Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1759: Annunciation

Human sports planet.

Lu Chuan was here, and Lu Chuan was relieved that there was no problem with this competitive planet.

"Welcome back, sir." Hughes's voice continued as usual.

Lu Chuan smiled. He stretched out his hand in the air and said, "Hughes, give me a cup of coffee I like."

"As you wish, sir."

In front of Lu Chuan’s hand, a cup of hot coffee appeared. Lu Chuan took a sip and took a sip. The temperature was right and the taste was so familiar. This made Lu Chuan breathe out a sigh of relief and walked to the huge terrace of the castle. Overlooking the huge city of competition below.

"Give me the important information." Lu Chuan took a sip of coffee and ordered.

In the next moment, a small amount of information emerged.

Lu Chuan raised his hand and tapped a few taps on the watch. Ultrain immediately processed the information and presented some important information to Lu Chuan.

Insert a sentence, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast updates!

A virtual screen was projected, and Lu Chuan's hand was flicking, browsing the information one by one.

Fortunately, during the period when Lu Chuan left, nothing major happened in the human universe.

The patrol caused more than three million deaths, an acceptable range.

During this period of time, a total of more than 30 million trial points have been brought, not many, but not many. You know that according to the normal method of obtaining trial points, 30 million is really a lot. After all, points can only be obtained by destroying civilization and spawning civilization.

A sixth-level civilization only has one point, and a sixth-level civilization only has two points.

Tens of millions of trial points, the less.

According to the information, there are almost 60 million people who are chosen by the heavens waiting for Lu Chuan to be promoted to inspectors. If this group of talented people is promoted, the number of human inspectors will rise to 350 million.

The previous human inspectors did not even reach 300 million, and they were indeed at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

Now that more than 60 million new inspectors have appeared, the disadvantages of mankind will be reduced a bit.

The level of 350 million is still too small compared to other races, but this is also a leap. In terms of numbers, humans will shorten the distance from other races. With the current high productivity of mankind, maybe decades later, the number of inspectors can be raised to the highest level, that is, the number of billions.

"Hughes, go ahead and arrange for them to be promoted." Lu Chuan issued instructions.

Hughes executed it immediately, and it asked, "Sir, how about a week later?"

"Yes!" Lu Chuan nodded.

Hughes issued the order, and any one of the heavenly chosen within this period of time can receive this order as long as it passes through the ninth level of space.

As soon as this command came out, the entire city of competition boiled up. Not to mention the Chosen, the inspectors also cheered, which meant that the boss had returned safely.

God knows how much impact Lu Chuan has on mankind every time Lu Chuan does not appear for a long time.

Lu Chuan just smiled and continued to process the information in his hands.

The second thing is that the previous feeding plan has gradually entered the harvest period. As the initiator of the plan, Lu Chuan's heart is naturally cruel, because what he has to do will be a waste of life. It can be said that he is holding high slaughter and imposing the will of mankind on each civilization.

Obviously human beings are only breaking through the first-level civilization, but they can breed a sixth-level civilization, and then destroy this civilization.

This is the horror of the Chosen Clan, because of the existence of Chosen Chosen, their growth has surpassed the gap of civilization. If you insist on explaining, this is that humans are gods, and gods can exist beyond the boundaries of technology.

In the information, a summary is made. This wave of harvest can bring at least 2 billion trial points to mankind.

Usually, 2 billion trial points, humans don't know how long it will take.

But now it's only a few years, but I have earned it, and I don't need to pay too much risk.

"This time, the new-born inspectors are just using these civilizations, and they are also supposed to practice their hands." Lu Chuan smiled. This means that these new-born inspectors need to face the test.

They can use knives up and down in the last days, kill unknown zombies, and they can hold high butcher knives against survivors.

But these things are nothing compared to what they are now.

The movement is the life of the billion trillions of life, and I don’t know how many billions of lives have disappeared. The entire planet is being destroyed, turning everything into ruins. This is a huge test of human nature.

In fact, they are lucky because they can practice their hands without directly facing the wind and rain outside.

I believe they will grow up with this practice.


The sky above the city of competition suddenly turned into a huge screen, and Lu Chuan appeared on this screen.

It was the first time for this kind of operation, but no matter whether the chosen person or the inspectors, they were not panicked. The main thing is that it is safe enough here, and the head of the boss appears on it.

"My fellow citizens, I am Lu Chuan."

Lu Chuan spoke, but he heard the cheers of the whole city.

