Superb Female Ghost Shelter

Chapter 569 The Art of Controlling Ghost Animals

Originally, the villagers in the village were very envious of Qin Yan's family, but now they all looked questioningly after hearing Qin Zheng's words.

And many people seem less enthusiastic.

This is how people are nowadays. If you have money, others will be jealous of you. If you have no money, others will look down on you.

"Master, this kid is sarcastic to us, how about I kill him?" Li Tianba rolled up his sleeves and prepared to show off to Qin Zheng.

Qin Yan waved his hand: "Let's not take action, let others do it for us."

Hearing what Qin Yan said, Li Tianba nodded and lowered his voice and said:

"Okay! I'll catch a few ghosts and put them in their house tonight so they can have a good time."

Qin Yan nodded, acquiescing.

When he arrived at the door of his house, Qin Haoming took out his key and prepared to unlock it, but he couldn't insert the key at all.

At this time, the aunt came up, took out a key and opened the big lock on the door with a smile.

Qin Yan's family was very surprised. They stared blankly at the key in the eldest aunt's hand, wondering why the lock of their home was opened by the eldest aunt.

The eldest aunt opened the door and said, "After you left, I was afraid of burglars, so I raised some chickens, ducks and geese in your yard. This can prevent thieves!"

Hearing what his eldest aunt said, Qin Yan felt sick in his heart.

Obviously they want to use their own yard for breeding, but they say they want to protect their home from thieves.

It's simply like being a **** and wanting to build a memorial arch.

When Qin Yan's family saw the scene in the yard, everyone was stunned.

Their yard was full of chickens and dogs, and the ground was covered with poultry feces. It looked dirtier than a pig pen.

And there was a stench that hit one's face, making people choke and have to cover their noses.

The eldest aunt said with a shy face: "Haoming! How about it? You must be very satisfied with these beasts guarding your home!"

Hearing what the eldest aunt said, not only Qin Haoming and his wife were trembling with anger, but Qin Yan was also furious.

Qin Yan didn't expect his uncle's family to be so shameless and speak so high-sounding.

Before his parents could speak, Qin Yan sneered: "Auntie, you are so kind! You actually raise these beasts in our house."

When speaking, Qin Yan's tone was full of sarcasm.

"Xiaoyan, I'm talking to your parents, why are you interrupting?"

The eldest aunt gave Qin Yan a sharp look, her eyes full of dissatisfaction.

"Sister-in-law, are you going too far? Look, our house has become a pigsty!" Qin Haoming couldn't help it anymore.

Qin Haoming originally thought that he and his eldest brother could reconcile this time, but who would have thought that his eldest brother and sister-in-law would still be the same as before.

On the way here, Qin Haoming still fantasized about having a drink and chatting with his eldest brother, but reality once again taught Qin Haoming a lesson: eldest brother and sister-in-law can't change their eating habits.

In an instant, Qin Haoming was extremely sad and felt that he should not come back.

"Haoming! Where did I go too far? If I didn't help you look after your house, your house would have been visited by thieves a long time ago! Damn! A dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know a good heart!"

The eldest aunt curled her lips and turned around and left.

Qin Yan feels that his aunt is the weirdest and most shameless person he has ever seen. She clearly takes advantage of you, but she insists on saying that they are helping you.

"Auntie, please get your chickens, ducks and geese away from me now!" Qin Yan said to the aunt's back.

"We don't have room at home, so let's live in your home first!" the eldest aunt said without looking back, her tone full of disdain.

"If you don't take them away, don't blame us for killing them!" Qin Yan was very angry.

"Whatever you want! Just pay us the money!" The eldest aunt continued, still not looking back, as if she was determined to take Qin Yan.

At the same time, Qin Zheng came over, gave Qin Yan a middle finger, pointed at the chickens, ducks and pigs in the yard and said, "If you can, kill them all!"

The shamelessness of the aunt's family has reached Qin Yan's bottom line.

Qin Yan narrowed his eyes and sneered in his heart: If you don't seek death, you won't die. Since you are so shameless, I will play with you.

Qin Yan chanted a spell and cast a ghost and animal control spell, pointing at the chickens, ducks and geese in the yard.

The chickens, ducks and geese in the yard stopped moving in an instant, their pupils shrank instantly, and Qin Yan's figure flashed in their pupils.

As Qin Yan shouted loudly in his heart, the chickens, ducks and geese suddenly began to scream "cluck", "cuckoo" and "quack".

They ran out of the yard of Qin Yan's house and chased the eldest aunt and Qin Zheng like crazy.

Seeing the unusual behavior of these chickens, ducks and geese, the eldest aunt and Qin Zheng were stunned and stood on the ground stupidly.


A big goose at the front jumped up and pecked Qin Zheng's crotch.

"Ah!" Qin Zheng covered his crotch and screamed, his legs went weak and he fell to the ground.

"Son, what's wrong with you?" The eldest aunt ran over, supported Qin Zheng, and asked with concern on her face.

At the same time, other chickens, ducks and geese also pounced on them. The chickens flew very high and pecked the heads of Qin Zheng and the eldest aunt crazily.

The goose could jump half as high as a person and pecked the upper bodies of Qin Zheng and his eldest aunt desperately.

The duck frantically pecked at the feet and legs of Qin Zheng and his eldest aunt.

These chickens, ducks and geese look very weak, but in fact their beaks are very powerful. Every peck is like a knife piercing someone's body.

The eldest aunt and Qin Zheng were immediately pecked and screamed loudly.

The villagers who were watching had never seen anything like this before, and they were all shocked.

Even Qin Yan's parents were surprised. They didn't understand why the chickens, ducks and geese suddenly went crazy and pecked Qin Zheng and his eldest aunt desperately.

Only Qin Yan and Murong Xuehan knew that this was Qin Yan's ghost manipulation technique.

The ghost and animal control technique can control the souls of animals and make them obey the orders of the caster.

This kind of Taoism is a bit like puppetry.

Puppetry is the art of manipulating people's souls to drive them to do things they are unwilling or afraid to do.

However, puppetry is not allowed in the Taoist world.

This is just like people can kill poultry and livestock and eat meat, but people cannot kill humans and eat meat.

In a short time, Qin Zheng and his mother were pecked by chickens, ducks and geese until they were covered in blood, and their clothes were torn in many places, just like beggars.

"Folks, come and help!" The eldest aunt desperately protected her son and begged others for help.

None of the villagers helped. They felt that Qin Zheng's mother and son must have offended something unclean.

In rural areas, people especially believe in ghosts and gods.

Qin Haoming couldn't stand it anymore and was ready to help.

Qin Yan grabbed his father's sleeve: "Dad, don't forget how they treated us. They were not merciful to us at that time."

Hearing what Qin Yan said, Qin Haoming stopped moving.

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