Superhero Comic – Overlord’s Path

Chapter 524 25. Phoenix: See the poor dagger

Sacrifice, this is a word that often appears in religious ceremonies. This word means to offer sacrifices, ask for a response or return, and half of them are mostly used in the communication between status and high-level creatures. The deeper meaning is "fair trade". How much you pay, how much you get, of course, if you can use the ritual scene of sacrifice, which is more or less evil, it is probably an unfair exchange in itself.

Using the Reality Stone to distort reality is a kind of sacrifice in itself, but this Infinity Gem is really not easy to use. For example, Jane Foster is in a coma, and her life will be forcibly extracted by the Reality Stone to perform the distortion in this world , although it has no will itself, if your strength is not strong enough, it will not obey you.

According to the oldest records of Kama Taj, the Reality Stone is to be used in conjunction with other Infinity Stones, and the user has never had a good end when using it alone.

"Damn Dark Elf! Damn Reality Gem!"

Sable struggled hard under the cover of the dark red stream of darkness, he could feel that this thing was absorbing the energy in his body, the fire of life was becoming weaker at a speed visible to the naked eye, once it was completely swallowed by it, The concept of Cyber ​​will no longer exist, and the black sun in the sky is slowly expanding, like a black hole bursting open, and begins to swallow the wreckage on the ground into it.

Cyber ​​felt a big crisis!


He called out the name of Phoenix in the spiritual world, and the next moment, he got a response from the high-latitude cosmic creature:

"Oh, isn't this my lovely host? Are you in trouble?"

"Get this thing off of me!"

"It's killing me!" Saib said.

"Hmm... The Reality Stone? I haven't seen it in years."

Phoenix's voice was as lazy as ever, it seemed to be looking at the dark red liquid covering Saibo's body, but it didn't immediately help Saibo, on the contrary, it looked at Saibo like an indifferent bystander. The confrontation between Bo and the dark red liquid.

"I said, you seem to have made a mistake."

Fenghuang said softly: "You are just my host, you are not my master. For the sake of food, I have already helped you once. This time, I will charge you!"

"You! Take advantage of the fire!"

Saibo's voice became angry: "I'm dead, you can just..."

"You're dead, I'm just changing another host at random, don't think too highly of yourself, low-dimensional creature!"

The phoenix interrupted Sable's threat, and it said in a leisurely manner: "Just like Grey Jean, you are not the only one who is qualified on that planet, Sable Hawk, it seems that you haven't figured out one thing yet. Things, in the relationship between you and me, I am the active party, you are not really stupid enough to think that I will meet all your needs unconditionally, right?"

"Look, we agreed at the beginning, you help me, I will help you."

Feng Feng whispered: "I helped you once, but you haven't helped me yet."

"What do you want me to do? Say!"

Saibo didn't have much time to waste, his voice became indifferent: "Tell me your conditions!"

"Very well, this is the attitude of asking for help."

Phoenix breathed a sigh of relief, and Saibo could vaguely hear Dormammu's wailing, it seemed that Phoenix did not kill him, but regarded him as a long-term food reserve, what a tragedy!

Of course, Saibo is also miserable now. Seeing Saibo give in, in the voice of the soul, Phoenix said with satisfaction:

"Do you still remember the fragments of power I left in your body back then? The fragments that allow you to borrow my power at will, I call them Phoenix fragments. Phoenix fragments will exist in the body of any qualified person who used to be a carrier. They Each of them represents the extension of my power, but it is also the seed of power that I have given away. If I want to be complete again, I need to take back the fragments I gave.”

"You want me to help you collect phoenix fragments?"

Saibo asked in a deep voice, "Are they all on Earth?"

"Hehehe, you still haven't been able to get rid of the limitations of low-dimensional creatures..."

Phoenix smiled:

"Look up at the starry sky, Cyber, my fragments are distributed in every corner of the universe. This is a long collection process, so I need my host to be strong enough and have enough potential. You are very suitable, someone like you Creatures, you should not crawl on the ground and look up at the starry sky, you should join in, promise me, I will help you get rid of the uncontrolled Reality Stone, and I can even teach you how to control it."

"The Reality Stone is not dangerous, provided you know how to use it correctly, it will turn what you think and see into your truly reliable weapon, with it, you are the king of the world, look at this ignorant darkness He could have realized his weak "Eternal Darkness" more easily with everything that the elves created, heh, a meaningless sacrifice."

Saber was silent.

He is not stupid. The collection of fragments mentioned by Phoenix is ​​a long process. It is a high-level existence in the universe. Even it feels long. The time span is estimated to be calculated in tens of thousands of years... Cyber ​​is willing to take ten thousand In exchange for his own survival? Can he give up everything on earth and throw himself into the stars alone, becoming a lonely watcher?

No! He doesn't want to! No one with a normal head would be willing to exchange ten thousand years for strength. What a stupid idea. If you are destined to be alone, what's the point of being invincible among the stars?

"Are you hesitating?"

Phoenix easily sensed Cyber's wavering, it whispered: "There is not much time left for you to hesitate..."

"Can I change my request?"

Saibo asked, but was ruthlessly rejected by Phoenix the next moment:

"Other than that, I don't have anything for you to do. Everything in the low-dimensional world is meaningless to me, and you can't touch other things I need. Now, tell me, do you want to or not?" willing?"


