The wind rustled through the leaves.

I have been a team of lion people, appeared here, and slowly docked, seems to be planning to rest.

However, when almost everyone put down their defenses and began to enjoy the rare greenery, one person in the team looked a little out of place.

His abruptness was not only manifested in his looks, but also his distinctive appearance.

Most of the Lions' hairs are golden yellow, but the whole body of the man is gray.

"leave me alone!"

就是 "I do n’t know what insults and tricks you have used, but you have mixed it up with the princess mission. If you still have a little pride in the lion race, get out of me!"

"Kiel, it's too much, you talk about pride with a hybrid."

If the lion was angry at the rebuttal of his companion at the beginning, then after hearing the second sentence, he could not help but burst into huge laughter.

"Guff, you're right. This is my fault. I would be so whimsical."

The laughter grew louder and louder. Obviously, all the surrounding lions joined the ranks of mocking Rengar, but the latter remained unmoved and seemed to have been used to this imagination.

Seeing that the other lions were unmoved, Kiel and Guff were planning to continue, but at this time, Rengar suddenly spoke.

"There is movement ahead."

Suddenly, the surrounding area became quiet, and then a bigger mockery erupted than before.

他们 Before they rested, they had thoroughly checked the surroundings. Not only that, but the scouts were constantly patrolling. If it was really dangerous, how could they get Rengar to detect it?

Apparently, the words of Rengar were a poor excuse for shifting the subject.

杂 "Hybrid, now that you say it is dangerous, then you have to check it again, of course, I mean everything!"

The vigilance work is quite cumbersome and is usually done by multiple lions.

Even if he re-examines the defenses everywhere, only Rengar will not be able to spend all his rest time.

Obviously, Goff intends to humiliate Rengar in this way.

But when Reingar heard Goff's words, he did not get angry or argue, but just picked up his inferior weapons and walked into the woods alone.

"You said, did this hybrid really check the defense?"

"Just, how is this possible!"

"This guy definitely can't stand it, so he left with this poor excuse. I bet, he must find a place to hide next and run back when the team is ready to start."

"If that's the case, should we keep up and expose him?"

Although it is indeed possible for Rengar to get out of this way, no one seems to be willing to waste his precious rest time for this. Even Kier, who made this proposal, did not hear the companionship of his companions. .

The voices of the lions were so loud that they did not care that their voice would reach Rengar's ears, and the latter held their weapons tightly in the corner they did not see.

If Rengar doesn't care about his experience at all, it is absolutely deceiving.

From the beginning, Rengar knew that he was different from other lions, and the reason was that at that time, he was only half of the lion descent, and the other half was a lowly gourman.

Although these years, Lion City has always advocated opening up to the outside world, and the Lion people no longer do whatever they want in the territory as before.

But how can the arrogance rooted in bloodlines be so easily abandoned.

The Lions race can allow foreigners to enter their territories to live and do business, but they cannot allow foreigners to defile their bloodline.

Against this background, Rengar was born.

The combination of the dog walking people and the lion people caused a huge sensation at the time.

Rengar's father is seen as a role model for men of other races, but Rengar is considered a shame by the Lions.

Although no one dared to kill them under the intervention of Lion King Simba, the cynicism never stopped, especially recently Rengar joined the Lion Princess's guard for some special reasons and accompanied Qila Ya went to the fox territory together.

Rengar knows that he is a stranger in the team, as long as he "continues to stay shameless", he will not stop.

But he also had reasons to insist.

To this end, he must obtain corresponding achievements.

The orc worships the strong, Rengar believes that if one day he gains unimaginable feats, or if he reaches the point where he overlooks the lion, the ridicule of the surroundings will really stop.

Suddenly, the opportunity seemed to come.

His speech just now was not to change the subject, but he really felt something different.

Perhaps because of the offspring of lions and dogs, Rengar has a perception far beyond the ordinary lion race.

Keen hearing, eyesight, and smell are the biggest weapons to remove his strong body.

Ringal has for many times used his sense to foresee the danger in advance.

This time he naturally believed that there would be no exception.

After leaving the team, Rengar forced to calm down and then maximized his perception.

Sure enough, he found something weird.

The soldier who was supposed to be in front of him now leaned against the big tree.

I looked like the other party was lazy, but keenly made Rengar aware that this person had completely lost his breath.

in danger!

恩 Rangal Han Mao suddenly stood up, rolled instinctively towards the side, and the next moment, a gleaming arrow pierced into the land where he had stood.

I can imagine that if it was not for his timely response, maybe he had followed in the footsteps of that guard.

"There are enemies!"

After discovering the enemy, Rengar didn't choose to fight with the opponent at first, but wanted to warn around.

The assassin felt that he had been exposed and had no plans to continue entanglement at all. He turned around and tried to escape.

But how could Rengar easily miss this opportunity.

The warning just came out, not because he was guilty and was afraid to fight alone at this moment, but because his companion in front of the assassin may have sneaked into the camp at this moment, waiting for the opportunity to attack the princess.

I now have his warning. Even if the Lions don't believe him, those will definitely be jealous at this moment, and give up the assassination.

Therefore, Rengar now has no scruples, and can let go and fight each other.

Ringal is very strong, but because of his bloodline, his strength is much weaker than a normal lion.

However, this does not mean that Rengar will be weak.

In fact, Rengar also knows his own physical disadvantages. In order to make up for as much as possible, he not only put in the hard work that ordinary people can't reach, but in the battle, he forgot his life and played a desperate way.

