Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1771: Strength of life equipment

Somewhere in the starry sky.

There are a large number of barren planets here, dead and silent, only the planets are moving silently.

It may not be known how many billions of years later, the star of life will be formed here, but at this moment, it is a place of death and silence, without any life.

Lu Chuan appeared here with dozens of inspectors.

"Right here!" Lu Chuan looked at this place. This planet is extremely cold and the climate is really not very good. With ordinary life, even with warships here, it is somewhat difficult to cope with the environment here.

The inspectors would not be affected, all of them smiling.

This time the boss came to them to test the standard armor.

Build it, knowing it is strong, but how strong it is, but I can’t say it. If it's just the strength of ordinary metal, it doesn't need to be. The energy system of the inspectors needs metal that can withstand the enormous energy of the universe.

For example, it needs to be able to withstand the violent cosmic energy without collapse.

Like armor, it needs to be carried hard without being crushed under the attack of the opponent to protect the user.

If it is ordinary metal, in front of the cosmic energy, it will become a powder.

It is not an exaggeration. How terrible is the energy that can destroy the planet, and how can ordinary metals bear it? What's more, if these cosmic energies are even more domineering under full force, super stars will be destroyed, which also requires greater endurance.

"Yes, boss!" The inspectors who followed did not care about the experimental site.

They can move their minds, they can go nowhere in the universe, and they are not limited to doing experiments.

The inspectors had a look of excitement.

The life metal that even the boss values, and the material that can't even be transformed by the transformation of ideas, is definitely not simple. They also want to know how much impact this weapon will have on them.

"I don't know if I can break through the energy shield."

"I have watched the video. The strength of the boss, a full blow, is to cut the skin of the gold swallowing whale."

"Fortunately, the gold swallowing whale is not an attack type, otherwise it would be a super battle."

"Even a creature like the golden swallowing whale exists, what else in this universe we don't know?"

All the inspectors were talking quietly.

This is not an important occasion. They can be free, and Lu Chuan generally does not care about them.

The preparation is very simple. In fact, two inspectors wearing standard armors fight against each other.

High-tech, in front of theology, you have to kneel... This is not a matter of scientific knowledge. It has broken through science and reached the height of theology. Think about it, the shields of the inspectors will not be broken even in the bombardment of the main battleships of Tier 7 battleships. How abnormal?

With the cosmic energy, the inspectors can run rampantly, go up to the sword mountain and down the sea of ​​fire, omnipotent, how many terrifying planets, the inspectors can ignore these harsh environments, all because of the protection of the universe energy.

There are countless planets in the universe, and they are so bad that far beyond human imagination.

For example, some planets, under the influence of stars, have one side facing the direction of the star forever, and the temperature on this side is thousands of degrees high, which is completely hell-like lava world. On the other hand, he will always fall into the endless darkness, without a trace of light, and it is cold to hundreds of degrees below zero. At the junction of such planets, hurricane speeds are more than dozens of times the speed of sound.

In such an environment, the inspectors can deal with it freely, which shows that the cosmic energy is terrible.

But the cosmic energy can also be broken, such as gold, for example, life metal. It's just that the life metal is too weak, and it certainly can't break through like Shuo Jin.

But to be able to break is to be able to break, this is the real weapon.

The two selected inspectors are all people with a basic knowledge of martial arts, so it is best for them to test.

"Pay attention to the size. Of course, if you are not afraid of pain, you can have a life-and-death battle. Anyway, I can resurrect you when you are dead." Lu Chuan nodded, indicating that he could start.

The inspectors nearby laughed.

Death can be resurrected, but people who have experienced the pain don't want to do it again.

In the fight, the hands and feet were severed, or people were tortured. How could this kind of pain be described by words? This kind of pain, even the man who persists, will have to tears. It doesn't matter if you play hits with the enemy, now it's just a test, how could they play like this?

The two test inspectors laughed in embarrassment, and said at the same time: "Take it to the end."

Although the standard armor didn't have such a strong wind, it was not made by Lu Chuan indiscriminately. When fighting hard in the last days, Lu Chuan broke his heart for the zombies, such as how to make suitable armor for them, arm them to the teeth, wrap them in the armor, and expose only his eyes.

Like the handling of joints, the convenience of use, etc... Lu Chuan has already considered it.

It can be said that the designed armor is very perfect.

The two men wore this kind of armor that wrapped the whole person inside. After they were worn, they stood in front of them like an ancient heavy knight. Lu Chuan also added some beautifications to the armor of this standard, such as the treatment at the Lingjiao area, which was full of explosive feeling of power. Just a glance, this sense of power, is nothing but enthusiastic.

The war knife is mainly practical.

Just like the two heavy knights in a decisive battle in ancient times, they just lacked horses, but their momentum continued.

In this distant galaxy, on this icy and desolate planet, two inspectors glanced at each other, yelled, and rushed up with their sabers. Almost disappeared and reappeared, the swords of both sides drew towards each other's neck.

When fighting with the enemy, what is important is the fatal blow, so they also follow the same path.

Both of them were martial arts practitioners before, and their foundation was that after becoming an inspector, they could easily use countless tricks and increase their power by tens of thousands of times.


The weapons were staggered, their reaction speeds were all first-class, and they reacted in an instant, holding each other's blow.

This seemingly ordinary blow, but at the moment the weapons intersected, the terrifying cosmic energy burst out, the resulting shock wave spread, and the area centered on them instantly turned into powder. This area is a circle with a diameter of nearly 100 kilometers.

