Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 430: Royal Garden

After dinner, Lu Chuan and Ye Lingwei went out.

It was the first time, and the second time Ye Kangping and his wife did not even have a warning.


Lu Chuan's identity may not be determined by how many bodyguards are secretly protecting him. What can be safe or unsafe? As for the safety of my daughter... It seems that I have eaten it a long time ago and there are no bones left, so what is safe to say.

Anyway, just go with the flow and let them develop.

In Ye Kangping's opinion, whether Lu Chuan takes care of her, her daughter does not need to worry about all kinds of messy things in her life.

Although Lu Chuan's current title crushes people to death, his mentality has not been completely reversed. For example, he still retains a little bit of the temperament of a rural boy and a little bit of the characteristics of a small citizen.

This kind of character actually just didn't adapt to his own power.

For example, now, Lu Chuan is not proud of any place to have a romantic play, some carousel, or the whole amusement park with his own handwriting.

But like ordinary people, after leaving the villa, they didn't even ask for a car, just the two holding hands and walking in the community.

It may be that her parents have agreed, or that her career has the right to be the master. Ye Lingwei did not pretend to be herself this time, but accompany Lu Chuan in casual clothes, not caring about others' eyes.

In the small area, the crowds who knew Ye Lingwei, a big star, almost knew it.

Now suddenly seeing Ye Lingwei and a man walking out of the house holding hands, that kind of surprise is naturally unnecessary.

A big celebrity doesn't need to cover it. Now he is still coming out of the house. Obviously, this is the rhythm of meeting his parents. Seeing their natural smiles, that kind of happiness means that Ye Lingwei's parents agree.

This is definitely breaking news. I don't know how many people feel stunned.

But Ye Lingwei didn't care, but greeted her, making everyone respond stiffly in shock.

After leaving the community, Lu Chuan took Ye Lingwei on the street again.

"Aren't you afraid of being recognized?" Lu Chuan smiled. It's noon, and it's really not a wise choice to go shopping. The sun is too big, even if it is walking under the shade of the trees, it is still hot.

Ye Lingwei shook his head: "Don't be afraid, I have already announced my relationship before, let alone who would have thought I would go shopping like this, maybe they won't recognize it."

"Okay, you are not afraid, what am I afraid of?" Lu Chuan shrugged.

When we arrived at a milk tea shop, Lu Chuan ordered two cups of green tea and gave a cup of Ye Lingwei.

Ye Lingwei took it and said, "What are you afraid of? I'm afraid people will know that you are my poor boyfriend?"

"Hahaha." Lu Chuan laughed, thinking that if Ye Lingwei knew her identity, she wondered what kind of surprise this poor boyfriend would give her?

It seems that something has been thought of, Ye Lingwei said: "By the way, how is your business now? There is a shortage of funds, I still have a little. I just signed a studio, because it is a share exchange, so there is no signing money. ."

"Business, it's okay, it's just that there are no customers now, so it's at a loss. It should get better in the second half of the year." Lu Chuan said solemnly.

Lu Chuan really didn't lie. Baichuan Guihai does not even have a single customer. Since the technology has not yet been marketed, it is normal to be at a loss. Now the monthly expenses are in the hundreds of millions.

As for the second half of the year, the light and shadow company should become a gold-absorbing company, and the light and shadow company alone can make the Baichuan Guihai company's balance of payments, and it is correct to say that it has improved.

Ye Lingwei became a little worried and said, "Or, can I help you promote it?"

"Do you know what I do?" Lu Chuan smiled, really a silly girl. In this entertainment circle, just her character, no wonder she was drugged. If she hadn't been persistent enough, she would have no bones left.

Ye Lingwei was dumbfounded, as if...she really didn't know what Lu Chuan's business was.

"What is it for?" Ye Lingwei asked afterwards.

Lu Chuan pulled her forward and said, "It's a technology company. Well, I am going to ask you to represent one of its products. Are you interested?"


Royal Garden.

This is definitely a top private club in Linhai. It looks like a garden, but in fact it also runs businesses similar to hotels and so on. For example, to provide a garden-style yard, the price per night ranges from 50,000 to 80,000.

If you want to stay here, you must first have a relationship, and then you must have money.

The small courtyard that Lu Chuan ordered is here. He will spend a few days in Linhai. The privacy of the hotel is really not that good. Not only is it inconvenient for himself, but also for Ye Lingwei.

In fact, there is one secret, another is comfortable living.

"Sir, do you really need to drive in?" The taxi driver, that egg hurts, looking at the path at the entrance of the royal garden, his face is full of your special look at me.

