Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 374: Fire collection

On a tall building in the distance, Lu Chuan was holding a binoculars, watching the battle below.

At present, zombies are an advantage, but human losses are small.

Using buildings, using the straight line thinking of zombies, and then using the terrain, humans can grasp the rhythm well. Relying on high-rise buildings, the number of zombies facing humans is reduced. The most deadly ones are lickers and flying zombies.

Like ordinary zombies, or swift and violent ones, when they don't have stairs leading to the upper floor, they can only spin helplessly in the next floor.

This method of stacking Arhats is strong, but don't forget that they can be realized on the third, fourth, or even fifth floor, but it is absolutely impossible to stack them on the tenth floor.

All human beings choose to rely on high-rise buildings, and move dozens of stories high.

Even if it is like a group of zombies surging in the tide, it is impossible to stack a stack of arhats tens of meters high.

In other words, as long as humans stay on the building and can withstand the raids of lickers and flying zombies, there will be no major casualties. As long as the narrow stairs are blocked, there won't be too many zombies that humans need to deal with.


Lu Chuan showed a smile and was surrounded by zombies. There was nothing a day or two, but what if there were more days?

People are iron, rice is steel, and without food or water, no matter how strong their physique is, they can only carry it for three or five days, they can't stand it, and within a week, they will be hungry and weakened.

At that time, no matter how strong the person is, I am afraid that he will be like a dead fish or shrimp, and he can dispose of it at will.

They are trapped, and no one will provide them with any help.

There are not many alienated new humans in the stronghold, and the rest are ordinary survivors, and they can't solve this knot.

Through the binoculars, you can see a tall building surrounded by thousands of bloodthirsty claw zombies flying around, and then they crashed into the building one by one, and most of them rushed into the building amid the sound of cracking glass. Only a small half remained. They didn't break through the curtain wall. After losing their balance, they fell to the ground.

Some will struggle to fly, some can only hit the ground, shattered and can't fly again.

Lu Chuan shook his head. It seemed that the survivors in this tall building were in big trouble.

Of course, this trouble, at present, does not seem to be the biggest one. The huge figure in the distance walked forward with great strides. It moved, some buildings did not evade at all, and it ran into it for a while. Fragmented flying dust.

Along the street, it kept close to the fire.


Yi Zhanfei looked at the building surrounded by bloodthirsty claws. This was the position of Team 21.

"Team 21, how is it now?"

After an inquiry was sent, the captain of the 21st team responded quickly, but it was accompanied by gunshots: "Yi Commander, we have had a lot of casualties, but it is not as serious as expected. Inside the building, they can’t perform well. Their advantages."

Yi Zhanfei nodded. This is not surprising. After all, the floors are separated by walls, and only some doors can enter and exit. Under this kind of obstacle, the bloodthirsty claws that rush in can only be hacked and killed.

"With cold weapons, you can't make any louder sounds."


"Take care." Yi Zhanfei said, what will happen to the scene in front of you, who can tell?

Every building has been attacked by zombies and can only fight everywhere.

"All, stop using hot weapons and use cold weapons." Yi Zhanfei repeated, sending the order to the hands of each unit, and the sound would only aggravate the zombies more and more.

At the same time, cold weapons have embodied their function and value.

To deal with zombies, thermal weapons are not the best. Thermal weapons will only attract more zombies when they open fire without the ability to make a muffler.

Alienated new humans, with thick alloy armor, increased strength and speed, and fighting with cold weapons, on the contrary, are more powerful.

Between the floors, let the cold weapon play a greater advantage.

In fact, there is no need for Yi Zhanfei's advice. The alienation new humans all know how to do it. They have rich experience, and they drew out their weapons one by one, killing them in close proximity to the zombies. Zombies with armor at and below level 3 will not cause harm to them.


A loud noise came from a distance, but it seemed as if something rumbling and collapsing.

Standing on the fifth floor, Yi Zhanfei moved the telescope to the place where the sound was coming from, but saw a huge figure appearing in a cloud of dust and fog. It was moving, and you could feel the amazing aura it brought from a distance.

With every step of the movement, some zombies were kicked into the air, and when the footsteps fell, there would always be one or two zombies stepped on.

The sound of the rumbling and collapse just now was that it hit a house of a certain age and knocked down a corner of this house.


Yi Zhanfei's pupils contracted, his heart tightened suddenly, and he felt like he couldn't breathe.

With a huge physique that is more than ten meters high, he is walking among the zombies. Needless to say, he knows what it will be. It must be a kind of zombies. It's just a zombie of this size that he has never seen before.

The unknown is actually the biggest source of fear.

You don't need to analyze it too much to know how strong this coming zombie will be.

A strong body, white all over, and then there is a layer of scales, densely covered. Its arms are very long, almost reaching the knees while shaking, its palms are wide, and each fingernail is sharp, giving the impression that it can easily cut steel.


Yi Zhanfei opened his mouth wide, seeing the appearance of this zombie, and he gasped.

In this Zhongzhou City, there are zombies of this level hidden?

Immediately, Yi Zhanfei's heart was full of bitterness. Needless to say, he knew what kind of existence this zombie was. Thinking of Gu Yang, it was only Level 5, but ordinary guns had no effect on him.

And the super zombie in front of me, the gun will be useful?

"Pay attention to the one o'clock direction."

Yi Zhanfei roared, attracting everyone's attention.


When seeing this huge shadow that appeared, everyone felt that the whole person was not good. Such an astonishing super zombie was unprecedented and unimaginable. This is simply challenging their understanding of the end times.

"How could there be so many zombies?"

"Like an orangutan zombie?"

"At least fourteen or five meters."

"What to it is coming towards us."

"The sniper, stop it."

"Bazooka, use a bazooka."

The entire channel was messed up, and the super zombies that appeared had too much impact on them. It was shocked first, then panic, because this super zombie was obviously coming towards them.

Everyone has a numb scalp. Don't think that there is no threat with just a super zombie. It is no exaggeration to say that a super zombie can kill them all.

In the chaos, some alienated new humans who acted as snipers picked up their guns, rushed to the window, and began to lock on this super zombie, and the crosshair aimed at its head.

"Fire, fire."

With the roar of chaos, at least twenty or thirty snipers in several buildings locked the super zombie that appeared.

This super zombie seems to move undesirably, but every step of its span is very large. As a result, its moving speed becomes very fast. In the blink of an eye, it has already crossed hundreds of meters.


More than a dozen sniper rifles set fire, and the target is its head.

One after another, the rumbling sound was endless, and the focus of the heavy sniper rifle hit the head of this super zombie in an instant. Only a few depressions appeared on the forehead of the super zombie, just a few small blood holes were punched out, but there was no phenomenon of being smashed into the head.

This super zombie just froze for half a second, its scarlet eyes exuding violent violent.


The super zombie that was attacked ran wildly and trampled on the ground. A few seconds later, it slammed into a building. With a rumbling sound, the side of the building was shattered. Numerous concrete splashes were knocked out by it. Come. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to everyone's reading academy

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