Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 370: Gather

The running zombies fell one by one, but the ones behind threw forward without fear.

The number of more than 6,000 zombies is not that many, but it is also very shocking.

"Captain, more zombies are gathering."

The second drone detected that under the influence of the gunfire, more zombies began to commotion. Under the influence of the sound, they moved towards the position where the sound was made. The zombies in the city are difficult to count, and they move. The tide of corpses formed is astonishing.

The captain stared at the front like an eagle, and said, "Estimated number and arrival time."

"The first batch will exceed 30,000, and it can be reached in five minutes." The soldiers operating the No. 2 UAV quickly reported that through scanning, this number is still increasing.

"How many alienated zombies are there?"

"Temporarily unable to calculate."

After questioning and answering, the zombies on the street took one step closer, paying almost half the price, and they finally rushed to the front of humans. Between teeth and claws, one by one rushed forward desperately.

"Melee, quick fight, and retreat within five minutes." The captain yelled and issued an instruction. At the same time, he drew out the war knife, stepped and slashed the war knife, splitting a rushing zombie in half.

The zombies rushed forward without fear, and they just bite and scratch when they see people.

But their teeth and claws, for survivors wearing armor, there is no way to break the defense.

As for the survivors of Alienation who possess tremendous power, every time the weapons in their hands are swung, the heads of the zombies either roll down, or are split into two parts and halves. The hundreds of survivors seem to be few, but don't forget that they are all alienated new humans, from level one to level three.

A torrent of zombies rammed in, and the melee began.

The crazy zombies, they swarmed up, dozens of them, dozens of them just to deal with one person, they pressed up, ignoring the comrades next to them and being chopped in half.

In the face of quantity, the alienated new humans are powerful, but they are still submerged instantly.

At this time, it has manifested the importance of wearing armor on the body. The zombies drowned him, but with these alloy armors, the zombies' claws and teeth could not bite through the armor.

The scene was chaotic, but the three or four thousand zombies that rushed over were constantly being consumed, and the streets were full of their bodies.

The zombies rushed in, were continuously divided, and were eventually killed.

After taking a moment, the captain raised his head and looked at the crowd of zombies that appeared on the street where the black pressure could not be seen on the edge. They came over like a violent wave, making a terrifying sound of "Woo".

The number of them could not be confirmed, and the ones who rushed forward were actually a few lickers, they rushed like a vicious lion out of a cage.

"Withdraw now...withdraw..."

The captain yelled, he lifted his foot and stepped out a few meters away from an ordinary zombie in front of him, breaking its skeleton and struggling to get up. Then, the captain ran wildly, and when he passed the zombie, the battle knife in his hand Swipe across and cut its forehead open.

When receiving the order, a person retreated quickly, they had no love, turned their heads and ran.

The combat experience of the past six months has allowed them to act simply and neatly.

There is no saying that there is no love war, after all, the battle with the zombies is a war of attrition piled up with time.

At this moment, their advantages as alienated new humans appeared, and their running speed prevented the zombies from chasing them. After leaving the zombies, each of them ran with all their strength, throwing away the zombies behind.

Using this kind of guerrilla-like tactics, everyone firmly believes that they can wipe out the entire zombies in Zhongzhou City, and eventually occupy here and return to the city.


On the roof of a tall building not far from the battle.

The corpse dragon was lying on his stomach, while Lu Chuan was standing on the edge of the roof, holding his binoculars and watching what happened below.

This is just one of the troops, and the stronghold has sent a total of 30 hunting teams of this kind in the city.

The number of a troop is about 400 to 500 people, and 30 troops means about 12 to 15 thousand alienated new humans. This amount is already a lot.

In terms of the number of survivors in the stronghold, one in ten survivors is alienated.

This ratio is really appalling.

In Lu Chuan's view, as long as they were given enough time, the world would still be human. Appropriately speaking, it should be the alienation of the new humans, who will establish a new order and become the top group of people.

"This is looking for death."

Lu Chuan showed a sneer, he didn't care about other cities, but in Zhongzhou City, he couldn't.

This is his own territory. They are sweeping away zombies and digging for their own wall roots. Lu Chuan cannot be indifferent. They really want this city, but its effect on them is not as great as they imagined.

There is not much food available in the city, and there are no factories in the city. They are all located in the surrounding county towns or industrial areas.

electronic product?

In the last days, want the electronic products of the whole city? Just kidding, first say if it can be used, then say what to do?

What kind of gold and diamonds?

It's even more funny. In the last days, a stronghold can't even afford to eat food, so what do you want to do, starve to death? The gold in the previous strongholds was mostly preserved because people did not turn their minds in the last days.

