Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1552: fury

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Fighting with a group of ants is absolutely boring, even if they use their great power, it is probably just a bite.

Lu Chuan now has this feeling.

Kill these Hydra tribesmen, they are just ordinary tribesmen. In Lu Chuan’s eyes, they are no different from chickens and ducks. You can kill them as you want. Don’t worry about the poisonous mist they spray. They have the liquid armor of the parasitic governor. , These poisons had no effect on Lu Chuan.

When he went down, Lu Chuan opened one of the giant peaks with his hands, where there was a wave of gold.

Under the great power, this giant peak was like ice cream, which could not stop Lu Chuan.

Soon, under the giant peak, I really saw a huge vein containing gold. However, this mineral vein was mysteriously soaked in a green venom.

"They live here, more like slaves, they will always spit out the venom and transport it to the mineral veins below." The parasitic governor explained. The establishment of this city serves this purpose.

Lu Chuan nodded, agreeing with this statement made by the Governor of the Parasitic Race.

Seeing Lu Chuan, it was coming from the veins, the Hydra tribe here was furious, and they rushed towards Lu Chuan desperately.

Lu Chuan frowned, but straightened up and said, "Old monster, have we turned the cart before the horse? Does it take such a hard time to get some gold?"

Don't forget what kind of existence they are. Seeing the galaxy as dust particles, just a planet, it is necessary for them to personally rush in, like a mud doll, to poke off the mud to see the veins?

If it is spread, they will definitely be laughed out of teeth by other governors.

The Governor of the Parasitic Race laughed loudly and said, "It's not too stupid. I brought you here, just to show you the planet that also has an influence on the Governor. Who knows if you don't know what you think, you actually did it yourself. Come pick up people's cave."

Lu Chuan's face turned dark, and this old monster must have deliberately made a fool of himself.

In the face of the Hydra tribe rushing crazily here, in Lu Chuan's eyes, they are not big right now, but they can't stand up to a large number, densely covering the entire ground. In the caves of this mountain range, a large number of Hydra people came out, and they were fighting Lu Chuan.

"I have offended the Governor of the Hydra clan, and there is no such thing as light or heavy."

Lu Chuan smiled. In front of countless Hydra tribes, the person disappeared directly and appeared in the outer space of this planet.

It was not that Lu Chuan was afraid of these Hydra people, but that their appearance and smell made Lu Chuan disgusting, and he was too lazy to contact them. During the whole process just now, Lu Chuan held his breath to avoid being stinky to death.

When he arrived in outer space, Lu Chuan sighed, and then the man disappeared again, but appeared on a life star, where there was sufficient oxygen, Lu Chuan took a few breaths and smiled: "It's still like this. Breathing comfortably."

The Governor of the Parasitic Race didn't breathe. It didn't know what breathing was for the whole life. They were originally special races.

After taking a few deep breaths, Lu Chuan looked straight, and disappeared from this life star again, returning to the home planet of the governor of the Hydra clan.

At this moment, Lu Chuan saw the true face of this planet.

This planet is enveloped by endless dark green poison, and sunlight is impenetrable. It gave people the feeling that this planet was so lifeless that even Lu Chuan had a feeling of smelling a stench here.

Lu Chuan, who has been on this planet, has a deep memory of it.

The universe is always wonderful. The toxins here are so strong that if a little bit of life is placed on a star of life, everything on the planet may die. But here, there are a lot of other creatures living, and they have evolved the ability to be immune to poisonous fog.

Lu Chuan jumped out of this planet, just playing a big ticket, refining this planet.

"The governor of the Hydra tribe will definitely be furious when he comes back." The governor of the parasitic tribe laughed. It didn't expect that Lu Chuan would be so bold. This is really dead, and he didn't dare to play like that.

The home planet of a governor, if you say it is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

Lu Chuan didn't care, and said: "To seize its gold, it is a vengeance in itself, there is no difference in size."

Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and swiped in the void. Secretly, this home planet of the governor of the Hydra clan was surrounded by a kind of terrifying energy. This kind of energy was generated when excited. The temperature reached hundreds of millions of degrees in an instant.

The surface of the entire planet is vaporized by this kind of energy within milliseconds.

At this kind of temperature, everything else on the planet will cease to exist except for one thing.

The only thing that can be unaffected by temperature is Shuo gold.

Under the ultra-high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees, all the matter on the planet is gasified, and there is no residue left. Using this method, you can easily get Shuo gold.

As for the Hydra people on this planet, there are other lives of billions of trillions, and the result is death, and even the scum has no remaining deaths.

"Remind you, the Governor's home planet is destroyed, it will have an early warning." The Parasitic Governor interrupted at this time.

Lu Chuan rolled his eyes: "What's the use of what you said at this time?"

The planets are refining, and now it is impossible to stop, only to go all the way to the dark. The Governor of the Parasitic Race didn't remind him long ago, but he reminded it now. It was too late. Lu Chuan was sure that it was intentional.

The Parasite Governor sneered.

