Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 698: 300 billion

The upcoming release of virtual warehouses and virtual helmets is now regarded as the hottest news in China. People of every country feel proud.

In the past, any cutting-edge technology was always the first to enjoy the crooked nuts. I don’t know how many years later, it will be the turn of the country.

But now, everything has changed.

The virtual network and virtual warehouse are all first launched by China, and there is no plan for overseas plans, even Baichuan Guihai Company. In the words of Baichuan Guihai Company, it will only consider more after satisfying the China market.

Countless players all stretched their necks and stared, one by one excitedly greeted the arrival of the virtual era.

For players, virtual games are dreams. Many people imagine that they may not be able to play virtual games in their lifetime. But now, the emergence of Baichuan Guihai Company has fulfilled their dream.

The number of Huaxia players alone is more than 300 million, a huge market.

The outside world was very lively because of the countdown to the virtual warehouse and virtual helmet. In the castle in the sky, Ye Lingwei was tossed to death again. After she couldn't even move, Lu Chuan still did not reach the peak.

"I can't do it anymore." Ye Lingwei made a begging voice.

Lu Chuan had a tangled look on his face, but he sighed and stopped.

Embracing Ye Lingwei, the two fell silent.

Ye Lingwei has guilt on her face. For a woman, being unable to satisfy a man makes her feel guilty, and she doesn't know how to face Lu Chuan.

It seemed that something had been thought of. After Ye Lingwei had slowed down, he said, "The virtual warehouse is going to be on sale?"

"It will be on sale the day after tomorrow. I will ask the company to send one. However, the opening of the virtual network and virtual games will have to wait until April 1. There is a stand-alone game on the virtual warehouse, you can try it first."

Lu Chuan replied, Ye Lingwei nodded.

Thinking of the outside world's evaluation of Baichuan Guihai Company, Ye Lingwei felt a bit bitter. This would be a true technology empire, and the man holding him now is the king of this empire. She hesitated and said, "I don't feel I am worthy of you."

Lu Chuan froze for a moment, and said, "What are you talking about? In this world, there is no such thing as worthy or unworthy. As long as the two love each other, they are worthy. Wealth is only for love, so don't care about it."

Ye Lingwei smiled bitterly. There was nothing wrong with this, but she always felt that she was too small in front of Lu Chuan. Even if she owns Lu Chuan, she is too happy.

After a long silence, Ye Lingwei felt even more guilty, feeling Lu Chuan's hardness.

"Or, you have one more woman."

When she said this, Ye Lingwei was full of bitter taste. As long as it is a woman, it is impossible to share her man with others. But... in the current situation, Ye Lingwei discovered that Lu Chuan's strength could not be carried by herself.

A man, if he can't be satisfied once or twice, nothing will happen.

But in the long run?

This kind of strong physical demand, even if the other person loves you again, they will find another woman outside. This is inevitable and does not involve any love loyalty, because no one can hold it for so long, even a saint.

Rather than telling him to cheat when Lu Chuan comes, he should be more generous, and he can still have a good impression in Lu Chuan's heart.

Lu Chuan was silent, just hugging Ye Lingwei.

This matter, by now, has finally started to proceed as Lu Chuan had imagined.

Very selfish and scumbag, but Lu Chuan really didn't want to give up any of them. After all, whether it is Ye Lingwei or Shi Ruoyu, they are all people who have given their love.

"I promise you that I won't bring other women back here." Lu Chuan thought for a while before saying that this castle in the sky would only belong to Ye Lingwei.

Ye Lingwei nodded, even if she didn't want to, this would be the best result.


Solving this matter made Lu Chuan feel refreshed.

Next, you need to fix Shi Ruoyu.

At that time, it will be the real time to embrace each other.

March 25.

The virtual warehouse and virtual helmet are officially on sale. It is jointly sold on the online shopping mall and offline platforms. The first phase will sell 1 million virtual warehouses and 5 million virtual helmets.

In order to become hot, offline platforms have one-third of the quantity for sale. It is available in stock. As long as you line up in front, you can buy it before it is sold out.

