Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 410: Pretty is 1 wrong

In Ruoda's conference room, Lu Chuan threw a stack of pictures on the table.

The management who was elected and recognized by Lu Chuan totaled more than 60 people, and it could be said that they were the most respected and respected more than 60 people in the settlement. Naturally, their convincing power need not be mentioned.

In modern times, this is called high morality, and in the last days, it should be superior in force.

The strength of these more than sixty people is definitely one of the most outstanding in the settlement.


Their current definition is just middle-level management.

The grassroots managers at the lowest level are the positive and negative team leaders of each district, and up to the 60-odd people in front of them.

In Lu Chuan's heart, the real core management can only be produced from alienated new humans. It requires not only superior strength, but also proficiency in the art of maneuvering, that is, being able to employ people, manage and control the people below.

Whether it is the Baichuan Guihai Company in the modern era or the settlement in the apocalypse, in Lu Chuan's eyes, it is just a company system, and Lu Chuan will not spend too much energy on them.

To be clear, in fact, the Baichuan Guihai Company and the settlement are just a subsidiary product of the biochemical plant, which provides the funds needed by the biochemical plant and is the source of funds.

Solving the problem of settlements is also related to the safety factor of the biochemical plant.

Like before, the alienated new humans in the settlements are running to Zhongzhou City all day long. For Lu Chuan, it will definitely have an impact. They cleared the zombies in the city, which was equivalent to clearing the protective layer of the biochemical factory, and Lu Chuan naturally couldn't bear it.

Now that the settlement is in your own hands, you naturally need to make changes and adjustments.

A week away is enough time, and this week is enough time for them to digest the fact of their own rule.

The pictures that Lu Chuan threw out were distributed to everyone.


When they saw the pictures, everyone present was shocked.

The alienated new human forces were trapped in the city. It has been a week now. Since Lu Chuan has blocked the settlement, they have no idea about the alienated new humans.

For so long, they have been trapped in high-rise buildings without eating or drinking. Many people have already been sentenced to death.

But in the picture, it is the appearance of them escaping the city.

The boss, impressively, was leading them out of the city.

Other pictures are from Shanshi County.

Almost everyone present in Shanshi County knew it, after all, it was a county near Zhongzhou City.

However, this is not the point. The point is the piles of materials in the picture, from grains to various cans to a large number of fruits. The amount of these materials is beyond their imagination and is completely out of sight.


The scenes on the pictures made them take a deep breath.

The alienated new humans were rescued, they didn't feel anything, but the materials here made their eyes glow green. Especially those fruits are fresh and tender. To them, they are definitely luxury items. How many years have they not eaten them?

Immediately, an individual looked to Luchuan.


Someone wanted to speak, but Lu Chuan waved his hand and said, "I just want to show you these pictures. I just want to tell you the fact that the Alienated New Human Force has been loyal to me. This will ensure the safety of the settlement. In addition, these supplies , That's what I want to say."

"Your task is to show these pictures to the people in the settlement, then mobilize them to move out of here and move to Shanshi County. Only in Shanshi County will there be endless supplies of supplies."

"In other words, if you want to eat or live, you will migrate."

After Lu Chuan finished speaking, he looked around the next circle and said: "I don't need any advice, just execute it. After three days, move."

After speaking, Lu Chuan stood up and left directly.

The people below all looked at each other, the boss himself is really dictatorial. It's just that they are better than others now, what can they do? Each showed a wry smile, but some could only be executed.

"Everyone, let's mobilize. The boss is easy to say, but he can get angry and won't be kind."

Fang Wen stood up first.

Fang Wen's prestige in the colony is naturally needless to say. The underground weapon tycoon at the time did not know how many people bought weapons from his hands, and he almost made them by himself.

It is not surprising that such a person appears in the management.

In fact, Lu Chuan is also very interested in this person. Once the settlement is completed, Lu Chuan will have to take action, such as letting Fang Wen and Sun Hongguang form an equipment department and start manufacturing his own weapons.

With Fang Wen taking the lead, everyone else nodded, and they had no room to refute what the boss decided.

If you can't refute it, let's do it.

I believe that under the temptation of these materials, there will be no problems.

Besides, the alienated new human force is in the hands of the boss, the strongest force in the settlement belongs to the boss, and even those with dissidents have to weigh how much they have.


In fact, mobilization was not as difficult as imagined.

After all, what Lu Chuan demonstrated was the most important thing about the promise and the countless materials in the picture. This kind of guarantee is what they need most in the last days.

After experiencing the cold winter, under the persecution of endless hunger and death, what people hope most in their hearts is actually a stable and stable life.

I would rather be a peaceful dog than a person in troubled times.

This sentence, in the stronghold, is absolutely deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

If there is a choice, who would choose this kind of hungry life, and who would choose a life in which one's life is always threatened under disorder?

