Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 245: Sao Bao

April 12, early morning.

This time Lu Chuan was traveling in costume again, bringing Yang Biao, Wu Wei, Zhang Li, and An Tong, and appeared in the new southern suburbs of Handong City.

The future development focus of Handong City is the new southern suburbs.

The development of the southern suburbs is very rapid, with tall buildings everywhere. Recently, the city of Handong put forward the slogan for the construction of a new southern suburb, which is to designate a straight line 30 kilometers to the south as the jurisdiction of the southern suburbs. This area is the new southern suburb.

Lu Chuan was sitting on the A8L, followed by Ford's E350.

When passing here, you can see that the infrastructure is under construction everywhere, and it is expected that the foundation construction will be completed this year. Many companies have already moved here, turning the entire new southern suburbs into a huge construction site.

Lu Chuan remembers that someone once put forward a kidnapping theory, that is, when your employees reach a certain number, unless you commit a very unusual crime, the government will not move you easily.

Of course, this certain number is not 10,000 or 20,000 employees, but a level of hundreds of thousands.

Think about it, once a problem arises in an enterprise with hundreds of thousands of employees, hundreds of thousands of people will be laid off. Who can bear the consequences?

Use hundreds of thousands of jobs and laid-offs to kidnap the government.

Lu Chuan doesn't know whether this theory is correct or not, but he has seen some plots in some TV and movies. For example, when he suspects a certain business boss, he must consider his influence and the consequences.

An enterprise with hundreds of thousands of employees is the pillar of the local economy wherever it is placed. No leader hopes that such an enterprise will be in turmoil, and big things will be turned into small things by some means, and small things will be treated as nothing.

The kidnapping theory is so rude and domineering.

Lu Chuan has no way to confirm whether this is true or not, but he knows that when he has hundreds of thousands of employees, they can indeed be regarded as his own protection layer. When he has no major problems, no one dares to move himself.

In Handong City, it doesn’t take much, just a company of tens of thousands of people can do the kidnapping theory.

Why can Yang Xiuming do whatever he wants? Isn't it because he has a good father and many officials sell his old man's account? And the advance of all this is his Lao Tzu's enterprise, a pillar enterprise in Handong Province.

It is no exaggeration to say that if there is any problem with the old man Yang Xiuming's enterprise, the provincial leaders will find ways to help, help solve the problem, and wipe the **** from the buttocks for this enterprise.

The identity is never given by others, but by oneself.

Facing this kidnapping theory, Lu Chuan spared a bit of space today and went to the new southern suburbs to investigate.

If he could, Lu Chuan would spend money to come out, abruptly give himself an identity. For this company, Lu Chuan needs it to be unable to leave him. Once he makes any mistakes, the company will collapse.

Lu Chuan didn't think much about the specifics, this was just a preliminary plan.

Now that the Baichuan Guihai Company has not sorted out, it is impossible for Lu Chuan to open another pit. The main reason is that financial resources cannot be supported. For a processing plant with tens of thousands of people, the investment is not one billion or eight hundred million.

One billion or 800 million is the entry ticket, but it is not what Lu Chuan can get now.

When we arrived at the Xinnan Suburban Government, it was the first building to be built, and it was naturally completed and operated, and there were many vehicles passing by. After Lu Chuan's arrival showed his willingness to invest, a director came out to receive him.

"Mr. Lu, take a look at our policy first."

Perhaps Lu Chuan was young. This director was a little disappointed. Naturally, he had no enthusiasm. He took out the information and listed some of the new Southern Suburb policies, such as land grant prices, tax reduction and exemption ratios, and years.

Lu Chuan took it, took a look, and smiled: "Director Li, if I apply for a large enterprise, this policy is obviously not enough, right?"

large enterprise?

Director Li glanced at Lu Chuan sideways. Although Lu Chuan is well-staffed, there are too many people pretending to be compelling these years, and they can’t be taken seriously anymore. God knows if you brought the acting, or wanted to lie to the government?

What is the concept of large enterprises? According to construction companies, revenues must exceed 800 million to reach the standard. Companies such as leasing and business services even need to achieve revenues of 1.2 billion to qualify for large enterprises.

You are a young man, dare to come up and talk about large enterprises?

Investing in a large company means that the investment should be at the level of one billion. What is the concept of one billion? Ordinary people will only earn a fraction in ten lifetimes.

"If you are applying for a large enterprise, the policy can of course be slanted slightly." Director Li said casually, not taking it seriously.

Lu Chuan smiled, he was just a test.

To really talk about it, funds, plans, etc., need to be first, and neither of these two.

What's more, if you want to really talk about this, you need to talk to a director here? Don't forget, what kind of existence Kang Yang is, if you take one out of the circle, Director Li will kneel, and it is not easy to get a good policy.

"Thank you Director Li, I'll go back and look at these materials first."

Director Li has long known that this matter is going to be pornographic, and did not hold back. He said to take it for a visit or talk with a higher-level leader, etc., and directly waved his hand: "Young man, next time you speak, keep your tone down. Here It's a government agency, not a bragging venue like a night market stall."

