Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 393: Wait to die

When this team returned to the stronghold, the sensation it caused can be imagined.

The sun is setting.

The stronghold was full of excitement. Every car rushed to a divided community, delivering boxes of canned meat, and then the team leader and others led them to distribute them.

Having counted the number of people in the area under its jurisdiction, there will be no mistakes in the distribution.

The stronghold, which had been a little turbulent, quieted down.

Two cans per person can be said to be full.

On this day, almost every family’s fragrance is smelling. I put some water and boiled rice, ate canned braised pork, and poured the oil from the can into the rice. This kind of delicacy made many people cry. .

How many years it has been, it’s so long that they almost forget what it feels like.

No matter how cruel, the **** hands are still eating silently at this moment, grateful.

A meal, all the long-term memories of everyone were hooked out, after eating one by one, all were in a daze. Some people think of family, some people think of good memories, and some people think of supreme delicacy.

When Lu Chuan manages enough meat and rice, everyone is struggling.

I don’t know how many people are in tears. God knows how long they haven’t had a good meal?

No matter how many thoughts were in his mind, he let it go with a sigh. It's not that he is not strong enough, nor is he too soft-hearted, but that Lu Chuan is too strong, and this single meal of hundreds of thousands of cans of meat is enough to buy everyone.

Without support, what can they do if they are unwilling?

This trick is definitely a big killer, they can't learn it at all, it is difficult for them to get something to eat, let alone hundreds of thousands of cans of meat.

It may seem ridiculous, but in the last days, it is the most effective.

People take food as their heaven... The reason why they are ranked first is because if people don't eat, they will die. But do you see people die without clothes?

In front of food, this fragrant rice and this mouth-watering braised pork are enough to conquer everything.

When a person lives, speaking in general terms is actually for eating.

Those who have experienced the last days will understand how precious a meal is.

The next day.

With the sumptuous dinner of yesterday, the next thing is much easier. This is to convene the group leaders and deputy group leaders of the divided areas for a unified meeting.

Hundreds of people gathered together, some of them, in each area, are the most capable and convincing people.

When Lu Chuan arrived, hundreds of people focused their eyes on Lu Chuan.

It is the first time for many people to see Lu Chuan, the appearance of a young man, but the aura he exudes is like a high-ranking person holding a huge authority. The majesty brought by the power of life and death makes all the people present. Not a trace of disobedience.

For Lu Chuan, in the cold winter last year, they were the subject of heated discussions.

At that time, they thought that Lu Chuan was definitely a madman and a fool. But now it seems that people have made a wonderful move, but they can't see through it.

"This time we are calling everyone here, the first is to get to know each other, and the second is to divide the departments based on each person's ability, so that the company system is more clear, and it is more convenient to manage, so that talents will not be buried."

Lu Chuan's plain words made the people below unable to calm down.

To put it bluntly, this manager is the management of the company, and belongs to the scope of the master. Regardless of whether it is a company system or a system, a power class will be created.

Obviously, they have advanced tickets.

Lu Chuan glanced at them and turned on the light projector. A floating screen that popped up was the department currently planned to be established under the company system. There were not many in the early stage, and all were targeted.

"Your task is to conduct a census after you go back. The second is to fill in the information on each person's strengths and abilities and hand it over to me."

There was a shortage of people before, but now the stronghold is in their own hands, so it is natural to solve the problem of lack of people.

The census also prepares for the upcoming migration.

The location of the base was selected in a hurry at the beginning without much consideration. It now appears that there are too many shortcomings. First of all, it is not conducive to the cultivation of grain. There can be no more than tens of thousands of people, and they can only rely on themselves to provide them.

Lu Chuan's idea is naturally to achieve an ecologically balanced settlement.

Always get food from modern times. Over time, large quantities will inevitably lead to doubts.

The best way is to use modernity as a supplement, and then the settlements are self-sufficient.

Ask them to fill in this kind of census data. What Lu Chuan needs is their ability to divide, so that they have a general idea of ​​what department they will be assigned to.

Lu Chuan needs to make arrangements to give play to the strength of each survivor.

According to Lu Chuan's plan, the stronghold cannot be moved rashly. It must be stabilized before moving. In order to ensure their safety, Lu Chuan also needs to control the zombies passing by in his residence.


July 10.

Lu Chuan ate a breakfast prepared by the God of Kitchen in modern times, and this was dragging it to the end of the world.

