Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1679: Feeding plan

Latest website: Lu Chuan still has lingering fears as long as he thinks of killing the whole family.

This is not a simple four words, it is bloody, take human beings as an example, this is the one billion heavenly chosen, the modern and the end of the two universes, the affected universe is 2 billion, which means 2 billion. Humans of the earth.

No matter in any corner of the universe, or in other heavy universes, as long as you are a human being, you cannot escape death.

This kind of power from the law will ignore everything.

Think about it, how terrible is this?

Facing this kind of obliteration, no species can do anything but wait for its destruction.

"No, it is absolutely not allowed to happen." Lu Chuan clenched his fists abruptly. Human beings are not only humans, but also their relatives, friends, etc. How could Lu Chuan allow such things to happen?

If you want to avoid it, there is only one way to go, which is to become stronger.

Become stronger than other governors, become stronger than other races.

In fact, this is not a comparison between species and species. It is compared to the chosen people, such as the governor, such as the inspector and the inspector. These are the key to determining a species. In the face of this level of power, what role can ordinary people play?

To become stronger, there is only one core, trial points.

If you reach the fifth-level governor a little earlier, you will have more protection.

The source of the judgment points is nothing more than several directions. One is to plunder, the second is to strangle the sixth-level civilization in one's beads, and the third is to catalyze a sixth-level civilization through the reincarnation space.

Lu Chuan touched his chin, his brows curled up, but his mind was making a choice fiercely.

Because there is a fourth option.

I don't know how long it took, Lu Chuan's expression became severe: "The dead fellow is not dead and poor. What does the wailing of other people have to do with me? As long as humans can go all the way, I will take care of the life and death of other species."

Throughout the ages, those who have made major events have always been casual.

How many heroes do not regard human life as life at all, as long as he achieves his goals, he can do nothing for the consequences.

The most famous one is Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms period. He said that I would rather let the people of the world lose me than the people of the world.

How is this sentence centered on oneself?

What's more, now Lu Chuan is for humans, not just for himself.

Unscrupulous, sometimes not a derogatory term, it depends on what position you are on. If he is from a human perspective, Lu Chuan is a hero, if he is from another species, Lu Chuan is completely a demon.

In Lu Chuan's heart, he had already made a choice. This is a means that is beneficial to mankind. No matter good or bad, he can do it.

After he figured it out, Lu Chuan's eyes flickered, and he said, "Hughes, summon the inspectors."

"Yes, sir." Hughes was as calm as ever, like a housekeeper, letting Lu Chuan order.


Summoning the supervisors who can be summoned does not mean that they would be summoned immediately.

The inspectors are divided into two batches, one batch will enter the reincarnation space, and they will come out only after completing their tasks. So they are uncertain, and may not show up for hundreds of years.

Another batch will be patrolled locally.

This batch of monitors does not mean that you will know if you want to summon him, and they will come back immediately.

What Hughes was able to notify as soon as possible was the inspector in the City of Competitiveness, informing them not to leave the City of Competitiveness. Not in the city of competition, Hughes has no way to inform, only a message.

Generally speaking, if a supervisor who has received a message will stop everything.

Take the local patrol inspectors as an example, they will return to the competitive planet at intervals. After all, in the universe, no one can be happy, always boring, and then come back here to give oneself a transition.

Once the inspector returned, Hughes must have been the first to know, so it would notify the inspector.

There is a boss who says he wants to convene, how could the supervisor run around?

From the moment Hughes sent the call, more than one hundred inspectors responded.

Of the five thousand inspectors, three thousand were sent to the space of reincarnation, and only two thousand were stationed in the mainland. In the city of competition, it is not surprising that there are more than one hundred inspectors, most of whom are devoted to work, and everyone is working hard for the destiny of mankind.

Lu Chuan was not in a hurry. Taking advantage of this period of time, he first communicated with Victoria.

In fact, there is no good communication, because if humans want to overtake in a curve, they must do so.

"You don't need to have a burden of thinking. You think from the food chain, aren't humans also raising domestic animals? What is the purpose, is to satisfy human stomachs. Will humans have a burden for this one?" Victoria went deep To the essence.

Lu Chuan laughed dumbly. It was true that he had been thinking too much.

People raise fish, although some are for ornamental purposes, but most of them are for food.

So, do humans need to have a psychological burden in order to kill fish and eat fish?

Species that are not on the same level are like a food chain. Human beings are at the top. Shouldn't everything be justified? Can't be like a saint, don't kill or eat meat, right?

But I don’t know that when it comes to species, even if you eat green vegetables, it is a kind of species. In theory, it is also alive. You plucked the green vegetables, isn't it hurting its life?

The reason why plants are not listed as life levels is because they do not know how to express.

Since the truth is the same, Lu Chuan wanted to understand.

