relying on individuals.

   They have evolved to this day, similar to Superman, but Superman cannot do this in space.

   Ultra-fast reaction mechanism, their warships ignited for the first time, and then they left the spaceport and rushed towards Luchuan and their position. The super weapons locked Lu Chuan and the others, and did not fire at the first time, but because they needed to figure out Lu Chuan and the others' intentions.

   Facing an alien race, they are vigilant and will not rush to forge feud.


   Lu Chuan didn't think so, and spit out this word.

   received Lu Chuan's order, the inspectors moved, and disappeared directly in the horrified eyes of this civilized high-level executive. But by the time they appeared, the inspectors had already appeared on the shells of battleships.

  'S raised fist, with destructive power, destroyed a warship with hundreds of kilometers.

   is trapped here, resulting in their warships are not big in size, the largest size is only hundreds of kilometers. It's not that they don't have technology, but the environment here doesn't need it.

   One hundred thousand kilometers of space battleships, the inspector said that they would be blown up when they were blown, let alone the size of only a few hundred kilometers? No matter how high their technical content and how powerful their energy shields are, they can't hold a punch.

   Warships exploded in space and turned into flashing lights. 78 Chinese update fastest computer terminal: https://

   There are indeed not many warships in this civilization, only tens of thousands of giants. The number of warships leaving the space port is only a few thousand, and more of them stay in the space port.

   One by one the inspectors, they appeared on the space port, lying on it, and then joined forces, blasted out a violent force, swept the entire space port.

  In the violent explosion, the space port was torn apart, and countless warships did not escape at all. They were torn apart and dismembered in front of this kind of explosive energy, turning them into countless metal fragments.

   is like a huge sphere, reflecting the twin stars.

  Everything that can fly is the target of the inspectors. They are constantly capturing and destroying. In just a few minutes, there is no more flying target.

   In the entire space, apart from debris, there are still debris.

   In the mother star below, there has long been a mess. The extraterrestrial race's unimaginable power made them feel desperate, and the strongest power in their hands turned out to be paper.

   The time is too short, so short that they have no response at all, let alone any coping measures.

   Lu Chuan sneered, and said, "Go."

   Lu Chuan was the first to disappear. Thousands of inspectors followed Lu Chuan and appeared inside the planet, above a city that represented their supremacy.

The whole city, at this time, has fallen into panic, and there are flying vehicles everywhere. They want to get out of here. Intelligent management is almost burdened at this moment. If it weren't for them, this city would have been chaotic. Up.

   "You are waiting here." Lu Chuan ordered, and then swooped down.


   The ground is shaking, and Lu Chuan's foothold is the highest government agency of this race. Of course, Lu Chuan's appearance could not be dull. There was a huge hole in the foothold, which was blasted out by Lu Chuan.

   A series of huge cracks scattered around, Lu Chuan stood straight, and walked towards the huge building in front of him step by step.

   A large number of combat robots appeared, and a huge number of small attackers were used in the sky. They immediately focused on Lu Chuan.

   Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and squeezed it in the air. These small attackers turned into parts in the sky and fell. As for the attacking robot, Lu Chuan stomped his feet, passing the power, and directly tore them apart.

   The tribe who witnessed all this closed their eyes in pain.

   The opponent can easily explode even the spacecraft, how can these stop them?

   Lu Chuan didn't say a word, and strode in. No one of the tribe dared to stop Lu Chuan, all of them flinched, staring at Lu Chuan with horrified eyes.

  Walking into here, Lu Chuan covered this place with his spiritual sense, and time froze in his mind.

   In this area, only Lu Chuan can move, otherwise the other tribesmen are like being pressed by the pause button. They can only move in the mind, but they can't be stronger physically.

   Their proud individual power became a joke at this moment.

   Lu Chuan walked to the center, where there is a huge hangar, and a huge server group is here. Needless to say, the technology of level 7 civilization can support the use of the entire planet without occupying an area as large as the sea.

  In no ordinary way, under Lu Chuan's violence, he directly collected the entire area into the storage space.

   There is time, and then slowly crack the research.

   casually picked up a tribe who seemed to have a very high level. Lu Chuan put his hand on its head and began to violently plunder the information in its brain.

   After just a few seconds, Lu Chuan threw the opponent away. This tribe had already been bleeding from the seven orifices, and his life was terminated.

   With the huge amount of information in the opponent's brain, Lu Chuan naturally filters out information that is useful to him.

   "It's true."

   From the other party's information, Lu Chuan knew that just a few months ago, they had completed the feat of making wormholes and punched ten wormholes in one breath. And the scientist who brought them to a new level of civilization has become a hero of civilization.

   Looking at this information, Lu Chuan found too many doubts.

   The opponent is really powerful. With breakthroughs in technology, he has taken civilization from level five to level seven abruptly. In the hundreds of years since it appeared, every technological achievement was amazing.

   With one's own power, it can drive a civilization to leap, which is no longer powerful to describe.ァ78中文ヤ~⑧~1~ωωω.7~8z~w.còм

   "That's it." Lu Chuan was sure that it must be a rule-breaker.

   Without any hesitation, Lu Chuan disappeared in a flash. Through the information, Lu Chuan knew the location of its research center. Although Lu Chuan knew that the other party might not be there, Lu Chuan would not let go of any chance.

   When Lu Chuan appeared in this research center, Lu Chuan did not feel the breath of rule-breakers.

   In the information Lu Chuan obtained, after the other party completed the technological breakthrough in wormhole manufacturing, he announced a new research direction and worked hard, seemingly not caring about this huge achievement.

   "Hehe..." Lu Chuan laughed blankly.

   This is not a closed study at all, but using this smoke bomb, the opponent has already left this galaxy, because it knows that it has been exposed, how could it stay?

   Lu Chuan clenched his fists: "Asshole, don't run away if you have a kind."

   The current situation is that the monk ran away, but the temple is still here. Although he didn't catch the big head, this fish tail was enough to make Lu Chuan vent his anger.

   A stampede, the area centered on Lu Chuan, there was a terrifying collapse, spreading to the entire planet.

  Using the power of this stomping, Lu Chuan was already soaring into the sky. The next moment his mind moved and When it appeared, it was already on the surface of the sun star as high as seven or eight thousand degrees.

   The inspectors who had surrounded the twin planets before, seemed to be instructed one by one, and disappeared continuously.

   For a moment, except for the metal fragments full of space, who can think of what has been experienced here?

   It seems that in this moment, everything has returned to calm again.

  The people of this civilized race stared dumbfounded at the trauma they had left behind when the other party came and went. It was an absolute mess, and they couldn't believe that all this was true.

   is a bit radical, and is already complaining about the creation of wormholes, which has brought in terrifying alien races.

   What they don't know is that this is just an appetizer, and the real feast is coming soon. This is the real disaster, a disaster that completely erases them and the civilization they created.

   did not let them wait long, before they recovered, they found that the sun had disappeared and plunged into endless darkness.

   After just a few minutes, a new kind of light replaced the sun's light, and the blue light that came out hadn't waited for them to understand what was going on. A terrible gravitational force first **** light things up, and then all kinds of tall buildings.

   They struggled desperately, but they were still sucked into the sky.

   Struggling desperately, but the result did not change at all. They stared wide-eyed, and stared dumbly at being sucked away from the planet, into space, and then plunged into endless darkness.

   Life, at the moment of entering into space, is directly terminated.

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