Super Zoo

Chapter 31 Basketball Big Hive

When Su Ming and Master Peng rushed to Xiong Mountain, tourists near Xiong Mountain had been evacuated. Xiao Li, the keeper of Xiong Mountain, was already sweating profusely. He pointed at several trees in Xiong Mountain through the cage and stammered. Said: "Well, it's right there..."

The area of ​​Xiong Mountain is only a little more than one-third of the entire Monkey Mountain. There are also some rockeries in it, but there is a small forest with more than a dozen trees in the forest.

Several honeycombs almost as big as basketballs hang on the treetops. From a distance, they look like heavy fruits. Many bees are flying in and out of the honeycombs.

Under the tree where the honeycomb is located, two larger bears sit on the ground with their legs crossed, their eyes wide open and round, staring intently at the honeycomb a few meters above their heads. A small black bear, almost one meter tall, is The man stood up, resting his two front paws on the tree trunk, pointing at the honeycomb above his head, making a "wuwuwu" cry, with a greedy look on his face, and glistening saliva dripping down the corners of his mouth.

After seeing those honeycombs clearly, Master Peng was very surprised and asked Xiao Li: "Such a big honeycomb? Xiao Li, do you know whether it is a bee or a wasp?"

Wasps are also commonly referred to as 'wasps'. They are much more poisonous and aggressive than bees. If you are stung by a wasp, you will easily become poisoned if you don't deal with it in time. A dozen wasps can sting a person alive.

Bees generally do not sting easily. Their tail sting is connected to the intestines, and the bee will die after stinging. Unlike wasps, their tail stinger can be reused.

If it were a hornet's nest the size of several basketballs, it would be a huge problem. The zoo would probably not dare to deal with it, and would have to hire a professional fire brigade to deal with it.

"It's not a wasp, it's a bee!"

Xiao Li, the keeper of Xiongshan Mountain, said with a sad face: "I only discovered it the day before yesterday. At that time, there was only one bee nest, which was about the size of a fist. It's not like there were no bees in the zoo, so I didn't pay attention at the time. But when I saw it yesterday, it was amazing. Suddenly, there were several more bees in the nest, and I felt something was wrong. I prepared the tools in the evening and thought of getting rid of them today, but I didn’t expect that when I came in the afternoon, there were more bees and they became so big!”

As the caretaker of Xiong Mountain, if a bear is stung by a bee, or if a bee stings someone, Xiao Li will be blamed. At least one month's performance bonus will be deducted. If something big happens, he may not even be able to work. None are guaranteed.

Like Su Ming, Xiao Li is also a temporary worker. His family also comes from a rural area and he has a younger sister who is in school. He relies entirely on his income to support the family. No wonder he is in such a hurry.

Master Peng and several other keepers looked at each other in confusion. The plants in the zoo are lush and there are many flowers and plants. It is normal for some bees to appear occasionally and even small bee nests. But so many of them came out overnight, which is a bit strange. It's not normal anymore.

Xiong Mountain is not far from the back mountain. There are lush flowers in the back mountain, and it is a wild environment with few human traces. Even if the bees have a home, they should make their home in the back mountain. Why come to Xiong Mountain when everything is fine?

"Xiao Su, what do you think?" Master Peng asked Su Ming subconsciously.

Su Ming couldn't figure out why for the time being. Are these bees coming for him?

But it doesn’t matter even if you think about it. Although Animal Friends can be friendly to animals, it needs to be actively used by oneself. It is not like honey, and the ‘scent’ can be smelled from a long distance.

"Ignore the reason for now. Xiao Li, you two should lure those bears away first. Xiao Su, follow me down and poke the nest!"

Master Peng put on a hood and held a long bamboo pole in one hand. One end of the long bamboo pole was wrapped in cotton cloth poured with gasoline. He then pointed at a large bucket and motioned for Su Ming to carry the bucket.

Su Ming felt depressed and thought, Master, you are too kind. It was obviously Xiao Li who was negligent in his work, which caused the bee nest to multiply and become a disaster, but Master Peng took on the most dangerous part of 'poking the hornet's nest'. He also took a piece with him.

There was no other way. Who told me that I was Master Peng's apprentice? When he got in, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow him with a bucket.

Friends of Animals should be effective in dealing with bees, right? I just don’t know how many bees I can control at one time!

Su Ming looked at those large hives and was not very sure. There might be thousands of bees in such a big hive. If one of them failed, they would all come out to attack him...

Thinking of this scene, Su Ming's scalp felt numb and goosebumps appeared all over his body. He subconsciously covered his head and face tightly, leaving only his two eyes exposed. He had swimming goggles hanging around his neck, ready to wear them at any time. protect eyes.

There is a keeper entrance at the bottom of Bear Mountain. After opening the iron door and walking along the dark passage for seven or eight meters, you come to a dark room.

This place is divided into two parts: one side is where the black bears rest, and the other side is where the keepers put food. There is a device to control the iron gate on the wall. When it is time to clean Bear Mountain, use food to lure the black bear back to the resting place, and then the administrator on the other side uses the switch to close the door of the black bear resting room, and then you can enter Bear Mountain.

Now the three members of the Black Bear family are staying under the tree. The lounge is empty, and some uneaten fruits and meats are thrown around randomly, emitting an unpleasant smell.

"Ding ding ding... ding ding ding..." Keeper Xiao Li held a large piece of raw pork in one hand and used a small iron rod to hit the iron cage with the other to make a sound, attracting a family of black bears not far away.

Normally, as soon as the black bear family hears this sound, they know there is food and will come running over immediately.

But at this time, the three bears just looked here absentmindedly, then turned back and stared at the beehive on the tree with great concentration, drooling, without even moving their butts.

The little black bear didn't even look at this side, and his long drool hung out of his mouth in a shiny straight line, almost flowing to the ground.

Obviously, honey is much more attractive to them than fat, greasy, and not very fresh pork.

Xiao Li was so anxious that sweat came out, and he took a small iron rod and hit it hard, and the noise was so loud that it hurt people's ears.

However, the black bear family not only did not come over, but a larger black bear also grinned and roared at this side.

The black bear's "huhuhu" is not snoring, but a manifestation of anger. Obviously, the big black bear is very dissatisfied with these guys who disturbed their YY honey deliciousness.

"Xiao Su, do you have any ideas?" Master Peng suddenly asked Su Ming. Su Ming followed him to feed the animals every day. Master Peng clearly felt that the animals were very close to him. In addition to the glorious deeds of saving the little girl before, Master Peng had an inexplicable trust in Su Ming.

Not far away, because the little black bear kept shaking the tree, the beehive on the tree finally shook slightly.

A drop of honey dripped out of the beehive and fell into the little black bear's grown mouth.

"Woo woo woo..."

The little black bear let out a happy cry, and Su Ming's mental power also sent a burst of joyful emotions.

"Damn it, it's going to be bad!"

Su Ming did not feel happy, but roared, quickly shrank his neck, put on swimming goggles, and covered himself in a military coat, covering himself tightly!

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