Superhero Comic – Overlord’s Path

Chapter 11 11. The girl in the photo

After learning that Bruce Wayne was coming in person, the old man quickly dressed and walked down the stairs. The old flirt even combed his hair on one side, looking like a dignified wolf with a big tail , he exclaimed exaggeratedly,

"Hey Mr. Wayne, we met once! Not long after you came back, well, your two female companions are so cute!"

The girls laughed, and Wayne also stood up, and said to his father with a smile,

"My butler, Alfred, is also a veteran. He told my dad that you were a truly respectable gentleman who fought in World War II and that your bar is the best bar he has ever seen, so here I am!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Alfred used to be my regular visitor here, he knows what is the best."

Dad likes others to praise his bar. Bruce's words made Dad smile. He sat opposite Wayne, and Huahua Company patted the shoulders of the girls beside him.

"Baby, go and sit over there first, I'll talk to Mr. Christian about something."

The two girls sat on the side obediently. Seber brought two glasses of wine for the father and Bruce, and then naturally sat next to the girls. He didn't know what he said, which made the two girls laugh out loud. .

The laughter didn't spoil the atmosphere here. Bruce took off his glasses and put them aside, then spread his hands on the table and said to Dad,

"Mr. Christian..."

"Just call me Daddy, that's what they all call me, or Old Teach, it doesn't have to be so formal."

The old man waved his hand generously. He picked up the glass and said to Bruce, "I'm old. This bar has been my painstaking effort for more than 20 years. Although I can't control it after selling it to you, I hope Mr. Wayne Still manage it well and don't make it look like other bad places in Gotham, it's an old man's request."

"Just call me Bruce, Dad."

The playboy glanced at Saber who had a good chat with the girls, then spread his hands, leaned comfortably on the chair, and said to the old man,

"Dad, you know, I'm young, so you can't expect me to manage a bar like this. Wayne Enterprises belongs to me in name, but it has its own set of rules, plus it's a private acquisition. The action is mainly Alfred's suggestion, so I can't transfer some specialized personnel from it, so..."

Bruce glanced at his father, who was listening to him attentively. The young man in his mid-twenties showed a bright smile,

"So, I hope that after I take over the Old Gun, you'll still be running it."

The old man frowned, and he gulped down a third of the wine. He looked at Wayne. This young man, just like the rumors, had the unique temperament of the Wayne family. His face was not thin, but that There is always a hint of sadness in his eyes, his lips are always upturned inadvertently when he speaks, and he has brown hair with a hint of light gold, which is trimmed to fit his facial contours very well.

Generally speaking, he is a very handsome young man, and he has a special feeling of a big man. With his smile, he is very friendly.

"So, Bruce, you mean, you want me to work for you?"

Dad's slow, low, clear voice sounded, Wayne smiled, propped his arms on the table, propped his chin,

"Yes, Dad, I hope you can work for me...also Alfred's suggestion."

"Well, it seems that my drinking buddy back then was a great big shot..."

The old man flicked the wine glass with his hand and made a clear sound. He replied, "Okay, so boss, what's your first order?"

Just as Wayne was about to speak, there was a burst of exclamation from girls from Sable's side. Dad and Bruce turned their heads at the same time, only to see Sable playing games with those girls.

He held a small fruit knife in his right hand, and the girl with golden hair spread her left hand on the table. Seber quickly swung the knife back and forth between the girl's separated fingers. This game did not There is nothing surprising, many people can play, but the most frightening thing is that the knife in Seber's hand almost danced at this moment, at an astonishingly fast speed, and there was a sound of aggressive knocking of woodpeckers on the table The sound of wood is like performing magic.

The two girls were already scared to death, and the pretty blonde girl didn't dare to move until 30 seconds later, Saibo stopped, and flicked his right hand without looking at it, and the knife flew away. Going out, it finally stabbed precisely at the center of the dart board on the wall, and the tail of the knife was still trembling slightly.

The guy opened his arms exaggeratedly and shouted,

"100 bets! I won, so where's my reward?"

American girls are all enthusiastic. Saibo closed his eyes, and the 90-point black-haired beauty left a deep hickey on his cheek, while the blond beauty hugged Saibo, and came to a suffocating kiss.

This scene made Dad a little embarrassed, but Bruce couldn't help laughing, he looked at Dad,

"Dad, you have a very interesting guy, what is this guy's background?"

"Uh, well, I won't hide it from you."