The appearance of Lu Chuan, the strong material support, and the powerful force at his disposal, it seemed that everyone suddenly found that kind of harbor feeling.

Once mobilized, although a small number of people still refuse to relocate, it will not affect the final result.

Each and every management team, all with their most powerful subordinates, went deep into every corner and mobilized them in various ways. What the new boss confessed, how they must do it beautifully.


In a temporary office in a settlement.

Lu Chuan was sitting on a comfortable boss chair. This boss chair was extremely luxurious. Lu Chuan saw this type in modern times, and the price reached an astonishing hundreds of thousands.

With a chair of hundreds of thousands, Lu Chuan felt dumbfounded anyway.

It's not that this world is too crazy, but that I'm too earthy.

Of course, it is not as good as the boss chair in the biochemical factory. The one in the biochemical factory is completely illogical.

The information Lu Chuan looked at at this time was actually information about the composition of the population in the settlement.

Lu Chuan left for a week, but Chu Bin and the others did not do nothing. Instead, as Lu Chuan explained, they started a census. This is not difficult. With the cooperation of the leaders of the various districts, the information of hundreds of thousands of people was sent to Lu Chuan in a week.

This kind of efficiency is absolutely high.

For the people in the colony, Lu Chuan needs to know who he has in his hands, knowing people and making good use of them.

These data have already divided the industry, so Lu Chuan can easily know what kind of talents he has and how many.

"Sure enough, I don't know if I don't do a census, I'm surprised at a census."

Lu Chuan smiled.

Who would think that in these last days, there can be any great guys? However, under this census, it was found that there were quite a lot of powerful people, but the end-time pays attention to the value of force. These people who rely on technology to feed their lives are not so good.

What reminds Lu Chuan is that in Douyin, if you don't read it, you don't know how many talents there are, and then you know how small you are.

The current situation is somewhat similar.

Before, Lu Chuan didn't think that there were no talents in the colony, but now it seems that he is really wrong.

"With these people, the Wolf's Nest will be stronger and more projects can be launched." Lu Chuan is also happy. With these people, God knows how much money he can save and how much value he can create?

In fact, in the biochemical factory's shopping mall, there are a series of technologies, but the move is tens of billions, and Lu Chuan is not willing.

In comparison, human resources in the last days are cheap to death.

One billion of grain can last them for many years, and the value created far exceeds tens of billions.

The mall technology in the biochemical plant is fast, but the expensive price makes Lu Chuan choose the slower method.

However, some higher-level technologies are far from being restored in the last days, only through the mall. This is the future. At least for now, Lu Chuan does not need to go to the mall to buy.

Any technology develops from the low-level to the high-level. Now Lu Chuan's technology accumulation is in the low-level.

Like AR technology, in the biochemical plant system, it is only a low-level technology.

And this low-level technology, when put in the modern era, is the cutting-edge technology, leading the development of technology.

After searching for most of the day, Lu Chuan stood up and stretched. After the data of hundreds of thousands of people were sorted and classified, some real powers were marked out. In this case, Lu Chuan dealt with it and it was enough for most of the day.

"Secretary Jiang, come in."

Lu Chuan pressed the pager on the desktop and said something.

Soon, the door knocked three times before being launched A tall peach woman walked in, a decent professional outfit, a beautiful face, and she was definitely a top-grade woman.

This secretary was prepared by Chu Bin for Lu Chuan.


Jiang Ruixue's voice is very sweet, very An Tong's voice.

"The personnel on this list should be protected and treated with respect." Lu Chuan gave Jiang Ruixue the information in his hand, and did not forget to explain.

There is no way, just in case the people under his staff will be wrong, and it is not Lu Chuan's intention to treat these people roughly.

Jiang Ruixue took the file and glanced at Lu Chuan curiously, before twisting her cocked buttocks and leaving. The buttocks wrapped in professional attire are extremely round and round. What makes people think is what temptation she would be if she was bent over and raised up?

I have to say that this is definitely a stunner, I don't know how many men will be fascinated.

Lu Chuan glanced at it with admiration, and then sighed slightly. After a man has power, it is true that any woman can have it. Especially in the last days, you can do whatever you want.

In fact, Jiang Ruixue should become a big star in the heyday, or marry into a wealthy family.

But in the last days, sometimes being too beautiful is not a good thing, but a disaster.

Lu Chuan didn't check Jiang Ruixue's information, but he also knew what she would be like in the last days. It must be kept by the big men and become their plaything.

But now, I don't know why, I became my secretary.

Maybe someone wants to please themselves and give her out.

I heard it right, it is indeed a sacrifice. A woman of this level will be a kind of private property in the last days. To put it in a bad way, if it weren't for Lu Chuan's status, he would never have known the existence of a woman of this level.

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