Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1546: Super weapon

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Lu Chuan played with the weapon in his hand, and he disappeared on the floating island.

When it appeared, it was already in a galaxy in the universe, where Lu Chuan had what he wanted in his memory.

This is a galaxy spanning a million light years, ten times the Milky Way.

Here, I don’t know how many billions of trillions of stars make up this galaxy. It is not within the scope of human exploration and is a galaxy that cannot be detected by humans.

"I need to find a core component for the weapon." Lu Chuan explained.

The governor of the parasitic tribe doesn't matter. It's a running-in period with Lu Chuan, and it's not a wartime. There is no need to restrict Lu Chuan's actions. Now it needs to give Lu Chuan an illusion, for example, it's really peaceful coexistence, instead of thinking about taking it away completely.

In the early stage, it would never interfere with what Lu Chuan wanted to do.

From the time Lu Chuan built this weapon, the Parasite Governor had already had what kind of weapon Lu Chuan wanted.

In its eyes, as long as the weapon is made of gold, it doesn't matter what is left, whether it is a cold weapon or a hot weapon, it wants attributes, not performance.

Of course, Lu Chuan wants to play, it will not raise objections.

The core component is actually a part of the multi-star technology, such as allowing weapons to have powerful energy to use.

At this time, Lu Chuan directly activated the perspective of God. Suddenly, within the visible range of this galaxy, Lu Chuan was a segmented three-dimensional map of the galaxy, which appeared in Lu Chuan's mind.

Lu Chuan, who has already used this ability once, is familiar with it.

Soon, a super celestial body was selected by Lu Chuan.

Like a pair of invisible hands, he lifted this celestial body from a distant place all the time, and then placed it in front of him.

Everything was only carried out in Lu Chuan's mind, but in the universe, this huge celestial body beyond imagination really disappeared, and then when it appeared, it was already in front of Lu Chuan.

It's huge, when it appeared, I don't know how many celestial bodies were directly occupied and swallowed by it.

The distant celestial body was suddenly attracted by its gravity, moving at a speed of the speed of light. In this process, countless celestial bodies fell apart, turned into fragments and flew towards this celestial body.

This time, the celestial body selected by Lu Chuan is the largest celestial body in this galaxy, with a diameter of 1.5 light-years. It is the size of 1.5 solar systems, equivalent to 14 trillion kilometers in diameter.

What kind of concept is 14 trillion kilometers?

The diameter of the sun is only 1.392 million kilometers. In front of 14 trillion kilometers, it is insignificant and no different from dust.

Such a huge celestial body, appearing here, has amazing destructive power to the surroundings. Its terrifying gravity, a celestial body with a radius of thousands of light years, will eventually be captured by its gravity. After a long time After the flight, it hits the surface of this super celestial body, causing a violent explosion, and then becomes a part of this celestial body.

Thousands of light years, more than tens of thousands of celestial bodies?

It is foreseeable that after thousands of light-years of celestial bodies are swallowed, there will be a huge leap in the size of this celestial body.

This huge celestial body was spotted by Lu Chuan.

Moving it here, it immediately caused the collapse of the previous system of celestial bodies in this area.

But Lu Chuan didn't care about this. He stood at the top of the universe and would naturally ignore the life below. There is real life in this area. If it is extinct because of himself, Lu Chuan will not fluctuate in his heart at all, as if it is impossible for people to regret the death of an ant.

"1.5 light-years in diameter, this energy should be enough."

Lu Chuan smiled slightly, but stretched out his hand and aimed at this huge celestial body.

In front of this celestial body, Lu Chuan is like dust, zooming out a little bit, there is no possibility of Lu Chuan's existence. The gravitational force of celestial bodies has zero effect on Lu Chuan. It is huge, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, it is just his plaything.

No matter what kind of celestial body, how big it is, or a galaxy, or even this universe, it is under the rules of cosmic energy operation.

Therefore, Lu Chuan's outstretched hand, five fingers spread out, and slowly closed in this void.

A terrifying scene happened. The celestial body with a diameter of 1.5 light-years seemed to have been subjected to an irresistible force. The entire celestial body unexpectedly collapsed and was continuously compressed.

The unimaginable scene broke through human imagination.

This celestial body is being compressed with a speed visible to the naked eye, and its speed has actually departed from the speed of light. The speed at which it is compressed is actually shrinking according to its volume, more like space being folded.

The power of God, the power of cosmic energy, has broken through human understanding of speed. The speed of light is no longer the speed that the universe cannot break through. The compression of this celestial body, a celestial body with a diameter of 1.5 light years, Lu Chuan in just a few minutes In the time, it was compressed to the size of the moon.

At this time, its density has exceeded human understanding.

But this is far from its end.

