Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1559: Magnificent galaxy

Compared to killing the Governor of the Hydra, it is much more natural to kill the Governor of the Dragon Race now. Lu Chuan's actions are smooth and flowing.

For the second time to kill a governor, Lu Chuan's mentality was much more natural.

After disposing of the items here, he glanced at the newly added over 10 million trial points. Lu Chuan was still very satisfied. Although the Governor of the Dragon Race can not say that the points are much more than the Governor of the Hydra, at least he did not let him. I am disappointed.

The fourth-level governor needs 100 million trial points, and Lu Chuan currently has a gap of about 40 million trial points from the fourth-level governor.

With good luck, maybe kill three or four more governors and the points will be enough.

"The Governor of the Dragon Race, it is already very close to the fourth level." Lu Chuan estimated that he would only get one-fifth of its trial points, more than 10 million, which means that the opponent has three points. The strength of the level governor, and has 60 to 70 million trial points.

The distance to be able to raise the four-level governor by 100 million is very close.

There is no accident, maybe in two or three hundred years, they will be promoted to the fourth level of the governor in the first echelon.

Lu Chuan frowned, and he suddenly thought of something.

"Old monster, maybe our estimate is too optimistic." Lu Chuan said.

The Parasite Governor also thought of this, and said: "The rank of the Governor of the Tree Tribe will definitely be the strength of the Governor of the fourth level."

What sort of ranking is the Governor of the Dragon Race, it is not far from being promoted to the fourth-level Governor. As the first Governor of the Tree Clan, it is impossible to be the third-level Governor, which does not meet the first ranking.

Not only the Governor of the Tree Clan, it is possible that the top ten Governors are already four-level Governors.

This is a bit wrong with the previous analysis of the Parasitic Governor.

But... the Parasite Governor said: "The fourth-level governor, but the third-level governor is floating by 20%. The combination of you and me may not be able to win them. If you have not fought, no one has the final say."

This is the truth, but it is not easy to get out if you can't fight in the first fight.

Lu Chuan has relied on dare to fight and fight all the way, and finally came to today. In the shortest time, he surpassed the unknown number of races and brought mankind to the midstream level.

Taking risks and taking risks is affirmative. Otherwise, how to achieve a corner overtaking?

No matter how strong the opponent is, Lu Chuan will try it. If he doesn't even have the courage to try, he can just enjoy the rest of his life as early as possible.

The collision of beads will determine life and death, and the fragmentation of beads represents death.

Once the fragmentation fails, the billion trillions of trillions of life in the entire bead, or how many billions of life, or everything in the bead, will disappear. The destruction of the universe, and the birth of a new universe, is when the new beads are cast again.

It's just the reincarnation of life, the old man is no longer, everything will reappear, re-evolve...there will be nothing to do with before.

"Early, we may still have a chance to win." Lu Chuan was silent for a while, but gritted his teeth slightly, "It's best to solve it before reincarnation is unnecessary."

The Governor of the Parasitic Race also agreed that not only Lu Chuan, but also it, will also have reincarnation tasks.

The generation of the reincarnation mission, even the governor, can only enter the reincarnation space to complete a reincarnation mission, so as to repair the collapse of the universe where the beads appear. Usually enter the reincarnation space, just earn points, but when one's own beads collapse, it can only be eliminated through the reincarnation space.

The Governor's time is precious. Once the space of reincarnation comes out, the changes outside will be very big.

If he can, the governor will not easily enter the space of reincarnation, because it will outweigh the gain.

Now the Parasite Governor and Lu Chuan have no mission, no universe collapse, no need to deal with, it is the best time. But then, no one is uncertain whether other inspectors will create a seventh-level civilization and cause the collapse of the universe.

How can it be possible to see the universe so big and so many?

When there is a seven-level civilization, it is too late to know.

The inspector who promoted civilization to level 7 must have ran away immediately, leaving a mess, absolutely painful. Once the universe collapses, only the Governor can deal with it, and neither other inspectors nor supervisors have the right to complete this remedial task of reincarnation.

"I give you the breath of footprints."

The Governor of the Parasitic Race wanted to understand the key points, and he didn't hesitate now.

Taking advantage of the fact that the governor of the tree tribe has not been promoted to the fifth-level governor, taking advantage of it and Lu Chuan have time, this vote is dry. Anyway, Lu Chuan and its running-in easily eliminated the two governors. They were not familiar, but it was enough.

The next moment, the Governor of the Parasitic Race developed a footprint.

Lu Chuan's mind movement arose, locked in the aura of this footprint, and Lu Chuan disappeared in an instant.


After several transitions, Lu Chuan left the dragon people's beads, first transferred back to his own beads, and then turned to the tree governor's beads.

Each bead is actually connected, but you have to face 4999 beads and it is difficult to find one of them. You need to go in and out again and again to confirm the ownership of this bead, and then force yourself to write it down.

