Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 396: Boiling zombie

Under the huge harsh sound, the zombies in the street were mobilized.

This kind of sound penetrated the streets and alleys, reverberating in this area of ​​the city, arousing the mania of the zombies, and each one roared and moved towards the location of the sound.

Lu Chuan had long considered the impact of sound on the zombies. In order to distract these zombies, Lu Chuan used ten lickers to make sounds from ten positions.

The licker playing the classic yelling sound can be affected by the sound, but it is limited by instructions, but it is not moved.

The zombies around were taken aback for a moment, and then plunged into madness.


Lu Chuan's instruction has arrived again, don't you let these zombies tear up? The licker is strong, but it is only a third-level zombie, not to the point where King Kong is not bad.

After receiving Lu Chuan's instructions, the lickers rushed forward.

Relying on their size and strength, they slammed into the street they were supporting, smashing away the zombies, squeezing out a passage to rush forward.

If the big square dance speakers are humbled by them, they will move up and down, but the sound will not change.

Lu Chuan held up his binoculars to observe the streets. The zombies were mobilized, but they still lacked some heat. Under the influence of the sound, the zombies become mad, just to attract them, the sound alone is not enough.

"So, next." Lu Chuan stared at the zombies below.

Lu Chuan will come here, definitely for his own reasons, it is impossible to come here and go around.

I only saw Lu Chuan disappear, but he appeared in modern times.

Lu Chuan drove away from the villa, to the tin canopy that had been used as a temporary transfer station a few kilometers away. There are several security zombies staring here, and there will be no problems.

When Lu Chuan got here, he stopped the car and walked directly inside.

Under the renovation, a cold storage of 500 square meters was built here. Lu Chuan feels relieved when he handles affairs with Yiran. In this cold storage, a large amount of pig blood collected has been stored here as planned.

The function of the cold storage is to prevent these pig blood from clotting.

The huge oil drums contained these collected pig blood.

Handong City is a metropolis with a population of tens of millions of people. There are many slaughterhouses around it. There is no difficulty in collecting this amount of pig blood. Even if it is doubled, it can be solved in minutes.

Few people eat pig blood, and most of it will be washed away directly with water.

Yi Ran gave a sum of money, and the supervisors of these slaughterhouses were naturally doing their best.

With Lu Chuan thinking, hundreds of barrels of pig blood here disappeared.

In the next moment, Lu Chuan disappeared in this cold storage and appeared on the tall building when he left in the last days.

Without hesitation, Lu Chuan flipped his hand and a large oil barrel appeared. More than one hundred kilograms of pig blood was picked up by Lu Chuan easily, and standing on the edge of the tall building, he poured the pig blood out.

Like a blood-red waterfall, this pig blood poured down and pulled out a huge red.

Pig blood poured down dozens of floors and hit the street.

The streets below were full of zombies, some of the pig blood was drenched on them, not knowing how many were stained red. The zombies who were extremely sensitive to blood fell into madness in an instant.

Like a shark incarnate, such a strong smell of blood can be noticed by zombies a few kilometers away.

Crazy zombies, desperately rushing towards the place where the blood is.

The nearby zombies were lying directly on the ground, licking the blood on the street. The one who was far away squeezed over, squeezing these zombies away. The most tragic thing is actually the zombies that got caught. I don't know how many zombies are biting at it.

Just a bucket is definitely not enough.

Lu Chuan took out the second bucket again, and the chaos continued.

After five barrels in a row, Lu Chuan stopped.

Without staying too much, Lu Chuan recruited the corpse dragon again and flew himself to the top of another building a hundred meters away. In the same way, the pig blood was taken out and poured down.

Repeated repeatedly, pouring some pig blood out on ten tall buildings.

Ten points are divided in order to attract zombies in large areas.

The zombies besieged here have changed from millions to hundreds of thousands. But the hundreds of thousands of zombies, when they formed a tide of corpses, were not something Yi Zhanfei could deal with.

What's more, the super zombie that appeared before, who knows if it will be nearby? If it is attracted, no one has to run.

The pig blood that appeared, to the zombies, was like countless survivors, attracting them. The sensitivity to blood makes every zombie agitated.

On the street, countless zombies ran wildly, rushing towards the place where the pig blood fell.

There was a sound of "whoop" in the distance, and the zombies attracted this time were not just the nearby area. But the zombies in the distance were also agitated by the blood, and the number would be difficult to estimate.

The really unlucky ones were actually the zombies soaked in pig blood, they were quickly gnawed away by the zombies next to them.

In the building where Yi Zhanfei was located, Yi Zhanfei was actually curious, what method would Lu Chuan use to attract the zombies? He was stunned by the shouting of buying an old refrigerator at a high price, and he was inevitably disappointed.

