Superb Female Ghost Shelter

Chapter 516 If it doesn’t work, just grab it

Five days later, Jiang Waner successfully lost weight.

During these five days, Jiang Waner updated her weight loss status on Weibo every day.

In just a few days, Jiang Waner has successfully attracted tens of millions of fans. Most of these fans are obese people. They all want to know what products Jiang Waner uses.

But Jiang Waner never told others what products she used.

Some fans became impatient and yelled:

"What the hell? Why can't you tell us what products you used? Are you still a human being?"

"Jiang Waner, you bastard, why can't you share your weight loss products with us? Why are you so selfish? How did your mother teach you!"

These are just mild criticisms.

Some of them used foul language directly, not only scolding Jiang Waner for a bad death, but even scolded Jiang Waner's whole family.

However, Jiang Waner's psychological quality is relatively good. She doesn't care about this at all and does whatever she needs to do.

On the evening of the sixth day, Jiang Waner posted an update on Weibo:

Everyone, don’t you all want to know what weight loss products I use? Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, I will tell everyone that we will see you there then.

After seeing Jiang Waner's message, everyone went crazy:

"No way! Jiang Waner actually wants to tell us the weight loss products she uses!"

"It's so great! We have finally waited for this day!"

"Long live Jiang Waner! Long live Jiang Waner!"

The comments below were filled with applause.

However, among these fans, there are also some people from weight loss drug manufacturers.

The products used by Jiang Waner attracted their attention.

They were very shocked and could not understand what kind of product could have such a powerful effect, turning Jiang Waner, the fattest person in the world, into a slim girl in just ten days.

Before, they also speculated that Jiang Waner had undergone liposuction surgery, but no matter what kind of liposuction surgery it was, there would definitely be wounds and recovery time would be required.

However, Jiang Waner updates her Weibo every day, ruling out the possibility of Jiang Waner undergoing liposuction surgery.

The public relations manager of one of the Xinran pharmaceutical factories sent five on-site text messages to Jiang Waner in succession, wanting to know what products Jiang Waner used.

However, Jiang Waner ignored it.

The public relations manager of Xinran Pharmaceutical Factory is named Li Xuemei. She is sitting in the arms of factory director Feng Nan:

"Mr. Feng, that Jiang Waner didn't reply to my words! Do you think it's irritating or not?"

"Meimei, I think the weight loss product Jiang Waner uses must be a new product, otherwise why wouldn't there be such a product on the market?"

After hearing Feng Nan's words, Li Xuemei already understood Feng Nan's thoughts.

Feng Nan definitely wants to take this product as his own.

Li Xuemei sighed and said, "But I guess Jiang Waner won't sell it!"

"It's not up to her! I don't care what kind of person is standing behind her, I must take her down."

Feng Nan narrowed his eyes. He knew the potential value of this weight loss drug very well.

If he could take all the production, manufacturing and sales of this weight-loss drug into his hands and mass-produce it, Feng Nan believed that his wealth would definitely double.

"Oh? You've already taken action?"

"Yeah! I've already sent someone!"

Feng Nan's pharmaceutical factory became the largest pharmaceutical factory in the country because he stole too many formulas from others and produced too many good medicines.

This time Feng Nan is ready to repeat his old tricks.

Just as Feng Nan was talking, three people sneaked outside Qin Yan's villa.

Based on Jiang Waner's Internet IP, they found the place where Jiang Waner lived, and planned to kidnap Jiang Waner and interrogate her for the prescription of weight loss pills.

"Boss, this is it!"

"Second child, third child, let's go!"

The three guys tiptoed over the wall of Qin Yan's house and slowly moved toward the door.

When they got close to the door, one of them took out two thin wires and inserted them into the keyhole and started stirring them around.

Although the voice was very small, it alarmed Murong Xuehan, Jiang Waner, Li Tianba and the others, as well as Hu Xiaomei and her daughter.

Two female ghosts, three zombies and two vixens all came to the door.

When they opened the door, they saw a row of people staring at them.

They were stunned and looked at Li Tianba and others in great surprise.

"Sorry, we went to the wrong place!"

These three guys are habitual criminals. When they said this sentence, their expressions were very natural.

"Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving!" Murong Xuehan stretched out his hand, and these three guys were dragged into the room from the door like puppets.

Hu Xiaomei was afraid of disturbing Qin Yan's rest, so she pointed her finger in the air, and a circle of light enveloped them all.

This aperture can isolate sounds and prevent their words from being heard by Qin Yan.

The three people were frightened. They never expected to encounter such a thing.

"Tell me, why did you come to our house?" Murong Xuehan asked coldly.

"Why are you asking so many questions? Why don't you just search for the soul?" Li Tianba, who always did things roughly and simply, put his hand on the top of one of the people's heads.

A large number of memories suddenly entered Li Tianba's mind.

When Li Tianba finished reading these memories, he slapped the man on the head.

His Tianling Cap was shattered with a "snap", and under the strong pressure, his two eyes were knocked out of their sockets and hung on his face.

If it weren't for the nerves still connected, his two eyes would have fallen to the ground at this moment.


The other two men screamed in fright.

One of them screamed twice and was immediately frightened and fainted.

"Li Tianba, why did you kill me?" Jiang Waner asked dissatisfied.

Murong Xuehan and the others were also confused, not understanding why Li Tianba wanted to beat people to death.

Li Tianba shrugged: "Wouldn't you know if you search the soul?"

It turned out that these three guys often did extortion work for Feng Nan, and several times kidnapped others and then tortured them to death.

The most brutal one was when he actually attacked a mother and her son. First, she broke the son's calf and made him crawl on the ground like a dog. Finally, he raped the mother in front of the son.

Seeing this, Li Tianba was so angry that he immediately slapped him to death.

This shows that Li Tianba is really angry to the extreme, otherwise he will slowly torture him and let him know what life is worse than death.

Murong Xuehan and the others looked at each other and began to search for souls.

When they learned about the crimes committed by these three guys, not only did they feel that the one who died just now deserved it, they even felt that it was too easy for him.

"These bastards really deserve to die!"

Murong Xuehan said angrily.

"They actually want to steal the master's weight loss pills. They really overestimate their capabilities!" Jiang Waner curled her lips and said disdainfully.

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