This person finally used his connections to ban Zhao Wei from various casinos, and Zhao Wei was not allowed to enter the casino again.

The casino where Zhao Wei repaid the money also received a notice from the superiors that Zhao Wei will not be allowed to gamble in their casino or receive Zhao Wei anymore.

Manager Qian doesn’t know the specific situation.

He can only act according to the last order,

After Zhao Wei received the money, Zhao Wei was afraid of having long nights and dreams, so he quickly drove to the casino and returned the money to the casino.

Manager Qian personally received Zhao Wei and the others again, because Manager Qian knew that although they investigated the person with the black card last time, they had severed ties with his sister's family.

But judging from the notification he received just now, that family did not really ignore Zhao Wei and the others, otherwise they would not have banned Zhao Wei.

On the surface, it seems that Zhao Wei has been banned and Zhao Wei is not allowed to play anymore, but in the long run, this is to save Zhao Wei, because if a person falls into gambling and cannot extricate himself, he will definitely lose his fortune and his family will be destroyed in the end.

They have stayed in the casino for a long time and all know this truth, so as soon as Manager Qian received the notice from the superior, he knew that the family was not interested in Zhao Wei and the others, and was still paying attention to the situation of Zhao Wei's sister and his family.

Therefore, Manager Qian will not be at odds with Zhao Wei and the others.

Manager Qian also explained to Zhao Wei the last time a few burly men came to his home. He said that he did not know about it because he had already given Zhao Wei and the others five days, so it was impossible for him to let people go halfway. Go to Zhao Wei's house and threaten them.

Zhao Wei said thank you to Manager Qian, but in his heart he knew that Manager Qian did it.

He investigated everything about their family, but he would not say these words. After talking politely to Manager Qian for a while, Zhao Wei and the other three left.

In order to repay the loan, Zhao Wei and the other three had no choice but to go out and look for jobs. Of course, what they didn't know was that even if they couldn't repay the loan, CITIC Bank wouldn't dare to actually take back their house.

If they really can't pay back the money, the president of China CITIC Bank is prepared to use this as a favor.

Of course, he was also prepared to quietly reveal it to Manager Zhang when the time came and ask Manager Zhang to accept his personal favor.

But Zhao Wei and the others don't know this. If they knew, they might not work so hard.

In two days, the time agreed by Teacher Ni and the vice principal came.

Teacher Ni is very confident because this week, he has thoroughly understood the contents of the textbooks he is going to teach.

His knowledge was quite solid before, but he has not been taught in these years and is a bit rusty.

Although some content in the textbook has been changed, it does not change the soup but the medicine. He just needs to study it a little and he has thoroughly studied it.

Teacher Ni called the vice principal in advance, they made an appointment, and Teacher Ni went directly to the vice principal's office.

When they met, the two of them briefly exchanged greetings with each other.

The vice principal asked: "Teacher Ni, how are you preparing?"

"No problem, you can find someone to test me."

After the vice principal talked with Teacher Ni that day, he thought about the matter carefully.

He still reported the matter to the school leaders. He did not want to take this responsibility. The final decision he made to the leaders was that Teacher Ni would come back a week later and let him give an open class and let several teachers come to listen to the class. Have students and teachers vote at the same time.

If the voting rate reaches more than 80%, then the school will keep Teacher Ni, which is actually letting the students make a decision.

School leaders will not offend Teacher Ni.

If the students like Teacher Ni’s teaching methods, then the school leaders will also accept Teacher Ni.

After all, the school is also short of teachers, and they also hope to find some good teachers.

If the students cannot accept Teacher Ni, then the school will not keep him, and Teacher Ni has nothing to say, because it is the students who make the decision.

The vice principal told Teacher Ni about this matter.

Teacher Ni said: "No problem!"

"Okay, Teacher Ni, you are such a cheerful person. You have a math class tomorrow."

Because the vice principal has made preparations in advance and asked Teacher Ni to teach a math class tomorrow.

If the students can accept Teacher Ni, then the school will have no problem.

The vice principal told Teacher Ni the specific time and chapters to be studied, and then asked Teacher Ni to go back and prepare.

When Teacher Ni returned home, because Zhao Huiping had not returned from work, only Teacher Ni’s mother was at home alone, so his mother asked anxiously: “How was it?”

Teacher Ni informed his mother of the school’s decision.

His mother encouraged her son and said, "Come on Cheung Chau, you will be fine."

When Zhao Huiping came back from get off work, she also found out about this. Of course, she also encouraged Teacher Ni.

The next day, Teacher Ni arrived on time. The class where he was going to teach had a total of 50 students, and there were five teachers sitting behind him. These teachers all taught mathematics.

None of these students knew Teacher Ni anymore. After all, Teacher Ni had not taught for more than ten years.

The school leaders also explained the situation to the whole class in advance. Today, a teacher will give a trial class. If they like the teacher's teaching method and the teacher, they will vote for the teacher in the end. If the vote reaches 80 % can stay, otherwise the teacher will be rejected.

When Teacher Ni walked onto the podium, the whole class applauded.

This is the most basic respect for teachers.

Teacher Ni started his lecture without any nonsense.

Because he had thoroughly read this book and made preparations yesterday, the lecture today went very smoothly. He did not prepare a notebook to pass the content of this class. His teaching style speaks for itself.

Teacher Ni's lectures are very lively and not boring.

Generally speaking, mathematics classes are relatively boring and involve dealing with numbers. Students generally lose interest in the class.

However, Teacher Ni's lectures mobilized the students' enthusiasm very well. He combined some things in real life to well explain the content of his class.

It’s not just about the knowledge in books.

Sometimes I will tell you through stories or things I encounter in daily life.

Everyone listened very carefully.

When Teacher Ni asked questions, the students responded very positively.

Because Teacher Ni’s lectures are lively, interesting, and easy to understand, students don’t have to listen hard and it’s easy to accept them.

The timing was also very good. As soon as the bell rang, Teacher Ni just finished the lesson.

The ultimate female ghost shelter

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