Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1563: coming

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The destruction of a planet has a huge impact on its surroundings.

The position of each planet is still stable, all formed after billions of years, even tens of billions of years. Once this balance is broken, the consequences will be chain reactions.

The chain reaction of the planet is a disaster for the entire galaxy.

This is the truth once the whole body is activated.

When a planet affects other planets, the affected planet will affect other planets again.

Under the chain reaction, the entire galaxy will be chaotic.

For life in the galaxy, the turbulence of the galaxy and every change of the planet is a disaster for them.

You can imagine, taking the earth as an example, what would happen if the earth was turbulent and caused the plate to move? The human beings living on this plate may not survive in ten. And this is just the beginning. When the plate is unstable, there will be a period of turbulence, bringing tsunamis and volcanoes.

The spewing volcanoes will fill the earth with dust and smoke, and no more sunlight can come in.

The tsunami will destroy all the coasts, and coastal cities will hardly be spared.

Don't think this is the end, this is just the beginning, because the influence of the planet will last for a very long period of time, possibly as long as hundreds of millions of years. This means that no life can last for so long and will eventually perish.

Regardless of the Tree Clan people, they are still more powerful creatures. In the face of this kind of planet-level disaster, they are not worth mentioning.

Yes, it is really not worth mentioning.

They can cross space and move in the universe, but in the face of this kind of disaster, the attraction brought by the collapse of the planet will make them locked on the planet and die with the destruction of the planet.

Except for the few top ones who will escape, all that is left is death.

Even if you escape, it will eventually be a dead end, because the chain reaction triggered by the planet will spread to the universe and affect all galaxies. When the energy system is turbulent, it is another disaster for the creatures born under this energy system.

Don't look at Lu Chuan just ruining a planet. In fact, the entire galaxy will eventually die out, and even some planets will collapse.

Lu Chuan hugged his arms, his face was not happy or sad, and he appeared very calm.

Having seen too many such things, Lu Chuan no longer felt guilty and regretful as before. Lu Chuan no longer cared about billions of trillions of lives and deaths at his fingertips.

The sublimation of the heart is actually not enlightenment, but experience.

When you experience more and get used to it, everything will come naturally.

Just like a soldier, it doesn't matter if the recruits have gone through a few battles, they will naturally become veterans. In the face of the cruelty on the battlefield, you can feel as though your heart can stop. Even if your comrades are blown to pieces by shells in front of them, it will not affect their subsequent battles, or even ignore them. The corpses on the ground, in their eyes, are so normal, even beside a pile of mutilated corpses, they can eat lunch safely.

Lu Chuan is just like this. He has experienced this many times, and he has become accustomed to it as never before. How can he cause inner waves?

It's not that Lu Chuan is cold-blooded, but standing in such a position, you must get used to it.

The collapse of the planet caused the hundreds of billions of tree tribesmen on it to almost die. Only a few dozen of the top ones rushed out of the planet. They were huge and turned into energy bodies, just like jellyfish appearing in the universe.

They desperately escaped the suction caused by the collapse of the planet, and their incomparable individual strength showed vividly at this moment.

Looking at their struggle, Lu Chuan frowned, and said, "I have to say that the individuals of the tree tribe are really strong. An evolutionary civilization of pure energy may be the easiest civilization to break through the upper limit of the rules of the universe."

The Parasite Governor did not refute this time, but he smiled and said: "If you have the opportunity to go to the Parasite Race, you will know that our Parasite Race is no worse than them."

"You will let me go to Parasite?" Lu Chuan asked back.

The Parasitic Governor smiled slightly: "Don't treat the gentleman's belly with a villain. We are now one. Your strength is the strength of the Parasite. I believe that you will not do anything unfavorable to the Parasite. "

Lu Chuan just smiled. If you really believe what the Viceroy of the Parasitic Race said, you are mentally retarded.

What is one?

The other party is greedy for his body at all. I don't know when, as long as one reveals a flaw, he will no longer be himself, he has no mental consciousness, even his body is occupied by the other party, and truly becomes one with the other party.

Lu Chuan was sure that the parasitic governor was always looking for opportunities, and it was calm now because he did not reveal any flaws.

Once it is made to be found organically, Lu Chuan is sure that it will immediately turn its face and deny it.

Don't ignore the cruelty of the alien races. In their eyes, Lu Chuan is just a kind of food or a tool.

Of course, Lu Chuan realized that naturally he would not give it a chance. It greets its own body, why not greedy its body? Now both of them are like old foxes and hunters, just waiting for the other to break out first.

The Governor of the Parasitic Race is conceited, so it thinks that it will eat Lu Chuan, it is risky, but it believes in its strength.