This kind of crazy dog ​​play, this time obviously played a role.

When Rengar's warning came out, the Assassin was resigned, and his pressing step by step, even if the Assassin's strength was far superior to him, there was nothing he could do to him.

Don't look at Rengar's wounds getting more and more tired, but the assassin also understands that once time is delayed for other lions to come, he will only be defeated.

The role of the assassin is never used for frontal assassination. Only the hidden in the shadows and waiting for opportunity is the real terrible thing of the assassin.

摆脱 In order to get rid of this embarrassing situation as soon as possible, at this moment, I don't plan to continue entanglement with Rengar, even at the expense of selling a flaw. 愣 I took Rengar's sword with his back and fled quickly.

Rengar just wanted to continue the hunt, just then, the other lions arrived.

"Do not move!" Kiel yelled.

Gao Guofu and others also took out weapons and aimed at Rengar.

"what have you done?"

"What do you mean?" Rengar was dizzy and lost too much blood, making his consciousness blur, so that he didn't understand the meaning of the other person's words for the first time.

He could not wait until he saw the lion guard fell to the ground along the eyes of Gao Fu and others, and his original dizzy head became clear.

"I didn't do it."

"Who are you not?"

"Assassin, he killed the guard and wanted to kill me, but let me avoid it. The warning just issued was by me, and the injuries on my body were also left when I dealed with the assassin."

"A nonsense!" Goff said the first unbelief, then pointed to Rengar and said: "What kind of strength you are, everyone knows very well, how can you survive the assassin to kill the guard silently, so this is sure You did it! "

These people used to exclude themselves in the past, and they actually planned to set up a frame.

If he is really assassinated by his companions, waiting for his end is undoubtedly a cruel torture rack.

Ringal was finally angry.

"According to you, how could I possibly kill the guard, and what good is it for me?"

The meaning of Rengar is obvious, don't you say that my strength is low and that I am not an opponent of the guard? How did I kill someone?

I have to say that Rengar's rebuttal makes sense, at least a lot of people shut up.

But Guff didn't seem to plan to give up like this, and saw him say: "Of course you are not the opponent of the guard, so you must be using the identity of your companion to reduce the guard's defense against you, and then take the opportunity of the poisonous hand. As for the reason ... ... "

"When do you consider me a companion, don't you think your statement is ridiculous?"

He was so stunned by Rengar that Goff couldn't come down from the stage a little bit, and with anger, he even wanted to act desperately.


With a sip, Goff regained his senses and turned to look at it. It turned out that I didn't know when the princess Kiraya had appeared behind them.

"Princess, Rengar assassinates companion ..."

"I just heard all of your conversations just now. I don't need you to help me make a decision." Kiraia gave Goff a slight glance, and then said, "Just when you disputed, a suspicious figure was found near the camp. . "

Gao Fu's face turned red, and Qi Laya's remarks undoubtedly told him that the assassin had really appeared.

Since the Assassin's story is true, what Rengar said before is likely to be true.

I was not stupid. Most people ignored many details just because of the prejudice in their hearts. Now they calm down. They remembered that the warning sound before was indeed the voice of Rengar.

Until now, Rengar's suspicions are basically cleared up.

So Rao was so. The Lions didn't intend to apologize, but subconsciously ignored their slander of Rengar, and turned around to converge the dead corpse.

When Qi Qi Laya saw this, her brows frowned slightly, but she said nothing in the end.

As a princess of the lion clan, she naturally understands the pride of the clan people and how embarrassing Rengar's position in the clan is, but the problem is that she has no ability to change all this.

Maybe she can use her identity as a princess today and forcefully order these people to apologize to Rengar, and even give them a certain punishment. The situation is even more difficult.

After all, as long as the lion's attitude towards Rengar is not fundamentally changed, the more Qilaiya defends it, the more hostile the people will be towards Rengar, which is extremely unwise in the long run.

Qi Laya was discouraged at the thought of this.

Her father, Simba, saw the disadvantages of the royal family too high decades ago, so she resolved to abolish these bad habits.

With his efforts, the Lion race has undergone earth-shaking changes. Most obviously, their territory has become the richest place in the orc empire.

But even so, Kirayah knew that the Lion race that his father wanted was still not realized ~ ~ It is true that Simba, as the patriarch, did not intend to completely kill the pride of the people and radically promote any egalitarianism. Instead, he wanted to see the power of all races used by the Lions.

What Guff and Kiel are doing now clearly run counter to Simba's claim.

Maybe they didn't do it on purpose, but it was their unconscious behavior that pushed many foreigners who should have leaned on the Lion race.

"Ringal, follow me to the camp," Kiraya said suddenly.

"Princess, this is inappropriate, Rengar is ..."

I saw that Rengar, who had been despised by myself, was so taken seriously by the princess, Guff and Kiel couldn't help jumping out again.

It's a pity that they only talked about ordinary things, and they were interrupted by Kira's hand.

"Rengar and the Assassin fought, Princess Ben wanted to hear the exact news from his mouth." Only Qilaiya's face showed an unpleasant look, and then gave Goff and Kiel a slight look, "Again, when is your turn to question Princess Princess' decision?"

Do n’t think that Qi Laya is a woman, but she is the upright lion lord and the future patriarch appointed by Simba.

Abandoning her identity, Qi Laya is also very strong, and she has no opponents at the same age.

Noble status, coupled with outstanding strength, let alone Goff and Kiel, are the elders of the patriarch, and dare not have any slightness to this future patriarch.

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