When he first received this young couple, he didn't take it seriously. Even if Lu Chuan talks about the royal garden, after all, many people admire the royal garden and will come here to play.

Besides, whoever stipulated that one must live in the royal garden?

A joke, people who can afford to live in the Royal Gardens will take their own broken taxi? The top luxury car has been sent by the Royal Gardens to pick up and drop off, or he has a luxury car.

Didn't think too much, all the way to here.

But now...what did this young man say, let himself go straight?

Seeing the dumbfounded look of the taxi driver, Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Don't drive in, it's so big inside, let us walk in?"

"But..." The driver didn't know what to say.

Ye Lingwei was also staring at Lu Chuan.

After developing in Linhai for so many years, Ye Lingwei knew about the royal gardens, and she had been here, but she was invited by her agent to introduce a rich man. That kind of hint made Ye Lingwei turn around and fled.

Those who can come in here cannot be ordinary people.

Lu Chuan said, "I have a yard inside, why, don't you want to see what it looks like?"

The driver came back to his senses, with a look of awe in his eyes, nodded fiercely, and said, "Of course, this is a royal garden. I'm not afraid of you laughing. I have been in Linhai for more than 20 years, and I have never entered it once. ."

As the taxi approached, it was naturally stopped.

Lu Chuan stretched out his hand. An instrument that resembled a watch on his wrist cast a beam of light to create a virtual screen. After a few clicks, without going through security, the door opened.

These security guards looked at Lu Chuan with awe in their faces with astonishment on their faces.

They had known for a long time that there was a great power, and they had recognized the photo, but they just didn't react. Now that the door opened, they knew Lu Chuan's identity.

How can anyone open the gate of the royal garden?

So far, they have seen less than ten people with this ability.

Ye Lingwei thought it was opened by security, and didn't think much about it. The driver was very excited and drove all the way in. Under Lu Chuan's guidance, he finally reached the yard Lu Chuan said. There are countless beautiful scenery inside, although it is artificially made, it is also the top-level scenery.

Lu Chuan wanted to scan the code, but the driver didn't let it: "If you can come in once, this trip is worth it. You don't need your money. It's my ticket money."

When the driver left, Lu Chuan did not insist.

Ye Lingwei has always had a feeling of sleepwalking, but soon, she has a feeling of hating iron but not steel, and said: "Why can't you be mature? You know that you are only starting your career now, but you spend money randomly."

Ye Lingwei knows the price here. The lowest price for a night is 50,000 yuan. Lu Chuan doesn't need to be swollen and fat.

Lu Chuan took her hand and said, "Come in quickly."

Ye Lingwei really didn't know the royal gardens, so when he saw this one could be said to be a large yard, he didn't know what the price of the yard was, but he knew it was very large.

A yard is surrounded by landscape and greenery, and the yard itself has about two acres, like a courtyard layout.

When you enter the room in the yard, the appearance is actually a single room, but in fact it is composed of suites. In every suite, Ye Lingwei stepped in and felt shocked, because the luxurious decoration inside was far beyond imagination.

The outside is Chinese style, but inside, there are different elements.

Ye Lingwei was sure that the yard she entered was better than the rich one before.

Seeing Ye Lingwei's wandering, Lu Chuan smiled, and a princess came and hugged him: "Don't worry about the others, take a bath first..." Then he hugged her and walked towards the indoor swimming pool.

Ye Lingwei screamed and struggled slightly. She only had Lu Chuan twice, and now she is in the same bath, she still can't recognize it.

But how can she be Lu Chuan's opponent?

In the top swimming pool, there was a sound of clattering, then it turned into a popping sound, a man's gasp, and a woman's groaning and groaning.


In the afternoon here is bathed in sunshine.

After Lu Chuan put on his clothes, he clicked a few times on the smart watch on his wrist, and soon a service team of more than a dozen people appeared outside.

They are mixed men and women, but they are well-trained, and they are methodically busy here.

Food trucks pushed over, and a table under the big tree in the yard put all kinds of food.

In just a few minutes, they took care of everything, and then retreated, as if they had never been here.

"Come and eat something."

Lu Chuan waved after Ye Lingwei's dressing process. I have to say that Ye Lingwei's figure is also top-notch, with a super golden ratio. What is rare is that her little white rabbit is natural and the size is not small.

It is the trail, which is now the third development. It is very compact and packaged so that Lu Chuan has the strongest satisfaction.

Ye Lingwei twisted and said, "I know you are not at ease."

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