For the mall, it will take three days at the earliest to receive it, and even in some remote areas, it will be received within a week.

Under this kind of gap, many people would rather go to the offline platform to queue up so that they can experience the charm of virtual warehouses and virtual helmets as soon as possible.

In order to cope with the reason that the virtual network has not been opened, these virtual devices are equipped with a stand-alone virtual game, which can also make people experience the virtual world in advance.

In fact, starting on the 24th, some professional scalpers have begun to act. They have started lining up on offline platforms early on, waiting for the sale.

Like this kind of explosive technology products, when the time comes, many people are asking for purchases. It is too simple to make 30%, 50%.


How could Lu Chuan let this kind of thing happen? Whether it is online or offline, you need to purchase with an ID card. An ID card can only buy one product. Once the ID card is entered, it will be recorded. You cannot buy it again without lifting this regulation.

At the same time, the current facial makeup recognition is also used, and you need to take a picture when you buy it.

Under this method, the scalpers can also get the goods, but they can only exist on a small scale, and cannot be resold on a large scale.

It is officially on sale at 9 am on the 25th.

The long lines of offline lines are basically certain that there will be no inventory.

The Internet is even more exaggerated, selling out in just three minutes.

Like the price of a virtual warehouse, the price of a set is the price of a joint venture compact car. But the exaggeration is that in just three minutes, 700,000 virtual warehouses were sold out. What is this concept?

If this data is let car manufacturers know, it will definitely be crazy.

The equivalent of 700,000 cars were sold in three minutes. How could this not make them feel crazy? You must know that this is a virtual warehouse of hundreds of thousands, not a dozen yuan.

The virtual helmet is also as high as 28,000 yuan, but the 3 million pieces in the mall are also sold out in an instant.

With the disclosure of the data by Baichuanguihai Sales Company, as well as the number of transactions displayed on the mall, this data shocked the world after the media reported it.

Two hundred billion in sales in three minutes. What is this concept?

If you count the online and offline sales, it means that in just one day, the sales of virtual devices alone have reached a staggering 300 billion.

This data, what platform, was turned into a scum.

After the data comes out, anyone who sees this data will know that no one in Baichuan Guihai Company can stop its technological dominance.

With the sale of virtual devices, the real highlight will come next, such as virtual networks, virtual games, and virtual communities.

The users who are able to purchase these mobile devices are tens of thousands, tens of thousands of virtual devices are definitely not bad users. How terrible will the consumer circle formed by them be?

Countless bigwigs can't calm down anymore. If they can't get a share of the virtual era in the future, they will definitely be abandoned by this era.

Traditional industries are better, like high-tech industries, which is definitely a huge impact.

The influence of Baichuan Guihai Company is enormous. Everyone knows that Baichuan Guihai Company will break in like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. No one can stop it. The only thing that can be done is to obey it. Like every technology giant company, after the announcement of the sales of Baichuanguihai, the stock price fell more than a dozen points.

For the stock price that had been tragically downturned before, it would be disastrous to fall by more than a dozen points again.

Take Apple as an example. From breaking through a trillion U.S. dollars in market value, to now there is only 300 billion U.S. dollars left, and it has fallen by more than 70% of its market value.

With the authorization of AR technology for domestic mobile phones, the application of AR technology in mobile phones is to tear off the only piece of clothing on Apple's body, and the blow to Apple is even greater.

The market value of 300 billion US dollars is still shrinking, and it is almost staged a great escape.

Not only Apple, but companies like Microsoft and Google are also knocked down to the world. When their advantage is no longer, it is impossible to support such a huge market value.

Their blockade of technology, the so-called patent fortress, is even more a joke in front of cutting-edge technology. Cutting-edge technology completely bypassed their patent fortress and did not give them a chance at all.

Faced with this horrible data, all the people related to these companies have pale faces, because they understand that when the virtual network goes online, the market value will fall wildly again.

Those who foresee the decline, and those who are still holding stocks, naturally start to ship more crazily.

Only that day, the final drop reached an astonishing 25%.

