Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 323: Corpse tide

June 10. ()

Just vacated the Flying Pig Game Company, and Lu Chuan appeared non-stop in an industrial park 15 kilometers away from Bei'an New District early this morning.

"It should be here."

Shilong brought Luchuan and appeared on the roof of a 17-story office building.

Using the AR map, Lu Chuan locked the target.

This time it came, in order to move away the virtual equipment manufacturing machine tools and understand the technology. In fact, there are several aspects that restrict virtual technology. It is more like a huge subject, and all aspects involved are far less simple than on the surface.

It is no exaggeration to say that, like AR technology, virtual technology is also a technology integration technology.

Lu Chuan couldn't tell the truth about it. After all, he didn't specialize in this one. What he needs to do is very simple. It is to empty all the zombies here, and the entire industrial park belongs to him.

The following machine tools and equipment are not meant to be disassembled.

Moving is simple, with storage space available, and moving multiple objects is a problem.

But to dismantle, this requires technology.

Lu Chuan's plan is to empty this place, and then place skilled survivors here, start several factories, and make virtual helmets, virtual glasses, and even virtual game warehouses for himself.

Compared with the demolition, this plan is not known how much better, and it is also the most worry-free and effortless.

Lu Chuan did not act immediately, but stayed in a tall building.

In Lu Chuan's mind, a large amount of information was obtained in a single thought, and this information represented that a large number of zombies were advancing here.

Tyrant, swift, violent, licker, hell.

They were assigned here by Lu Chuan, and they came here all the way through the main road.

Cleaning up this large industrial park, with more than tens of thousands of zombies here, could not be done by Lu Chuan alone. And pulling the zombies under his hand, the total number of zombies at the second and third levels exceeds two thousand.

With these two thousand zombies, spending some time is enough to sweep this place.

"One more hour."

Lu Chuan smiled lightly. It is a little far from Zhongzhou City. It belongs to an industrial park. Around Zhongzhou City, there are buildings connected all the way, but there are not many zombies along the way.

"Next, let me see if there is any danger here." Lu Chuan stretched out and stood on the tallest building in the industrial park, looking at it.

There are huge factories everywhere, some of them are tens of thousands of square meters. Who knows what is hidden below?

If you don't confirm, let so many zombies come here hastily, if there is any powerful existence, how much do you need to lose? After mobilizing more than 700 million funds, Lu Chuan's remaining money is running out.

Zombies can be supplemented, but can you also have money?

The old way.

Lu Chuan took out the firecrackers, lit them, and threw them out.

The firecrackers ignited in the air, made a crackling sound, fell to the bottom, did not go out, and were still burning.


There were originally many zombies, they were wandering here, the firecrackers that fell from the sky made them startled for a moment, and then showed a crazy scene, and they rushed towards the noise.

A few of them were already pressing up, and they ignored the firecrackers burning and exploding on his body.

Lu Chuan didn't stop, he took out another firecracker, lit it and threw it down.

In this industrial park, the sound of burning firecrackers reverberated in the factory room and spread far and wide. As long as you are in this industrial park, you will definitely hear more or less noises.

Tens of thousands of zombies, they finally rioted.

The zombies came from the factory, from the dormitory, from the alleys of the street...They rushed out one after another. Under the influence of the sound, it was too simple to alarm them.

Sound can be said to be one of the most effective ways to broadcast live.

Just a few firecrackers are obviously unlikely to last.

Lu Chuan turned between his hands, but he took out a huge firecracker, which was bigger than a human arm. After unraveling, it is directly lit, and then sticks out with the burning, constantly ringing in the tall buildings.

Burning here is the sound everywhere.

"A bit of a mistake."

Looking at the burning firecrackers, Lu Chuan really wanted to give himself a head. Firecrackers are good, but using this method is really bad. With modern support, it can be replaced by audio.

Square dancing in modern times has independent speakers. I don’t know how much people play.

For example, now, if you use a speaker on this high place and put it to its maximum, you will come to a magical comedy. This effect is definitely leveraging, much better than using firecrackers.

"You can do this next time."

Lu Chuan grinned, but his hands were not slow.

The effect of this kind of sound is that the zombies in the entire industrial park rush to the place where Luchuan is located, and the number is increasing. Some zombies rushed in through the gate, and some used the method of stacking arhats. They were piled up to two or three stories high and came in through the windows.

All the zombies rushed to this building, rushing up towards the top floor.

Lu Chuan had thought of this a long time ago. The stairs had long been locked and sealed. They had to break through. Under the stairs, there were not many zombies, and they might not be able to break through.

Lu Chuan's eyes flicked around.

There are a few tyrants among the corpses, their tall figures stand out from the crowd, and it is difficult for people to not pay attention to them.

