Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1469: Celestial power

"Be loyal to me, soldiers, I will make you truly strong."

Facing the kneeling senior officer and dozens of senior magicians, Lu Chuan turned around and made his own voice.

Lu Chuan transmitted his voice to the ears of every soldier and resident, so that every soldier and resident could hear his own voice.

Come alone, conquer a city.

Shocked by the horror brought by Lu Chuan, under the first surrender of the senior officer, countless soldiers all knelt down.

"I am waiting for my allegiance."

The shouts of hundreds of thousands of soldiers shook the entire city, and those who were loyal to the king were tested for their loyalty in the face of this unprecedented terrifying existence, the legendary **** of law.

The myth of conquering a city by one person made them realize Lu Chuan's terrifying strength.

Following such a strong man, maybe he can seek a higher background?

People who have always been in danger since ancient times have been rewarded beyond imagination after victory. Those who Chen Bu didn't move forward, even if they turned the flag at the end, they could only take a sip of soup.

Dharma God, an incomparably powerful existence on the entire continent, is more like a legend. There is only an explanation, but there has never been a Dharma God. Over time, people think that the **** of law is just a respect for the gods.

But now the appearance of Lu Chuan has subverted people's perception of magic.

Large coverage, controllable magic, instant super forbidden curse...unmatched defensive ability, they have been unable to find anyone who can defeat the young magic **** in front of them.

Loyal to such a person, the chance of success is too great.

The people in the whole city knew that if they were not loyal, the heavy snow would be enough to bury this city in the snow, and I don't know how many people would be frozen to death.

The fear in their hearts made them choose to surrender.

"I am waiting for my allegiance..."

No matter if you are a soldier, a nobleman, or an ordinary person, a magician...all you kneel down, which represents allegiance. And all of them uttered a loud shout and rushed straight into the sky.

Lu Chuan glanced at the people who were kneeling, they stepped in the air, slowly walked up to the sky, and then stood in the air.

"Since ancient times, the strong are respected. Only when you see what a strong is, your loyalty will be strong."

Lu Chuan said, the voice still reaches everyone's ears, attracting countless people's look up.

At this moment, the vortex in the sky disappeared, and the snow didn't fall anymore. If it weren't for the snow that appeared everywhere in this city, you would never realize what you had just experienced.

Portland belongs to the southern city, and it has never snowed in history. The snow in the city now makes some big-hearted people cheer. If there were no accidents, most people would never have seen real snow in their lives. If it weren't for this chance, they would not know what snow is like.

Some children, they don't care about the outside world. When the adults are not paying attention, they are already playing in the snow on the street, making happy sounds that are incompatible with the outside world.

Only the adults are staring at the sky worriedly, seemingly waiting for the choice of fate.

"This day is going to change."

The old people are all heartbroken, it seems that Portland will no longer belong to the United Kingdom of Bit. Doesn't he know that the powerful United Kingdom of Bit will never stop, they will send a larger army, and war will be inevitable. God knows how many people will die in the war?

It's just that the current things are not something they can change. They have no choice but to go down the river.

Standing in the sky, Lu Chuan never thought that he would gain loyalty by giving benefits, nor did he think that threats would exchange loyalty. Loyalty has always been driven by interests. The measure of loyalty depends entirely on what kind of chips you can give. As long as the chips arrive, loyalty will naturally change the owner.

Faith may also be the cause of loyalty, but faith will also change with the situation. When the faith is absent, loyalty will be out of the question.

"For a long time, this Portland mountain range has been the biggest barrier to stop the United Kingdom of Bit and the Duchy of Lerwick. If the mountains are gone, what will it be like? For the United Kingdom of Bit and the Duchy of Lerwick, they Both of them can send in commanders unscrupulously to drive in."

As Lu Chuan said, it didn't matter whether he listened or not. Lu Chuan's voice rang in their ears anyway.

"For us, it seems unfavorable, but when you are strong enough, why can't you attack from side to side and win the two countries?"

Lu Chuan's words made me dumbfounded.

Portland will soon endure the anger of the United Kingdom, life or death is unknown. In this case, Lu Chuan said to attack from left to right and win these two countries? How big is this heart to be able to come up with this kind of fantasy?

Also, what if the mountains are not there?

It is true that you are a Dharma god, and it is absolutely impossible to flatten this mountain range. No matter how powerful people are, they are really small in front of this kind of mountain range. The main peak of the Portland Mountains is more than 10,000 meters high, and even flying beasts can hardly cross it, not to mention that all peaks and mountains are thousands of meters high.

Uninterrupted thousands of large and small peaks form the Portland Mountains.