Seber felt like he was making a difficult decision, the cold dark ether had completely covered him except his cheeks, and he seemed to have no other choice.

But his fate should not be so tortuous.


In an instant, the golden portal that covered most of Asgard's sky opened in the sky, and a deep voice also sounded in Cyber's heart at the same time:

"Don't promise it! It's just an out-of-control Reality Stone!"

Saibo's spirit lifted, he heard who was coming, the next moment, a jade-like finger touched Saibo's forehead, seventeen gorgeous green seals rippled around Saibo's body, The unimaginable chaotic magic power is like a pair of scissors, forcibly surrounding Saibo's body, tearing off the dark red liquid covering the body surface.


The dark sky shook again. The familiar white robe, familiar cheeks, and familiar bald head appeared in Saibo's eyes. The supreme mage who returned from beyond the world held a rune staff and pointed to his feet in the dark sky. The magic shock was like a magic shackle, binding the dark red dark ether that escaped into the sky into a golden ball, and finally fell into Gu Yi's robe.

At the moment when the Reality Stone was put away, under the body of the freed Saibo, the wind of void that blew everything away suddenly stopped, and the dark sun above the sky still existed, but it no longer expanded.

"Fu... I came in time."

Gu Yi seemed to have recovered his health with a gentle smile on his face. She looked at Saibo and said in a low voice:

"You didn't promise it, did you?"


Saibo moved his wrist, he canceled the demonization, and two wings of flame appeared behind him, allowing his body to float beside Gu Yi, and he asked softly, "It seems that Phoenix's request is very bad?"

"Bad? No, it's not just bad."

Gu Yi stretched out his finger and touched Saibo's heart, her voice sounded between Saibo and Phoenix:

"The last time you came to Earth, you took away Kunlun's most powerful and talented Iron Fist. That time, you also said the same to that girl, and you told her that it would be a wonderful trip, but now , you appeared on Earth again, where is the person you took away? Where is she?"


Phoenix snorted coldly, turned around and disappeared into Saibo's spiritual world, its disgusting voice came from afar:

"Meddling female! You have time to spoil my affairs, why don't you take a good look at your body and see how many years you can live if you keep meddling so much?"

Gu Yi withdrew her will, she shook her head, glanced at Asgard shrouded in darkness, and said:

"You don't need to worry too much. Apart from this impossible requirement, the phoenix is ​​a spirit body with a very good reputation in the multiverse. At least it won't send you to death on purpose."

"Then your body?"

Saibo heard a hint of ominousness from Phoenix's voice just now, facing his question, Gu Yi took a deep breath, and a trace of relief flashed in his eyes like Jianshui Qiutong:

"I have lived long enough. I have done a lot of things right in my life, but I have also done a lot wrong. This time I went to the outside world, and I saw more scenery. Don't worry about me, Cyber ​​Hawk, I always Will die, sooner or later, now, let's solve the trouble here first."

Ancient One was walking in the dark sky, and Saibo followed her. He glanced at the country below that was completely covered in darkness. His eyes flashed fiercely, and he whispered:

"Aren't they enemies? How about taking this opportunity..."

"No! No way!"

Gu Yi categorically refused, she looked back at Saibo: "Among the Nine Kingdoms, Asgard's status is supernatural, if it is allowed to be destroyed like this, the Nine Kingdoms will return to chaos in an instant, and... Well, forget it, let’s not talk about it, you will know the reason later.”

The Supreme Mage stretched out her left hand, and the dark ether bound in the ball of light appeared in her palm amidst the shining light. She looked at the dark ether flowing on her fingertips in front of her, and said:

"The Reality Gem, the thing that reshapes reality and distorts it, the most powerful of the six Infinity Stones, you need to use it in the right way. The Phoenix is ​​absolutely right. Use it in the wrong way, it will only ruin life .”

"Huh? I don't understand..."

Saibo shook his head bluntly. He glanced at the dark red gemstone and moved away from it. This thing is very dangerous.

Gu Yi turned his head to look at him, the supreme mage thought for a moment, and came up with a very appropriate word:

"It's a medium! Not a weapon!"

Her body slowly descended, and Sebo flapped his wings of flames to follow behind her, falling into the path of glory. Ancient One walked forward. Among the dark dust, Sebo saw Heimdall kneeling on the ground After realizing that someone was coming, the gatekeeper struggled to support his body with the epee in his hand. He looked at the Supreme Mage walking in the darkness and the dark ether in her hand. This Asgardian most A trace of despair flashed across the face of the mighty warrior.

"Are you going to destroy this place, Supreme Mage?"

Heimdall blocked Gu Yi with his last strength, and he shouted loudly: "Because of our hostility, are you going to destroy Asgard's last hope?"

"Rainbow bridge?"

Gu Yi shook his head: "Your hope is not here, and I have no intention of destroying your country and the world, get out of the way! I will save it!"

Heimdall's eyes were full of strong doubts, but the impatient Seber stepped forward, knocked Heimdall to the ground with a punch, and then made a "please" gesture to Gu Yi.

"The way is clear, Master, please do whatever you want."

Seber picked up Heimdall's epee from the ground and leaned it in front of him: "I promise no one will disturb you."

"You've always been like this, Cyber, I don't like your violent methods..."

Gu Yi passed Heimdall's body and walked into the Rainbow Bridge: "But it is often very useful."

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