"You said, when will the cosmic inspector appear?" Lu Chuan looked at the planet that had collapsed into fragments. The tree tribesmen here barely struggled, and the planet became fragmented.

As for the dozens of Tree Clan people who escaped, they were moving quickly to another planet in this space.


The destruction of this planet and the influence brought about it takes about an hour to reach another planet. It seems like a lot of time, but if you realize that this is the distance between the planet and the planet, you will know , How long this distance is.

With the movement speed of the tree tribe, it is obviously impossible to reach these planets in time, and the disaster will begin.

Lu Chuan had no intention of stopping all of this, because the chain reaction of the planet was originally planned.

The Governor of the Parasitic Race said: "It should be fast, it dare not slow down, because it knows the chain reaction of the planet, if it is slow, what will be the consequences. Tsk, the governor’s shot, time cannot be reversed, and it cannot be resurrected. The people here."

"Of course, there is a situation that prevents it from appearing, for example, it enters the space of reincarnation."

The chain reaction will force the opponent to rush back as quickly as possible.

However, there is also a situation where the opponent is in the reincarnation space and it is impossible to rush back, and Lu Chuan will do useless work. This kind of situation still exists, like a human inspector, two-thirds will enter the reincarnation space.

Lu Chuan nodded, did not speak, but stared at the distant planets. They probably hadn't realized what had happened. A terrifying disaster was affecting the entire galaxy's planets at an exaggerated speed.

Regardless of whether the other party can rush over, it is doomed that this galaxy is undergoing a disaster that they can't stop.


In the galaxy, Lu Chuan stood with his hand held down, and then frowned slightly.

"The other party is here."

Lu Chuan hadn't said anything yet, and the Governor of the Parasitic Race had already made a surprise voice.

Yes, it was a surprise.

They just bet that the other party did not enter the reincarnation space, and the probability is about 30%. More likely, the opponent is in the reincarnation space, so they will be empty.

Fortunately, they were right. The other party did not enter the reincarnation space. After knowing that the home planet was destroyed, they knew it for the first time and rushed back.

Through the cosmic energy fluctuations in the galaxy, the parasitic governor can sense it. After all, it is the governor, this kind of energy fluctuation cannot escape its perception.

Lu Chuan nodded, and he felt it too.

"There is more than one inspector here." Lu Chuan said, because he sensed dozens of cosmic energy fluctuations.

The Parasitic Race Governor said: "The opponent should have come with other inspectors."

There is not much possibility for the home planet to be destroyed. The first is that there will be advanced civilizations, and the second is the patrol agents of other races... Regardless of the kind, the power that can destroy the home planet needs to be taken seriously, and the opponent can be the first time Bringing dozens of inspectors over, it can be seen that the other party is not completely reckless.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Very good, this result is very good."

The more the opponents arrive, the better the effect will be, and the more naturally it conforms to Lu Chuan's ideals. Otherwise, only the other party will come back. After the killing, it will take time for the Governor of the Tree Clan to find out.

Lu Chuan is also the who knows the key point best. If it is only one or two inspectors, it will not immediately attract Lu Chuan's attention. After all, the number of inspectors in his hand has reached 100 million.

However, dozens of them died together in the same galaxy, and it is a galaxy of tree tribe people, which will definitely attract the attention of the tribe Governor.

In the first time, more inspectors will be sent over, and there will be a team led by supervisors to confirm what happened here.

In other words, will the appearance of the Governor be the third batch?

Lu Chuan didn't worry about these little soldiers, they were just giving away their heads.

During the brief conversation between Lu Chuan and the Governor of the Parasitic Race, the galaxy was twisted, and then dozens of Tree Race people radiating blue light appeared. They were huge and occupy a large area.

Dozens of inspectors from the tree clan are more than 10,000 meters tall and their canopies range from 20,000 to 50,000 to 60,000 meters. If they were placed on the earth, they would definitely cause a sensation, and it would be incredible.

But among the tree people, it can only be said to be the size of the upper middle and upper reaches.

Everything is an enlarged tree tribe galaxy, some creatures are tens of thousands of kilometers in size, and the size of the tree tribe is insignificant. If they appear in front of the earth, this size can completely swallow the earth in one bite.

After these tree clan inspectors appeared, their expressions changed, because they had realized what was happening in this galaxy.

As the inspector of this universe, a tree tribe made a violent move. Its energetic body burst out with dazzling light, and then it kept zooming in and up, and then the branches waved, showing its fullness at this moment. anger.

The parent star was destroyed, and the influence it brought had an impact on the entire galaxy. I don't know how many tree tribes and creatures died.

If it comes back later, maybe the tree people in this universe will be annihilated.

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