Super Zoo

Chapter 17 I will be gentle

After the monkeys appeared, they ran and jumped to the wall at the edge of the monkey mountain, and then one after another, they piled up.

These monkeys were the stronger adult monkeys in the monkey mountain, with great strength and agility. Not long after, they actually built a "monkey ladder" several meters high along the wall. The highest point of the monkey ladder was less than half a meter away from the top of the wall.

At this time, it was dark and the zoo had been closed for a long time. There was no one around the monkey mountain. Otherwise, if someone saw this scene, it would definitely cause a big sensation.


The old monkey king pulled Su Ming, then jumped up and grabbed a branch, swinging like Tarzan, and swung to the side of the monkey ladder in a few steps. He climbed up the monkey ladder to the top, jumped easily, grabbed the guardrail above the wall, and flipped out of the monkey mountain.

"Prison break!"

Su Ming was shocked. If the monkey king ran away, he would not be able to explain himself.

Besides, the monkey king had lived in the zoo for many years, and he had everything he wanted, so he had lost the wildness of wild animals. In the wild, he seemed free, but he could never adapt.

Whether in public or private, or for the monkey king, returning to the zoo to eat and wait for death was the best choice.

Su Ming was about to catch up, use his mental power to control the monkey king and catch it back. Unexpectedly, after the monkey king climbed over the wall, he did not escape immediately, but waved at Su Ming across the fence.

"Let me follow you?" Su Ming was slightly stunned, then opened the keeper's passage and got out of the monkey mountain.

In a short while, the monkey king had run dozens of meters, holding a branch with one hand and shaking Su Ming with the other hand. Su Ming quickly turned around to lock the exit door and strode after him.

So, the monkey king led the way in front, and Su Ming followed behind, passing through the forest path of the zoo and running towards the back mountain.

Along the way, the monkey king was actually very familiar with the environment of the zoo, and walked through the streets and alleys with familiarity. Occasionally, when he met a few zoo employees walking towards him, this guy would hide in the shadows of the trees, wait for Su Ming to greet them with a smile, and when they walked away, the monkey king would jump out and run forward.

After leaving the animal area and arriving at the forest area, he was able to move freely and soon arrived at the back wall of the zoo.

The monkey king climbed a tree to the top of the wall and climbed over the wall in one go.

Su Ming hurriedly climbed up the tree to the top of the wall.

Just as he was about to jump down, he felt dizzy.

The back wall of the zoo was originally a low earth wall less than two meters high. Tourists often climbed in from here to evade tickets. Later, the zoo spent money to rebuild the wall, and now the height of the wall has exceeded three meters.

Su Ming squatted on the top of the wall, gritted his teeth, aimed at a piece of grass outside the outer wall, and jumped directly off the wall.

With his legs slightly bent, Su Ming was ready to fall, but he didn't expect his body to land smoothly, swayed slightly, and stood up again.

Su Ming was stunned: "Hey, I seem to be much more agile!"

A lot of inexplicable things happened during this period, and they all seemed to be related to Animal Friends.

But there was no time to care about these things at this time, Su Ming once again caught up with the Monkey King.

The Monkey King was not in a hurry to escape, he ran for a while and stopped for a while, as if waiting for Su Ming to catch up, and the man and the monkey quickly ran into the back mountain.

The back mountain of the zoo is the end of a branch of the Qinling Mountains. It has not yet been developed. It is usually sparsely populated. There is not even a decent road. There are rugged rocks and wild trees everywhere.

If it were before, Su Ming would not be able to walk far even if he walked slowly, let alone chasing a monkey in the mountains.

But now, Su Ming can barely keep up with the Monkey King. His skills are indeed much more agile than before, and his physical strength seems to have increased.

Two figures, one man and one monkey, ran in the mountains for almost an hour. Just when Su Ming felt that his physical strength was about to reach the limit, the monkey king finally stopped, climbed up an old tree, sat on it, and his tail dangled.

This is a small valley, a mountain spring gurgled down, and formed a small waterfall on a steep slope two or three meters high. There was a small pool of water several meters in radius under the waterfall.

Su Ming didn't care to appreciate the beautiful scenery, he sat on the ground, panting, "I'm so tired, huhuhu..."

"Chi cha cha..." The monkey king jumped on the big tree, pointing at the big tree under him.

Su Ming then noticed that there was a strong fragrance wafting from the big tree, which was exactly the same as the fragrance of the fruit wine just now.

When he walked to the old tree, he saw that the old tree, which was almost hugged by two people, had a section of the tree core empty, and it was full of many rotten and fermented fruits.

Tick-tock, a drop of emerald green liquid dripped from the hollow, it was the monkey wine just drunk!

Su Ming suddenly realized that this was the place where the old monkey king made wine!

It seems that this guy had a way to escape from the zoo long ago, but he was very smart and knew that there was food and drink in the zoo without danger, and he was happy like a fairy, so he still lived in the zoo. When he was bored, he secretly came out to make some wine.

Under the tree was a tin bucket stolen from somewhere, which had been used to collect the dripping fruit wine. It had already collected almost half a bucket of wine.

"It's worthy of being a guy who can evolve into a human, amazing!" Su Ming gestured with a thumbs up.

The old monkey king scratched his head, pointed at the bucket, and then pointed at Su Ming.

"Give it all to me?" Su Ming asked.

"Squeak..." The monkey king nodded.

"So righteous! From now on, your business is my business!" Su Ming laughed. Compared with humans, these animals are really too kind.

The iron barrel was already filled with half a barrel of fruit wine, which was about ten pounds.

It would take a long time for the fermented fruit to drip out a drop of fruit wine. I don't know how long it would take to accumulate this half barrel.

"Bring bottles tomorrow and take more wine back." Su Ming thought.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..." The old monkey king hurriedly pulled out all the rotten fruits in the tree hole and threw them far away into the woods.

"Oh, you mean, these fruits can no longer produce wine?"

"Squeak..." The monkey king nodded. It seemed that it not only knew how to make wine, but also was an old hand with a lot of experience.

In this case, there was no need to wait until tomorrow. Su Ming simply carried the iron barrel and took the monkey king back to the zoo.

The monkey king didn't need Su Ming to lead him. He sneaked back to the monkey mountain and continued to live a good life of eating and waiting to die.

Su Ming returned to the Tingfeng Water Pavilion with the wine barrel, and went to the store to buy a box of Coke, poured out the Coke, and filled it with Monkey Wine.

He filled four large bottles and one small bottle.

Outside the water pavilion, by the lake, Meow One to Meow Four, led by Dahei, patrolled diligently, their pupils glowing in the darkness, watching the movement of the lake.

Su Ming carried a half-bottle of Baiguo Wine, staggered on the big water platform, and laughed at the water.

"Hehehe, alligator turtle, don't be afraid, I will be very gentle!"

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