Super Zoo

Chapter 59 Wolf Cub

Every time the wolfdog brothers met the wolf king, they looked like enemies meeting and getting jealous. As they were once the same species, they now disliked each other. Every time they met, they would roar fiercely across the cage.

The reason was obvious to Su Ming.

The wolf king probably thought that you guys had long given up the glory of your ancestors and became shameless domestic dogs that licked humans. You dared to hang around in front of me. You are so shameless!

In the eyes of the wolfdog brothers, no matter how awesome you are, you are still trapped in a cage. If the daffodils don't bloom, why are you pretending!

However, the wolf king's wife, who was about to give birth to a baby, was actually quite nice to the two wolfdogs, which made Su Ming feel very sorry for the wolf king.

"Xiao Su, hurry up, the mother wolf has given birth, you have to go!" Early on Tuesday morning, Master Peng hurriedly called Su Ming out of the waterside pavilion and dragged him towards the wolf house.

Master Peng's original intention was to hope that Su Ming could be by the side when the wolf cub was born. The first thing the wolf cub saw after it was born was Su Ming, so it would naturally feel close to Su Ming, and it would be convenient to raise and manage it in the future.

Master Peng meant well, but Su Ming always felt that his words were weird.

Why do I have to go when the mother wolf gives birth? Although I am a big monster, the mother wolf's cubs have nothing to do with me!

Having said that, Su Ming was still very happy when he heard that the mother wolf gave birth.

Damn it, I'm finally liberated, and I don't have to see the stinky face of the pregnant wolf anymore!

Also liberated was the wolf king, who had suffered a lot of humiliation during this period.

Strangely enough, the wolves in the zoo were probably raised to lack some wildness, and their tempers and habits were different from those of the wolves in the wild.

Wolves value their cubs and are loyal to their partners, but I have never heard of a male wolf being so 'loving' a pregnant female wolf. During the period of the female wolf's pregnancy, her temper was quite bad. She was always rude to the wolf king, but the wolf king endured it all. He had no domineering attitude of a king at all, and looked like a bullied little man. Su Ming felt very pitiful when he saw her.

The time of pregnancy of female wolves is also different from that of wild wolves. Most wild wolves give birth in spring.

In spring, everything comes back to life. Various animals are not at their peak physical strength because they have been hungry for a winter, and they are eager to find food. Their vigilance is greatly reduced, which makes it easier for female wolves to hunt. With sufficient food, the female wolf can produce a lot of milk to feed the little wolf cubs.

The wolves in the zoo have no concerns about food. Although they cannot reach the level of 'eating well', they can still 'eat enough', so even the time of giving birth has changed, sometimes in summer, sometimes in autumn.

What's even more strange is that when a female wolf gives birth, there are usually at least three or four cubs in a litter, but this female wolf in the zoo only gave birth to one little wolf cub! Everyone was very confused.

Nine dogs and one mastiff, the only one is the most ferocious, and I don't know if this only little wolf cub will become the strongest wolf when he grows up.

Anyway, it's finally born, which is a good thing for everyone.

The weather is too hot, and the female wolf is pregnant again. The zoo spent a lot of money to install a glass house and air conditioning in the wolf house.

Looking through the transparent glass, the wolf king sat quietly in the cage, looking around with some vigilance from time to time. The female wolf lay in the wolf den, and her tongue kept licking a large piece of something that looked like a placenta.

It didn't want to eat the placenta, but to lick off the bloody smell on the placenta to avoid attracting other carnivores and threatening the newborn cubs. Although some habits of the wolves in the zoo have changed, most of their natures still remain in their bones.

Next to the mother wolf, there was a little wolf cub with gray fur and black wolf hair, which kept getting into the mother wolf's arms.

Director Song lay on the railing beside the wolf house, leaning forward, squinting his eyes and staring at the mother wolf and the little wolf for a while, and said: "The wolf king and his wife are both old wolves. The mother wolf is two years older than the wolf king. I guess she doesn't have much milk. Old Peng, come with me and take the little wolf out to feed it."

The life span of a prairie wolf is generally only 12-16 years. The wolf king and his wife were already ten years old when they came to the zoo, and they have lived here for another two years. According to human terms, they are all elderly people, which is considered to be old age. Especially the mother wolf, who has reached her twilight years, of course, she doesn't have much milk.

"Let me do it!" Su Ming quickly persuaded Director Song and Master Peng.

Wolves are very aggressive by nature, and the mother wolf is in a sensitive period of nervousness to protect the little wolf. It is extremely dangerous to approach the little wolf at this time. Although the zoo has a set of protective measures, it is not 100% safe.

If other people go, even if they can guarantee the safety of people, it is easy to scare the female wolf who has just given birth. It would be bad if she has postpartum depression or something like that.

Director Song looked at Su Ming and nodded, then signaled Master Peng to give the bottle to Su Ming and patted Su Ming on the shoulder: "Be careful!"

Su Ming carried the bottle, went around the back of the wolf house, opened the iron door, and went in through the breeder's passage.

Similar to the internal structure of Xiongshan, the breeder's passage behind the wolf house and the wolf house are separated by an iron fence. The mother wolf was lying not far from the iron fence. Su Ming squatted beside the fence and could reach out to touch the wolf cub.

Hearing the footsteps approaching, the mother wolf, who was lying down, jumped up all of a sudden as if she had been electrocuted. The wolf howl on her neck exploded, and she used her body to block the little wolf, grinning and showing her fangs and growling.

"Easy!" Su Ming released a mental force and shook the bottle at the mother wolf.

The mother wolf smelled the familiar scent on Su Ming, so she let down her guard and lay down beside the wolf cubs again.

When Su Ming got closer, he could see the wolf cubs clearly. The little wolf cubs were slightly larger than his palm, and there was a thin layer of gray film on their eyeballs. They were blue and full of water, and the pupils were black.

Seeing the stranger coming in, the little guy who was trying to get into the mother wolf's arms just now suddenly straightened his tail and limbs, tilted his body, and fell to the ground with his head down. His eyes were closed, and his body became very stiff and motionless.

It seemed that the little wolf cub was frightened by Su Ming and had a heart attack and died suddenly.

"The acting is too exaggerated!" Su Ming almost laughed. The little wolf cub didn't recognize him. He was pretending to be dead.

So he released a faint mental power and tried to probe the little wolf cub.

The newborn wolf cub had a natural sensitivity to spiritual power. Once it came into contact with spiritual power, it immediately realized that the "big guy" in front of it was not hostile. On the contrary, it had a feeling of attachment to it.

The wolf cub then let down its guard, opened its eyes little by little, looked at Su Ming curiously, then shook its head and struggled to climb up.

It stretched out its little claws and waved them randomly in the air a few times, as if trying to grab that "spiritual power", but it missed, lost its balance, and fell down again.

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