Wave after wave, resounding across the sky.

Lu Chuan stopped after a few presses. Lu Chuan said, "Thank you for your hard work. Now let me talk about our current achievements with the hard work of human beings."

The Annunciation has always been the best way to boost morale.

Human beings have paid so much and worked hard for so long, Lu Chuan needs to let them know that their efforts are worthwhile.

This method is a bit old-fashioned, but it is definitely a time-tested method. I don't know how many leaders or company bosses use this method to make employees enthusiastic and want to work with the boss for a lifetime.

Lu Chuan swiped his hand, and the leaderboard appeared on the screen.

"Second place..."

Lu Chuan's voice came out forcefully like a roar, and the words of this word stunned all the Chosen Ones and the inspectors. After they reacted, their passion exploded like an erupting volcano.

"Long live the boss."

"Supervisor is mighty."

"Second, mankind is now second."

"Hahaha, I know that the boss is all right."

"Next, step on the first corpse to reach the top."

"The rise of mankind."

A roar came out from the mouths of the Chosen One and the Inspector, which showed their current state of excitement.

Second, I didn't expect human beings to rush to second.

Before, they thought it was great luck to be in the top ten. But now, Lu Chuan's published answer exceeded their expectations. This is a complete surprise, which makes people caught off guard.

Lu Chuan continued: "The rise of mankind is inseparable from your hard work. It is you who earn points one by one, that makes us human today. Next, I hope that everyone will continue to work hard, because there will be chasing soldiers in the future. What I want is that human beings can finally have the last laugh and avoid the result of death."

"It will certainly not disappoint the boss's expectations."

"Break these aliens."

In the city, they were crazy long ago, and they were all aroused by Lu Chuan, yelling hysterically.


Lu Chuan just stayed with Victoria for a while, so he had to get busy. He didn't even have time to go back to visit his parents and Ye Lingwei's wives and children. Now that the competition has become fierce, Lu Chuan needs to improve the overall strength of mankind to deal with possible dangers.

Humans are now second, and other races may not fight humans for their lives, but it is possible for the Giant Stone Clan or the Tree Clan.

You can do whatever you want in the beads of other races. Why can't the human universe be allowed to do whatever they want? It is important to prevent all of this from happening, but how to deal with what has happened is even more important.

Outside the city of competition, Hughes sorted out an unobservable area.

On this day, countless people of choice, they appear here, and then continue to gather, making this place become black.

The continual influx of the Chosen One turned this place into a sea of ​​people beyond sight.

Fortunately, with Hughes' scheduling, they were not chaotic, but stood here, waiting for the arrival of the governor. More than 60 million people crowded in this area is absolutely spectacular, because with your naked eyes, you can't see the end here.

What is the concept of more than 60 million people? Take Guangxi Province as an example, the total population is only about 55 million.

What would it be like to take out the population of a province and stand together?

Even Lu, who is used to seeing the big scenes, was taken aback by the unseen people here. In that sentence, it is beyond hope, but it describes the number of ten thousand.

Hughes is the planet itself. Under its layout, the marginal flatness cannot be seen here. It was specially transformed. Its size is as big as the Sahara Desert, and it is a trivial thing for these 60 million people to stand down.

Lu Chuan appeared, standing in the sky just like that.

Those who are close to the Chosen will see it, but those who are far away are not aware of Lu Chuan's appearance.

"Long live the boss..."

Seeing Lu Chuan's Chosen people shouting, other Chosen people who didn't know the situation also yelled in agreement. Clever, already knowing that the boss must have arrived, but the area here is too big, so big that they can't see the boss in the sky.

Lu Chuan laughed and said, "You are welcome to join this big family."

Lu Chuan's voice was transmitted to the ears of every one of the Chosen Ones, on the contrary, it made all the Chosen Ones boil.

With his consciousness released, Lu Chuan covered all the Chosen with his thinking. Things that could not be done before can now be done easily. After this trip, Lu Chuan's strength has improved a lot.

This time, Lu Chuan promoted all the talented candidates to inspectors at once, instead of requiring half a month to complete this task.

An unprecedented feat can make a leap in human strength in a short time.

With the emergence of his thoughts, Lu Chuan’s divine consciousness swept across this black and unobservable heavenly chosen person, the light flickered, covering the place, in the name of God, these heavenly chosen people were sublimated in an instant, and promoted to Inspector.

The strength of mankind has been improved again.

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