Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1815: Powerless

The contents of the two consecutive cosmic broadcasts were all shocked.

Two races were obliterated...

It can be said that all races are completely panic. They don't know who did it and whether they will be the next target. It is this kind of unknown that makes them panic.

Countless governors are speculating, and the only ones that can be locked are the top three races.

This is like a signal, all intensifying the fierce competition.

It can be said that these two cosmic broadcasts seem to stimulate the nerves of countless race governors, making them even more crazy. Suppress the race that threatens you, or is weaker than you.

Countless races are all launched by large armies, and the movement is the dispatch of hundreds of millions of patrol envoys.


After a successful blow, Lu Chuan's face was full of joy.

No one thought that the opponent of the Tianlong clan would be solved so easily. Without a vigorous battle, Lu Chuan completely solved this opponent in a spike, and it was so smooth that it was unimaginable.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, this is also inevitable.

Lu Chuan made enough preparations, and it happened that the other governor was not here, so he gave Lu Chuan a chance.

No matter how large the number of inspectors is, the threatening power is weak in front of the Governor.

When Lu Chuan came, they had no resistance at all, even if they were not afraid of death.


The collapse of the light-year star will cause turbulence in this area. When Lu Chuan appeared, King Kong shouted respectfully. This sentence of the governor is absolutely sincere, and now it really looks at Lu Chuan squarely.

A governor who controls the life and death of his race, and a governor who can easily break through the illusion of the guardian of the race, is a nuclear weapon in the eyes of a low civilization.

In the Asura clan, it was precisely because of the governor that it could break into the Asura clan's competitive planet.

Here, Lu Chuan did it himself. It was too fast. Lu Chuan rushed over. In just a few seconds, the Celestial Dragon race's competitive planet was destroyed, and a race was directly obliterated. This strength really made King Kong feel shocked.

"Eternal life cannot have any rebellious heart towards mankind." King Kong silently added to himself.

For such a strong person, all it has to do is hug Lu Chuan's thighs tightly.

If the metal clan has different intentions, with Lu Chuan's ability, how many seconds can he carry it?

Tishna looked at Luchuan with complicated eyes, and then gave a faint smile, no matter what, it was the Tianlong clan that was destroyed after all. The obliteration of race, in her eyes, became normal. This is race competition, cruel.

If the Bonewing Clan fails, why not this result?

The reason for the complicated look is that human beings are really too powerful. This kind of ability to exterminate races at every turn deters any race that dares to challenge humans. Before they have this mindset, they need to think about the consequences.

At this point, I am afraid that no one can stop human beings from becoming the overlord of the race.

Fortunately, her spirit of intuition had joined hands with mankind in advance, so that she did not become an enemy of this terrifying race.

"Let's leave here and take a break."

It was supposed to be the pursuit of victory, but Lu Chuan knew that now he was powerless. The two breakthroughs in the guardian's illusion made the water elves overwhelmed. Its consumption was too great, and there was one energy left. This was for life-saving purposes, and could not be used rashly.

The water elves need to replenish energy, which is why Lu Chuan had to stop.

Otherwise, Lu Chuan wanted to annihilate several other races at the same time.

It's a pity, it's impossible to follow yourself in everything.

Hearing what Lu Chuan said, King Kong had no objection, and now it has regarded Lu Chuan as a true god, omnipotent. This kind of respect, what Lu Chuan said, how could King Kong object to it.

The three of them left here, but what they returned was Judgment Star.

The appearance of the three of them seemed to bring a chill, and the race governors who saw the three of them here all retreated and looked at the three of Lu Chuan into awe. This series of genocide, they guess it must be related to the three types of humans.

No one dared to ask Lu Chuan for verification. Now it is the name of the shadow man of the tree, and Lu Chuan's fierce name is too loud.

Lu Chuan took a look at the rankings. Basically, the ranking has not changed much. Except for the Shura and Tianlong tribes that he destroyed, their positions will naturally be filled by other races. In the ranking, the Shura and Tianlong clan have completely disappeared.

The previous five thousand races, today, there are only 4,986 remaining.

Needless to say, the fourteen missing have a great relationship with Lu Chuan, because the missing ones are all races that have been obliterated.

The obliterated races are not eligible to be displayed here.

And the names of dozens of races are gray, which means that the governors of these races have been killed and are now in a vacuum. When these gray names light up, it will be the day the new governor was born ten years later.

There are almost no changes in the top ten, and the races in this ranking are not easy, they will not rush to make a move.

Once decided to take action, he will use the momentum of thunder.

"You bring these cosmic communicators back, and then distribute them to your people."

With the transformation of ideas, countless cosmic communicators appeared, Lu Chuan gave Tishna and King Kong, and they injected cosmic energy for them to use.