In this way, it is still too difficult to rescue them.

Not only Yi Zhanfei, but other people are also deeply disappointed.

The mere sound may be able to attract the zombies on the street, but there is no way to attract the zombies crowded in the building. Since they were retreating layer by layer at the time, the eight floors below the building where they were standing were all zombies.

No matter how small the number of zombies on the eighth floor is, there will be more than a thousand.

With them, it is not easy to evacuate.

As far as their current situation is concerned, there are not many people who can fight, and most of them are extremely weak. There are even some first-level new humans, they are about to get out of their emptiness, and they need someone to support them.

In this case, how can one break through the zombies below?


Just when they were disappointed with Lu Chuan, the performance of the zombies stunned them again.

First of all, the zombies on the street, as if they were stimulated by some kind of stimulus, showed craziness even more intense than chasing them before. They all ran madly towards one place, as if something was attracting them.

If this is not intuitive enough, then the restlessness of the zombies on the floor is the most intuitive.

For example, the zombies on the eighth floor below, they did not return in the same way, but like headless flies, and then found the way to leave the window, and directly rushed out of the window desperately.

This is the eighth floor. No matter how the zombies are immortal, they will break down like this, their bones will break, and they will never get up again.

The zombies are really crazy. They can't climb down in front of them, but the zombies that jumped down behind have the first layer of paving, but they didn't kill them, and they could still struggle to get up.

It's just that the zombies here are like laying dumplings. These zombies were hit by the falling zombies before they got up. The two collided. I don't know how many zombies can't get up again.

Below is the street, and there are a lot of zombies passing by.

The zombies that jumped down like dumplings will always hit some zombies that have passed.

In this way, under the high-rise buildings, there are corpses of zombies, and I don't know how many died. And some zombies who were lucky enough not to die are dragging their crippled bodies towards the same destination.

Look at these zombies that walked up and down, they were instantly submerged in the running zombies, pushed to the ground, trampled by countless zombies, and never had a chance to get up again.

The madness of the zombies made Yi Zhanfei stunned.

All these changes did come too fast, and such a turn made them unexpectedly, one by one dumbfounded, wondering if they had read it wrong.

Why is the effect of a little sound so violent?

"Recycling old refrigerators at a high price..." This voice was still echoing, and they couldn't figure it out. Is this voice so magical? Seeing how crazy the zombies are, is even more crazy than seeing them.

The human sense of smell can't smell the **** smell so far away, so Yi Zhanfei and the others don't know what happened and how there was such a turning point.

In the next moment, Yi Zhanfei's heartbeat all accelerated.

The zombies retreated like a tide, which meant that they finally had a chance to escape.

Who would have thought that Lu Chuan, the least favored one, could cause such a big reaction from the zombies. Although it was incredible, it made them feel excited. After being trapped here for eight days, he could finally leave this damned place.

"get ready."

Lu Chuan's voice came out, and no one doubted Lu Chuan's words this time.

Standing on the top of the sky, Lu Chuan, through the telescope, could see that in a very short time, there were fewer zombies and no longer blocked the streets. The effect of the blood surpassed Lu Chuan's imagination. In the blood below, countless zombies were stacked on top of each other, they were torn and piled up into a hill.

What is Shishan, now it is called Shishan.

Countless zombies piled together, constantly making this corpse mountain higher, and even crowded the streets below.

It is hard to imagine this scene, Lu Chuan could not have imagined that the effect of blood would make the zombies react violently. This is no longer just a matter of ordinary zombies, but some advanced zombies have also appeared.

In the sky, there were patches of flying zombies. They didn't know where they came from, and they covered the sky for a moment.

"get ready."

"get ready."

"get ready."


Countless voices rang in the channel, and every alienated new human soldier became nervous. Some of them can already see the zombies becoming scarce in the street below.

There are still some zombies with falling tails, they are running wildly on the street, chasing the zombies in front of them.

In the end the streets turned out to be empty. Except for some zombies, or some mutilated zombies who were struggling with inconvenience, there were no more zombies.


Yi Zhanfei yelled out this word vigorously, but he took the lead in removing the desk that was blocking the stairway. After opening the stairway, he rushed down.

Under the leadership of Yi Zhanfei, everyone behind was refreshed and followed.

The zombies that were killed before are still in the stairs, but now Yi Zhanfei they have stepped on each other's body.

In the high-rise buildings where the alienated new human soldiers are trapped everywhere, like this scene keeps appearing, with the opportunity to escape from birth, they naturally have to work hard.

The team nearest to the designated subway station entrance of De Luchuan had already rushed down into the building and appeared on the street. They ran across the zombies that had turned into corpses on the street.

Occasionally when they saw a zombies still moving, they passed by, but the long knife in their hands slashed through, cutting off the head of the zombies.

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