To be honest, without groping for millions of years, it is impossible to record these locations leading to different beads.

If the circuit is intricate, unfamiliar people will collapse.

Fortunately, with the parasite governor leading the way, Lu Chuan does not need to worry about this one. Following the footsteps shared by the parasite governor, Lu Chuan soon arrived in the universe of the tree governor, which is naturally at the edge of the universe.

The universe of billions of trillions, you can think of it as layer after layer, billions of trillions overlapping. It can also be seen as different areas connected infinitely, forming a net of billions of light-years, an endless net.

Like entering here, the other footprint aura shared by the Parasitic Governor seems to point directly to a galaxy that is beyond imagination in the universe. Before Lu Chuan did not move, the Parasitic Governor reminded: "This coordinate does not directly refer to the Tree Race. The galaxy where the governor is, but the galaxy of an inspector."

After a pause, the parasite governor said: "With five thousand governors, after the appearance of the Judgment Star, in a very short time, I can only confirm the positions of a limited number of governors, and can confirm that hundreds of beads belong to that governor. "

In fact, this is already very powerful, like Lu Chuan, in this period of time, only a limited number of Governor's beads have been seen.

When you arrive at the pearl, you will face a universe of billions of trillions, and you can't be sure which universe the governor of this pearl is in. When it comes to this bead, facing such a complicated universe, the first premise is to find the chosen race in the universe. This is no different from finding a needle in a haystack, let alone finding the universe where the governor is.

I have to say that when you can find the first universe where the governor is located, it's completely like you've hit five million. This chance... will make people desperate.

Lu Chuan said, "Is there a way to find the planet where their competitive city is located?"

The Governor of the Parasitic Race said: "No one can know the location of the Competitive Planet. I have traveled through countless universes, but have never discovered the existence of the Competitive Planet. I suspect that it should have jumped out of the scope of the universe."

Lu Chuan once talked to Hughes, and he also didn't know where he was.

It is lonely, because there is only one planet all around it, and then it has the memory and begins to be trapped on the planet, not knowing everything about the outside world, and instilled with the consciousness of serving humanity.

It seems to be born, it is to serve the human beings.

In the same way, the competition planets of the selected races should be the same, independent of the existence of the universe.

Only in this way can it be explained why no one has discovered the Competitive Planet.

Even the governor of the parasitic tribe doesn’t know how many universes he’s been to, how many beads he’s been to, and he couldn’t find the competitive planets. They all settled on Lu Chuan’s guess that these competitive planets are independent of the universe. Unreachable places.

Extending the thinking, it seems that outside of the world of beads, there are also worlds that are unknown to Lu Chuan.

"Do you have any plans?" Lu Chuan asked.

The Parasitic Governor said: "Bring the snake out of the cave. If we can't find them, we will kill them until the tree Governor is brought here."

The words of the Governor of the Parasitic Race are absolutely murderous. It is foreseeable. I don't know how many inspectors will become the prey of the two.

Lu Chuan frowned and didn't object. This seemed to be the best way.

What is innocent, what is infallible...In the face of race competition, it is pale. In this world, there is no right or wrong, some are just purpose, and there is survival. It is about survival and race, Lu Chuan can do whatever it takes.

"Okay, just do what you Lu Chuan responded.

Following the footprint coordinates given by the Governor of the Parasitic Race, Lu Chuan moved his mind and the person disappeared.

When it appeared, it was on a barren planet in a super-large galaxy group.

This is a planet with an extremely harsh environment. According to Lu Chuan's estimation, it is really difficult to conquer the environmental factors of this planet without a seventh-level civilization. In this way, it means that this planet has no development value.

Looking around, in Lu Chuan's perception, there are so many planets here, densely packed, with a huge number of life stars.


The three-dimensional picture of the galaxy that emerged in Lu Chuan's mind was just a glance, and Lu Chuan had this idea. The main reason is that there are too many life stars in this galaxy group. It seems to be for the rise of civilization here. , And then toward prosperity.

Not only that, the rich cosmic energy in the galaxy group is also destined to be difficult for life here.

If human beings break into here, if there is no advanced civilization technology to rely on, it will definitely be a dead end. The countless races here are all extremely powerful, they are constantly absorbing the energy of the universe and constantly evolving.

In the perception, there are a huge number of powerful creatures, they are crossing the galaxy, roaming in this space.

Under the nourishment of cosmic energy, many creatures that are beyond imagination were born, such as some bodies that have grown to tens of thousands of kilometers. They roam in this galaxy in space and maintain their hugeness by absorbing cosmic energy. Body.

Occasionally, there will be creatures the size of a planet, just like whales in the ocean of humans, they are giants, but they treat the universe as an ocean.

A magnificent galaxy just appeared in front of Lu Chuan slowly.

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