Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1673: Firework rain

Latest website: What is the concept of tens of thousands of aviation fried eggs?

These are super aeronautical fried eggs tailored by Lu Chuan for the following, each carrying 1,000 kg of TNT, which is absolutely domineering and sour. Fireworks are all set off anyway, so of course it will be exciting.

For example, the white phosphorus eggs (bomb, afraid of harmony) are also sour and refreshing, but the movement is definitely not as big as TNT.

Tens of thousands of aviation fried eggs hung high in the sky, just above Lu Chuan's head.


Lu Chuan chuckled and muttered to himself. He stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes with evil interest.

As Lu Chuan's control over them disappeared, tens of thousands of aerial bombs fell. In this high altitude, they accelerated to a terrible speed in the blink of an eye and made a whistling sound.

With such a movement, the parasitic patrol envoys below felt dull and felt.

They raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

Then they saw countless black spots rushing down without giving them time to react. When they raised their heads, the aerial bombs roaring down slammed into this super giant city that was hundreds of kilometers in length and breadth.的峰城上.

Tens of thousands of air-fried eggs seem to be too many, but don't forget that this is a parasite city hundreds of kilometers away. It consists of a main peak and tens of thousands of small peaks. These tens of thousands of aerial fried eggs are really nothing to put in this range.

In order to achieve coverage, Lu Chuan had scattered these tens of thousands of aviation fried eggs.


Each explosion sounded, but within milliseconds, like boiling, tens of thousands of aviation fried eggs exploded almost at the same time. The deafening explosions they produced and the shock waves produced turned them into a sea of ​​fire below.

Dust and rubble rose to the sky, and I don't know how many caves of the parasites were destroyed.

Fortunately, the parasitic tribesmen who have become inspectors, their response power is one-of-a-kind, protecting themselves for the first time. The impact of these shock waves on them is almost zero.

And the parasitic people who are still the users of the split factory, when caught off guard, don't know how much they have been lifted up.

Just as Lu Chuan had imagined, this level of damage was just disgusting to them, and it was difficult to kill them.

It was like pouring a bucket of cold water into a giant oil pan, and it boiled instantly.

The parasitic tribe city below was completely fried.

They can't imagine, who is dying, dare to play like this? No matter how frustrated the clansmen were, it was impossible to play with the entire city, because their anger, as well as the anger of the governor, would make it overwhelming.

And one by one inspectors stared at the city almost turned into ruins. The ubiquitous explosions and the dust and fog made this city truly plunged into darkness, even their visibility was reduced.

At this moment, they still did not realize the existence of Lu Chuan, but classified all this as the work of a certain tribe.

The parasitic people are cursing their mothers. Don't think that they can't curse or get angry. As a wise species, they have the same feelings that humans have. Emotions are necessary for intelligent species, but they are just to distinguish between cold-blooded and human-like, having seven emotions and six desires.

Lu Chuan started, how could he give them a chance to breathe?

In the second wave of this kind of super aerial bomb, in Lu Chuan's transformation of mind, millions of them covered the entire sky and then fell.

The first wave is just to remind them, and then let them come out to watch the fireworks, otherwise they have been hiding in the hole, wasting this special fireworks from earth civilization.

Millions of them are really appalling.

They fell like raindrops, whistling.

This time, the inspectors in the Parasite race were prepared, and they all rose to the sky, trying to stop these super aviation fried eggs. With their abilities, it is not difficult to do it, just need to support the shield.

How could Lu Chuan make them wishful? He stretched out his hand and made a sudden pressure in the sky.

The original slow aerial bombing, but a super acceleration came in an instant, like a lightning bomb, a real carpet bombing of the city of the parasitic tribesmen, allowing them to experience the achievements of mankind in war. .

How many split-factory users rushed out curiously, trying to understand, and then they were blown up by the densely packed aerial fried eggs, one by one, they were lifted up and smashed everywhere.

Only the inspector, they are still there, and the shield they are supporting is enough to prevent them from receiving a trace of damage.

They can withstand temperatures of tens of thousands of degrees, not to mention the explosive power of this fried egg? This terrifying shock wave didn't even play a role, they still didn't move.

But they were all right, but this city was destroyed in an instant.

Again, this is just the beginning.

The hand that Lu Chuan had just extended was raised again, and then pressed down again.

This time, it was no longer the power of fried eggs, but Lu Chuan's hand formed a huge palm. This palm, from small to large, covered hundreds of kilometers of city in the blink of an eye.

In an irresistible way, like the palm of the Tathagata, it pressed down.

