Superb Female Ghost Shelter

Chapter 2164 Shield

This is equivalent to being invited by her. They treat the villagers well, and the villagers are particularly grateful to Zhou Li. This is equivalent to giving Zhou Li face.

Of course, she also knew that the main reason why these people could treat these villagers so politely was because of her daughter.

Without Zhou Xiaoyu, how could these people come to their small rural village to guide them on how to grow medicinal herbs.

It took two days before everyone decided on what herbs to plant.

The village chief recorded each family's information, made a final summary, and gave the number of each herb seed to these people.

These people sold it to the villagers at the price they had agreed upon before.

The villagers were very happy when they saw the price of the medicinal herbs, because some villagers had secretly gone to the towns to inquire about the prices of the medicinal seeds. The prices of the seeds sold in the towns were higher than those sold by these few people. .

Although I don’t know yet about the quality, the price is the same as what Zhou Li said. It is absolutely very fair and fair.

Everyone happily took their own seeds back.

After taking care of the things here, these people left. When the herbs are mature, they will come over to instruct the people here how to harvest the herbs.

Of course this is a story for later.

After the medicinal herb matter was settled, Zhou Xiaoyu took his mother to the orphanage in the town and adopted a little girl.

Zhou Xiaoyu had discussed with her mother before that Zhou Li would be very lonely after she left, so she asked Zhou Li if she had any thoughts about adopting a child.

Zhou Li thought for a while, she was really lonely and had no one to talk to.

And now that her family's conditions are better, adopting a child can be considered a contribution to society, so she told Zhou Xiaoyu that she planned to adopt a girl.

In this way, she could place her love for Zhou Xiaoyu on this girl, which would give her a kind of sustenance in her heart. Therefore, Zhou Xiaoyu brought Zhou Li to this orphanage.

Zhou Xiaoyu has already been to this orphanage in advance. She has done research in advance. Moreover, she has also gone to the underworld to do some research on the fate and fate of these people. Zhou Xiaoyu does not want to find out. A short-lived ghost.

Finally, Zhou Xiaoyu chose an eight-year-old girl.

After arriving at the orphanage, Zhou Xiaoyu asked the director to bring the little girl over.

Zhou Xiaoyu also told the dean about the situation in advance. After inquiring, the dean learned that Zhou Li's family's living conditions are now very good.

Zhou Xiaoyu also told the dean that she would leave the village in the future and rarely go back, so that this little girl would continue to exist as Zhou Li's daughter, and she would definitely not be able to rely on this girl.

So the director was very happy for this little girl, because she found a very good family, which was much better than staying in an orphanage.

Zhou Li settled the formalities with the orphanage and took the little girl to her home.

After Zhou Li knew that she was going to adopt a girl, she had already tidied up one of the bedrooms, decorated it in pink, and put in the girl's favorite dolls and a pink desk.

This eight-year-old girl has spent a long time in an orphanage and is much more mature than other children her age. She also hopes to be with a good family.

In this way, as long as she gets along well with this family, I believe she will have a good future.

This girl has a very sweet mouth. She has already called Zhou Li her mother, and she is also called sister Zhou Xiaoyu, which is also very sweet.

Zhou Li named the girl Zhou Xiaodie, assigned her household registration to Zhou Li's, and regarded Zhou Xiaodie as Zhou Li's second daughter.

In this way, Zhou Xiaodie lived here, and she also began to study in Hope Primary School.

Maybe children who grew up in kindergarten are particularly good at observing words and emotions. Some children's personalities have been distorted in the orphanage. Fortunately, Zhou Xiaodie has not been contaminated. Although she is much more mature than children of the same age, she still maintains the innocence of a child.

Since she wanted to live here, she decided to get along well with Zhou Li and Zhou Xiaoyu and integrate into this family.

Zhou Li treats Zhou Xiaodie very well and really treats her as her own daughter.

Zhou Xiaodie also felt Zhou Li's motherly love for her. So Xiaodie also respects Zhou Li very much.

Slowly, she also regarded Zhou Li as her mother, instead of not wholeheartedly as at the beginning, now she recognized Zhou Li as her mother from the bottom of her heart.

The medicinal herbs in the village have also been planted, and everything is on track.

Now at Hope Primary School, students are getting better and better in learning. Zhou Xiaodie's grades are even top-notch, and she is the teacher's key training target.

With Zhou Xiaodie, Zhou Li has spiritual sustenance, and with the matter of purchasing medicinal materials, it can be regarded as finding something for Zhou Li to do, so Zhou Li will not be too lonely.

Zhou Xiaoyu felt relieved.

One day Zhou Xiaoyu said to Zhou Li: "Mom, I'm leaving. Things here are almost settled, and I feel relieved."

Although Zhou Li had long known that Zhou Xiaoyu would leave sooner or later, after Zhou Xiaoyu told her, she still couldn't help but shed tears with her eyes red.

After all, she is her biological daughter, and there will be very few opportunities to meet her in the future, because she knows that Zhou Xiaoyu is not an ordinary person, and will basically never come back here again. Zhou Li is very sad now.

But she was also happy for Zhou Xiaoyu, who was finally going to live his own life.

He knew that Zhou Xiaoyu was worried about her as a mother when she came back. As a mother, she did not take good care of her daughter, and in the end she asked her daughter to arrange everything for her. She still felt quite ashamed.

Zhou Xiaoyu saw Zhou Li's thoughts and said: "Our mother-daughter relationship is a kind of fate. The things here are basically settled, and I will leave."

Zhou Xiaoyu said to Xiaodie again: "Xiaodie, take good care of your mother from now on. When you grow up, honor your mother well. My sister will rarely come back in the future."

Xiaodie nodded heavily and said to Zhou Xiaoyu: "Sister, don't worry. I will definitely take good care of my mother. Even if I go to college in the future, I will still come back here to stay with my mother after I graduate. I will always guard my mother."

Zhou Xiaoyu left several communication symbols for Zhou Li and Zhou Xiaodie. If there is something important that cannot be solved and it is very urgent, let them light the communication symbols so that Zhou Xiaoyu will get the news, and then Rush over, and if she can't make it, she will notify others to rush over to help them.

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