Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1767: Split

"Mark the coordinates. The life metal here is also an extremely scarce item. Used to make weapons, it will also make you even more powerful."

Lu Chuan confessed.

Huang Jing nodded in excitement, a gold swallowing whale, the wealth it brought, even at his current level, was extremely jealous.

Don't think that he is an inspector, who exists like a **** and has nothing to care about.

In ancient mythology, gods are powerful enough, don't you also look for the treasures of heaven and earth to build your own gods? The better the material, the more powerful the magic weapon created. Why is Dasheng always trapped? Is the Great Sage not strong enough? On the contrary, the great sage is very strong, but the might of the gods can surrender to him.

A powerful weapon, a good set of armor, when you encounter an inspector from another race, you may be able to kill it by relying on a magic weapon.

If not, it is still unknown who wins and loses.

Understanding the effect of these life metals on his own people, Huang Jing's eyes became bloodshot and red. The gold swallowing whale is full of treasures, and it can make many things. Cutting iron like mud is just ordinary, its hardness is not imaginable by humans, and it is many tens of thousands of times higher than the current known metals.

"Yes, boss." Huang Jing replied loudly.

Lu Chuan gave him an approving look: "This time your contribution is quick, and I will reward you with a golden weapon."

Hearing what Lu Chuan said, Huang Jing shivered because of his excitement. He was already a little incoherent as he spoke: "Thank you boss, thank you boss..."

In the past, the amount of gold in Lu Chuan's hands was extremely scarce and could only be used for his own use. Whether he was an inspector or an inspector, he naturally didn't use gold weapons. This point is much weaker than the other clan. Many of the inspectors died because they encountered enemies with gold weapons.

With the harvest this time, this situation will change.

Lu Chuan did it as soon as he said it.

Lu Chuan touched this huge mass of gold metal with his hand and pulled out a piece of gold. Together with his thoughts, this piece of gold continued to change shape, and the density changed under Lu Chuan's control.

In fact, Shuo Jin does not look at the size, but the density.

After all, it can be zoomed in and out at will, which needs to be modified.

The density of the original gold ball is the same, like the current gold ball, it is the original density.

Generally speaking, its original density is 1, and then you need to transform and compress its density to start from 1. The specific density depends on how much gold you compress.

The more gold, the higher the density, the higher the increase, and the stronger the hardness.

Lu Chuan is now transforming the Shuojin that was torn down to make it more dense.

Lu Chuan did not intend to use the gold swallowing whale's gold, but to distribute it to his supervisors. Everyone would have a weapon with gold. However, there is definitely a certain difference in density. Like backbone supervisors, they will use a lot higher density to distinguish them.

In this world, any item and species will be divided into levels. Lu Chuan didn't want to engage in it, but this thing must exist.

Is Huang Jing's contribution high?

Of course it is high, so the sho-gold weapon he uses can't naturally be the original-density sho-gold weapon.

Ten seconds later, Lu Chuan stopped the transformation. The size of the gold in his hand did not change, but the density had changed. From the original 1, it was compressed by Lu Chuan to the level of 1.2. Shuo Jin seems to have not changed, but in fact it has increased even higher.

The size of the gold is not directly related, as long as its density increases, it becomes stronger. The only way to increase the density is to continuously incorporate more Shuo gold.

"Hold it!"

Lu Chuan delivered this remodeled piece of gold to Huang Jing. Huang Jing took it, but he didn't know what to do. He had to ask, "Boss, how do you use it?"

"Sink in the divine consciousness, and you can control it, and it will change into the form you want with your mind. If you like long-range strikes, find the ninth-level technology, then understand this technology, and transform it through your mind. It can be made." Lu Chuan had to explain.

Huang Jing, who understood, together with his thoughts, immediately turned the gold nugget in his hand into a war knife.

Huang Jing held it and played with a knife...

Shuo Jin is not marked, so Huang Jing can be used. Once he was stamped, unless Huang Jing died, he could only use this golden weapon. Shuo-gold weapons are so magical and domineering, they can be called the highest loyalty.

Under Lu Chuan's guidance, Huang Jing completed the imprint.

"Go back and call some inspectors over, disassemble this gold swallowing whale, and then take it back to the city of competition. At that time, it can be used to make weapons and armors, which can be regarded as magic weapons, and distribute them to the following inspectors according to their contributions. ."

In addition, the novel app I'm using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\read\\app\\\\] Android and iPhone support!

Lu Chuan explained.

Huang Jing didn't hesitate, nodded and left.

After Huang Jing left, Lu Chuan looked at the remaining large mass of gold, floating in the starry sky, and its value was in Lu Chuan's eyes, and there was no way to measure it. Lu Chuan thought about it, but decided to cut them up here.

Together with mind and thought, cosmic energy envelops this cloud of gold.

