Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 321: Hornet's nest

   On the day of Children’s Day, Lu Chuan’s private account showed a sum of US$130 million.

   After receiving the information, Lu Chuan knew who sent it.

   This account is only for helmet mercenaries, which means that Xia Min sent it over. Lu Chuan counted the time, and in just half a month, Xia Min had made such a huge sum of money in Syria, which was shocking.

   "This Xia Min, he robbed the bank, right?"

   is just bank robbery. Nowadays when smart phones are popular, it is really not easy. Even if you wash the bank, there will not be too much cash in the vault. There are several million, which is already the sky.

   Checked the time, no matter which time Xia Min was, Lu Chuan directly got through Xia Min's satellite phone.

   Xia Min is a zombie. It doesn't matter if it rests or not, as long as it is not in combat, in theory, it can be found anytime.

   Being able to send money out means that the battle must be over and the money has been received.

   "Boss!" Xia Min's voice is still respectful as always, this is a standard tone and attitude of zombies.

   "Achievements during this time?" Lu Chuan asked, thinking about it, it is also terrifying, 130 million US dollars, only half a month, this kind of speed of making money is really amazing.

  Lu Chuan was short of money, so Xia Min brought a helmeted mercenary to Syria, but he did not expect that happiness would come so quickly.

   Calculate carefully, the money that the helmet mercenary made for himself is close to the level of 300 million US dollars. How much does it take to manufacture the entire helmet mercenary?

   "I destroyed a base of the Free Syrian Army in the rebels supported by Yankees." Xia Min's voice was flat, but the inside was not flat at all.

   This is a base, not a camp or anything.

   Lu Chuan has a strong feeling to cover his forehead, my sister, who does not know that the Syrian anti-government armed forces are supported by the Western group. The biggest benefactor is the United States.

   To put it bluntly, this is a contest between a country headed by the United States and a country headed by Russia. It's just that the location is placed on Syria. Who let its status, and all day long thinking about the beautiful little brother Israel?

   There are superpowers participating in it. Who dares to make money for mercenaries and die?

  Today you set off an aircraft carrier, and tomorrow I set off a fighter plane...This kind of battle is really not something mercenaries can play. More importantly, the various aspects involved in this are too complicated.

   One by one extremist organizations, one terrorist organization, and each heinously powerful country has a leg.

   In this environment, Xia Min has worked as a base for anti-government forces.

   What is the difference between this and stabbed Ma Tianwo?

   Lu Chuan is just an ordinary person, or an ordinary person who has only obtained a biochemical factory for one year. In his consciousness, this is definitely a fight between the gods, and he just wants to make some money.

   "Rely on..."

   Lu Chuan is speechless, he just feels his cold sweat has come down.

  Sister, after stabbing a hornet's nest, with the strength of these superpowers, is it not easy to find out your panties?

   "Tell me, what's going on." Lu Chuan shivered.

   Xia Min's answer is very concise: "There is a lot of money."


   This reason is indeed powerful. If you are short of money, let Xia Min make money for yourself. Of course, you have to take more money. Besides, mercenaries have no principles. Whoever pays more will help whoever pays.

   After coming out of Russia, the Syrian government changed the situation. From the initial stage, only 20% of the control area has reached more than half of the current control area. It is all because of the strength of Russia.

   In private, Russia spent a lot of money out.

   There are some things that Russia can't do, so it offers a bounty. For example, for this vote, the Syrian government has offered a sky-high price of 130 million yuan to capture the most important base of the rebels.

   There are no mercenaries here to eat and eat. Naturally, no one dares to take on this kind of task, especially to offend the American Western group. Not to mention 130 million, or 1.3 billion.

   Another one, this is a base, who can figure it out?

  The firepower of the mercenaries, I am afraid that the tanks and missiles in the base will let you know that the flesh and blood are in front of the hot weapons, and there is no scum.

   There are thousands of people in a base, so what mercenary dare to gnaw off this bone?

   The remuneration offered by the Syrian government is more of a deterrent method to make the anti-government armed forces jealous.


   After Xia Min led the team to Syria, when he saw this list, he took it and completed it.

   Lu Chuan looked at the series of numbers on his mobile phone, and exchanged them for RMB 800 million, which was enough to solve his current financial pressure. Adding up the income from gold and antiques, Lu Chuan's funds will exceed about 1.1 billion.

   I gritted my teeth, and now I don’t do it. It’s not something that can be solved by fear.

   "Loss." Lu Chuan calmed himself down. It was impossible for a base like this to be destroyed without any damage.

