Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 283: the truth

6 Chuan appeared in his bedroom, his face pale.

"It's still too careless."

The long and stable life made Liu Chuan relax his vigilance and forget that there is the end of the world. Everyone who can live to this day is not simple. Everyone is a ruthless character.

I overlooked one point. This is my question, which exposed the fact that I don't belong to the stronghold.

It is said that the stronghold has undergone a huge change. Everyone in the stronghold knows it, but the questions that they ask themselves seem to know nothing, and they are more like inquirers.

Based on this, you can infer that you are not a stronghold.

Since the person is not a stronghold, it is normal that the other party wants to claim credit.

Fortunately, the other party has no weapons, just a sickly and useless person. Otherwise, 6 Chuan would not be able to say what will happen to him. He still underestimates the survivor of the end times.

With the transformation of time and space, 6 Chuan is just a surprise, but it also reminds 6 Chuan.

In the last days, there is no such thing as kindness and benevolence. Even the law and morality are trampled by survival. What can't be done? Before death, everyone will be cold-blooded and crazy.

The weak have long been eliminated in the last few years.

A bit frightened, Liu Chuan walked to the wine cabinet set up in the bedroom and poured himself a glass of bottled cocktail. This kind of cocktail with a low degree of strength and a touch of fruity taste is still within the acceptable range of 6 Chuan.

To calm down his frightened heart, 6 Chuan is not in a hurry to return to the end times.

God knows that the other party can't find him, will he search in the room, or stay for a while?

Take out the phone, 6 Chuan habitually opened it> There are a lot of information on WeChat, and most of them are chat records with 999+ active groups. It opened at 6 o'clock, and after a few glances, some braggers were talking, and they didn't pay much attention.

When seeing Shi Ruoyu, Liu Chuan smiled.

Immediately, Liu Chuan flicked his finger and opened Shi Ruoyu's information page with a message: "What are you doing, are you free tonight? Is there any special snack bar to recommend?"

It’s time for class now, but Shi Ruoyu’s reply is very quick: "I have a live broadcast tonight, you can spend it all."

"Ok, I will wee you tonight." 6 Chuan replied.

Shi Ruoyu replied with a smiling face: "In class."

6 Chuan did not disturb, but went out of the bedroom and breathed fresh air in the villa. The villa is independent, surrounded by a courtyard in the center, which is full of scenic trees.

At the back, there is a huge swimming pool, followed by a large lawn.

After crossing the lawn, there is a wrought iron fence, and down there are large coconut groves and beaches.

"In another month, you can see bikinis full of beaches."

6 Chuan Dan smiled, this villa is definitely worth the money, at least it can make your stay very comfortable.


With a low roar, in the sun, it was a giant wolf the size of a bull. It was white all over, but it stood behind Liu Chuan. It is the one that the Hellhound transformed into its original shape after it was brought to modern times.

It was named Xiaobai by 6 Chuan, its physique, it was destined that 6 Chuan could not take it outside.

In the last days, Xiao Bai is a disgusting Hellhound form, but in modern times, its appearance is enough to rob all pets. 6 Chuan promised to take this product outside, not knowing how many girls and young women could be charmed.

"Mingzhu secretly cast!" Liu Chuan laughed dumbly.

Looking at the time, it was almost an hour. The other party could not find anyone, and it was impossible to stay in an empty house. In the last days, there is nothing fuss about the death of one or two people, even the other party just took the body away to finish.

In the villa.

Yang Biao, Wu Wei, and Zhang Li still guard the door of the room. Like robots, they guard the room where Liuchuan is located day and night.



When 6 Chuan appeared, he was still in the bathroom.

After confirming that there was no sound in his ears, 6 Chuan left here quickly. As 6 Chuan speculated, the death of a person is not a problem here, and it will be dealt with soon.

It was close to noon, but it was still extremely difficult to meet people on the street.

With the lessons learned from the last time, 6 Chuan will no longer foolishly ask someone to ask.

The six rivers that have stayed in the stronghold are still familiar with the road, and soon found a community. It is impossible for the security in the stronghold to be equipped with security, so these communities enter and exit at will.

When it comes to this, the next step is simple.

Find the apartment where there are still people, violently destroy it, and then Liu Chuan swaggered into it.

"What are you doing?"

In the room, a bald-headed middle-aged man, his face turned pale when he saw Liu Chuan who broke in. In these last days, there are too many thugs, and people will be killed every day.

A world that has lost order is dead, and it will only be thrown into the trash can like a torn sack.

6 Chuan grinned, walked in front of the opponent, kicked the opponent fiercely, kicked the opponent off the ground, and hit the sand not far away.

This kick 6 Chuan controls the strength, but it is enough to kick the opponent to the feeling of vomiting blood.