Following Lu Chuan's thoughts, this group of Shuo Jin suddenly split into 4,999, each of which was not too much, maintaining the original density.

After thinking about it, Lu Chuan moved his hand again, and not far away, a large piece of gold swallowing whale meat that Lu Chuan had previously chopped out flew in front of Lu Chuan. It is just a bit of debris, but the debris of a gold swallowing whale measuring more than 200,000 kilometers in size is equally terrifying, and this piece is tens of kilometers in diameter.

The cosmic energy envelops this gold swallowing whale's scum, and the instantaneous energy burst, turning the scum into a liquid.

The powerful energy melted this bit of meat given by the golden swallow whale with a terrible high temperature.

Lu Chuan pulled his hand, and a liquid splashed out.

The next moment, Lu Chuan ejected the original gold in his hands. Pieces of the original gold blended with these liquids and turned into a new mass of liquid. They were surrounded by Lu Chuan under Lu Chuan's control.

In the blink of an eye, 4,999 gold blocks were extracted by Lu Chuan.

Needless to say, these sho-gold metal blocks are used by the inspectors.


Lu Chuan slapped his head and pulled out two of the metal blocks of gold, floating in front of him.

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, but he exhaled his own gold weapon, tore a small piece from the top, and split it into two again, hitting the two pieces of gold metal, the density of it was several times higher in an instant. Come. The density of Lu Chuan's gold weapons has reached an astonishing 37.

After tearing off this small piece, the density dropped by 0.5 and returned to a density of 36.5.

But the density of 0.5, which is subtracted from high density, is naturally different. It is not 0.5 in the sense.

Soon, the density of the two pieces of gold metal, which was fused with this small piece of gold, turned out to be 3, which was three times the density of the original gold. These two pieces of gold metal belong to Victoria and An Yuran.

As his own women, he is his own. Of course, Lu Chuan has to give them something different.

After Lu Chuan distributed it, he collected all the gold metal into his storage space.




Huang Jing brought hundreds of thousands of inspectors, and when they came to Lu Chuan, they all shouted in unison.

Lu Chuan nodded, pointed at the huge gold swallowing whale and said, "Your task is to break it down and bring it back to the city of competition."

Every inspector who came here was stunned when they witnessed this super huge gold swallowing whale. Because it is too big, and it still appears in the form of a whale, with their understanding of the universe, there is no way to imagine it.

In other words, in this universe, there will be life forms whose scope is the universe?

It can only be said that the universe is full of wonders, and what humans can understand is only trivial.

As inspectors, they can be considered well-informed. They are surprised but still acceptable. Human beings can become the Chosen Clan, they can wipe out the Chosen, and now they can move and fly at will in the universe, which was originally in incredible.

Since humans can do this, what's so strange about this gold swallowing whale?

Tens of thousands of inspectors flew to the gold swallowing whales, they were like dust, but their strength was actually not smaller than the gold swallowing whales. For the dead gold swallowing whale, the life metal is softened and the inspectors can cut it. Otherwise, the surface of the gold swallowing whale will be difficult to break when it is alive.

The inspectors get busy, and for them, it is really a challenge now.

If ordinary people cut such a huge gold swallowing whale, it is like a person digging a hole on the earth, what use can it have? What's more, the size of the gold swallowing whale is more than 200,000 kilometers. The earth is just a small point in front of But the inspectors, but the group of people who dominate the universe, cut it, naturally it is not like this. thing.

The energy excitation, like a laser, slashes in a distant place.

The overbearing of cosmic energy, there is nothing it can not destroy. In this place, a piece of huge gold swallowing whale meat is cut off, each piece is tens of kilometers, hundreds of kilometers, hundreds of kilometers.

Tens of thousands of inspectors worked together, and the cutting was very fast.

This process may take a while.

After the cutting is finished, it must be refined to extract the life metal, and the flesh tissue of the gold swallowing whale can only be refined.

The gold-swallowing whale has swallowed hundreds of millions of planets before it has grown to this level, and the various metals it contains are really huge. But what Lu Chuan wanted was life metal, like other metal substances, such as copper, iron, nickel, aluminum... etc. Lu Chuan didn't need it, and would abandon it here.

To be honest, if these metal substances are used by humans, it will not be consumed for millions of years. It is enough for a civilization to guard a planet without doing anything, but it can continue to promote civilization.

Because there is no need to explore resource stars, these metals will be enough to be used for tens of thousands of years.

The refined life metal will be brought back to the city of competition, and then made into countless weapons and armors to enhance human strength.

It can be said that a gold swallowing whale can increase the strength of humans by a level.

"Send someone to stare, and no error is allowed." Lu Chuan commanded.

Huang Jing nodded: "Don't worry, boss, I will sit here myself." He played with the golden weapon in his hand, changing and changing, like a child with a new toy.

Lu Chuan ignored him, nodded, and left here.

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