Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 876: Hold the sun and the moon in the emperor city, he is the god

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Everyone saw it clearly.

There is a figure walking through the sky, holding the giant city with his left hand, covering the sky.

That figure is like a god.

"Ye Feng!"

When seeing this figure clearly, Liu Yiyi suddenly cried, like a child, the man she likes, finally came, although he could not step on the Xiangyun, but it must be more majestic, holding the emperor city like a god. .

Ye Feng was standing above the dragon's house. His left hand held a city, seemingly endless, terrifying coercion came from the sky, lightning surrounded him, the ring of God condensed, the golden light was shining, and the yin and yang breath flowed behind him, just like a teenager Gods.

When I saw this scene, all the emperors were scared.

I don't know how many sleeping undead were awakened.

"What a breath!"

They crawled out of the place of sleep and looked at the figure in horror.

The old men looked pale and lost their voices: "This force, he will not destroy the world!"


Among the Dragon family, everyone except Liu Yiyi was kneeling on the ground.

No matter Long Tian, ​​the ancestors of the Dragon family, or even the invincible killing innocence, all knelt on the ground like ants.

"You are Ye Feng!"

Long Tian saw the dazzling figure of divine light and his eyes were split, how could there be such a person in the world.

Hold the giant city, is he a god!

The White Emperor City exuded light and suppressed this heaven and earth. The authority of the Heavenly Emperor, who dares to resist?

Even Heavenly Dao is standing on Ye Feng's side at the moment.

Ye Feng's hand gently waved, and Liu Yiyi's body slowly floated up, being embraced by Ye Feng.

He smiled: "Don't cry, I'm back."


Although Liu Yiyi responded, she still cried in Ye Feng's arms.

Seeing her thin and haggard look, Ye Feng couldn't help but feel distressed, his indifferent eyes fell into the Dragon's family.

Take one person and destroy the whole family.

Long Tian looked at the invincible figure in the sky and collapsed in his heart. He finally understood why Liu Yiyi had such a terrible luck, because it was Ye Fengfen.

"How can there be such a person in this world."

He screamed in awkwardness.

"Senior and so on!"

At this moment, a shout came from not far away, and then several old figures plundered.

These are half-cut old men, and the cultivation base is actually above the void.

"Oh my god, that's Cangxuan old man."

"That's the Taoist man."

When the people on the ground saw these old people, they couldn't help but scream, because these old people are all famous, even if they haven't seen them, they have heard their legends, like myths.

Seeing these people now, everyone was very excited.

They were excited: "Are you going to kill this young man?"

But the next moment, these people stared.

Because they saw that these mythical old people asked with great fear and nervousness at this time: "Senior, are you going to destroy the world?"

"You must think twice, this world is actually quite good. If someone makes you angry, I will wait for you to kill it. Just put away this dangerous thing first."

They said, glancing at Baidi City.

Although there is only a trace of Diwei revealed above, it has already made the world tremble. If there is another trace, the planet may explode like this.

Ye Feng said indifferently: "Don't stop me from killing."

A group of old men flashed away, and stood obediently behind Ye Feng.

Another old man asked: "Senior, who are you going to kill, we will help you."

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