Transformation of mind is indeed a very abnormal ability. As long as the brain thinks, it will be similar to what you want. Two hundred million cosmic communicators were transformed by Lu Chuan, and Lu Chuan alone gave them 100 million.

For a huge inspector, 100 million is a drop in the bucket, but compared to before, it is a leap forward.

Tishna and King Kong were not polite either, they put them in the storage space and accepted them.

"What's the matter, contact." Lu Chuan laughed and said: "I will sort out the internal affairs of human beings for the time being."

With this cosmic communicator, there is no longer a discord between each other.

Tishna nodded: "Lu Chuan, take care."

"Supervisor, call me whenever you have anything to do." King Kong grinned, his heart was joyful, with hundreds of millions of cosmic communicators, it would be a qualitative leap for the metal race.

Saying goodbye to Tishna and King Kong, Lu Chuan didn't have to worry about someone tracking him, and he returned directly to the human beads.

When the person was in the starry sky, Lu Chuan twisted and disappeared.

And within milliseconds, Lu Chuan went back and forth again, reappearing here.

Facing the empty starry sky, Lu Chuan just showed a faint smile and disappeared again. This time, he did not go and return, but after several turns, he appeared in a vast galaxy. During the whole process, Lu Chuan determined that no one would follow him.

Just kidding, tracking the strongest governor, still don't know how to write dead words.


He didn't return to the competitive planet in the first time, mainly because Lu Chuan needed to give the water elves a big meal.

Why didn't Lu Chuan expand his achievements?

It's very simple and powerless.

Lu Chuan did not allow Lu Chuan to do it again. Out of caution, Lu Chuan stopped this kind of killing and chose to let the water elves recover first. The strength of the current water elves is impaired, unable to exert all their abilities. The best way is to let it supplement.

Swallowing the planet, this is how the water spirit replenishes energy.

Everything on the planet can be absorbed and digested, and this is true of any matter.

"Water Elf, here are all your snacks."

Lu Chuan released the water spirit and pointed at the starry sky out of sight.

The water elves looked a little less energetic on the outside. It can be seen that in the two battles, it forcibly survived the illusion of the race guardian, and its influence was still there. Hearing Lu Chuan's words, it turned into a light, and quickly formed a huge starry behemoth in the starry sky.

There is no need for Lu Chuan to say more, the water elves pounced on the smaller planets nearby and turned into star behemoths, and almost bit this small planetary star into their mouth in one bite.

Crushed, then swallowed.

This is just a small appetizer, dinner is here one after another huge planets.

It's hard to imagine how the water elves digest the substances contained in the asteroids.

It can only be said that there is everything in the universe, and it is not surprising that the water spirit can digest the planet. It can be said to be a special product set by the gods.

Facing the water elves who turned into a giant beast and devoured the planet madly here, Lu Chuan knew that it would not swallow the planet so quickly in a short time, and he would not leave so soon.

In order to replenish the energy back to the peak, how could the water elves consume more than 100 million planets before they can recover.

This is a long process, and the only good news is that as much as the water spirit swallows, it won't feel full, because everything swallowed will turn into energy. The energy storage of the water elves is almost endless.

Let the water elves swallow the planets here, but Lu Chuan was in the starry sky. He took out the tables and chairs, and placed them on the starry sky. He sat down leisurely, treating the endless starry sky as the sea. On this beach, it's like a vacation. However, Lu Chuan was not idle, but fiddled with the universe communicator.

Only by knowing its technology and theory can the mind be transformed into it.

Naturally, Lu Chuan understood it thoroughly, otherwise it would be impossible to transform his mind. Lu Chuan wanted to study it, just to see if it could be modified, such as a real communicator that can cross the universe, or the one that can make instant calls.

The current cosmic communicator is really not equipped with the three words communicator, it is more like a one-time annunciator.

Lu Chuan believes that all of these are common, because they all operate in the negative space of the universe. As long as you change some of the key points, you may be able to communicate instantly. This will be a revolutionary invention, which is completely theological. Technology.

No, it is definitely one of the magical powers.

The space folding of the universe actually uses the subspace to make folding and bending. The theory is very simple. For example, if there is a normal route from Asia to America, it may take more than ten hours to fly. However, if the space folding technology is used, it is actually to prop up a black hole at the starting point, the entering matter is transformed into black matter, and then a white hole is opened at the end, and when it leaves the white hole, it is transformed into white matter.

The black hole is the entrance, and the white hole is the exit.

In this way, the distance between Asia and America can be shortened to only one second before crossing. Into the black hole, out of the white hole... everything is that simple.

It seems a simple theory, but the technology that needs to be supported is definitely not so easy. With the current human technology, there is no need to count on it.

In fact, this technology requires the seventh level of civilization to possess. This is the wormhole technology.

However, to Lu Chuan, it is not a sophisticated technique.

"Maybe you can use this one to make some changes?" Lu Chuan held his head and fell into a bitter thought.

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