Superb Female Ghost Shelter

Chapter 2135 This is

Zhou Xiaoyu knew at a glance that her mother was more afraid of the woman on the ground, so she supported her mother and walked out of the cave, saying as she walked: "Mom, let's talk about it when we go out."

When Zhou Xiaoyu passed the woman on the ground, she stepped on him again.

"Killing, killing!" the woman screamed.

"Zhou Li, don't worry about this stinky girl. I am her aunt. Do you treat your elders like this? See how I deal with you in the future!"

Zhou Xiaoyu became even more angry after hearing her words.

She went up and slapped the woman twice, causing blood to flow from the corner of her mouth and one of her front teeth to fall out.

Then ignoring the howling woman on the ground, Zhou Xiaoyu helped her mother out of the cave.

After Zhou Xiaoyu helped her mother out, she found a place to sit down with her mother and asked about what happened recently.

It turned out that Qin Yan left a lot of money to Zhou Xiaoyu's mother. Zhou Xiaoyu's mother and a matchmaker who was present were shocked. They had never seen so much money.

Qin Yan told Zhou Xiaoyu's mother that Zhou Xiaoyu was a god and took Zhou Xiaoyu away.

Her mother was completely stunned at that time, so she didn't ask Zhou Xiaoyu what was going on.

Of course, Qin Yan didn't give her mother this time and just pulled Zhou Xiaoyu away.

After Qin Yan and Zhou Xiaoyu left for a long time, her mother and the matchmaker realized that it was true. They looked at the money in the room and realized that it was true.

The matchmaker's eyes lit up when she saw a room full of money. She didn't expect that the poorest person in the village suddenly had so much money and became the richest person in the village. This gap was too big, and the matchmaker was a bit Can't believe the facts before me.

Although Zhou Xiaoyu's mother didn't know whether what Qin Yan said was true or false, or whether her daughter was a fairy, she still hoped from the bottom of her heart that what Qin Yan said was true, so that her daughter would not have to suffer with her in the future. .

Zhou Xiaoyu has been living with her for more than ten years, living a very miserable life without having to eat the last meal. She also feels very sorry for her daughter, but she dare not completely believe her dear words. So she didn't plan to use the money.

She planned to hide the money in case her daughter came back one day, and she was asking Zhou Xiaoyu for details.

Zhou Xiaoyu's mother gave the matchmaker 10,000 yuan and told her to keep it a secret and not to tell anyone what happened today.

The matchmaker promised well at the time, but when she thought of Zhou Xiaoyu's mother, she suddenly became very jealous after spending so much money.

As soon as she went out, she told the people in the village that Zhou Xiaoyu was a fairy who came down to earth. She was taken away by the gods in the sky. The gods also left a house full of money for Zhou Xiaoyu's mother.

At first, the people in the village did not believe what the matchmaker said, but when the matchmaker took out the large stack of banknotes, the people in the village began to waver. They felt that maybe what the matchmaker said was true, otherwise how could she have 10,000 yuan in her pocket? bucks.

In such a poor mountain village, 10,000 yuan is a big sum, and no one would just put it in their pocket.

Everyone wanted to go to Zhou Xiaoyu's cave to see if what the matchmaker said was true.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoyu's grandfather and uncle happened to hear it. When they heard that Zhou Xiaoyu's mother had a house full of money, their eyes immediately lit up.

They heard that people were going to Zhou Xiaoyu's house to see if it was true. They immediately came out and stopped the passers-by, telling them that this was definitely not true, and told people what was going on at Zhou Xiaoyu's house. They knew everything about it, how could it be possible? How could the gods leave a whole house of money for them?

Besides, this is their housework, so I won’t bother everyone.

Zhou Xiaoyu's uncle and grandfather also had selfish motives. They didn't want these villagers to go there. If this incident was true, it would be bad if the villagers passed by and saw a house full of money. .

So after they finished talking, they rushed to Zhou Xiaoyu's house immediately.

When they arrived at the cave dwelling, Zhou Xiaoyu's mother had only hidden dozens of bundles of money, and most of the remaining money was still in the cave dwelling.

Zhou Xiaoyu's grandfather and uncle rushed towards the money like crazy when they saw so much money. When they found out that the money was real, they immediately jumped three feet high.

Her uncle said to her grandfather: "Dad, we have money, we have money, so much money, look!"

Zhou Xiaoyu's grandfather said: "Yes, yes, we are rich, we are rich! Haha!"

The two men laughed.

But they never thought that the money was not theirs, but was left by Qin Yan to Zhou Xiaoyu's mother.

In their view, Zhou Xiaoyu's mother's money is their money.

Zhou Xiaoyu's grandfather and uncle then took all the money for themselves, even though Zhou Xiaoyu's mother said nearby that the money was not hers, but someone else's, and she wanted to return it to that person later.

However, Zhou Xiaoyu's grandfather and uncle couldn't listen at all. Since the money was placed here, it belonged to them.

In the end they took all the money away.

Zhou Xiaoyu's mother wanted to protect the money and didn't want her father and brother to take it away.

His brother punched and kicked her, and finally kicked his sister to the ground, saying harshly: "You got pregnant before we were married, which has brought great shame to our Zhou family. I haven't even found a wife yet. Now that you finally have some value, this money should be considered as compensation to us."

Zhou Xiaoyu's mother was kicked until she vomited several mouthfuls of blood and lay on the ground unable to get up.

Her father and brother ignored her. Fortunately, her brother and father didn't know that she hid some of the money, otherwise they wouldn't have left a penny to her.

Zhou Xiaoyu's mother lay on the ground for a long time before she recovered slightly. Later, with the help of Aunt Liu, she went to the village doctor's house to get some medicine.

After Zhou Xiaoyu's mother drank the medicine, her health gradually improved. If her mother hadn't hid some money and paid for the medicine, her mother might have died long ago.

Zhou Xiaoyu's grandfather is Zhou Ming, his uncle is Zhou Yang, and her mother is Zhou Li.

After Zhou Yang and Zhou Ming took the money, they built a beautiful brick house and married the village beauty, the woman who Zhou Xiaoyu beat just now.

Her name was Liu Jing. The Zhou family gave the Liu family a bride price of 200,000 yuan, and Liu Jing married Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang was already quite old at the time, but for the 200,000 yuan betrothal gift and the spicy food that had been popular in the past, Liu Jing happily agreed.

But Liu Jing is not easy to deal with at all, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong.

At home, she didn't dare to do anything to Zhou Yang and Zhou Ming, but Zhou Xiaoyu's grandma was relatively cowardly. She often secretly cursed Zhou Xiaoyu's grandma and bullied Zhou Xiaoyu's grandma.

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