Users who buy online have no way to experience it the first time, so they can only wait. However, users who purchased offline experienced the virtual warehouse and virtual helmet for the first time.

The self-contained stand-alone virtual game has a complete world view setting, a huge map, and countless countries standing in a forest. Under the characterization of virtual technology, it is presented to users like a real world.

When users enter it, they can choose countless occupations and roles, put themselves into them, and carry out life and adventure.

This game was brought by Lu Chuan from the end of the world. It was the pinnacle of all the stand-alone games launched at that time. Its majestic world view setting made even Lu Chuan at that time amazed.

And now the users who have purchased the virtual warehouse, their first virtual experience starts from this stand-alone world.

In the first time, some media released the experience of stand-alone virtual games. There is a camera function inside, so everything about the player can be recorded well.

If no one said it, someone would think it was a video and it was actually shot.

But the fact is that all these things are presented in virtual games. It has attracted the attention of countless people in the world with a similarity close to 80% of reality. In it, you even think that this is the real you. In reality, you are more like in a game.

Of course, it is a game after all, and many things still have flaws.

For example, NPCs do not have enough intelligence support, which means they are smarter than traditional games. But in appearance, they are not much different from real people.

One flower, one grass and one tree, everything is extremely lifelike.

Being in it, on the sensory system blessed by the virtual warehouse, you will smell the fragrance of flowers and feel the sun... everything is exactly the same as when you are outdoors.

In particular, there are more than a thousand kinds of characters that can be freely chosen, which is absolutely jaw-dropping.

The magical background and the beautiful scenery definitely challenge people's understanding. Especially the scenery inside, because it is a virtual game, it presents almost no difference from the real one, making it immersive.

Every user, when they enter this experience, shouts that they are worth the money, and the shock that virtual technology brings to them is of the spiritual level.

On the Internet, these videos about the inside of virtual games are everywhere.

For those who have not been able to experience it for the first time, understanding through this video is enough to make them feel good.

The entire network is in a boiling state.

Numerous test comments and experience reports appear on every website and forum. You will never imagine how hot virtual technology will be at this moment.

I don’t know how many crooked nuts went over the wall to China, just to watch these videos. Now they all hate why their country is so bureaucratic. If it is more efficient, they don't have to just watch the video, but play the game inside.

It is certain that just this single-player virtual game can make various countries suffer, because players in their countries will not be afraid of them. Parades, demonstrations, protests and other programs will definitely appear one after another.

At this moment, you may not know the Baichuan Guihai Company, but you have to know the official arrival of the virtual era.

March 26.

Just one day after the event was sold, Baichuan Guihai Company was under the concealment of the virtual era. It used a low-key that seemed to be high-profile but was overshadowed by the scenery of the virtual era. The company's battery business division was separated, and Baichuan Guihai Energy Company was formed.

At the same time, it was also announced that Baichuan Guihai Company would form Baichuan Guihai Pharmaceutical Company.

For people outside the industry, these two news are nothing at all, and they did not pay much attention to it. But for people in the industry, these two news are more shocking than the news in the virtual age.

The behavior of Baichuanguihai company, from the beginning to the present, either does not play, once it is played, it will bring a catastrophic change to the entire industry, as long as the company does not keep up with the pace, it will be cruelly abandoned.

Needless to say, AR at the current virtual technology, no one can do it.

Now announcing the establishment of an energy company and a pharmaceutical company, let them understand that Baichuanguihai Company is finally going to take a shot in these two traditional industries. The urinary nature of returning to the sea will bring a major earthquake to these two industries.

Some of the bosses who were gloating before were instantly dumbfounded.


Then these bosses sneered again.

Playing well in science and technology does not mean playing well in energy and medicine. This is not a high-tech, but a medicine that requires countless clinical trials. Like energy, it’s impossible for you to change the fuel that can be used, right?

In traditional industries, there is a fortress, not everyone can enter and play.

Your Baichuanguihai company is a cow in the science and technology industry, but in these two traditional industries, even if it is a dragon, it has to lie down like a snake.

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