Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 353: Routine

Falling night.

The congratulatory letter stood in front of the huge French window, with a grimace on his face.

The current situation is a little different from what he expected. According to what he had originally thought, as long as he comes by himself, and then pulls a few good buddies to be courageous, he can make the other party obediently.

As a result, now that he reported his family, the other party did not eat this set at all. The embarrassment at the time made all the younger brothers below look suspicious, making the congratulatory letter crazy.

The sign of the old man was very good at first, but this time, it didn't work well.

People in Handong City and the province asked them to do things. After knowing that it was the Baichuan Guihai Company, all of them were vague or unwilling to contribute. Like the biggest ones in Shutou, the congratulatory letter admitted that they hadn't been able to greet them yet, and when it was bigger, they weren't much worse than their father, and there was no need to sell their own face.

There is no way to go above, but now I can only go below.

"Did Deputy Director Zhang Chenguang know the existence of Lu Chuan?" The congratulatory letter frowned, turned around, and asked aloud. The press conference will be held the day after tomorrow, and I don't want to do anything. It is really difficult for Lu Chuan to stand at the front desk and get the shares.

Gao Tianqiang said, "Lu Chuan is very mysterious. So far, very few people know that he is a shareholder of Baichuan Guihai Company, that is, a few of Shu. The shareholders except Lu Chuan are all Overseas investment company. This kind of trick is to deceive outsiders, but it makes the company difficult to be investigated. In fact, this company is owned by Lu Chuan."

With Gao Tianqiang's background, it is not difficult to find these things. After all, this company was created by Lu Chuan from beginning to end, but he hardly appeared in the company.

"Very good!" The congratulatory letter smiled.

No official dared to move the Baichuan Guihai Company in Handong City.

But in the context of not knowing Lu Chuan, as long as something came up and let the Lu Belt Bureau stay for a few days, things were simple. To an uninitiated upper person, without knowing it, the people below will definitely want to curry favor with themselves, and they will have no shame in moving their hands.

What the congratulatory letter wants is this kind of ignorance.

The two people who followed the congratulatory letter showed a faint smile. They have long been used to things like this. With this kind of routine, I don't know how many people with backgrounds have been pitted to make people stink.

Now using this Lu Chuan, the effect will definitely be leveraged.

This time, they are here to make a fortune, using some means, in the face of such a huge wealth, it is nothing. These methods can't be put on the stage. It's really an accident. With their background, there is no shit. The best thing is to let the family train a few words.

"Call Deputy Director Zhao and ask me to ask him to have supper."

Congratulations coldly snorted, a deputy director, in his own capacity, he used his tail to come with the fastest speed. If this kind of opportunity is not for him to do something, how can it be possible?

Gao Tianqiang was excited, and said, "Yes, Shao He."

This is the rhythm of Lu Chuan. I really don’t know. Baichuan Guihai Company vaguely pointed out that the chairman of the press conference will appear. If it is then reported that their chairman has been detained, what kind of news will it be?

If you want to go smoothly, you must agree to the conditions, otherwise just wait for the sensational news to appear.

As for this Deputy Director Zhao?

If things go well, he will naturally have a lot of benefits, and there is no problem in keeping him right. But things didn't go smoothly. Once the news came to light, he was a cannon fodder, a scapegoat, and he would bear the anger of several big bosses, and he would be completely hopeless in this life.

It's just that Gao Tianqiang will not pity, what do you want to get without risk, there will be high returns?

Early morning on the 24th.

Taking into account the press conference tomorrow, Lu Chuan did not enter the end of the world, but stayed in the villa and prepared.

In fact, preparation is nothing more than to make yourself more calm.

This will be the first time Lu Chuan has stood in front of hundreds of millions of people, saying that he is not nervous. But after so long of tempering, Lu Chuan has a strong heart. This kind of tension is not very strong.

The corresponding information has been handed over to the company, and there will be no problems with it.

To make the world shocked by this press conference, there is no such thing as dry goods. Therefore, in order to achieve amazing results, Lu Chuan still moved some thoughts.

Staying in the villa, Lu Chuan felt bored for a moment.

I did not send a message to Shi Ruoyu, mainly because she was in class, which was not very convenient.

Not to mention Ye Lingwei, she is so busy now that she only sends a few messages to herself in one day. As a big star, naturally she will not do nothing all day long. She rushed on her last album, and now that there are Lu Chuan songs, she naturally has to work hard.

The first song is already being recorded. According to Ye Lingwei's intention, a trial version will be released first and put on the Internet.

In the information age, album sales are not at the same level compared to twenty years ago. Who can get up, more is to look at the charts of several top music networks.

But I have to say that a star who can release an album is definitely a representative of strength.

How many new-generation singers only have online versions of their songs, and they simply don’t have the ability to release physical albums.

