Zhang Cuihua hurriedly shouted to her grandson in the yard: "Haohao, hurry up and call your grandpa, saying that someone is coming to the family." "

Haohao agreed and ran out of the courtyard to find his grandfather.

Zhang Cuihua made two cups of tea for Zhou Xiaoyu and her mother, using relatively high-quality black tea.

Zhou Xiaoyu knew at a glance that Zhang Cuihua was very satisfied with what she brought, otherwise Zhang Cuihua would not entertain them with black tea.

In the past, she also heard from villagers that when ordinary people came to the village chief's house, Zhang Cuihua would serve brick tea to entertain the guests.

Because brick tea is very cheap, it only contains tea stems, leaves, etc.

If she goes to someone with a bit of status, she will serve black tea to the guests.

If officials from the town came to inspect their village, she would bring the best Longjing to entertain the guests.

Of course, there must be very little Longjing in the village chief's house. Most villagers go to the village chief's house to get brick tea, and even black tea is rarely used. After all, tea is a luxury item, and most people drink boiled water.

Ten minutes later, Wang Daniu came back.

Wang Daniu is in his sixties. He is not tall but has a strong body. He does not stoop or hunch, and his eyes are bright and bright.

Wang Daniu has been the village chief for about twenty years, and the village chief is also an official. Therefore, when you see Wang Daniu, he is different from other ordinary villagers, and he has a little bit of the momentum of the village chief.

Wang Daniu was surprised to see Zhou Xiaoyu and her mother. He did not expect Zhou Xiaoyu and her mother to come.

A few months ago, there was a rumor in the village that Zhou Xiaoyu was a god and was taken away by the god.

At that time, there was an uproar in the village. As the village chief, he was an atheist. He did not believe this. He always thought that someone came and took Zhou Xiaoyu away to the city. But now that he saw Zhou Xiaoyu, he felt that Zhou Xiaoyu The drizzle has changed so much.

In the past, Zhou Xiaoyu had always been submissive, she didn't dare to speak loudly, and she was very inferior. Now Zhou Xiaoyu looks very energetic. Her bright eyes are shining with the light of wisdom. She holds her head high and her calm expression tells the story. People, her confidence.

The village king, Daniel, saw Zhou Xiaoyu's appearance and felt that Zhou Xiaoyu would definitely be extraordinary in the future.

He has also long since developed a pair of eyes that can see people. So he also wanted to be friends with Zhou Xiaoyu.

He asked with a smile: "Zhou Li, Xiaoyu, you are here, what can I do?"

"Uncle Village Chief, it's like this. I want to build a house, and I want to ask you where there is a suitable homestead. By the way, the Village Chief Shu will help me ask where there is a construction team nearby. I want to build the house as soon as possible. "

Wang Daniu didn't show much surprise when he heard that Zhou Xiaoyu and his family were going to build a house, because he already knew that Zhou Xiaoyu would definitely not be an ordinary person in the future, so he thought that Zhou Xiaoyu's building a house was just a small matter.

He turned to Zhang Cuihua and said, "Old lady, it's almost noon. Go and prepare some lunch. Zhou Xiaoyu, mother and daughter, and I will eat and chat."

"Okay!" Zhang Cuihua agreed very happily.

"It just so happens that Zhou Xiaoyu and the others have brought a lot of good things, and I'll let you satisfy your cravings at noon today!"

Zhang Cuihua pointed at the two large plastic bags on the table.

Wang Daniu didn't pay attention when he came in. Now after Zhang Cuihua said this, he saw that Zhou Xiaoyu had brought so many things. He had a better impression of Zhou Xiaoyu. This was not because Zhou Xiaoyu brought many things, but because he had brought so many things. It's a kind of worldliness and dealing with people.

It seems that Zhou Xiaoyu has changed a lot in the past few months. In the past, Zhou Xiaoyu didn't even dare to speak to him when he saw him.

Wang Daniu asked Zhou Xiaoyu: "What kind of house do you want to build and how much land do you need? Tell me roughly so that I can give you some advice."

"Uncle Village Chief, I also want to build a two-story building. The yard should be larger and the fence should be higher. This way, it will be safer for my mother to live alone when I am not at home. I should plant some plants in the yard. vegetable."

"You only live as two people. There is no need to build a second floor. Building a second floor will cost a lot of money."

"I know that it is not needed now, and there is no telling when it will be used in the future. In the future, the saved space will not be enough, and it will need to be rebuilt. This way, it can be done in one step."

“How big of a yard do you need?”

"We need to grow some fruits and vegetables in the yard, and also have a separate place to raise chickens and ducks."

Hearing what Zhou Xiaoyu said, Wang Daniu touched his chin, thought for a while, and said, "Listen to what you said, your family needs about an acre of land. Other people only need four or five rooms to build a house, and then there is a small About three-thirds of the yard is enough. Your needs are relatively large. Do you have any requirements on where to build the house? "

"It would be best if there are neighbors nearby, and the neighbors are relatively easy to get along with. You also know that my mother has a weak personality. I don't want her to be bullied in the future. It would be better if it was closer to the village chief's house. Then no one will dare to bully my mother."

Wang Daniu heard what Zhou Xiaoyu meant. He wanted to be Zhou Li's backer. He had originally intended to be on good terms with Zhou Xiaoyu, but now that he had the opportunity, he would definitely seize it.

He went through it in his mind and said: "There are two houses to the east of our house. There is a vacant homestead there. The family has moved to the town. They want to sell the homestead here, but the place is a little small." It’s small and doesn’t meet your requirements.”

"Will the family next to me sell it? I can merge the two families into one."

"Then let me help you ask!"

“It doesn’t matter if the price is higher.”

"It's close to my home, and the neighbors are easy to get along with. It's easy to take care of each other if anything happens in the future."

Zhou Xiaoyu had already fallen in love with that place before he came, so he deliberately told Wang Daniu that it would be best if it was closer to his home.

The people in these nearby families have good personalities, and Aunt Liu's home, which is relatively close to Zhou Li, is also here. In the future, when she is away, Zhou Li will move around more with their family to keep the relationship on good terms. If something happens in the future, they can also help Zhou Xiaoyu's mother.

So she wanted Wang Daniu to come forward and see if anyone was selling the abandoned homestead next to it, even if the price was higher. Money was just a number to her.

They discussed the homestead and then the construction site. At this time, Zhang Cuihua shouted that the meal was ready and asked everyone to go to the living room to eat.

Originally, Zhou Xiaoyu and her mother did not plan to eat at Wang Daniu's house. After all, it was not a good idea to eat at his house for the first time.

But both Daniel and Zhang Cuihua were too enthusiastic and tried hard to persuade them to stay, which made them both feel a little embarrassed, so they sat on the table and started eating.

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