The bald middle-aged man was struggling to stand up, but the cramps in his stomach made him twitch every time he moved. In his eyes, this bald middle-aged man was horrified, and those who could kick himself into the air could only be these alienated new humans.

6 Chuan walked to the coffee table and sat directly on the coffee table.

"Ask you, just ask, dare to speak, and now I will kill you." Liu Chuan said quietly, with Liu Chuan's identity and experience, the murderousness in this sentence makes people won't doubt Liu Chuan. Said.

The bald middle-aged man endured the pain and nodded, giving up the struggle. In front of this kind of alienation, he was just an ordinary person, and he didn't even have a chance to resist.

Chu Chuan reached out into his pocket, but took out a dagger and played it in his hand.

Seeing this dagger, the bald middle-aged man swallowed his saliva with a look of horror on his face.

"What's the matter with the emperor outside?" 6 Chuan let himself sit comfortably, and this was the beginning of the question. Now is the official way to open it, it's straightforward, not like it was almost overcast before.

The bald middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, with suspicion in his eyes, but when he saw the dagger in Liu Chuan's hand, he immediately said: "Now the stronghold is the monarchy. The, Gu Yang became the emperor."


6 Chuan almost stared out, wondering if his ears had misheard.

Monarchy, emperor.

What the **** is this? That abnormal feudal thought came up with this?

Subconsciously, 6 Chuan reacted, the forces in the stronghold must have undergone drastic changes, otherwise it would be impossible for anyone to stand up and become the emperor. Isn't this nonsense?

Gu Yang?

For the first time in Sichuan, the personal information came to mind.

One of the five big bosses in the base, and the lowest-key big boss, ranked third in strength. High is not good, low is not good. It is said that he is an old man, and he is the most hopeless one. He has always been soy sauce.

But what I have heard now is that Gu Yang has become a worthy master in the stronghold?

6 Chuan changed his mind and said sharply: "Say, tell me all this. If half of the word is false, I will poke a hole in your stomach."

"I said, I said..." The bald middle-aged man now doesn't care why Liu Chuan doesn't know the news, but just like vomiting beans, he tells everything about this time one by one.

Following the story, the social form and power structure of the base are presented in front of Liuchuan little by little.

"Nest grass."

Hearing the changes in this period of time in the future, Liuchuan felt unreal.

It is hard to imagine that such a dramatic thing can happen to the base after I leave. A low-key and inconspicuous person, but rose up, cleaned up the other bigwigs, and twisted the stronghold into one.

This is not over yet. This monster-like Gu Yang also directly claimed the emperor, turning the survivors of the entire stronghold into subjects, and everyone needs to obey his orders.

The **** wind that was set off, under the suppression was a lot of bones, and tens of thousands of people were slaughtered and piled up to form his throne.

The **** suppression has cast him to order Dashuo, who dare not fail.

With an order, the stronghold has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes. For example, all aliens have been organized into a force, a large number of armed forces, and every survivor will be mobilized, whether it is to form a new one. The factory is still building a palace, and there are almost no idlers.

The unity that the survivors in the stronghold had been thinking about was a reality in the hands of this lunatic.

"You mean, he shouted the slogan that the city is a human city?" Liu Chuan raised his brows. He didn't care what the other party was doing in this stronghold, but he wanted to condemn the city, but Liu Chuan would never allow it.

The city is the base camp of Liuchuan, more like a shell of itself and a biochemical factory.

Gu Yang wanted to smash this shell, which Liu Chuan could not tolerate.

Now 6 Chuan also understands, why they saw this thousands of Alienizer troops, they act like this, they are not afraid of zombies, they are simply strangling zombies.

According to their tactics, as long as they are given time, one year's time can definitely wipe away the zombies in the city slowly. This kind of tactics of hitting and running, the zombies scattered and returned, and the thinking nature of the zombies will make them go to extinction.

If the city is a shell, the zombie is the egg white in this shell, protecting the yolk.

Taking a step back, the source of the fragments is the zombies. They killed the zombies. They wanted the fragments and wanted to unlock the products of the biochemical factory. What should they do?

Invisibly, Liu Chuan and this Gu Yang stand in opposition.

"Yes...Yes." The bald middle-aged man trembled, and the current 6 Chuan is really There is a distortion on his face, and his eyes have a biting light.

6 Chuan calmed down, but with a hand knife, he knocked the opponent out.

To draw a conclusion by relying solely on one person's words, I was a bit hasty. In my heart, Liuchuan believed 70%. What I saw all proved the credibility of what the other party said.

Leaving here, 6 Chuan is in another community, using the same method, the answer to the question is still the same.

At this time, the strongholds were centralized. Every one seemed to be free, but became a slave. Six Chuan didn't dare to wander around here. When encountered, he must be arrested and thrown in the coolie camp to build a palace for the other party.

Finding a hiding place, staying until dark, 6 Chuan left the stronghold in the same way.


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