Ye Lingwei's current news is still quite popular. Her boyfriend has always been the object of suspicion from the outside world. Ye Lingwei is generous with this question and does not want to hide anything.

Lu Chuan knew that Ye Lingwei's company didn't know how much fire it was about.

But Ye Lingwei didn't care anymore. Her contract had three months to expire, so she didn't need to be angry. As for the renewal or not, Ye Lingwei has already made her own decision to open a studio in her heart. She just wants to live more simply and freely.

Lu Chuan checked the time until it was close to noon, and it was not long before Shi Ruoyu left get out of class.

I've been bored for a long time, and I happened to go out to pick her up from get out of class, and then have a meal. I almost became a nocturnal creature. I hardly walked with Shi Ruoyu during the day, and only came out to eat and drink at night.

"Prepare a car."

Together, Lu Chuan got up and walked outside.

When he went downstairs, Lu Chuan saw Yang Biao and Wu Wei standing like statues. They were motionless. When they saw Lu Chuan, they all said respectfully, "Boss."

Lu Chuan frowned. They were supposed to be zombies, standing motionless here, there was nothing.

But in Lu Chuan's heart, they regarded them as human beings. They were like robots, and in other words, they were guarding themselves. They are good zombies, but they have unlocked intelligence and have language functions, so they are no different from humans.

Think about it, I haven't let them leave the villa for two or three months.

No matter whether it is going out by themselves or entering the end times by themselves, they will stand meticulously here, guarding them day and night, like a statue.

Lu Chuan moved in his heart and sighed and said, "Li Zhang, you drive a car, Yang Biao and Wu Wei, you can follow."

You can't let them stand here and let them follow the activity, otherwise they will all get moldy. Lu Chuan knew that this was just a little comfort on his own conscience. In fact, he really didn't let them move, and there was no harm to them.

People always have feelings. For example, Lu Chuan's instructions clearly take them as human beings.

The **** E350, only this kind of car is worthy of Yang Biao and Wu Wei. Yang Biao is just alienating zombies. Wu Wei's human appearance is slightly better than Yang Biao, but in terms of strength, it is more than a level higher.

This time, Ma Xifeng drove the BMW 760, which is the top equipment in the 7 series. After all, it is almost three million. But in Lu Chuan's eyes, it is not worth much.

The car was brought from the end of the world. In the area where the Zhongzhou Biochemical Factory in the end of the world is located, I don’t know how many large companies are here. There is no shortage of top-of-the-line administrative cars. Large companies with a little strength will give them One of his own president and general manager.

It was too simple for Lu Chuan to come along.

Lu Chuan’s garages of A8L and S grades have all of them, and all cars are changed.

760 and Anus E350 left the villa one after another, entered the avenue outside the villa, and drove towards Handong University.

A simple middle-aged man kept guarding outside the villa. When he saw the leaving vehicle, he quickly took out his mobile phone: "The target has left the villa and left the villa."

In his report, under the shade of the trees not far from the villa, an **** yellow wild horse roared and rushed into the traffic. As if it had found a prey, it chased away, and soon followed far away.

Everything that has been arranged long ago is proceeding quietly.

760 and Anus E350 traveled all the way, and now they are going to the rush hour, the speed is not fast.

Lu Chuan, sitting behind 760, is holding his cell phone and chatting with Shi Ruoyu on Don’t write this WeChat. If you are embarrassed to say on the phone, you will say it here without any restrictions. Up. It is this kind of freedom that is one of the reasons why it becomes popular.

When turning into the forward road, the traffic here became dense.

Lu Chuan didn't care too much. He checked the time and made a voice: "I will be there in about ten minutes."

After it was finished, the 760 body shook with a bang, causing Lu Chuan to sway.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chuan raised his head, but saw the 760 on the right side of the front of the car, hitting a yellow bear car. It is an **** Mustang, an entry-level sports car.

Ma Xifeng didn't need to say much, his thinking was directly passed to Lu Chuan, allowing Lu Chuan to understand the whole story.

Only seeing the Mustang stop, the door opened, and two young men with strong stature came down from above. They pushed the door open, their mouths cursed and grinning. The soundproofing of the 760 had nothing to say. Lu Chuan’s ears could only be faint. Hearing some sounds, it will naturally be nothing good.

Lu Chuan hadn't moved yet, the other party had already walked over, patted the car window and cursed.

One of the young men even lifted his foot and kicked the door of the 760 fiercely. Although the quality of the 760 was good, the foot still left a small depression.

The young man didn't seem to think that his kick was so powerful, he was taken aback for a moment, and then kicked out in a more violent way. This time, he finally sank a big chunk.

When this kind of thing happened, many savvy drivers, when they saw this 760, all knew that the good news was coming. This kind of car, not everyone can afford to sit, represents an identity.

How much is this Mustang? To put it bluntly, a 760 can buy a dozen Mustangs for a low price.

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