Lu Chuan also simply said, "It was originally meant to be cleaned up with it. It really came back, and it was just killed."

Lu Chuan's words were murderous.

The parasitic governor didn't care, and said, "It's okay, just use it for surgery."

In just a few words of communication, the entire planet, which is as big as it is, keeps getting smaller and is finally refined. At the center, there appeared a ball of gold the size of a blue ball, exuding a charming luster.

Lu Chuan didn't hesitate, and with one move, the group of Shuo Jin flew into his hands.

"court death!"

At this moment, a dark shadow appeared not far away, and its appearance, driving an incomparable cosmic energy fluctuation, made Lu Chuan immediately realize that this is definitely a governor-level existence.

The opponent appeared, and then a black shadow drew from far to near.

With this twitch, the space around him was turbulent, and Lu Chuan felt a kind of confinement in space. He seemed to fix himself in this space and couldn't move.

Lu Chuan squinted his eyes, and he could see that what was drawn was a tail that was extremely large, the tail of a snake.

Just two words, full of anger, shows how angry the visitors are.

The Parasitic Governor said: "It is the Governor of the Hydra family."

Lu Chuan said, "Nonsense, would I not know?"

It was not time to chat, Lu Chuan made a sudden move and broke free from the restraint of the Hydra clan governor. When the other party's tail was drawn in front of him, he slightly dodges. The person has already moved to the side and avoided it. hit.

The combination of Lu Chuan and the Viceroy of the Parasitic Race far exceeds the strength of the Viceroy of the Hydra family, so Lu Chuan can break free of its spatial constraints.

After a miss, the governor of the Hydra clan retreated, nine heads and eighteen eyes staring at Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan also stopped and looked at the governor of the Hydra clan.

The other party must have sensed that there was a problem with the parent star, and returned immediately. Unfortunately, the speed of refining was too fast. No matter how fast it returned, it could not prevent its parent star from being refined by itself. There was nothing left. under.

Lu Chuan casually collected the gold in his hands into the storage space. This move almost made the Hydra Clan Governor out of control.

At this moment, the governor of the Hydra clan became grief-stricken, his home star was actually refined, and there was no scum left. I only came back a few seconds slowly, but the result was completely different.

Thinking of the hundreds of millions of people on the planet, they didn't even struggle, there was nothing, the eyes of the governor of the Hydra tribe were all red.

It is a great thing to be the chosen race, which means that a race is qualified to pursue a god-like status, become a **** race, stay in this universe forever, and become the master.

But at this moment, everything disappeared, and the parent star from which it was born was refined.

"Who are you?" The governor of the Hydra clan said in the governor's common language. It knew that the person in front of him must be a governor, otherwise it would not have this kind of ability, but it really couldn't recognize it.

The current governor of the Hydra clan is so angry that he can't help Lu Chuan be frustrated.

At the same time, I hate myself, why didn't I mine the gold early, thinking that no one dared to move and wanted to poison the gold. It has already ignored the governors. Most of the governors are stronger than them. They can do anything crazy for the sake of Shuo Jin. How can they be afraid of it?

It can be said that it is also responsible for the death of its own people.

Lu Chuan didn't speak, but moved his hand, and the golden gun was already taken out, held in his hand, and shot at the governor of the Hydra clan unceremoniously. After being released, the terrifying energy was sent to the Governor of the Hydra clan within milliseconds through space folding.

The governor of the Hydra clan didn't expect that the opponent would start a fight without a word, and was overwhelmed by terrifying energy in a daze.

Lu Chuan sneered: "I want to be close, there are no doors, a dying governor, there is nothing to talk about."

Seeing Lu Chuan’s shameless behavior, the Governor of the Parasitic Race laughed and said: "Yes, I finally mastered a little fighting skills. I am not familiar with it, just fight it. Talking nonsense with it is a waste of time. Yours It's shameless, I like it."

What the Governor of the Parasitic Race likes most is to play yin. It is like a strategic conspirator, who can play yin, absolutely not.

Anyway, the goal can be achieved. Who cares what the process is like?

If the governor of the intelligent race wants to carry a gun, it will be a bit of a bad luck. The governor of the Hydra tribe is even weaker and on the front line. This blow is very uncomfortable for it. It is like being hit by something, full of blood. As it was tossing, some of the snake scales were abruptly torn off, and the whole body was hot.

The Governor of the Hydra realized that he was injured, which was almost unprecedented.


The governor of the Hydra clan roared, and it thought together, it was shot far away, and it reappeared in front of Lu Chuan, but it didn't hesitate anymore. Four of the nine heads suddenly spewed a venom.

These venoms were so fast that they used the principle of space folding, and they also reached Lu Chuan in a flash.

The venom of ordinary races can rot their own skin, and the venom of the governor, you don't need to think about it, you know it's so abnormal. This spray is almost impossible to hide.

Anxiously, Lu Chuan shouted: "Old monster, it's up to you."

However, Lu Chuan was not dead, but moved his mind for the first time.

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