Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1337: Cut off the road

At the beginning, Lu Chuan almost single-handedly destroyed the sixth-level civilization, and the difficulties are still vivid.

Compared with today, there is nothing comparable.

Five teams swallowed the planets in this galaxy from different directions. Each team has more than 600,000 inspectors. This number is really too appalling.

An inspector, his strength can easily burst a planet.

More than 600,000 inspectors are almost the same as the more than 600,000 battleships of the top six civilizations. A battleship with the highest level of civilization at the sixth level, with its planetary main gun, one shot can completely destroy a planet.

The use of material by the sixth-level civilization makes their weapons extremely powerful.

The galaxy in front of us is 60,000 light-years in size, which is smaller than the Milky Way, but the solar system is only one light-year or so, which is insignificant.

Before the change, it took several years to make it possible.

Lu Chuan followed Victoria. She fought independently. After all, her ability far exceeded that of the inspector. It would be difficult for her to exert her power if crowded with the inspector.

It took her half a month to adapt to the ability of the inspector, and now she is only able to use it, and she is not proficient.

This battle is more about familiarizing yourself with your own strength in the battle.


The energy of the universe was shaking. In Victoria's mind, a planet in the distance was undergoing a terrifying qualitative change. In just a few minutes, it transformed into a neutron star, bursting out with dazzling light.

The charm of the neutron star, of course, needless to say, it seems that this kind of change was not expected, and Victoria was a little dazed.

Lu Chuan swiped it casually and propped up a void. The violent gravity of this neutron star and the gamma rays emitted were swallowed in this void, and it did not hurt Lu Chuan and Victoria at all.

"Be careful, it's still very violent." Lu Chuan smiled.

Victoria's face flushed, Chong Lu Chuan smiled, her expression was serious, and the person's mind moved again [new] disappeared.

According to the star map, she will transform enough neutron stars at specific locations to use neutron stars to destroy all civilization and life in this universe.

The technological level of the sixth-level civilization is still difficult to escape the disaster caused by gamma rays. The only thing that can be done is to escape this star field if you know it in advance.

Unfortunately, this is a man-made disaster and will not give the other party enough time.

Lu Chuan shook his head, it was not enough to completely destroy a civilization. No matter what kind of life it is, it is essentially the same, and there will be a kind of life-saving, and will want to escape when something happens.

When unpredictable disasters occur, the first thing they think of is the way to go.

Any civilization will have a way out.

Why do civilizations that can develop galaxies frantically colonize outer space? In fact, it is for a back road. The danger of the universe is far beyond human imagination, and any disaster that occurs may destroy a civilization.

There is only one planet on the earth. Once a disaster is encountered, human civilization will cease to exist.

Colonizing on different planets and different galaxies can avoid this kind of irreversible disaster and preserve the seeds of civilization.

Victoria’s approach is not wrong. It reverses a neutron star here, and the speed of its destruction far exceeds the speed of information transmission of this sixth-level civilization.

Too much distance will only bring about one result, which is the asymmetry of information.

This planet was destroyed, and a few light-years away planets would never know. By the time it was discovered, God knew how long had passed?

In the age of the universe, planets and planets, galaxies and galaxies are often independent of information.

A sixth-level civilization, the way it prepares for itself is naturally to use wormholes. At the wormhole, the seeds of civilization are deployed. Once there is a turmoil, the evacuation of the seeds of civilization will be executed immediately.

The places where many wormholes lead will be unknowable, making it difficult to track them.

Lu Chuan followed Victoria. After she created another neutron star, violent gamma rays scattered around. For the universe, gamma rays can be regarded as a terrifying disaster.

"When acting, the most important thing is not to give the other side any escape route."

Lu Chuan watched the violent neutron star throwing blue light, and with a stroke of his hand, he set up a shield that could protect him.

"Once the other party escapes, we need to spend a lot of time looking for it. In terms of time, the gain is not worth the loss. So the first step, we need to understand that this civilization has several wormholes. At the beginning of the action, these wormholes Destroyed and cut their back."

As the former supervisory envoy, Lu Chuan is naturally experienced. At this time, Victoria naturally nodded.

"In our eyes, a sixth-level civilization is trivial, because we can destroy it at will. But no matter how insignificant civilization, we need to attract our attention, as long as we focus on it, we need to go all out." Lu Chuan looked at it. At a glance, this neutron star, an idea, already appeared in a wormhole with Victoria.

The location of this wormhole is surrounded by life stars, and the spaceships passing by make it extremely busy. At the entrance and exit of this wormhole, a huge number of spaceships enter and exit.

Due to the large number of spaceships, they even lined up.

In such an important place, garrisoning the fleet, and transforming a few fortress stars nearby, became natural. In fact, this kind of deployment is almost universal to all civilizations.

