Superhero Academy System

Chapter 17: Serial task

A statement issued by the Education Department and the League of Colleges has caused waves in the Greek Empire.

The Xixifeng Empire College has officially implemented a star rating system. Some colleges that are waiting to die are destined to withdraw from the stage of history.

For most people, this is what they like to see. The reason is that there are too many colleges of the Greek Empire.

Except for officials of the Education Department, no one knows how many colleges there are in the Greek Empire, but people know that this number must be very staggering. It is very common for a small county to plug into a dozen colleges.

The number of colleges is large, and the good and the bad are not uniform. Ordinary students will choose the wrong school if they are not careful.

Now, the empire has finally begun to rectify these chaos, and the appearance of star ratings has given everyone a sense of confidence.

Which college is good in the past depends on everyone's mouth, but everyone has their own views and their own minds. God knows whether the good college in the mouth of others is a pit?

But now it's different. With the Empire's endorsement of the Academy Alliance, they choose those colleges with higher star ratings, which will always be reliable?

Ordinary people can think so. Naturally, the seniors of the college will be more aware of the opportunities and challenges this event brings to them. If they can hang the five-star college signboard of the college alliance method at the door of their college, I am afraid they will not have it in the future. Student coming?

Countless people began to run, but Wang Jun, who was far away from the city of Karlsworth in the western part of the Empire, was like a salted fish hiding in his academy and was afraid to go out.

Twenty-three days after loading from the Alliance Conference, Wang Jun has been worried whether he will be bought by the deans of other colleges.

Although the ragged courtyard wall could not stop the powerful magician, the closed door of the academy could still give him a sense of security. Before it was determined that he would not be ambush, Wang Jun was killed. Will go out.

Wang Jun ’s two students, Laks, went to the college to report on time every morning, 9 and 5 hours. As for the old man Alistar, he is now living in a run-down student dormitory, so even after school, Wang Jun will not change. Be alone.

Tong Guan was in his own college, and Wang Jun was not left with nothing to do. During the day, he trained and mentored his students. At night, he talked with Alistar and learned more about the outside, especially the orc tribe.

With a huge roar, the college driving range was shocked.

What's wrong with this?

Wang Jun climbed up from the ground blankly, did not understand why he fell off the recliner.

This recliner is the compensation Lax paid for the damage to his chair last time. Naturally, the things that the local tyrants brought out will not be defective products, not to mention the excellent workmanship, but also to give people the ultimate enjoyment. Wang Jun likes to lie on the dead body. .

Especially recently, because of the alliance meeting, Wang Jun hasn't slept well for a few days. He managed to nap under the shade for a while. Who can think that when he woke up, he was lying on the ground.

Did he sleepwalk out of the lounge chair, or did his two students tickle to death again?

The shiver came again, and Wang Jun felt that his body had been thrown away.

"I did it, I finally did it!" Alistar, a distant cow, roared excitedly.

只有 There is only one truth, the killer is you-the old man Alistar!

I rolled over and sat up from the ground. Wang Jun planned to go find an old cow to solve the crime of disturbing his dreams, but the latter came to him first.

"Master Dean, 俺 finally understand the earth powder! 俺 Demonstration for you!"

The excited old cow raised and held his hands, and then hit the ground fiercely in Wang Jun's frightened eyes.

Obediently, Wang Jun had no time to stop. He could only subconsciously turn on the barrier skills, and then watched his new chaise lounge turn into powder under the power of ground crushing, but he was not angry because he has no time to be angry at all, The big tree of the two people hugging them couldn't bear the blow of the old cow, and it was shaking, and then they fell to the two heads.

Ghost walks!

Wang Jun started his sprint skills. Fortunately, he took the initiative to prevent him from becoming the first college director to be killed by a tree in the mainland.

This is so for Rao Rao, Wang Jun was too embarrassed, and the old waist was almost discounted by the branches.

Compared with the wolverine Wang Jun, the thick-skinned Alistar is more calm, and the big tree is topless, it is tickling for the tauren!

"Arista, to be honest, are you an assassin bought by other colleges, or are you trying to kill me?"

I ca n’t help but doubt, if he had n’t been clever just now, he would have died under Alistar ’s “two-line attack”.

Lao Niu is very wronged, and he has learned the skills with all his hardships. He must be as overwhelming as himself in a dream. He wants to share this joy with his dean. How can he become an assassin?

Lao Niu bowed his head aggrieved, but Wang Jun's wrath remained. UU read a book Good recliner, just lay down for a day, so gone?

Finally, Laks promised that a new chair would be delivered tomorrow morning, and Wang Jun was willing to let it go.

"Teacher, should we go on to the next stage of study?" Laks asked carefully.

Although she has n’t fully grasped A since walking, she has become a standing mage while walking, but she does n’t dare to practice with Arista now. As for why, she is afraid!

Look at the big pits one after another on the driving range, and look at yourself. Laks doesn't think that her small body can be stiffer than the broken tree. Besides, she doesn't have the ability of a teacher now, and she is sick. Running is a barrier, a lot of life-saving skills.

Yun Tian knew that she would continue to practice with Alistar. Would Alistar be careful not to be able to control her strength and give her such a look? By then, she would really want to cry without tears!

利 Alista naturally did not know the thought of Laks, but he had an almost instinctive desire for new knowledge, so he agreed with Laks' request very much, staring at his dean with a pair of bulls-eyes.

两个 My two students are so diligent and eager to learn. As the dean, Wang Jun is naturally relieved, but the problem is that he is not ready for the so-called next stage of study at all!

I felt Wang Jun's predicament, and the system that had been silent since the Alliance Conference came back was moving again.

Serial missions: training ground for heroes (1)

Mission introduction: In the faraway continent, there is a training ground that all heroes dream of, great dean. The next full moon night is coming. Before going again, go and collect the materials needed for the teleportation formation!

Mission reward: Temporary teleportation drawing * 1

Failure Penalty: System Stripping

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