Lu Chuan's mind revived. This celestial body, which had been transformed from a planet into a super neutron star, was once again crazily compressed, and it became blue. Under this kind of high pressure, it had undergone a qualitative change.

Within a few minutes, a ball that was as crystal clear as a liquid and only the size of a baseball floated in front of Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan is now completely wrapping it with his thoughts, preventing it from leaking a trace of energy.

The 1.5 light-year celestial body is compressed into a baseball-sized sphere. Its compression ratio and the energy contained in it, as long as it is released, are enough to destroy this million light-year galaxy. Its terrible far Super human imagination.

At this point, basically the core components that Lu Chuan wanted were completed.

Yes, Lu Chuan’s gun lacks a source of energy.

Star gathering technology is the technology of level 9 civilization. It mainly compresses some planets and then places them inside weapons to act as energy. In the ninth level of civilization, the source of energy is the celestial bodies in the universe. Through compression, the celestial bodies can be used in life.

Imagine that the earth is compressed to the size of a grape, and then loaded into a rifle. What is the power of its shooting?

This is no longer a technology that technology can explain, it belongs to a kind of theological technology.

The technology of level 9 civilization is incredible.

Lu Chuan opened the gold weapon, and with a move, the compressed celestial body the size of a baseball flew over, and then Lu Chuan sent it into the gold weapon. There is a special device inside, which can always fix the stability of this celestial body, always in a compressed state.

When the weapon needs to shoot, it will extract energy from this celestial body.

The consumption of a celestial body depends on the power and frequency of the shooting. The greater the shooting power, the greater the energy consumed. The more the frequency, the faster the consumption.

After installing the celestial bodies in, Lu Chuan once again picked up this golden weapon.

It is hard to imagine that it has compressed a 1.5 light-year celestial body. This kind of technology, I am afraid that human beings would not even dare to think about it, because this is not technology, but theology, it is an impossible technology.

Lu Chuan still understands it. In fact, when civilization reaches the seventh level, it needs subversive knowledge to look at and use the universe from another angle. Countless physical knowledge will be subverted and redefined.

It can be said that the physical knowledge after the seventh level of civilization and the physical knowledge that humans are now exposed to are completely two levels of things.

To use an analogy, everyone knows that 1+1=2, but in the subversive physical knowledge, 1+1=11, =22, equal to any number...Only when humans understand this subversive knowledge, the new The civilization process of China will begin and can continue.

The Parasite Governor said: "Do you want to try the power of this weapon?"

A celestial body with a light-year diameter is compressed into this gun, and its power, you don't need to think about how terrifying it is.

The Governor of the Parasitic Race has absorbed the memories of both Yi Zhanfei and Zhao Beijiang, and still knows that the largest celestial body observed by humans is UY Scutum. But if UY Scutum is placed in this super celestial body compressed by Lu Chuan, It's really not worth mentioning, the two are not on the same level.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "I have always been curious about this weapon."

In his heart, Lu Chuan wanted to know whether this type of weapon could threaten the level of the Governor.

This weapon was made by combining the abilities of oneself and the Parasitic Governor's abilities to double its strength. It is definitely not something that can be made by a third-level Governor.

It can be said with certainty that should be enough to deal with the inspectors and supervisors. It may not be able to deal with the governor. Lu Chuan has no spectrum in his heart.

The Governor of the Parasitic Race also did not object, it said: "It's good if you are happy."

Lu Chuan just smiled. He picked up this super weapon, and then locked on a celestial body several light years away. It was attracted by gravity before, but as the super celestial body was compressed by Lu Chuan, it lost After gravity, although it was still moving, it slowed down.

This celestial body locked by Lu Chuan is about the size of the sun, which is enough for experiments.

Lock, then fire.

At the muzzle, a beam of light was ejected, which appeared milky white, but after shooting out, it secretly penetrated the space at the muzzle and disappeared. Lu Chuan knew that it had created a spatial fold forcibly, and after folding these light years, the separation between the two was shortened to millimeters.

The next moment, using human calculation time, it was just a short second. The light beam separated from the folded space, and then the light beam was released, forming a horrible beam of light, covering this celestial body, and then passing through it. Shattered this celestial body and turned it into countless cosmic dust.

A few light-years, but it is calculated by the second, and the horror of its principle is visible.

The exploding celestial bodies fell apart. It is conceivable that when everything calms down, a meteorite zone that does not know how many light-years across will form here. The source of these meteorites is this planet that was blasted by Lu Chuan.

With a terrifying shot, Lu Chuan was still dumbfounded even if he knew the result a long time ago.

You know, I just turned to the lowest gear, but such a huge planet was almost gasified. If it is adjusted to the highest gear, will a galaxy tens of light-years old be destroyed with a single shot?

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