The old man took a sip of his wine and said to the curious Bruce, "This guy came from Canada two days ago, the son of my comrade-in-arms."

After saying this, the old man stretched out his finger and nodded his head, "He has a problem here, Bruce, don't worry about it."


Bruce raised his chin and nodded, and just as he was about to say something, the wooden door behind him was pushed open again, a beautiful woman with brown hair and big eyes, wearing business attire, holding a black document bag The woman walked into the bar, she took one look at the bar, and said,

"Is Mr. Christian there? This is Assistant Attorney Rachel Dawes, and I'm here to investigate the matter concerning Mr. John Blake, a trainee policeman..."

Her sweet voice stopped at this moment, because Bruce had stood up from his chair, turned to look at her,

"Rachel, nice to see you here."

"Bruce, why are you here?"

Faced with the beauty's surprised inquiry, Bruce Wayne shrugged his shoulders and showed that friendly smile again, "This is my bar. Mr. Christian is my employee. What's wrong? Come on, sit here, and talk to me."

Assistant Prosecutor Rachel is a little surprised to see Bruce Wayne now, but it seems that they have known each other for a long time, but Seb, who is watching coldly, can see that the relationship between the two is a bit weird, and after seeing Rachel carefully After looking at his face, Saber's eyes narrowed.

He turned left and right on his body, and finally found a photo with blood on the edges, which was Rachel's face. It was something he found out of his pocket when he killed Poshkin yesterday. , it's obviously impossible for a mob boss to fall in love with a prosecutor who's dedicated to sending them to jail, so there's only one explanation for this picture.

Rachel is targeted by Jamie.

"Hey, owe me one."

Seb smiled and put the photo in his pocket, then half-dragged and half-dragged the two beauties who followed Bruce out of the bar, and took the car keys that Bruce Wayne had put there from the table. The moment he looked back, Bruce gave him an appreciative smile. Obviously, Seber helped him solve a big problem.

Bruce didn't want Rachel, his childhood sweetheart, to see him traveling with a beautiful woman. This would affect his image in the eyes of beautiful women.

Saber obviously knew this too, so after walking out of the bar, he exclaimed to the two reluctant girls,

"Hey, beauties, Master Bruce has something to do, you go first, he will contact you, as for the car...Here, here is the key! Yes, it belongs to you! Master Bruce is a generous man, drive Let's go! Be careful on the road!"

Saber waved to the two beauties who got into the car and watched them crookedly leave the docklands in the Sons of Gotham luxury car. He shouted to them,

"Goodbye! Baby, I will miss you!"

Watching the car disappear around the corner, he tore up the two phone numbers that still smelled of perfume, and threw them into the trash can next to him.

He wasn't interested in "the courtesan".

"Well, let's go out for a walk."

Sebo glanced back at the bar, and temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​going back. For some reason, he always felt that this playboy Bruce Wayne was a bit weird. Although he behaved very naturally, Sebo instinctively wanted to stay away from him. Some, there was no reason for this instinct, but Cyber ​​decided to trust his heart.

With his hands in his coat pockets, he wandered around the pier area. Well, there was a gun in his coat pocket and a dagger in his belt, which was his habit.

Saibo looked at everything around him with a very curious look. This is the third day he has entered the city, and his knowledge of the city is only obtained from newspapers. The area where he is really active is Near the Old Gun Bar, the farthest place to reach is the intersection where Robin was rescued last night.

This feeling of smearing the surrounding environment is not in line with Saibo's habits, so he intends to use this opportunity to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment.

It took him 2 hours to walk around the Gotham Pier, a large comprehensive pier. Since it was daytime, the workers here were very busy, and there was no sign of decline in this port, but according to Dad , the port has been in constant decline for several years.

It is said that at its most prosperous time, the number of dock workers working here was more than double that of now. Of course, its decline is inseparable from the rise of Gotham crime groups. Except for arms dealers, other businessmen They will not choose a place of chaos as their business district.

But this has nothing to do with Sable, he is just a poor boy now, and what is really related to him is another thing. After wandering around the intricate dock area for 2 hours, Sable felt very keenly that he Being watched.

He turned his head inadvertently, followed by 3 people with bulging waists, obviously armed, and unlike the bastards he dealt with, these guys were tall, strong, and had an undisguised military style.

"This is the"

Saibo muttered something, turned around and walked into a secluded alley not far away. He was unfamiliar with the place, so he had to consider a way to get out, or... get rid of these annoying tails.

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