As a magical civilization, the spacecraft here are extremely interesting. In Lu Chuan's view, many designs are definitely pursuing style and sacrificing performance, but they did just that.

For example, there is a super battleship in front of you. Its appearance is like a flying sailboat, with a large canvas on it. Of course, this is just the appearance of canvas. Naturally, it cannot be canvas. Lu Chuan can't guess its function, but with it, the speed can't be too high. It is completely at the expense of speed.

In the ferocious hull, there are many large and small universe-class main guns, especially the super main gun, which penetrates the entire hull. At a glance, the power of a gun is beyond imagination.

In order to deal with fortresses, or land-based main guns in the planet, the main guns of battleships require range, not power.

It became the pursuit of warships to fire at places beyond the land-based main guns.

Obviously, the warships here are designed according to this concept. While reaching the firing range, pursue greater power.

Lu Chuan and Victoria appeared at the entrance of this wormhole, and no one noticed them in the background of space.

"Here, you only need to reverse the matter and turn a fortress into a neutron star, and you can completely destroy the wormhole, simply and rudely." Lu Chuan pointed to a fortress star not far away and smiled lightly.

There are about one to two thousand spaceships passing here, plus the huge fleet that is garrisoned, and the troops on several fortress stars. It is not an exaggeration to say that the lives here alone are in the millions.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, millions of lives could no longer cause Lu Chuan to make any waves, so Lu Chuan could face all this indifferently.

Victoria nodded, she took a deep breath, and after hesitating for half a second, she still took this step.

Becoming an inspector, you understand the responsibilities on her shoulders.

Lu Chuan watched the disappearance of Victoria without saying a word. These millions of people were nothing. They destroyed a planet at the beginning, and some even had tens of billions of people.

far away.

Soon after, there was a dazzling light, and a fortress star was turned into a neutron star. From the moment it was formed, it exploded with power beyond imagination.

The spacecraft coming in and out of the wormhole was torn into pieces in the twist, and the huge fleet that was stationed there, without even a little reaction, turned into scrap iron and turned into metal powder.

It was the fortress stars nearby. The shock wave swept across them. After plowing a layer on the surface, the fortress stars were torn apart and turned into fragments from large to small, then to the dust of the universe.

After Victoria finished all this, she just gave Lu Chuan a smile and disappeared again.

Lu Chuan did not follow her, but turned around. Instead, he separated from this galaxy and was in between galaxies and galaxies. Then with a stroke of his hand, in front of Lu Chuan, this galaxy became three-dimensional, like a holographic projection. Three-dimensionally presented in front of Lu Chuan.

The Governor's ability is such an abnormality. It allows Lu Chuan to have this kind of three-dimensionality to observe a galaxy, without having to enter the galaxy personally as before.

In a single thought, Lu Chuan, like a god, looked down on everything that happened in the galaxy above the galaxy.

Among them, more than 600,000 patrol agents along the way, after being dispersed, through the use of super artificial intelligence, they only need to follow the prompts to move forward with the calculated route and the planet they are in charge of.

I saw only one inspector, he was an African, and he liked a black leather jacket, so that he was completely integrated with the universe, and he instantly appeared outside a planet.

This kind of thought moved suddenly and very abruptly.

"Star number 4857, that's it."

The black man lowered his head and looked at the screen on his watch. After confirming the information here, he had a serious face and reached out and clenched his fist without hesitation. At this moment, the cosmic energy was mobilized by him and gathered on his fist.

"go with!"

Amid the roar, a punch came out.

The force formed by the violent cosmic energy descended from the sky, only to see a small red dot appeared on the surface of this planet, and then rapidly expanded until the entire hemisphere was flushed.

The life in this hemisphere died in an instant.

Endless buildings, mountains, rivers, etc. are also vaporized when energy hits the surface of the planet. The high temperature generated by this energy is more than ten times higher than that of the sun.

In the next moment, energy penetrated the entire planet, tearing the planet into pieces. This energy squeezed the planet to pieces and turned it into countless pieces.

The explosive force caused by the inner core of the planet at this moment turned the fragments of this planet into cosmic dust.

Life, in front of this kind of power, is so small that it is not worth mentioning.

A planet is huge, and in the eyes of human beings, it is indeed beyond imagination. But now, it is so small that humans can blow it up with one punch.

The Negro completed the blow. At the moment the planet exploded, the man had disappeared, and when he appeared, he was outside a planet full of industrial atmosphere.

The black man is only one of the more than three million inspectors. Every inspector is doing this simple and boring job. They don't stop, and after destroying one, they will rush to the next one.

As long as there are planets with traces of Level 6 civilization, they are all within the scope of their destruction.

A sixth-level civilization has tens of thousands of life stars, and their resource stars may be one million. These are the targets of the inspectors.

The number of inspectors and their ability to move with their minds made the destruction of a civilization a breeze.

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