Looking at the world, the Portland Mountains are definitely one of the top mountains. It is precisely because of its prevention that both the United Kingdom of Bit and the Principality of Lerwick realized that it is impossible to use large-scale troops, so that they have formed a training ground for both sides within this mountain range?

Not to mention a mountain range, it is one of the hills, it is true that it is the **** of law, and it is difficult to level it.

"Now, I want you to redefine what is called Fashen." Lu Chuan said flatly, and then pointed his finger at the endless mountains in the distance. Suddenly, Lu Chuan was already holding a super large magic wand in his hand.

This magic wand, Lu Chuan refers to the shape of the wind-pulling magic wand in the earth game, and it is made of gold.

In this world, there is no other thing that can compare to the increasing effect of Shuo Jin.

It is made of Shuo gold, which naturally brings a dazzling gloss effect. The breath that erupted from the moment the whole magic wand was taken out shocked the hearts of many magicians. Looking at the magic wand in Luchuan’s hand, it revealed A fanatical look.

Just the breath made them feel the extraordinary features of this magic wand.

The surging mana fluctuations beyond imagination, this magic wand alone gave them a feeling of being suppressed. They knew that this level of magic wand was no longer a mortal weapon. It surpassed their understanding and was an existence they couldn't control.

Only the Fashen could use this terrible weapon.

Lu Chuan held his hands in his hands, and his magic power exploded, and then the magic wand formed a ray of light rising into the sky, and the horrible fluctuation of magic power became intense, making everyone feel suffocated.

The dots of starlight formed by magic power enveloped the endless sky.

"This range..."

What is subversion of the world view? The range of Lu Chuan's magic formation, I don't know how many hundreds of kilometers, is beyond imagination. This range only needs to be released once, and how many millions of troops will be instantly destroyed.

One person can not only conquer a city, but a country.

Many people have a look of rejoicing in their hearts, Lu Chuan is too strong, and they are glad that their choice is right. Against this level of Dharma God, you don't know how to die, he is no longer a existence that can be defeated by quantity.

They believed in an instant that under Lu Chuan's leadership, they could conquer everything.

The starlight formed by magic power quickly formed a huge and incomparable vortex in the sky, slowly rotating, gradually forming a center point.

Not to mention Portland, the steel fortress of Lerwick and Portland of the same size also saw this scene. The violent magical fluctuations made them palpitations one by one, all looking up at the sky like a miraculous vortex. .

What kind of power is casting spells that will cause this scene.

In the steel fortress, several top magicians stood at the highest point with serious faces, looking at the vortex covering the endless land, their bodies trembling, which was enough to see that their hearts were tense and panic at the moment.

In this fortress made of a huge amount of steel, the soldiers stationed there are also looking up at the sky, one by one becomes dumbfounded, and they feel it is a miracle.

When the vortex in the sky had accumulated a certain amount of energy, Lu Chuan suddenly waved his magic wand.

The terrifying energy was released in the center of the vortex, turned into a huge and unmatched beam, and blasted towards the location of the main peak of the Portland Mountains below.

"Water Spirit, [Anonymous Novel] Let's do Almost when the beam hit the main peak, Lu Chuan communicated with the planet consciousness and gave instructions.

To deal with this mountain range, Lu Chuan could wipe it away with a wave of his hand, but Lu Chuan was unwilling to do so, because this kind of energy would produce excessively violent fluctuations and easily expose himself. But with this seemingly powerful method, it is actually operated by planetary consciousness, but there is no problem.

Naturally, Lu Chuan would not spend a lot of effort to do something that could be done by commanding the planetary consciousness.

The momentum of all this is actually just a look, the taste of pretending to be more pretentious. It's a pity that the outside world won't know, they only know that Lu Chuan has blasted this world-destroying blow.

"Understood, boss." The voice of planet consciousness appeared in Lu Chuan's mind.

The planet consciousness, which had been prepared for a long time, immediately began to control the crust of the Portland Mountains. The power from the planet tore the mountain range in an instant, and under the movement of the earth's crust, the entire mountain range began to sink, spreading to a range of hundreds of kilometers.

With unimaginable power, the soil was rolling and squeezing. With the continuous violent rumbling, the people standing in Portland were experiencing a major earthquake. Then they saw the Portland Mountains. Slowly sinking.

A person, all dumbfounded, watched this scene.

I'm afraid to describe it as a miracle is not enough to describe the shock of everyone's heart at this moment.

The dust covering the sky and the sun rose, and with this sound, people only felt that the earth was sinking, as if **** had opened the door. In front of this kind of power, they were really insignificant.

Even the top magicians changed their faces one by one, this kind of power surpassed nature, let alone them.

In this world, there is such a terrible power?

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