Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1762: Governor reincarnation

Back to the competitive planet, Lu Chuan's first thing is to strengthen the supervision mechanism.

This time it was handled in a timely manner, and it did not lead to any major issues, but if an inspector did this, something would happen one day.

Strengthening the supervision mechanism is one. Second, Lu Chuan made some adjustments to the breeding plan.

The adjusted breeding plan does not mean that all civilizations will be selected. Rather, some races that may cause trouble to humans will be eliminated. This type of civilization will not be raised, so that we can eliminate these patrols that use our own heart Make.

The second adjustment is mainly the scope.

It used to be a bit scattered, but now it needs to be concentrated in a certain star field to facilitate supervision, so as to prevent a civilization that escapes human control.

Of course, this one may be very small, but Lu Chuan had to guard against it.

In the new supervision mechanism, Lu Chuan assigned a supervisor to take charge, and such things are not allowed to happen again.

There is not much work in the city of competition, everything is running normally.

What Lu Chuan had to do was to resurrect the dead inspectors and get them back to work. The other is to use a series of messages to distinguish what kind of anomaly the human beads have.

This is very important. Sometimes some clues have many meanings.

Such a large amount of information is a headache, and only Lu Chuan can access it, and can only be screened by Lu Chuan. Fortunately, Hughes can help. For example, after filtering this information several times, only tens of thousands of hundreds of millions of information are presented to Lu Chuan.

Excluding some insignificant things, the most important thing is the death of the inspector. This is what Lu Chuan needs to check carefully.

Don't underestimate this information. The death of an inspector can see a lot.

"Hughes, remove the information from the inspector who died in the reincarnation space." Lu Chuan ordered.

Hughes said, "Sir, it has been removed for you."

There were tens of thousands of messages originally, but there were still tens of thousands of messages, and the scope was reduced again. In this way, it can be reduced a lot when handled.

At this point, Lu Chuan knew that he couldn't be more precise, because if he eliminated more, he would ignore many anomalies.

Tens of thousands are too many, but it takes a little time to finish reading.

Some of this information is several years ago, and some are recent. Regardless of the past or the recent, Lu Chuan looked at it carefully. He looked at it one by one. Although the information was brief, Lu Chuan looked at it carefully and analyzed it word by word.

Slower, slower, could allow Lu Chuan to grasp the situation of the billion-trillion-trillion-weight universe of human beads.

"Victoria, arrange a team of patrols to go to the Z7855X11487 coordinates of the 542121 Heavy Universe, let them be careful, because there is something abnormal."

"52489769 Heavy Universe Z568661X17864 coordinates."

"864961364 heavy universe Z987210X235456 coordinates."

The coordinates that made Lu Chuan feel unusual were immediately marked out, and then an inspection mission was issued.

A group of patrols made the team disappear in the distorted space, heading to the coordinates marked by Lu Chuan, they need to check these places. In the star field where these coordinates are located, all inspectors were killed. This must be investigated.

Each piece of information was being processed by Lu Chuan, and this piece of information was also decreasing.

Lu Chuan pointed with his finger and swiped one by one.

Suddenly, Lu Chuan's finger stopped on a message. There was nothing wrong with the message, but Lu Chuan frowned. He felt that this message seemed to have appeared before. The gap time is about half a year.

"Something's wrong."

Lu Chuan quickly flipped it back. With an astonishing memory, Lu Chuanguo really found a message that was almost the same in the above information, but the time was different.

In one place, two inspectors were killed. This is not simple.

"Come some people, follow me."

In the communication channel, Lu Chuan yelled.

Soon, hundreds of inspectors appeared outside the castle.

Lu Chuan appeared and waved: "Go."

Under the leadership of Lu Chuan, everyone's mind moved and disappeared. The first step was to appear in this heavy universe. Then Lu Chuan moved his mind according to the coordinates of the positioning, and brought hundreds of inspectors to appear in this one twice. Star field that makes death.

The information coordinates generated by the biochemical plant can be moved by mind, which is also a function for users.

When Lu Chuan showed up with the inspectors, Lu Chuan sensed that there was a wave of energy that was almost imperceptible. The fluctuations were very small. If it weren't for Lu Chuan's suspicion, he would barely notice it. its existence.

It is impossible to detect it if it is replaced by an ordinary inspector, because their ability is not enough to sense it.

Lu Chuan raised his brows, waved his hand, and the inspectors dispersed.

"You surround this civilization, and leave the rest to me." Lu Chuan said, his spiritual consciousness enveloped this area in an instant, and he appeared on a huge life star as his mind moved.

Without any hesitation, Lu Chuan's time and space barriers were released, and the area within a radius of ten light years was locked by Lu Chuan.

In an instant, a burst of energy suddenly amplified, and a shadow in this life star disappeared.