It's just that they started frantically without realizing it.

The violent energy arbitrarily spread over this area, from hundreds of kilometers to thousands of kilometers. In this area, a large bottomless pit was formed, and the inside was full of mud powder. The energy blasted all the mud and rocks into powder.

A few minutes later, when Lu Chuan saw it was almost done, he stretched out his hand and waved in the void.

The two inspectors in the fight only felt a huge force separating them abruptly. They couldn't resist this force, and when they found out that Lu Chuan had done it, they were shocked and frightened.

The boss’s hand proves that the distance between them and the boss is too far.

Lu Chuan waved, and both of them flew over.

Lu Chuan snapped his fingers, and the area of ​​thousands of kilometers that had just been destroyed by them turned out to be mysteriously restored, as if what they had done before was like a dream.

The two inspectors wore armors and wrapped them to the point where only their eyes were left, but in this battle, there were some gaps in the sabers in their hands, and the many holes in the armor showed how fierce they were fighting. It can be said that knives and knives are all fighting styles, but the strength of the two is equal, but they are comparable.

"If it weren't for this armor, I'm afraid one of you would be going down."

Lu Chuan concluded.

The two inspectors looked at each other, then laughed, and said, "Brother Wang (Brother Lin) is good at it."

It seems that they know each other, and they seem to have tried a lot.

Lu Chuan smiled and said: "Next, what is actually measured is what kind of power the sword has on the shield constructed by the cosmic energy. Since you are familiar with each other, it is better for you two to come. This time there is no need to hide and prop up the shield. , Let the opponent use a war knife to break it. You can break the shield, and you can't enter it anymore."

Without the shield, the inspector is strong, but in Lu Chuan's view, it can be easily killed.

Without the shield, the main gun of the main battleship of the third-level civilization can be killed. If the enemy is also an inspector, they can break the physical defense with a finger.

How should I put it, it's like two ordinary people, one with a knife and the other with the body... Whether there is armor or not is really important.

The inspector surnamed Wang took off his armor, then stood, propped up the cosmic energy shield, and a halo protected him, forming a bubble. The distance between him and the bubble wall is about two meters, this is his shield.

The inspector surnamed Lin held a knife. Under the blessing of the cosmic energy, this life metal war knife withstood the energy burst out from him, and the entire life metal war knife emitted a blush.

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The sword hit, tearing the space apart.

The existence of cosmic energy, ignoring the rules of the universe, the sound of a war knife tearing space apart, can actually be transmitted.

The scarlet sword instantly hit the shield of the inspector surnamed Wang. One was a full blow and the other was full protection. The interlacing of the spear and the shield, the shield that was propped up, was blown up and turned into fragments.

When the inspector surnamed Wang did not react, the sword was turned into a galloping force and blasted towards the chest of the inspector surnamed Wang. The overbearing cosmic energy made this sword like a red light.

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At the critical moment, the inspector surnamed Lin had overreacted, his wrist shook, and the sword was forced to deviate a little, and it stabbed the inspector surnamed Wang on the shoulder. As a result, on the shoulder, the saber left a hole, the skin and muscles of the steel-strong inspector, but like tofu, were cut open by the life metal saber.

The blood spattered, but the inspector surnamed Wang ignored it. He looked at the saber in a daze, but his eyes were surprised and enthusiastic.

The inspectors next to them were all shocked by the swords made of this life metal. They felt like cutting iron like mud, and they were true magic weapons.

There is no gold, but its power is as domineering.

Not those custom-made Shuo-gold weapons are so popular, but at this moment, it has become a magic weapon in the eyes of the inspectors. With this weapon, they still need to be afraid of encountering inspectors of other species during inspections?

The suppression of strength, coupled with this weapon, next time they encounter it, they have to shoot out these species inspectors.


"This kind of life metal is too domineering."

"This is the real weapon. What we used before was just a This lethal power, I love it."

The inspectors no longer dared to look down upon the humble standard weapons in their hands. What about standard weapons? Look at their effects. Even if they are uglier, they are their favorite.

With a move of Lu Chuan's hand, a standard sword appeared in his hand. He held his hand and waved a ray of light, showing the shape of a crescent moon. He blasted towards a mountain thousands of meters away, but directly cut out a huge incomparable. The gap came, and the mountain was divided into two halves.

After knowing it in his heart, he swiped it again, and his energy increased dozens of times.

A terrifying light burst out and blasted into the distance. Wherever it passed, it was all flying sand and rocks, and then turned into powder under the shock of energy. The area it flew over was completely a hell, directly blasting a ravine of tens of kilometers.

"Not bad!"

Lu Chuan nodded, his energy increased again.


An unmatched burst of light burst out, shining the entire sky. It was comparable to the speed of light. In one second, after blasting for more than a hundred kilometers here, because the planet was round, the rest The light blasted into the universe. And this road formed a trace hundreds of kilometers wide, extremely overbearing.

If it blasted out of outer space, the energy of this blow would be enough to split a planet with a diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers in half.

But this time, the life metal in his hand could not bear it anymore, and it shattered into pieces.

After three attacks, Lu Chuan also came up with a data, which is the upper limit of energy that Life Metal can withstand. It can be said that the use of the inspectors is not a problem, and the words of the inspectors can barely be used, but they are not suitable for themselves.

The range of endurance is not enough. If you use it yourself, it will burst with a single blow.

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