It took half a month for 1,960 supervisors to arrive. Those who have not arrived, all have entered the reincarnation space, and it is uncertain whether they will return, so they will not wait for this part of the monitor.

On the floating island, less than two thousand inspectors sat on the ground.

The Universe Broadcasting and the inspectors are not qualified to hear, so they don't know what happened.

Lu Chuan stood in front of them, looked at this group of capable men, and smiled.


Shouting neatly, with great momentum.

Lu Chuan smiled, pressed his hand, and instantly turned into silence.

"Just a while ago, I did an earth-shattering event." Lu Chuan said, and it made the many supervisors below show a curious look.

What is the identity of the boss, even he thinks it is an earth-shattering event, this matter will definitely not be small.

Lu Chuan did not sell Guanzi, and said, "About twenty days ago, I killed the Parasite Race."

This sentence, many supervisors failed to taste it, after all, killing the Parasites is not a big deal. But soon, they thought a little deeper, and suddenly realized that it was not that simple.

If it is so simple, how can it be worthy of earth-shattering?

Lu Chuan said: "It should be said that I beheaded the Governor of the Parasitic Race on their competitive planet, and also destroyed the Competitive Planet, and then God's punishment for the Parasite Race was to obliterate the entire race. This entire race, including All the parasites in the billion-weight universe."

What is Shi Po Tian Jing?

What Lu Chuan is talking about now is a shocking matter, making the following supervisory envoys all open their mouths.

They know the Parasites, an extremely powerful and chosen family, almost close to perfection. It's powerful, and the panic it brings, I don't know how many species have changed color.

But such a strong species was destroyed by the boss?

Destroying the competitive planet is the news that made them feel shocked. It is hard to imagine that the competitive planet can be destroyed.

God's punishment has made everyone present tremble, and the whole family has wiped it out, so severe, it doesn't give you any room, and it doesn't even give you a chance to make a statement.

"Boss, can the competitive planet really be destroyed?"

An inspector asked this question. He couldn't imagine how the Competitive Planet could be destroyed. Shouldn't it be set by the gods, is it immortal?

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "It can indeed be destroyed."

Lu Chuan didn't say how it was done. It was not that he did not trust the monitors present, but that this piece of news is currently the most precious and can make a time difference. If the inspectors know, who can guarantee that none of them fall into the hands of the governors of other species?

The best way is not to say it.

The monitors present are all human beings, and they are not simple characters to be able to come to this position.

Lu Chuan said: "Now it's like stabbing a hornet's nest. The various species must become tense, and the competition will become fierce in the future. No one wants to lose because the cost of losing is too high. In this case , We must become stronger and have more trial points."

"Everyone's effort is one, but it is far from enough."

"Now I will show everyone the captive plan."

After Lu Chuan finished speaking, in the air, the prepared information was sent to them. On the virtual screens that popped up, they typed the information and looked at it seriously.

Soon, their faces became serious.

The core of the captive breeding program is very simple. It is to raise each civilization in the universe as animals, catalyze them to the sixth level of civilization, and then destroy them. Just like raising chickens and ducks, they are killed and eaten when they grow up.

The difference is that all civilizations belong to intelligent life, they have their own emotions and so on.

To be honest, after raising such a civilization, helping it rise to level 6, and then destroying it personally, it makes people feel a little overwhelmed by this hurdle, and everyone will struggle inside.

But I have to say that this is definitely a good source of trial points.

Judgment points only talk about destroying the sixth level of civilization, and no other regulations have been made, which means that there are loopholes that can be used.

Whether this is a loophole or not is unknown, but it can indeed be exploited.

Perhaps this is also a way within the rules?

Every supervisor was silent after watching. They are no longer the kind of passionate people. They need to weigh the pros and cons, instead of just slap their heads and express their opinions.

"Maybe everyone will be under pressure, but if humans want to move forward, they need to change. Perhaps for these species, it is a bit cruel, but everyone thinks about it. In fact, our human food chain is the same."

Lu Chuan said slowly, this sentence invisibly represents Lu Chuan's I agree, we are destroying civilizations one by one, isn't it a cruel killing? The difference is that this time we need to act as promoters to support civilization and then destroy it. "Victoria raised her hand.

Victoria's words made many people's brows tightened and gradually relaxed.

Yes, they were doing this thing originally, but because of a different approach, they fell into a misunderstanding.

Destroying a sixth-level civilization is essentially the same as destroying 10,000 sixth-level civilizations, and billions of trillions of species die because of them. They are the executioners, and this has never changed, and will not change because of any kind of them.

In this case, what are their inner anxiety and suffering?

What's more, the starting point of everything is for human beings to thrive in this universe. If there is a sinner in the future, they are willing to bear all the punishment that the sinner deserves.

All the supervisors raised their hands.

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