After several screenings, the stronghold improved the management personnel on the third day, which also represented that the stronghold had truly entered the control of Lu Chuan.

As a result, Lu Chuan left with confidence.

With Chubin and the others in their hands and in control of the food, there is no need to be afraid of the hundreds of thousands of people from the stronghold.

At this time, Lu Chuan, after arriving at the biochemical factory, let the corpse dragon come down again and ride up into the sky.

Eight days have passed, and it is time to solve these alienated new human forces. Eight days should be the limit of their support.

The corpse dragon was very fast and appeared on a building not far from the trapped survivors.

Lu Chuan got down from the corpse dragon, and his thoughts passed.

At the entrance of the eighth floor of a high-rise building, it was blocked, and the stairs were packed with furniture and desks. A large number of zombies crowded here, some of them pulled the tables, they were always able to loosen some of the tables, and in the chaos, the furniture was removed.

The zombies are unconscious, but for some blockages that are not strong, they will always be pried open by the zombies.

Lu Chuan's perspective appeared on a zombie. This zombie was a licker. It appeared here, but did not participate in the action. Instead, it surreptitiously stood and watched in the distance.

Yes, this is the eye sent by Lu Chuan.

Through its perspective, Lu Chuan can know the situation here.

Countless zombies are in this high-rise building. They can always use endless time to open the clogged furniture and rush up layer by layer. This is an almost **** struggle, and the zombies are unconscious, but these appear in the breath of life, which is the driving force that drives them.

Like now, after opening some holes, some zombies squeezed in.


In the tiny voice, a bullet hole appeared in the head of a zombie that was squeezed in, which stopped all its movements and fell softly.

It's just that its death has limited impact.

This tiny sound drew the zombies' madness, and they kept pulling at these furniture.

"Puff puff……"

This kind of sound kept ringing, but the muffler in the human gunfire played a role. The use of a muffler can prevent the sound from spreading too far, so as not to attract too many zombies.

"Li Jie, bullets, I want bullets."

A soldier yelled softly, and someone immediately delivered the bullet, and he loaded it skillfully.

"Captain, get ready. The eighth floor is estimated to be short." The soldier said with a headset and notified his team through a wireless communicator.

The captain who received the news nodded and said, "I understand."

The captain was on the ninth floor, his eyes were indifferent, and he said, "Get ready."

There are dozens of people on the ninth floor, and there are a lot of blockages at the entrance of the stairs, such as furniture. The easiest thing to find is of course the desk and chair. After all, this building is an office building.

Soon, the soldiers on the eighth floor had finished playing a magazine, and they quickly evacuated.

Through the stairs, after reaching the ninth floor, the people waiting here did not hesitate to push the furniture that had been prepared a long time ago into the stairs. They are all alienated new humans, and their power is naturally great.

Using strength, he filled up the entire staircase connecting the ninth floor abruptly.

A few minutes later, the eighth floor below was opened up by zombies, and they rushed up frantically, but they were greeted by stuffed furniture, desks and chairs.

Li Jie and the others did not stay on the ninth floor, but continued to move upward.

On the fifteenth floor, in an office here, the desks and so on inside were evacuated to form a space. Only hundreds of people stayed here, listless. Most of these people have chapped lips. It seems that they haven't eaten for a long time, and they haven't been able to drink even water.

In eight days, they originally carried less food, and they were able to survive until now, entirely because they were alienated new humans.


Everyone felt desperate. They had nothing to eat or drink, but were trapped here by zombies. To be sure, it doesn’t take much, and in two or three days, someone will starve to death.

Under hunger, no one can guarantee that he can calmly wait here to starve to death.

In order to ensure that the zombies do not come in suddenly The limited food is for the people on duty. This is why Li Jie and the others can still move, but they also know that from this day on, whether it is on duty or Those who stay here will never have half a grain available.

A strong feeling of despair spreads here, and no one knows if he can live tomorrow.

As the captain of this team, Zhao Simian was standing on the window, looking at the streets below, even though the street had become much thinner, but there were still endless zombies.

In their current situation, there is almost no possibility of breaking through.

"Is it really going to die here?" Zhao Si Nian turned this thought in his mind, but did not show it on his face. He is the captain and he needs to maintain confidence. If he doesn't even have faith, how can he lead everyone out of trouble?


Is it possible to get out of trouble?

From the distant view, Zhao Si-nian could even see a licker climbing on the curtain wall in a tall building in the distance. Needless to say, this team in this tall building will attract another time. Torn up.

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