The parasitic inspectors in the sky were all surprised, but they did not evade. Instead, they used their magical powers to shoot out black giant thorns from their liquid bodies to face the huge It stabbed with an incomparable slap.

But they are too small in front of Lu Chuan. Lu Chuan is now the strength of his four-level governor, plus the strength of the parasitic tribe governor, the power of this combination far exceeds their combined force.

The giant thorn couldn't pierce Lu Chuan's slap. In less than a second, he was slapped and fell into the city.

This huge mountain-like city collapsed and shattered into nothing under the palm of Lu Chuan, and countless caves were shattered. The power of terror is the real ultimate move. Under this slap, I don't know how many users of the split factory were shot to death.

Split factory users, they can even withstand a certain amount of nuclear bombs when they reach level 9, but Lu Chuan’s slap is far from comparable to nuclear bombs. Even if they are liquid, they are still shot to pieces. Know where to go.

Lu Chuan's slap is not only the slap and the violent cosmic energy, but also a means to kill the users of these parasite split factories.

Only an inspector of this level can hold onto this slap.

But they are not comfortable, because the power of this slap has traumatized them.

The entire city, under this slap, was slapped into it, forming a slap of hundreds of kilometers, which was printed on the ground.

The whole planet is one light-year in diameter. The power of Lu Chuan’s slap is huge, but for this planet, it is too big. Lu Chuan’s slap only affects the nearby tens of thousands of kilometers. , It's not worth mentioning.

Lu Chuan has already regained his strength, otherwise the planet will be shattered with a full slap, and then the planetary consciousness's counterattack rules will be triggered.

Even if it is a retraction, it is still a disaster for the split factory users who have not become inspectors.

Under this slap, I don't know how many Parasitic people died.

Lu Chuan retracted his slap and stood in the sky with his arms in his arms, looking at the big slap below, and grinned. He hasn't really started the killing, now it's just an appetizer, because it's the stage of attracting the snake out of the hole.

I saw that in front of Lu Chuan, there was continuous space distortion, and tens of thousands of parasitic inspectors appeared. They used their minds to move and appeared directly in front of Lu Chuan.

Among them, there are dozens of parasitic tribesmen at the level of inspectors.

Lu Chuan is now wrapped in liquid, so these parasitic clan chief inspectors and supervisors subconsciously think that this is the clan who died.

The parasitic clan inspector didn’t even say anything. Dozens of them were already hands-on. No matter who Lu Chuan was, they would take it first, destroying this place and killing so many parasitic clan members. The cruel way of death.

"You all have to die."

Lu Chuan sneered, silently in his hand, a long golden sword appeared.

At the same speed as the light, no matter how fast the inspection made them react, at this speed, they could only feel that they were hit with ten knives and eight knives in an instant, cutting themselves to pieces. They used to think that it was impossible to have a body cut apart, and at this moment it was no different from tofu.

Why is the golden weapon the most important resource for every governor? It is because it belongs to, not only can increase the user's strength, but also harm the Chosen.

One of the overbearing after the parasitic patrol envoy is that even if they are torn apart, they can quickly come back together.

But the gold weapon made them disappear, and the cutting was like dividing-the corpse, dismembering them, it is impossible to recombine them.

An inspector is very strong and has many methods, but compared to the governor, it is really too weak.

The Shuojin war knife passed by, and the body of the Parasite Inspection Envoy continued to fall downward like raindrops. Lu Chuan was the governor, and the inspector he killed could not be resurrected. If he died, he was really dead.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of inspectors became the souls of Lu Chuan's sword.

"Space-Time Barrier..." Lu Chuan roared in a low voice, shrouding the parasitic patrol agents that appeared in this area in this area. They would not be able to escape or break away.

As a base camp, a species with a scale of 500 million patrol agents, even if most of them did not patrol the universe, or became reincarnations and entered other universes, the remaining number still exceeded tens of millions.

The number of this If you use this kind of brute force to kill, when will you kill it?

Using time and space barriers, this place is instantly locked.

Affected, I don't know how many parasitic inspectors are in the sky, almost densely packed.

After they discovered that the space was locked, they also realized that something was wrong, that the person who was wrapped in liquid was not their tribe at all. But if it weren't for their people, what species could use their unique parasitic liquefaction ability?

What made them feel a little more uneasy was that they were locked in this space and could not move and escape with their minds. Even if they were flying, it was like they had hit an invisible wall.

As if at this moment, they were buckled by a glass.

Lu Chuan released the gold weapon in his hand, but in Lu Chuan's mind, the gold weapon instantly turned into hundreds of millions of tiny pieces of metal, centered on Lu Chuan, shooting out 360 degrees without blind spots.

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