Superhero Comic – Overlord’s Path

Chapter 84 16. Seriousness



The sound of collisions kept ringing in the underground facilities of the Xavier Academy for Gifted Youth. Saibo, who had changed into a casual outfit, stood in front of a special memory device in a fighting posture, and was silently punching it. Looking at the sandbag in front of him, after each punch, a data that would stun ordinary people would appear on the screen next to him.

Qin stood on the side holding the recording board, recording the beating data in detail. Professor Charles sat on the side. Sitting beside him was the little girl Catherine who was curiously looking at the surrounding silver-white buildings. She changed her clothes. Agent May sat farther away.

Catherine was very happy to see Saibo again, but the little girl's attention was not on the sweating Saibo at this time, but quietly looked at another guy standing beside her, flipping through a pile of records.

A blue-haired monster! A blue-haired monster from a fairy tale!

Well, this is just the little girl's personal name. Standing here is Professor X's close comrade-in-arms, a powerful mutant who is currently serving as the chairman of the "Mutant Council" in Congress, Henry Philip of "The Beast". McCay, who also goes by another name, Hank, has probably the strangest appearance of all here.

His skin is blue, but this is not a big deal, because the skin of Raven, the Mystique that Saibo once saw, is also blue. The most striking thing about Hank is that he is covered with manes. Hair, blue mane, but other than that, neither the outline of his face nor his appearance is different from that of a human.

He looks fluffy and tall, at least 2.15 and above. For Catherine, he is a giant, but because the blue-haired monster is wearing a black suit with a black frame Glasses, coupled with the temperament of a different researcher, so it looks unexpected... um, cute.

The little girl really wanted to touch Hank's mane, but she was an obedient and sensible child, so when the adults cast their eyes on Sable, she hugged her godfather and godmother and gave it to her alone. She had a great time with her teddy bear, but she would look at the silent Sable from time to time.

Children's keen senses can feel that Seber is not in a good mood now.

"How is it? Hank, can you see anything?"

Professor Charles waved his hand lightly, and the two cups of hot tea on the table floated in the air, and slowly moved to the hands of Catherine and Hank. The little girl put down the doll and looked curiously at the teacups floating in front of her eyes. He reached out and scratched under the teacup, but there was nothing.

She took the teacup and politely said to Professor Charles,

"Thank you."

At the age of the professor, human habits are still affecting this powerful mutant leader. He likes children very much, especially a sensible child like Catherine. He kindly stretched out his hand, touched Catherine's little head, and looked To Hank the silent beast.

Don't look at the rude appearance of the blue-haired monster Hank, he is a real researcher in essence. In the chaotic era 40 years ago, he was the one who, together with Professor Charles and Magneto, prevented the disaster that almost destroyed the world. The war, and then established a new order of mutant society from scratch.

He is a real genius, and he is also a brave fighter. Victor, the saber-toothed tiger who has fought the least and has no power to fight back, dare not be so arrogant in front of him.


Hank put the record in his hand aside, then reached out and took off his eyes, and said to Professor Charles,

"Obviously, this is a phenomenon similar to "Awakening of Ability", just like Eric at the beginning, you and I both know that when the ability cannot be perfectly manipulated, it cannot be called a real "Awakening" .”

The beast's eyes turned to Saibo who was punching wildly over there, and he lowered his voice with a trace of rigidity,

"Serber thinks that his ability was awakened a month ago. This is wrong. In fact, I think his ability was truly awakened today. Everything before that is just a preparation for this awakening, including the need to Self-healing that expends physical energy, including that brief boost in strength, is part of that preparation."

As he spoke, he moved his wrists, organizing his words while expressing his conclusions,

"When he was attacked by that bastard Victor and tried to die with him, Cyber's ability really began to awaken. Look at his current record data. It's more than three times the strength of ordinary people, B-level self-healing , a weakened version of beast perception, bone hardening, tell me, Charles, who do you think of when you see these abilities?"

Professor Charles pursed his lips, his eyes narrowed,


"Yes, Victor the saber-toothed tiger!"

The Beast nodded, pointed at Seber who had stopped punching, and tapped on his temple again, "It almost completely inherited Victor's abilities, but all of them have been severely weakened, if I didn't If I remember correctly, the recorded data of the saber-toothed tiger should be 7 times the strength of ordinary people, S-level self-healing, super beast perception, and the alienation of bones."

Blue Hank had a smile that could scare a child,

"My guess is that in the explosion, both Seber and Victor's bodies were blown to pieces, but he swallowed part of Victor's flesh and blood... Well, it seems a little disgusting to say this, but the fact is that he Inherited part of Victor's ability, and then copied it on himself, just like what he said, he needs to replenish a lot of energy after every battle."

"There is no doubt that his ability is unprecedented in the history of mutants... Devour!"

Hank leaned back in the chair, which was rattling under his weight, watching Seb with interest as he walked towards them,

"What I'm most curious about now is, is there an end to his devouring ability? If not... that would be simply too terrifying."

For a while, both Professor Charles and Hank were silent, until Saibo sat down between them, reached out and tapped Catherine's head, and then hugged the little girl who was covering her head and holding her mouth. On his lap, he reached out to greet Hank who was sitting beside him,

"Hey man, your mane is awesome! It looks mighty with your skin!"