Lu Chuan glanced at the other person and left them with tension.


Lu Chuan also planned to go to the end of the world after lunch to see if he could hunt down the fourth tyrant's fragment.

But a call from Wang Xiaotian, Lu Chuan knew that his time today must be scrapped.

"It's really rich and willful."

Lu Chuan muttered, but he asked Ma Xifeng to drive and took himself to the Jiahe Building on Southeast Road.

Southeast Road is the place where well-known high-tech companies gather in Handong City. Not to mention Jiahe Building, it is also a more famous building on Southeast Road. All high-tech companies are settled in. There are many Internet giants. There is a branch office here.

Wang Xiaotian put the address of the new company here, which really cost him money.

As far as Lu Chuan knows, the rent of Jiahe Building is not cheap. Taking the rent from 30 to 40 floors, it reaches 500 yuan per square meter. Why does a company need to rent 100 square meters? Every month, the rent is for shop. Only fifty thousand.

It is absolutely impossible for Wang Xiaotian to rent a 100-square-foot bag for this sorrowful package. For his size, the price is reduced.

Let people know that the son of Baixiang Group rented 100 square meters as the company's office. Wang Xiaotian didn't have to go out, and he would be laughed to death.

Wang Xiaotian's company is located on the 28th floor. Today is the opening day. With his communication, there will certainly not be fewer people present. When Lu Chuan got here, luxury cars could be seen everywhere in the underground garage. I didn't know if it was Wang Xiaotian's friend or another company here?

After stopping the A8L, Lu Chuan took Ma Xifeng up.

Tension them, with Ford's E350 returning, there is no need for these big guys to appear here.

It was not until the 28th floor that the elevator door opened, and you could see two rows of welcoming girls. Wang Xiaotian's goods turned out to be all models. The figure and height were dressed in a big cheongsam. Although the sky is still a bit cold, but The big white legs exposed at the place where the high split ends are absolutely blind.

"Welcome to the opening of Vientiane Technology Company."

The uniform sound and sweet sound are indeed a pleasure to hear in the ears.

Lu Chuan twitched his mouth. It was really a sorrow. His Lao Tzu is the Hundred Elephants. In the end, Wang Xiaotian is Wanxiang. You are such a cow. Do you know? Besides, you are a high-tech company, playing so many models here, people who don't know think it is what company has opened.

Through the corridor, you can see where Wang Xiaotian is standing in a suit and leather shoes.

"Lu Chuan."

From afar, Wang Xiaotian said hello.

There are indeed a lot of people here, there are always hundreds of people, so naturally it goes without saying. Lu Chuan glanced at it. Some of them had names and surnames in the circle, and some officials were there, but they were not high-ranking.

"If you have a good dad, it's a daddy." Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. Wang Xiaotian turned out to have packaged one floor as an office. This is more than 3,000 square meters. At the price here, even if it is discounted, the monthly rent is one million. expenditure.

Didn't he know that high-tech companies burned money and shop rents are just a small head?

Lu Chuan waved his hand, Wang Xiaotian ignored Lu Chuan, and pointed inside, leaving Lu Chuan free. In his mind, Lu Chuan is an ordinary friend, the one at the bottom of the ranking.

Lu Chuan smiled, didn't mind, and asked, "Is the third brother coming?"

"I made the phone call myself, but..." Wang Xiaotian looked a little embarrassed and said: "You also know what the identity of the third brother is. It's hard to say whether he can come."

Indeed, not to mention the forces behind the third brother, but the third brother himself is also the deputy mayor.

A deputy mayor comes to you to join in the opening. This is not only a matter of friends, but also other factors to consider. It is not just a matter of coming.

Lu Chuan shrugged his shoulders, did not say anything, went inside and grabbed a glass of red wine, and asked for another cake, and found a place to sit down and eat.

What's your identity? Whether or not the third brother will come is not something he can control.

Here Lu Chuan does not need any identity, and there are not many people he knows anyway.

More than 3,000 square meters, a company started up, here is empty, it is no wonder that Wang Xiaotian made it a banquet-like reception, which is also strange enough.

Ma Xifeng would not be polite with one instruction. One bite of the cake with big fists, like a prehistoric humanoid monster, began to sweep the food here. Anyway, Wang Xiaotian has already prepared. Ma Xifeng is a second-class product zombie, and his appetite is not small, just let him enjoy it here.

The horror brought by Ma Xifeng, who had let go, made the ungirls here stunned.

One bite of a fist-sized cake, stuffed into his mouth without panting, without any intention of stopping. Suddenly, more than 20 cakes entered Ma Xifeng's stomach.

Eliminate the big plate of cake in front of you, and it is another fruit salad sweeping a row.

A few large lobsters became the victims of the fruit salad again. Ma Xifeng grabbed them and gnawed directly, without vomiting even the shell. In the sound of "click", the few large lobsters did not even have any residue left.

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