Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1588: Infinite resurrection

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The corpse of the young Chimera tribe was disappearing in a mysterious way in Lu Chuan's hands.

At the place where they died, one by one young Chimeras appeared silently, like ghosts emerging from the ground. After they reappeared, they all froze for a while, with a daze, as if they didn't know what the situation was now.

Thousands of young Chimera people just appeared.

In fact, if at this time, if an inspector of this bead passes here, he will definitely notice a trace of cosmic energy fluctuations.

Unfortunately, Lu Chuan is now the fourth-level governor. He can observe a range of 100,000 light-years. He has determined that there is no inspector in this range, and he can use these magical powers with confidence.

The fourth-level governor is so powerful, able to determine the surrounding situation and reduce the possibility of himself being discovered.

It is precisely with this ability that Lu Chuan unscrupulously used the ability of resurrection to resurrect these young Chimeras who died.

One by one, the resurrected young Chimera tribesmen, after a very short period of confusion, once again gave orders from Lu Chuan, and rushed towards this giant beast. After they died once, their xinxing became more tenacious, and at the same time they ignored their lives even more.

Thousands of young Chimeras were repeating the charge just now.

This behemoth is still in a daze. It doesn't understand why it has killed so many small bugs, yet another batch of bugs have emerged. It's simple thinking, certainly can't figure it out.

Seeing that these little bugs were challenging its majesty again, the giant beast roared again, raised its arm and smashed it out.

It’s exactly the previous cycle. The young Chimeras are still not afraid of death, but their role is still so unobvious. Their claws can’t break the scales of this giant beast, and can only leave a faint stroke. mark.

Lu Chuan also stood watching from a distance, and didn't mean to do anything.

One by one, the young Chimera tribe, like they were sent to death, kept getting closer and then being killed. The young Chimeras who rushed in front of the giant beasts waved their claws frantically, doing useless work.

The collision between the two sides once again ended with the annihilation of the entire army of the young Chimeras.

This area has turned into a **** again, with rotten corpses everywhere, and blood forming a river here. Mutilated corpses were all over here, and more of them were minced meat like mud.

The behemoth gasped, and it did its best just now.

These little bugs cannot hurt it, but it is not allowed to be challenged to its dignity.

Thousands of young Chimeras persisted for an hour this time, twice as long as before. They had come over again, adapted to the fighting style of this behemoth, and made changes. It should be said that their experience has become richer.

And this is precisely in Lu Chuan's eyes, which is one of the purposes of reviving them.

Let them temper in constant death, and then become stronger.

An opportunity like this is unprecedented, and no one in their race can experience it. Except for them, any tribe who died is really dead, and there is no possibility of starting again.

It can be said that they are lucky and can be repeated again and again.

Lu Chuan glanced at the panting behemoth, raised his hand again, and then repeated the scene around the behemoth. Thousands of young Chimeras appeared one after another, and once again surrounded the behemoth. Up.

The behemoth became very irritable because it felt dangerous, and these little things seemed to be endless.


The behemoth roared like a warning.

However, what greeted it was the response of the young Chimeras, the roar of the Chimeras.

Lu Chuan just waved his hand gently, and thousands of young Chimera people moved. They swarmed around like the previous two. The speed caused them to reach the giant beast in the blink of an eye, cutting and biting with their hands and feet on the giant beast's body.

No matter how tired the giant beast was, it still fell into madness. It raised its thick arm and slammed it out.

The ground shook, the rock cracked, and a small hole appeared.

The killing continued, and it was a one-to-one battle. The young Chimeras were more brave, but they couldn't even break the scales of this giant beast. How could it be possible to injure the giant beast?

It gives people the feeling that it is more like a young Chimera tribe who is dying, rushing forward and following.

But after two times, the young Chimeras learned to change. They were no longer blind as if they were, but attacked the behemoth skillfully. Using this method, the giant beast is more busy running, and it is more difficult to kill the young Chimeras.

Thousands of young Chimera people, with their strong learning ability, are constantly adapting to everything that happens to them.

Three hours later, the last young Chimera was killed by a giant beast hammer, like a tomato crushed by a car, and all that could be found was minced meat.

This time, there was progress again.

The behemoth was all sweaty, its limbs were trembling, and it was panting as if pulling up a blower. It just stood barely, and there was no king-like luster in its eyes, but a deep terror.

The inexhaustible little thing made it feel fear.

Endless rest, five hours before and after the high-intensity killing, no matter how good its physique, it can't stand it.

Realizing the danger, the giant beast turned his head and wanted to leave.


