Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 341: Tomahawk cruise missile

Xia Min shouldn't think that it is a zombie disguised as a person, it must be stupid. &1t;/

The tactical quality of his life is still there, and 6 Chuan has strengthened it, making it infinitely close to human level. It still follows some tactics, such as releasing drones around the convoy. &1t;/

The flying drone can scan a range of five kilometers centered on the convoy to ensure that it will not be touched by the enemy. &1t;/

Whether it is jamming the drone or shooting down the drone, it will attract vigilance. &1t;/

With this one, don't worry about being attacked. &1t;/

Although it is daytime, it is hard to guarantee that you will be attacked. Special operations are actually fighting a surprise, or fighting in a way you can't think of. &1t;/

Everyone thinks that daytime is impossible. What if they are thinking backwards? &1t;/


"Fak." &1t;/

A sturdy soldier in a gray camouflage uniform cursed. He raised his binoculars and stared at the fast-moving convoy. They just arrived here and wanted to hit them off guard, but the other party's transfer was so fast that they couldn't make a fuss on the highway. &1t;/

Through the telescope, you can see the drone in the sky flying above the convoy. &1t;/

He will be violent, and it is precisely because this drone disrupted his plan that the other party is not arrogant and knows to use this method to prevent being attacked. &1t;/

After closing the telescope, the soldier turned and shook his head. &1t;/

Behind the sand pile, forty-seven special soldiers were scattered on their faces. They exuded a sturdy aura and well-equipped. Everyone was almost fully armed with all top weapons. &1t;/

This special force was born in a green beret and is the No. 1 group in charge of Europe and the Mediterranean. &1t;/

Each group has twelve people, and now four combat teams are dispatched in one go, which shows that the US attaches great importance to helmet mercenaries. &1t;/

"Haha, this helmeted mercenary really deserves its reputation." The group leader of Group 1 said. &1t;/

"If you don't have a little level, how can you be famous around the world?" The leader of the 2 group sneered. &1t;/

"I just don’t know if the four combat teams sent above would be too fussy." The leader of the 3 team is a black man. He has indomitability in his eyes. He will not despise any opponent, but neither Will be afraid of any opponent. &1t;/

The leader of the 4th group is a white man. He is about 40 years old. He has an eagle-like nose and two sharp eyes. He pressed the switch of the communicator and said, "Don’t take it lightly. It was typed out."&1t;/

This time the operation is based on the 4 team leaders. &1t;/

"It looks like they have received the news that we are coming." said the deputy leader of group 4. &1t;/

"No wonder, that polar bear is still somewhat capable. But it doesn't matter, they know it doesn't matter, almost everyone knows that we are coming. Helmet mercenaries? Let them cast ours. Medal."&1t;/

The leader of Group 4 became arrogant. &1t;/

In the past three decades, the U.S. military has been galloping almost vertically and horizontally no matter on any battlefield, and has not yet encountered an opponent. &1t;/

Since the Gulf War, all opponents have fallen. Among them, they have been sent out more than ten times, and they have hardly encountered decent opponents, which also made them become arrogant. &1t;/

"Harley, can you control the other party's drone?"&1t;/

The leader of Group 4 is arrogant, but his tactical skills are not bad at all. Like controlling the other party's drone, it can transmit false signals, making the drone seem blind. &1t;/

This soldier of Halley, carrying a huge radio device on his back, is fiddling with it. &1t;/

Hearing the officer’s question, he shook his head and said, “No, this drone is a military drone, not produced by polar bears, but from China. You know, China’s drones do have a set. I need to spend more time to crack it."&1t;/

He shrugged his shoulders and said: "Obviously there can be too much time."&1t;/

The drone follows the convoy and can keep driving at 80 kilometers per hour. He can only invade by radio. If it is too long, it will be interrupted. &1t;/

Knowing this result means that this attack is impossible to execute. &1t;/

"Contact the base, lock them, and we will act at night." The leader of the 4th group finally made a conclusion. &1t;/

With advanced technology, special warfare becomes even more secret. &1t;/

Like a satellite in the sky, you can stare at this convoy, know where they are, and monitor it almost all the way. More importantly, when necessary, they can call for support, first using cruise missiles to plow again. &1t;/

Not only that, the drones in the base are on demand at any time. As long as they give a support signal, the drones will take off, and they can arrive here in ten minutes. &1t;/

After making a few gestures, this unit composed of four combat teams quietly withdrew. &1t;/


Five kilometers away, let Xia Min know nothing. &1t;/

Going all the way, after approaching dark, I finally arrived at the destination, a mountain near the border. Here, as long as you cross the mountains, you can leave Syria. &1t;/

In places like these, many civilians will escape through here. &1t;/

Over the years, these places are actually not as tight as before, and many places can be surpassed. &1t;/

After arriving at the destination, the next step is to build a camp based on the convoy. &1t;/

