Superhero Academy System

Chapter 63: dispute

In the hall, most people are immersed in music and dance. Few people realize that the most important figures in the empire have already left.

In the secret room behind the main hall, the royal guards stood by and guarded anyone from approaching. In the secret room, the emperor George Atlanta and his two most dependent subjects were conspiring to discuss.

There is no cheerful atmosphere on the main hall, the atmosphere in the secret room is extremely dignified.

Clive unfolded his own magic, and in the air of the back room, a magic map suddenly appeared.

"A few days ago, the Alliance Headquarters issued investigation orders to the three branches of Topa City, Tunisia, and Perth Harbor. From the news that we can tell, they are not the targets we are looking for."

As Clive's words fell, the three cities on the magic map were marked with a red cross.

"So, there are only Gaga Lake and two places in the Durga Valley?" The representative of the military, Field Marshal Edmund, took over the topic.

"Both of these are in the wild. If it is normal, the alliance may still be competent, but now the tide of elements is intensifying and the power of Warcraft has greatly increased. Under this situation, it is a bit difficult for the alliance to look at the two places. This Durga Valley ... "

Clive's words did not continue, but everyone present knew what he meant.

Almost a dozen years ago, some strange things happened in the Durga Valley. Since then, the valley has been taken over by the military, and it has also become a forbidden area for the empire. Don't set foot easily.

"What does the master mean?" Her Majesty looked questioningly.

"The military and the alliance each send a team of people to take charge of different areas."

The emperor glanced at Edmond, and after seeing the latter nodded, he agreed with Clive's proposal.

"So, how should the two sides be divided?"

"Since His Majesty agreed, the old man felt that Lake Gaga is not far from the empire's southwest army station. It is most appropriate for the military to come forward. As for the Durga Valley, our college alliance ..."

"No!" Clive was interrupted by Edmond before he could finish his words: "The military is in Duga Valley!"

There are too many secrets in the Durga Valley. Emmond really does not want others to touch his hands, even the academic alliance that also serves the empire!

Clive seemed to know that Edmond would dispute with him on this matter, but turned his attention to the emperor, hoping that he would sit down and decide.

George Atlanta frowned, as if hesitant.

This matter is very important. Any negligence will lead to irreversible consequences, so he has to proceed with caution.

"Edmund, how confident are you?"

Edmond's momentum suddenly stagnated.

The Durga Valley was in their hands more than a decade ago. Over the years, the military has dispatched elites many times, but it has yielded very little. On the contrary, the casualties are extremely heavy.

Therefore, even if Edmund wanted to pat his chest to reassure the emperor, his heart did not have any confidence.

But Emond didn't want to give up control of the Durga Valley, even if he had to pay a large price for it.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen guarantees with the glory of the family, this time will never fail!" After finishing, Edmund stood up from his position, and then kneeled on one knee.

"Why Marshal?" George Atlanta personally lifted people up, then made up his mind: "Since you are so confident, then do what you say."

Clive sighed slightly.

After Edmond knelt down, he realized that things couldn't be undone.

The academic alliance and the military are the two major forces in the hands of George Atlanta. The military wins in the army and has the power to defend the large and small cities of the empire. The academic alliance is relatively small, but the masters are gathered. The two complement each other. There is competition.

However, in the eyes of His Majesty the Emperor, it is clear that the army is much more important than the alliance. After all, the alliance is loosely organized, the members are uneven, and the odds of not having the army are strict. It is even more difficult to use it.

Besides, Edmund even moved out the family glory for the right to explore the Durga Valley. Even if Her Majesty was dissatisfied with the military's actions before, the Emperor ’s trust had to be considered. His attitude.

"Since Her Majesty has made a decision, the Academy Alliance should obey it." At this point, even if Clive was a master, he could not change it, but he could not help reminding Edmond: "The investigation of the magic point is not It was the family of the Greek Empire. Presumably the Marshal also knew that no force on the mainland would miss this opportunity. "

Elemental Tide is a magical carnival. Although the biggest beneficiary is Warcraft, it is also the opportunity that magicians dream of.

As long as you find the magic point and make full use of the strong magic elements of the magic point, you can create a large number of mages, and even those who have stopped at the master level have a chance to touch the realm of the king!

King, that is almost a legendary existence. The founding emperor of the Greek Empire, with the strength of the king, slammed a river and mountains and let future generations look up.

"The words of the master should be kept in mind, but I think this situation will not happen." Edmond's stern answer, apparently, did not take Clive's advice seriously.

After discussing some specific details, George Atlanta motioned to put away the magic map.

"The magic point is about the rise and fall of the empire. Please be cautious."

"I must live up to His Majesty's trust."

The secret rooms opened slowly, no matter what the atmosphere inside, when they came out, the look on the three faces changed greatly, making people wonder ~ ~ Clive returned all the way to the hall, and then from the corner Finding Willa who is eating.

"Grand Clive, where did you go just now, how could I not find you?"

"I think you remember to look for food. Why did you think of looking for me?" Clive's mouth raised a smile. When he saw Vera, he always felt happy: "Grandpa just talked with His Majesty just now. Something. "

"No wonder Grandpa would come to this boring ball." Willa suddenly realized that Clive's participation in the ball was false, and that it was true that Her Majesty was here.

But why did you pull her over? This doesn't seem to have anything to do with her!

"Don't you want to spend more time with Grandpa?" Clive was dissatisfied with the pretense, but his face couldn't last for a few seconds at all, and he completely failed under Willa Coquette: and told Willa the truth: "Grandpa Upon your order, I will soon leave the Imperial City. Of course, if you want, I will take you away this time. Of course, you can also choose to stay in the Imperial City and wait for Grandpa to come back. "Superhero Academy System

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