How could Lu Chuan let it go? He raised his hand again, and was resurrected and released for the fourth time. The young Chimeras who had just died appeared one after another. As if they had adapted to all of this, they weren't confused at the moment they appeared, and they didn't even need Lu Chuan's order, they had already rushed towards the giant beast.

This time, the giant beast didn't even roar, but raised his arm and dropped it.

Since it can't escape, it will explode its own combat power again.

It's just that the beast's arm slapped it down faster than imagined, and the strength to hit the ground was not enough, not to mention even the pits, but some rocks did not break.

More importantly, the giant beast did a useless task. It did not take away any young Chimeras. From the moment it raised its arms, the young Chimeras knew what to do and did not give Behemoth opportunity.

Lu Chuan hugged his arm and looked at all this indifferently. The baby Chimera who was resurrected for the fourth time would let the giant beast understand what despair is.

You don't need to kill it, you must be exhausted if you are tired.

He can be resurrected infinitely, but the strength of the giant beast is not infinite.

As far as its brain, its thinking will only continue to kill, even if it is exhausted, it will not change. In other words, it can be exhausted until its heart can't bear it.

Don't think that you won't be exhausted, anyone who knows rabbits will understand that many rabbits are chased by hounds, even if they escape, they won't live long. This kind of explosive power, which has been chased by the hound without stopping, will overdraw its vitality and make its heart unbearable.

When the rabbit stops, its heart will become hyperemic and will eventually die.

The strength of the giant beast is great and long-lasting, but facing the infinitely resurrected young Chimera tribe, it will consume every bit of its strength until it has overdrawn its life, and then let it collapse and die.

For the fourth time to resurrect the infant Chimera tribe, this time the giant beast wants to kill the infant Chimera tribe. It is almost impossible, even for a few hours.

The Chimera people of the third-level civilization, they are not wood, they don't know how to work.

In every adversity, they will grow.

What's more, now is the fourth resurrection. They have died several times, accumulating a few times at a time, and down four times. How can experience and combat effectiveness be compared to before? They have become more skillful in fighting, know how to dodge the attack of the giant beast, and also know the possible virtual points of the beast.

Facing the weak giant beasts, the young Chimeras began to use their cheetah-like agility and speed to let the giant beasts lose sight of one another.

The giant beast is still killing the young Chimeras, but fewer and fewer, sometimes several shots, even a young Chimera did not hit. You leave with one blow, and you rush over whenever you have time... Just like a guerrilla warfare, the young Chimeras learned these valuable combat experiences by dying again and again.


The giant beast was roaring, but there was a feeling of waning west, which was a kind of twilight, more like the last struggle of life.

It is so tired that it is difficult to raise its arms, and every movement seems to be slowing down. This gave the young Chimera people a chance. They crazily got close to the giant beasts, and learned the lessons from before.

Pieces of scale armor had traces. The paws of the young Chimera people started from these gaps and buckled the pieces of scale like rocks.

The pain caused the giant beast to roar It resisted, but it was so weak that it could hardly draw its strength. Moreover, the load on the heart and the side effects caused it to have a feeling of fainting.

The young Chimera people seemed to have found a way, they roared excitedly, their claws did not stop.

A large amount of bloodshot appeared on the body of the giant beast, which was produced after the scale armor was deducted.

Turning around again and again, but the behemoth was unable to struggle. It lay on the ground, allowing the young Chimeras to surround it, and then crazily buckled its scales on its body.

Occasionally under eating pain, it will try its best to slap these young Chimeras to death, but its slow arm is enough for the young Chimeras to dodge, and then hangs its hands when it is weak, and re-encloses it again. Come up.

Without the protection of the scale armor, the disaster of the giant beast came.

Crazy young Chimeras, they tore away the skin under the scales, their scarlet-faced muscles, without hesitation, they cut out a piece with their claws and stuffed it directly into their mouths.

More and more scales were deducted, as if there were cracks, and the giant beast could only be slaughtered by the young Chimeras under its collapse. It wanted to resist, but it couldn't afford a trace of strength, knowing that death was coming, but the behemoth had no power.

Fear and despair appeared in the eyes of the giant beast, and it let out a weak and mournful roar, but there was no other kind of it in this area that could save it.

One of the strongest existences on the infant star, it can't actually be regarded as dying of strength but not being exhausted.

No matter how strong, facing the almost endless young Chimera tribe, this result is already doomed.

Soon, this behemoth became the lunch for the young Chimeras, and they enjoyed the meal carnivally, no longer a civilized race, more like a barbaric race.

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