Xia Min seemed to be okay, and said: "The loss is not big. After taking over the task, I immediately took them to the base to be destroyed, and then hollowed out the stomachs of the team members, filled them with bombs, and disguised them as The mercenaries who have to take on the task, the mercenaries who have no weapons enter the base.


   Lu Chuan was silent again, do you want to be so fierce? It turned out that the zombies emptied their stomachs and then loaded bombs. This idea is really crazy, and it is not something human can do.

   Only zombies can play this way, right?

  Without weapons, it means that there is no threat. Mercenaries come to take over the task. This is welcome by the rebels. It is normal to enter the base smoothly.

   Next, don't even think about it, you can know what kind of consequences will be caused by the zombies who are in trouble in the dark.

   This picture is definitely too beautiful, one by one took out the bombs from their stomachs and threw them. This way of fighting, the dead people must have never thought of it.

   After killing some soldiers, the zombies who have weapons, their combat effectiveness makes people feel desperate. In addition, Xia Min launched an attack near the arsenal. After detonating the arsenal, he exploded the underground oil depot, directly turning the entire base into a sea of ​​flames.

  The loss is actually some zombies that haven't had time to escape. They are trapped in the sea of ​​flames and will undoubtedly die.

   Lu Chuan's expression twisted, letting himself take a breath.

   This Xia Min is really bold.

   "Are there any leaks?" Lu Chuan asked. This was what he worried about the most. He took the bomb out of his stomach, and as long as it spread out, how would the outside world react?

   "This time it was completely destroyed." Xia Minyi

Still answering calmly, the identity of a zombie, you will never see nervousness on its body.

   Lu Chuan has not paid much attention to the news, so naturally he will not know the international news during this period of time.

   In fact, this ticket for the helmet mercenary is definitely described as earth-shattering, causing countless people's jaws to fall. It can be said that since the appearance of the helmet mercenary, it is like a legend and has been creating all kinds of incredible achievements.

   This time I lost a base almost equal to the US military level, making helmet mercenaries one of the best in the mercenary world in one fell swoop. They are so sturdy, who wouldn’t take it seriously?

   The American side was dumbfounded, while the Russian side was cheering.

   130 million U.S. dollars, the reason why he fought so easily is because the performance of the helmeted mercenaries is so powerful.

   By this blow, the anti-government armed forces were suddenly weakened by more than 30% of their combat effectiveness.

   Needless to say, I also know how much hatred of helmet mercenaries has reached in a series of countries led by the United States. They are definitely on the blacklist, and they will even be included in terrorist organizations.

   Lu Chuan is already unable to complain. This hornet's nest is refreshing, but I don't know if he will be full of bags next time.

   calmed himself down, Lu Chuan's brain started to move.

   The United States and Russia have always been opposed to the dry existence. One party hates it, and one party welcomes it. The result is not as bad as expected. Keeping balance, helmet mercenaries will not receive retaliatory blows. As long as they don’t give the US a chance to strike, they will ensure nothing.

   Besides, now that things have been done and the money has been taken, how can there be any reason to withdraw the money and nothing to do?

   disrupted Midea’s plan, how can this be smoothed out by 130 million dollars?

  Since there is no retreat, Lu Chuan is considered a ruthless man. He narrowed his eyes and said, "One is to fight, and the other is to beat. Let's see what other tasks are, and then we will withdraw."

  The mercenaries are just part of Lu Chuan’s creation to earn some extra money. Now that the Baichuan Guihai Company has been launched, the lack of money will soon pass, and the helmet mercenaries will lose their meaning.

  Offend to After earning enough, if things cannot be violated, let this mercenary disappear.

  As long as you want, you can form another one at any time, and you can also use the helmet mercenary to act. This unpredictable existence makes even the United States crazy.

   "Yes, boss." Xia Min replied in a calm tone. Without this instruction at all, it would mean how many people died.

   There are a lot of tasks issued by the Syrian government, especially in the early days, seeing that they are about to die, and the rewards are not low, and many tasks have not been cancelled.

   These will all be prey in Xia Min's eyes.

   With the boss's instructions, Xia Min can kill you regardless of the flood, except for the boss, everyone in his eyes is a target to kill. As for upsetting Syria? Now Syria has been turned upside down.

   "Talk to the Syrian government about how much they are willing to pay if it can help it reverse the situation."

   Lu Chuan hung up the phone, with a fierceness in his eyes.

   After spending a year in the apocalypse, Lu Chuan is no longer the same Lu Chuan he used to be. This kind of killing is still decisive. Now that he has done it, just do it absolutely.

   Anyway, I only need one idea of ​​my own, and the zombies in the helmet mercenaries will disappear into this world silently, and no one can find anything about them.

   Regardless of the result, let's do it first.

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