Saibo always has a special ability, which can make the other party hate him with a single word. Facing this familiar way of greeting, Hank bared his teeth like a wild beast, and snorted coldly from his nostrils,

"Boy, are you itchy?"


Seber raised his fists subconsciously, but after a while, he relaxed a little awkwardly, then scratched his head, and asked Hank and Professor Charles,

"You two, why do I sometimes lose control of my fist now? Is it because I hurt some nerves?"


Hank scoffed at the question, but he finally explained patiently,

"This is a normal phenomenon. Beast perception will help you distinguish some subconscious threats. For example, beasts such as tigers and wolves always have unique predictions of danger. Your beast perception is a weakened version, otherwise it was just The moment I show hostility, you will jump up and fight with me."

Professor Charles added while drinking tea,

"So for mutants with beast senses, it is very hard and requires long-term training to control this instinctive danger prediction. Most mutants in history who have awakened beast senses died soon. In conflicts with other people, because they can feel the malice of others, to a certain extent, the weakened version of beast perception is a good thing for you, at least it will avoid many unnecessary fights."

"Oh, is it so?"

Saibo rubbed his chin and said expectantly, "But I think the full version sounds more powerful...By the way, professor, have you analyzed the results? What the hell is my ability?"

Hank and Professor Charles looked at each other, and finally the professor revealed the answer,

"It's devouring, Saber, you can devour the substances that enter your body, and then transform them into beneficial existences for you. For example, eating a lot of food will make your wounds heal faster, such as swallowing the substances that entered your body. The toxin has kept you safe and sound, and this time is the same, you devoured the flesh and blood of the saber-toothed tiger, giving you an ability very similar to his."


There was a trace of embarrassment and disgust that couldn't be concealed on Seber's face, "Did I eat part of him? It's disgusting!"

"No, it's not eating! It's devouring, it's different!"

Beast Hank glared at him,

"Your description is simply terrible. It successfully dispelled my desire for lunch. Also, I want to warn you, kid, don't think that you can try some weird things casually if you have this ability. I don't want to see you change. Becoming a pica or an ogre... Remember, your devouring will not always succeed."

Just as Saibo was about to refute, Gray Qin, who came over with a pile of materials, also said,

"Hank is right, Seber, part of the report on your abilities has been sorted out, and now I want to tell you some things to pay attention to, lest you die early."

Qin took out a piece of paper full of words from those materials, coughed lightly, and read,

"First of all, your phagocytosis is limited. In the hemodialysis I just did, I found that the highest your cells can withstand is weak to moderate toxins, and there is no resistance to corrosive liquids. That is to say, if You try to drink a glass of sulfuric acid, and you will die!"

Hearing the news, Saibo curled his lips, but he did not refute, but continued to listen to Qin's narration. The latter reached out and brushed his long wine-red hair, and continued,

"But the good news is that even deadly toxins will be slowly infiltrated and eliminated by your abilities after they dissolve in your body, but in the process, your physical fitness will be reduced to the lowest level, similar to ordinary Rejection reaction when people are sick. If this happens, you must prepare in advance, because you are the most vulnerable at this time. If you don’t have enough energy to replenish, you are likely to be tortured for a long time. It may even cause some damage to your body."

"This is good news, that is to say, I don't have to worry about my opponent using venom to kill me in the future, right?"

Sable's eyes narrowed as he laughed, Jean thought for a while, and then nodded.

"Then there is your self-healing ability. B-level self-healing means that you can ignore most cold weapon attacks. Even if your arms or legs are cut off, you will slowly recover, but this process will also make you become Weak, and be aware that the bullet is still fatal to you, if it hits your heart, you will be seriously injured, and if it hits your head..."

Qin's expression became serious, and she emphasized her tone,

"you will die."

Saber fell silent, he nodded, then turned to look at Hank,

"Brother Hank, what level is the self-healing of the saber-toothed tiger?"


Hank drank the water in the teacup, he stretched out two fingers, and waved in front of the ugly-faced Seber, "He is the only 2 S-class regenerates we have found so far, actually , we suspect that his ability has gone beyond the concept of self-healing itself and reached another level."


Saibo asked subconsciously, Hank closed his eyes, and spit out a word, "Live forever!"

" is this possible?!"

As an oriental person, Saibo is very familiar with this word. He can't believe that there is really a concept of immortality in this world. Seeing his surprise, Professor Charles chuckled and added,

"Victor was born in the 19th century, Cyber. He has lived for more than 200 years. Don't worry about your failure. In fact, Victor is already one of the most difficult enemies in the current mutant society. , one of the strongest beta-level mutants."

Seber took a deep breath to calm down his emotions, tapped his fingers on the table, and finally, he looked at Grey Jean standing in front of him,

"What about me? Beauty, in your pamphlet, I'm not still a poor Ipsilon-class mutant, am I?"

"Of course... no, congratulations on becoming a beta-level mutant. In addition, the little girl next to you is an alpha-level. Compared with your unstable ability, she is more like a perfect mutant."

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