Similarly, some swifts, they stepped on the dense corpses and ran forward. Occasionally, I lost my way, but plunged into the group of zombies and was instantly submerged.

In the workshops, there were a large number of lickers, they ran across from above, tore the workshops, and rushed towards the building where Lu Chuan was.

The fastest licker is already using his sharp claws, climbing on the wall, and rushing up quickly.

Lu Chuan did not pay attention to it, but glanced over, and soon found a few Tyrant T-002, their threatening power is not weak. But Lu Chuan didn't really take it to heart. After all, dealing with them is really not difficult.

In the sky.

Dozens of black spots appeared, formed a group, and flew toward the location of Luchuan.

Lu Chuan took out the binoculars and quickly confirmed the identity of the other party. It turned out to be dozens of corpse dragons. The corpse dragon belongs to the fifth level, and dozens of them appear, which is really terrifying, because the quality overwhelms the quantity.

Basically, the main products are the strongest zombies in this industrial park.

"Still within a manageable range."

Lu Chuan muttered to himself, and then threw the firecrackers that hadn't burnt in his hands, letting it fall freely into the group of zombies below, and continued to crackle.

Casually, he took out a grenade.

It is not difficult to buy grenades in South Africa. When he was in Sudan, Lu Chuan collected a lot of them and it was useless. It is not suitable for zombies to use, and it is far more direct than explosives.

Lu Chuan, who has tried to throw more than a dozen of them, skillfully opened the insurance and then pulled it, aimed at the licker who was about to climb up, let go of his hand, and let the grenade fall towards it.

Only three or five meters away, when the grenade fell, the licker saw something coming, and instinctively rolled his tongue with his mouth, but it bit his mouth directly, trying to use its sharp teeth. Crushed.


Lu Chuan smiled, then retracted his head.


A ball of flames rose, countless pieces of glass shattered, and pieces of cement splashed.

After the explosion, Lu Chuan stuck his head out, but he saw that the head of the licker disappeared, and the neck was bloody, with puffs of liquid coming out, and its paws could not be maintained. Falling down below, submerged in the corpse group.

There are hundreds of thousands of zombie riots, this scene is rare in Lu Chuan.

Standing here, the streets of the industrial park that I saw were all crowded with zombies. They were next to each other, all black and white. Wherever the eyes see, they are all their shadows.

They rushed to the street like a flood, constantly squeezing forward, so that the zombies in front had to be piled up like arhats. Surrounded the building in all directions, and then flooded the building bit by bit.

It's hard to imagine what you can see. The zombie moved, stepped on the zombie under its feet and allowed itself to climb up, but soon it was pulled down by other zombies and then stepped on.

One by one zombies did this, and the people with intensive phobia would definitely pass out.

On the street, tyrants stand out among them.

"If there is a sniper rifle."

Lu Chuan secretly said that it was a pity that his marksmanship was not very good. The distance now is too far, and he may not be able to hit them in the head. Otherwise, you can use a heavy sniper rifle to kill these tyrants. They are crowded in a group of zombies and don't move fast.


At the top of the stairs, there was finally a crashing sound, and the zombies rushing up below finally arrived here.

The blocked iron gates, although these are swift, but it is not easy to break through.

The first to arrive here is naturally the fastest fast.

Lu Chuan raised his brows. Although the zombies here could not threaten him, the corpse dragon in the sky could. Moreover, it is not difficult for the lickers to get here, and they have to avoid their sharp edges for the time being.


When he turned over, Lu Chuan tapped the corpse dragon, but in his mind, the corpse dragon took a few steps to run up, rushed out of the tall building, flew forward, slapped the flesh wings fiercely, but made the body pull up. Passing over the street.

After a few slaps, at its speed, it was already at the edge of the industrial park.

The zombies here are very sporadic, but they are moving in the direction of the sound, and they have no response to the appearance of the corpse dragon.

Together with Lu Chuan's, the corpse dragon plunged into a factory building with a wide door below. As soon as the fleshy wings were retracted, the sharp claws tore the ground and abruptly released the impact. Stabilized the figure.

Hidden here, the corpse dragon need not be said, Lu Chuan has a zombie suit, in the eyes of the zombie, he is his own person, and will not attack.

If the big factory building, except for dozens of zombies are trapped, they can't get out, they are just hitting, and all the other zombies have left, presumably the reason is affected by the sound.

"Half an hour."

Lu Chuan calculated the time, and in half an hour, his army of zombies would arrive here.

It has been confirmed that there are no high-level zombies, and it is enough for the zombies under them to do it boldly, give them a few instructions, and they will carry out them. After a period of time, there will be no more zombies here.

The premise is that you first lead out the alienated zombies, and solve them.

Lu Chuan was not in a hurry. Let the zombies here mess around first. After half an hour, they would return to the state of headless flies, and they would soon disperse.

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