Superb Female Ghost Shelter

Chapter 533 Heavenly Soul, Living Soul

Murong Xuehan and Jiang Waner stood beside Qin Yan, and they were ready to help Qin Yan at any time.

Three of Li Tianba formed a triangle to guard the outside of Qin Yan to prevent unexpected situations from happening.

Qin Yan took out a pile of talismans and threw them into the air, then started walking around the altar.

As he walked, he held the locust wood sword and muttered a spell in his mouth.

The talisman fell from the air like snowflakes, some fell on Qin Yan's shoulders, and some fell on the ground.

Qin Yan ignored the talisman and walked three times clockwise around the altar, and then walked three times counterclockwise along the altar.

When the six laps were completed, Qin Yan returned to where he was just now.

He kneaded the formula with his left hand, pointed the sword directly at the tomb hall with his right hand, and recited loudly: "One creates two rituals, two rituals create four images, four images create eight hexagrams, eight, eight, and sixty-four hexagrams, all the yin and yang things are performed, and it is worthy of the world." !now!"

With a "boom", the entire tomb hall was filled with a strong energy.

Murong Xuehan and Jiang Waner's hair was blown away by the strong energy.

"The sky is round and the earth is round, the laws are nine chapters, the universe is asking questions, the yin and yang borrow the law, the three souls are restored, the seven souls are condensed! Forgiveness!"

Qin Yan chanted the incantation again, swung the locust wood sword and pointed at the talisman on the ground.

With a "boom" sound, the talisman spontaneously ignited without fire.

Immediately afterwards, other talismans also started to spontaneously ignite without fire.

When all the talismans burned, a vortex the size of a fist flashed in the tomb hall.

The vortex began to spin clockwise, growing larger and larger until it formed a rotating door.

With a "swish" sound, all the ignited talismans were sucked into the revolving door.

Then a beautiful figure slowly floated out from the door.

Seeing this figure, Qin Yan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was Jiu Yao's Tianhun.

"Qin Yan!" Jiu Yao floated out of the door and immediately hugged Qin Yan's neck, sobbing with great excitement.

Seeing Jiu Yao hugging Qin Yan, Murong Xuehan's face instantly darkened, and then she turned her head and looked away.

But Jiang Waner looked at Qin Yan and Jiu Yao with interest.

Although Jiang Waner also likes Qin Yan, she is not jealous.

In the Tang Dynasty, especially in the early Tang Dynasty, if a princess did not have a few good friends, her life would be in vain.

This is mainly the trend brought by Wu Zetian.

Of course, it also has something to do with the original openness.

The Tang Dynasty was very open-minded about the affairs between men and women, especially for the eldest ladies of many official families. It was very normal for them to have sex with servants, coachmen, and even teachers.

As for the princess, she can mess with whoever she wants.

For example, Princess Changping slept with almost all the beautiful young men in the government and the public, and after she slept, she also introduced the long-lasting ones to her mother Wu Zetian.

After Wu Zetian's good fortune, she would transfer these young masters to Shangguan Wan'er in the form of gifts.

Shangguan Wan'er worked as a female official under Wu Zetian, and she held great power in her hands, even comparable to the prime minister.

So in the eyes of Jiang Waner and others, Princess Jiuyao's behavior was too normal.

But Qin Yan was a little embarrassed.

After all, there are people around him watching with eager eyes.

Qin Yan coughed dryly, making a loud cough on purpose.

But Jiu Yao didn't understand Qin Yan's meaning and still hugged Qin Yan tightly.

"Princess, let's hurry up and save your earth soul and living soul!" Qin Yan had no choice but to pull Jiu Yao's hands away, and then tried to persuade her.

Jiu Yao nodded and said softly "Hmm".

"Let's go!" Qin Yan quickly walked outside the tomb hall.

Jiu Yao floated to Qin Yan, shoulder to shoulder with Qin Yan, and said in a resentful tone: "Qin Yan, I have been waiting for you for more than a thousand years, why are you coming now! I thought you wouldn't come!"

After saying that, Jiu Yao hugged Qin Yan's arm.

Jiu Yao also said before that she and Qin Yan had a deep relationship thousands of years ago.

But to be honest, Qin Yan couldn't remember it at all, and Qin Yan didn't have any feelings for Jiu Yao at the moment, so it always felt awkward to be held by Jiu Yao like this.

After all, love is a matter of your own free will.

Qin Yan calmly pulled out his arm, pointed forward and said, "Quickly, let's pass through the two tomb halls in front and arrive in front of the palace gate."

"Yeah! My living soul is imprisoned on the palace door."

"Okay! Then let's leave quickly!"

Qin Yan speeded up, opened his Yin Yang Ghost Eyes and walked forward quickly.

Although Qin Yan already knew everything inside the Jiuyao Ancient Tomb, he still didn't dare to be careless, after all, it was too weird.

Jiuyao didn't know that Qin Yan was alienating her, so she immediately followed him and continued walking side by side with Qin Yan.

Murong Xuehan bit her lip tightly when she saw Jiu Yao chasing Qin Yan non-stop.

Qin Yan was speechless when he saw Jiu Yao walking side by side with him again and hugging his arm.

But that’s all.

After a while, Qin Yan and the others arrived at the door of the front hall.

When the nine-year-old soul on the mural on the palace door saw Qin Yan and her heavenly soul, she immediately jumped up excitedly: "Qin Yan, you are finally here! Rescue me quickly."

"Hurry up and protect the princess! No one is allowed to take her out!"

The eunuch shouted loudly, his voice was very sharp and harsh.

"Yes!" A group of golden-armored guards immediately surrounded Jiuyao's soul and pulled out their swords to protect Jiuyao.

The palace maids on the mural screamed one after another, and either hid behind the curtains or behind the tables, chairs and screens.

Looking at these characters imprisoned in the mural, Qin Yan felt like he was watching cartoons when he was a child.

"Yude, release my soul quickly, otherwise I will make your life worse than death!"

Just now, Jiuyao's Tianhun looked like a little bird in front of Qin Yan, but now she suddenly stared at the eunuch with wide eyes, looking like a princess.

"You monster, you think you are really a princess just because you pretend to be a princess!"

Eunuch Yude pointed at the Nine Yao Tianhun in front of the palace door and cursed loudly.

"It seems you won't shed tears until you see the coffin! Humph!"

Jiuyao Tianhun snorted coldly, and immediately used ghost magic to point at the mural on the palace door.

Qin Yan couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw Jiuyao Tianhun casting a spell.

He used to think that Jiuyao was just an ordinary ghost, but now he discovered that her heavenly soul actually reached the level of the Ghost King.

If the three souls of Jiu Yao merged, even if they could not be promoted to the Ghost King, they would at least be at the peak of the Ghost King.

With Jiuyao Tianhun's finger, a colorful bridge was immediately erected from the ground and extended into the mural.

This reminded Qin Yan of Rainbow.

Now this colorful bridge is almost exactly the same as the rainbow, because it also has seven colors, namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

And the Colorful Bridge is also an arched bridge.

When the bridge was built, Jiuyao Tianhun stretched out his hand and patted the top of his head.

Her entire soul suddenly became the size of a palm.

She floated quickly along the bridge towards the mural.

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