This camp naturally has many firepower points. &1t;/

"Boss, the person has been contacted, you can leave at any time." Xia Min stood in front of Liu Chuan, but he was in the tent. With the tent, Liu Chuan would not appear too prominent. &1t;/

Now that the United States has sent special forces, everything needs to be careful. &1t;/

6 Chuan shook his head and said: "I want to wait for the other party to act." &1t;/

"But boss, you are too dangerous to do this." Xia Min said, his tone was cold, but the meaning was caring. &1t;/

6 Chuan smiled and said: "As long as I don't want to die, they can't kill me."&1t;/

This is no joke. With 6 Chuan's current ability, it is already at a non-human level. With time and space travel, a single idea can disappear, no matter how complicated and dangerous the situation is, 6 Chuan can calmly deal with it. &1t;/

What's more, the strength of 6 Chuan is far beyond the other side, and it is definitely a terrifying existence. &1t;/

"Yes, the boss." Xia Min didn't persuade him anymore. The boss decided something that he could not persuade, and it took obedience as the first criterion and would not oppose the final decision of Liuchuan. &1t;/


No one will know the horror of helmet mercenaries. &1t;/

In the entire camp, only 6 rivers have life. Once someone approaches a certain distance, the zombies will know immediately. In this case, it is impossible to be touched by the other party without knowing it. &1t;/

Special forces? &1t;/

6 Chuan is looking forward to it, wanting to see how awesome the green beret is one of the four famous US special forces, and whether it is invincible in the world like the rumors. &1t;/

Now I don’t know more information, but 6 Chuan knows that once he knocks out this combat unit, I am afraid that the United States will be the real pain, because every special soldier is extremely precious. &1t;/

When it got dark, the camp was plunged into darkness without a trace of light. &1t;/


On a mountain ridge, soldiers in green berets arrived. They did not attack immediately, but took a rest while inspecting their weapons and equipment. &1t;/

The main reason for attacking so quickly is the suddenness. &1t;/

Who could have thought that they had only entered Syria and attacked immediately? When the other party receives the news, I am afraid that some of them have not arrived in Syria yet? &1t;/

Another reason is that when they entered Syria, they have violated some agreements and must be decisive. &1t;/

"Head, you need at least three battle axes to get rid of them."&1t;/

After calculation, a soldier said. &1t;/

"Three? That's almost four million dollars. I don't know if the **** above will be willing." The leader of the 4th group said, he hesitated. &1t;/

If they did not call the tomahawk to strike, they would need to rush into the camp themselves, and the danger would be even greater. But calling the Tomahawk would make them too incompetent. &1t;/


In the rules of warfare, all they need is to eliminate the purpose, and the method is not limited. &1t;/

Can be solved with a battle axe, they will not rush in foolishly. There are no hostages to rescue, and there is no need to face them face to face. In special warfare, in fact, their precise positioning and the use of missiles to solve opponents are also one of them. &1t;/

"Well, locate the rear and call the tomahawk strike."&1t;/

After weighing it up, the leader of the 4th group finally chose this method most commonly used by the US military. &1t;/


The soldier immediately called for the 6-fire Tomahawk missile launch vehicle deployed in Europe. Due to the agreement with Russia, it had already withdrawn, leaving only two types: ship-launched and submarine-launched. Now, in the waters of Tribar, there is a US warship parked, and it is this warship that is calling for an attack. &1t;/

After positioning, on this warship, under the operation of the operator, the whole picture of the camp was quickly drawn. After calculating the three best strike points, through calculations, it was confirmed that three tomahawks would be enough. The camp can be destroyed, and there will hardly be alive. &1t;/

Modern warfare is no longer the real sword and gun of the past, but the long-range strike. &1t;/

"Sir, the information has been confirmed." &1t;/

"Tomahawk preparation." &1t;/

"The battle axe is ready." &1t;/

"Shoot." &1t;/

Following this series of orders, three Tomahawk cruise missiles rose into the air in the warship’s shooting well and disappeared into the sky. After a short period of ejection, adjustments were made continuously, and under the command of the satellite, it was flying almost against the sea. &1t;/

In just a few minutes, it was lifted into the air again, using high altitude to enter 6th place, bypassing the city below. &1t;/

After confirming that the missile had been fired, the soldier sighed and said, "OK, we can just watch the show. I hope they have some tough guys who can warm us up."&1t;/

On the radio, everyone laughed relaxedly. &1t;/

Thousands of miles away, take the enemy level. &1t;/

The power of three Tomahawk cruise missiles is enough to razor this small camp to the ground, killing at least 70% of the people. Of the remaining 30%, only 10% have combat effectiveness, and 20% are immortal and delaminated. &1t;/

This kind of special warfare tactics has always been their favorite. &1t;/

In war, there is no saying that men are not men, everything is based on destroying the enemy, no matter what method is used. The myth that the US military is invincible in war is actually sufficiently advanced weapons. &1t;/

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