Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 406: Asymmetry

Among the hundreds of mercenary zombies, there are actually some tyrants, the number is 20.

These 20 tyrants were summoned by Lu Chuan when he was in Syria last time. When Lu Chuan left, naturally they could only follow Xia Min and them, and they could not be destroyed.

However, Lu Chuan did not allow them to enter the combat form. After all, once they enter the combat form, they are non-human beings. Lu Chuan didn't know if anyone would find out. Even if the signal here is now blocked, even if there is a risk, Lu Chuan dare not take the risk.

The current self seems to be powerful, but once these things beyond imagination are exposed, they will definitely not end well.

As a last resort, Lu Chuan would not let the tyrant enter into combat form.

There is no problem with hellhounds. It’s not all kinds of dogs, or there are some wolves in the form of wild wolves. It’s a bit strange that so many dogs and wild wolves appear here, but at least it can be understood and explained. Within range.

Lu Chuan would use the Hellhound unscrupulously for these reasons.

"Hundreds of millions, you can't just lose it in vain."

Lu Chuan watched these Hellhounds rush out, and hundreds of mercenaries in the charge. After this battle, the whereabouts of the helmeted mercenaries would be eliminated. Of course, when it will be resurrected, it is not a matter of Lu Chuan.

As long as there is money, helmet mercenaries can appear at any time, and they will be more powerful.

"The equipment of special forces is worth hundreds of millions, right? Lao Mei's loss is a real jump compared to its own losses. Three hundred special forces, each of which is cultivated for several million dollars."

"Also add fighters."

Lu Chuan's face was grim, he had obtained a lot of weapons from the Russian side, and he was caught off guard. He must have sent a fighter plane. I wonder if he can go back.

After finding some flat spots, Lu Chuan released it, and then disappeared. In the end of the world, the weapons placed in the warehouse were stored in the storage space, and they were released in the modern era.

After repeating it several times, an air defense system appeared on the flat ground.

This air defense system includes three triple guided missile launch vehicles and one guided radar vehicle. If someone knows something about the military, they will react at first sight. This is the famous Sam-6.

Today's Sam series has developed to the Sam-21 model, and the Sam-6, which is still in the sixth model, has fallen behind too much in performance. Although it is a top-notch air defense missile system, Russia is generous. He agreed to Lu Chuan's request and sold this enhanced set.

From the Russian side, if they can use the Sam 6 to knock down the opponent’s fighters, they are still happy to see it. After all, the Sam 6 is really deployed too much. I don’t know how many countries have it. Just find an excuse.

Lu Chuan has studied this system a long time ago. In fact, the operation is completely foolish. After studying the operating instructions attached to the Russian side, Lu Chuan found that simple operation makes it easy to launch.

Anyway, just wait for the opponent to come, then turn on the radar, lock the opponent, and press the fire button.

"Hehe, just waiting for you to deliver it."

There are a total of nine air-to-air missiles. I wonder if the enemy suddenly sensed radar waves when they appeared in the sky over the mountains. Would it be pleasantly surprised?



"God, what the **** is this?"

When countless dogs appeared in the telescope beyond imagination, these elite special forces were all stunned. In their imagination, what they have to face is a helmet hired soldier.

But what they see now is an unknown number of dogs. This surprise really makes them unbearable.

More importantly, their communications are now being disrupted, the communications system is useless, their communications are unavailable, and the Mediterranean Fleet cannot be contacted. They are all fighting on their own.

If you encounter the opponent's helmeted mercenaries, they will be very calm.


There are countless dogs in front of you, what the **** is this?

"Fak, how come there are so many dogs?"

"Impossible, this is not scientific."

In the combat teams, the soldiers' eyes widened. No matter how elite they are, they were caught off guard when they encountered this situation and didn't know how to deal with it.

The world's top troops are different. In this special situation, they can calm down in just one minute.

Their training is capable of fighting any situation.

This time the union, after losing the communication signal, was nothing more than to let them dismantle and return to fighting as a unit of combat group. This was exactly what they were familiar with.

"Ready to fight."

The group leader yelled, and his voice was not a problem in his own combat group.

The muzzle was aimed at these fierce dogs that jumped over.

Everyone knows that this battle is definitely hard to fight. There are too many fierce dogs. Looking at the mountains and plains, there are thousands of them.

"It only takes five minutes, and our fighter will come." The team leader breathed, and he didn't need to do this in normal times, because each of them was a soldier with superior combat quality. But now in the face of this mysterious situation, it has to be so.

The speed of the Hellhound, after the eruption, can completely exceed 80 kilometers per hour, very abnormal.

What's more abnormal is that the Hellhound can run for hours with super endurance.

The short three kilometers is not a problem at all for the Hellhound.

As the Hellhound advanced to a distance of 800 meters, in the first combat team, the team leader nodded at the sniper. The sniper who had already locked on one of the Hellhounds took a deep breath. , If the fire is broken.

The fire flashed and the bullet popped out of the chamber.

In the next moment, a blood spatter was exploded on the head of a hellhound who was running wildly in the distance. It was hit at high speed, and hit by this huge force, it hit the ground. The inertia made it roll over ten meters on the ground before it stopped.

And this Hellhound, who seemed to them to be a dog, was unaffected by this kind of influence by the dog beside it. It didn't even pause at all, still running wildly.


This group leader was a little gaffe, because in his imagination, other dogs would definitely be frightened to a certain extent, and it might even be out of control.

But what he saw was very different from what he imagined.

Hundreds of meters, for the Hellhound running at full strength, is actually nothing, no matter the distance that can be reached in the blink of an eye. They are variants of zombie dogs, of course they are not comparable to ordinary dogs.