"Want to escape?" Lu Chuan sneered, his hand yanked in the void, and he disappeared.

When Lu Chuan appeared, the shadow was being bounced back by the Space-Time Fortress, but it did not hesitate to move again, but Lu Chuan's speed was completely synchronized with it.

The second time, it appeared in a starry sky, and Lu Chuan and it arrived almost at the same time, so that it did not have time to move the third time, the war knife in Lu Chuan's hand had already burst out with a golden light, covering it.

The energy shield was supported, and a stick-like weapon slashed towards Lu Chuan's war knife.

The weapons were intertwined, and the burst of light gleamed in this area, and the energy arbitrarily formed a terrifying shock wave, spreading to the surroundings. These shock waves are spreading almost at the speed of light.

Both stopped, Lu Chuan was holding the saber while the other was holding his long staff.

The energy diffusion rate is fast, but the nearest planet is hundreds of millions of kilometers away, and it will take at least ten minutes to reach it, so if you want to see the nearby planet burst, it will take ten minutes to do it.

In this galaxy, there is a civilization that has reached level five. They have powerful trans-galaxy capabilities, have a huge fleet of various types, and are developing very rapidly.

Species is a monster-type race with a strong attack appearance.

Judging from Lu Chuan's eyes, this is a civilization occupied by samsara. Two inspectors appeared here, and they were both solved by the opponent. This time Lu Chuan came here, actually betting that the other party did not leave.

From the information, what Lu Chuan captured was that the opponent was very strong and could quickly resolve the inspector.

The lowest is also the strength of the inspector, and it may even be the reincarnation of a governor.

In the previous match, Lu Chuan was sure that this was a governor.

"You can't escape." Lu Chuan sneered.

The governor turned his head to look at Lu Chuan. It grinned, but its body was deformed in the twist, and it quickly turned into a monster with sharp arms and on the spot. Its head is not round, but a slightly rounded triangle shape. Its mouth is composed of dozens of fleshy tentacles. When rolled into a ball, the inside of the mouth cannot be seen.

Its eyes are very round, without eyelids, and its head is bald. On the back of its head it has tentacles similar to a tail.

This antenna is floating at this moment, not hanging down.

A fierce light flashed in its eyes, and its sharp arms lifted up, but the long stick in his previous hand turned into a metallic liquid, and then merged into its arms, making its arms glow with golden light.

Lu Chuan, who has seen all the governor races, has an unforgettable memory and an intelligent brain that assists in smart wear. In front of Lu Chuan, a virtual screen popped up, matching the identity of the other party.

"Shaxing tribe?"

Lu Chuan raised his brows. This governor's ranking was at the middle level, but Lu Chuan would not underestimate the other party.

Lu Chuan's understanding of the Shaxing tribe is mainly limited to some simple ones, such as the identity of the other party through appearance. Lu Chuan has not played against it for specific abilities, so it is really unclear.

As a governor, Lu Chuan will not take it lightly.

The parasitic liquid appeared silently, and then wrapped Lu Chuan, turning Lu Chuan into a black person.

As a reincarnation, 20% of the strength will be deducted, even if it is made up for with a gold weapon, at most it will be restored to a normal level. But he is different, his own strength is stronger than that of the opponent, and with the increase in the gold weapons, Lu Chuan's advantage will be very obvious.

The other party had the foresight to run away the first time.

"Yes, human governor..." The voice of the governor of the Shaxing tribe was very hoarse. Of course, he used the governor's common language, and his eyes were full of unwillingness. According to its development, if given some more time, it will be able to bring this civilization to level 6.

After level six, if it encounters trouble, it can get out of it for the first time without being punished by the reincarnation space. But it doesn't even have a level six. If you return, you will be punished. This is what it doesn't want to accept.

With its unique hidden aura, it thought it could escape Lu Chuan's detection but it never thought it would be discovered.

It is not willing to accept this civilization, and based on its understanding of other governors as a governor, a fifth-level civilization can only mark the opponent, not destroy it. In other words, as long as he hides his breath, the Chief Inspector of Humanity will leave after being unaware of it. In this way, it can complete the task of reincarnation space this time.

It was what it thought was a fluke that made it lose the last chance to escape.

The existence of the space-time fortress makes its eyes frantic.

If you want to leave, you must break the barriers of time and space, or defeat Lu Chuan.

Except for these two paths, it has no third option.

Lu Chuan's brows were tightened, but the sword in his hand was divided into two, and then he carried a battle shield transformed from a gold weapon in his left hand, and a long sword in his right. The long sword is mainly thorn, used to deal with the spurs of the opponent's two sharp arms, just to conquer the attack.

There is nothing special about the size of the long sword. After all, it can be changed as long as it is short.

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