Like now, many times people would rather ask for a piece of bread than a piece of gold. A piece of bread can keep you alive for a few days, but a piece of gold makes you starve to death because it has no purchasing power here.

Lu Chuan said that he was looking for death not only because of himself, but also in Zhongzhou City.

Don't underestimate Zhongzhou City. There are definitely a lot of high-level zombies inside. The survivors in the stronghold only touch the periphery of Zhongzhou City. Once they have truly entered the core of the city, waiting for them is definitely not like what they are now. Easy.

Lu Chuan's brows wrinkled.

They are hunting and killing zombies, which is intolerable to Lu Chuan who uses zombies to protect himself. They kill one, and they may need to add one in the future. The minimum start is 100,000, and if they kill 10,000, they will pit themselves one billion.

My own money is not brought by the wind, how can I bear it?

"Now is the time to perform the second step."

Alienated new humans are the teeth of the stronghold. If their teeth are destroyed, the survivors of the entire stronghold will be their own. The industrial park is still in Shanshi County, and there are no people alone, just filling them in.

The troops below are evacuating, and waves of zombies are behind, making the city extremely lively.

"Since you like it, then let's launch the corpse sea tactics."

Lu Chuan grinned, his own zombies couldn't form a corpse sea tactic, but it didn't mean he couldn't activate it. To know the number of zombies in Zhongzhou City, there are tens of millions of levels, as long as they are lured here, you can encircle the survivors below.

Without hesitation, Lu Chuan shook his head and stepped on the corpse dragon, letting the corpse dragon patrol the area with him.

With the zombie suit, plus the large number of flying zombies now appearing, none of the survivors below would notice the presence of a person on one of the corpse dragons.

After turning around, Lu Chuan left.

Thirty troops, before there were no enemies around, they all entered the city with confidence and boldness. In their hearts, now their enemies are only zombies.

In this area, gunshots rang, especially the use of heavy weapons, and the streets were all shattered zombies.

"Gather to my destination."

Lu Chuan let the corpse dragon fall two kilometers away from these survivors, but he issued an order.

Around the biochemical plant.

The dense population of high-level zombies that make people feel terrifying. After receiving Lu Chuan’s instructions, they paused for a few tenths of a second, and then they began to become crazy. They ran wildly, smashing into the zombies on the street, and toward the place where Lu Chuan was. Location collection.

Thousands of Hellhounds rushed wildly, and they continued to converge from various streets to one street, turning into a black current, running towards the location of Luchuan.


The running of the Hellhound brought up this kind of wind howl, past the zombies.

These zombies, they didn't respond, they still went their own way, and among their kind, they wouldn't make any movements at all. In fact, it didn't trigger their attack nerves. After all, the Hellhound didn't have anything to stimulate their desire to attack, such as the breath of life.

As the five thousand lickers moved forward, they all climbed among the tall buildings. Like spiders, they were densely densely attached to the buildings, and they went away in an instant.

The sharp claws, when they climbed past, the surface of the building was already pitted, and some even showed cracks.

The paws of the licker don’t know what the structure is. is extremely sharp, coupled with the power of the licker, it can be easily chiseled into the concrete to fix it so that it can be here. Move freely on some walls.

The traces left by five thousand lickers crawled over, and people felt a tingling scalp.

The appearance of the lickers is extremely hideous again. To be honest, after changing to Lu Chuan, when faced with such a large number of lickers, you will definitely feel despair, not only in their hideousness, but also in their ferocity.

The advance of a thousand tyrants is even more rude.

They were originally outstanding. After receiving Lu Chuan's instructions, they pulled their legs and ran wildly. There were basically no zombies on the street with only their thighs high.

These giant-like tyrants kicked out their thighs when they were running wildly, and the hapless zombies were kicked into the air. Some of them were crushed under the raised foot.

A thousand tyrants marched violently, causing even tremors on the street.

I don’t know how many cars on the street were trampled and crushed by tyrants.

Under the impact of these thousand tyrants, it seemed that nothing in this world could stop them.

Not only them, like Qiangwei, but also the two reinforced-level zombies armed to the teeth of Titan, are also taking action. The Titan carried a huge shield and a battle axe, striding to keep up.

On the other hand, Qiangwei is wearing light armor, holding a heavy sniper rifle, and several bags full of bullets hanging around his waist. While it is running, these bags are shaking, but it has no effect on it. .

Hundreds of swifts were also dispatched under Lu Chuan's instructions. The difference is that they carry explosive packs on their chests and backs, which look weird, but Lu Chuan knows that they are the most brutal existence. . uMore wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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