"The grenade fired."

In the blink of an eye, the huge number of Hellhounds broke through within 300 meters.

At this time, the MK19 grenade launcher equipped in the army opened fire, and one M430 multi-purpose high-explosive ammunition was fired out with a machine gun, and stopped to the Hellhound in the charge.

The MK19 grenade launcher was invented during the Vietnam War, but today, it is a very good weapon that can provide super firepower for infantry.

Hundreds of grenades can be fired in one minute, which is equivalent to throwing hundreds of grenades on your head. This kind of firepower can be imagined and it is completely disastrous.

So far, after continuous improvement and improvement, the MK19 grenade launcher is still providing fierce firepower for special forces and is an irreplaceable firepower weapon.

In a short period of time, the grenade shot out, throwing a parabola in the sky, fell into the group of hellhounds in the rush, and instantly exploded into one piece.

The flames flashed in the clouds of smoke, flying off the sand, stone, and soil.

Hellhounds were rushing wildly, and they were lifted up by the explosive force, and were blown to pieces. After all, they are only third-level zombies, and their speed is fast, but the strength of their bodies is far less than that of a tyrant, so they can't withstand the lethality of these high explosive bombs.

The exploded grenade is powerful, but its lethality, and the characteristics of zombies like Hellhounds, only killed a limited number of Hellhounds. More Hellhounds still faithfully implement Lu Chuan’s instructions and move forward crazily. .

After all, in theory, as long as the brain is still there and the brain is not destroyed, it is immortal.

Some of the hellhounds that had been blown all over, ignored the fatal wounds and rushed forward ferociously.

Surprisingly, a few of them had their legs broken, but they still jumped forward. There was even one that was blown up in half, leaving the head and forelimbs, still crawling forward, dragging the internal organs and blood from the ground.

This scene, all this is beyond the cognition of the soldiers.

It can be said that it is a person with super willpower, but how can these dogs have this kind of willpower? Know that they are just animals, as long as they are frightened, even a well-trained dog will be messed up.

The dog in front of him does not have this phenomenon, and the death of his companion next to them has even zero impact on them.

Like having an immortal body, they are not dogs in the ordinary sense at all, they are more like vicious dogs from hell.

This answer seems to be infinitely accepted by the truth.

There is no need to order, and all the soldiers opened fire due to these supernatural phenomena.

The gunshots rang out at this moment. The special forces' marksmanship was indeed powerful. They rarely used strafing, and all used bursts. For bursts with gaps, the first is to save ammunition, and the second is to be accurate in advance. With their abilities, this method can kill the enemy with maximum efficiency.

Hellhounds are leaping up and down along with the terrain while running wildly, which makes shooting difficult for them.

Hitting the enemy and hitting the enemy's head are two concepts.

These dogs, in their opinion, only need to hit, which must have disrupted their combat effectiveness. Therefore, it is not difficult to hit the Hellhound in the charge, almost every shot will hit.

Occasionally, some hit the head and are killed immediately.


During the gunshots, some dogs didn't know how many shots were shot, and a lot of blood spattered out of their bodies, even the dog's hair was covered with blood. But what made them stunned was that these dogs should have pierced their bodies, smashed their internal organs, and would fall to the ground and convulse to death, but what they saw was nothing like this. These dogs seemed to be fine. Still rushing forward.


Everyone exclaimed, even if they were mentally prepared, they still couldn't accept it when they found that they couldn't kill these dogs.

Three hundred meters, the speed of the Hellhounds is too fast. They have not yet reacted from the horror. The Hellhounds have already arrived. They pounced and bite like crazy. They are not dogs in the traditional sense. In front of them, any dog ​​on the modern earth is just scum.

These special forces are elite and proficient in fighting skills, but when faced with the Hellhound, they are tragic.

Whether it’s a pistol, a blast, or even a war knife cut open the hellhound’s belly, which is mortal in their eyes, but the dog in front of them is fine, and even the action is not affected. influences.

Pounced, terrible bite force, as long as the bite, even the bones will be crushed.

How many soldiers screamed, their arms were bitten and torn off. This kind of pain caused them to fall to the ground and howl, but they were bitten by the **** dog relentlessly until they were bitten to pieces.

Fortunately, I was bitten directly in the head and neck, so I didn't have to enjoy the next pain.

Some of the unlucky soldiers could only be bitten and shattered their bodies continuously in the howls, and watched as they smashed and died. The pain in this hits the soul.

There was not even an obstacle. Faced with these unkillable dogs, every soldier who was confident before had a face like dirt.

Undead dog.

This conclusion is that they have seen many dogs being shot, and they are not dead from bullet holes. Some of them had their abdomen cut open by a war knife, and their internal organs fell off and dragged to the ground. They were still alive and well.

It’s hard to imagine that this completely subverts their understanding of this place where the hellhound passes, absolutely no dogs or chickens stay, even if they don’t have much to stay, they think of themselves as branches. The combat team of the top special forces was eliminated.

Panic sounded at each other. At this moment, the special forces were not like special forces at all, but more like ordinary people.

More than 300 special forces collapsed in just a few minutes, turning around and trying to escape, but their speed, compared to the hellhounds, was too slow, and they could chase them in the blink of an eye. dead.

Pretending to be dead, or hiding, is even more impossible in the eyes of the hellhound.

They are zombies, and they have a strong sensitivity to life, and no living beings can escape their induction. As long as you still have a breath, as long as your heartbeat is still there, they can lock you in.

Who could have imagined that dozens of the most elite combat teams would be defeated in a few minutes and greet a massacre?

Almost all wars between the old and the United States were based on asymmetrical conditions. Now they finally realized what an asymmetrical battle was.

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