Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 904: Figure under the moonlight

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Those excited people, they don't know anything, they just feel a breeze sweeping past them, and suddenly find themselves unable to move.


Starting from the far left, a person suddenly exploded.

Everyone saw clearly, that person was clearly cut!

In the swell of blood, a gorgeous blood flower blooming in the air, breathtaking, beautiful, but everyone suddenly felt a chill came up from the soles of the feet, and that person did not know what happened.

The head fell to the ground and rolled around twice, still staring at everyone still frozen in the air.

They feel scalp numbness.


The second person then exploded.

Seeing this scene, these passionate and active young people finally woke up.

The people they faced came from hell.

But it was too late.

The old man watched those people in the sky exploding from left to right, his eyes full of despair.

If this time he won't die, but so many Shijia people have died, he will definitely not have any good ending.

"You are a demon."

The old man's voice screamed, and his body kept receding back. "You killed so many people, you didn't even blink your eyes. You are not a person. You are a demon from hell. You are a demon!"

Ye Feng looked at him indifferently.

"When will they come?" He refers to the Shijia.

The old man suddenly changed his face.

He shouted: "You can't do this, there are too many killings, and you will be collected one day."

Ye Feng raised his hand and chopped off a sword, split the old man, and said indifferently: "It's not dare."

He stood under the moonlight and calmly looked at the lighted city not far away.

"They can't help it finally."

Ye Feng is very clear that it is not just the Shi family, but there are certainly many large families and large ancestors. The strength of the Baidi City is here. As long as you know the news, the large ancestors and large families will inevitably be emotional.

The White Emperor City put the Emperor Art on it by himself.

The emperor's power is huge, but only the white emperor can control it.

Even if Ye Feng threw the White Emperor City to them, they wouldn't need it, and they would also invite Diwei.


More than ten miles away.

A burly figure is taking over a dozen people from the sky.

The burly man was Shi Wu.

After reaching the Jindan realm, you can travel in the air, but the speed is not as good as the flight of the sword, and the convenience and labor saving are also inferior to the flight of the sword.

Behind Shi Wu are the elders of the Shi family.

They are mostly in Yuanying and Jindan.

"Hurry up."

Shi Wu shouted, "We have to be the first to arrive, then we will catch Ye Feng and take away his secret treasure."

Everyone nodded.

But at the next moment, an elder suddenly shouted, "Homeowner, the signal from the compass is suddenly gone."

Hearing the words, Shi Wu's brow furrowed.

He said in a deep voice: "Speed ​​up and go to the place where the signal disappears."

Two minutes later, they finally came to the place where the signal disappeared, in an empty forest ten miles away.

They just fell to the ground, and suddenly they smelled a very pungent **** smell. Then, he followed the moonlight and saw a body on the ground.

More than a dozen corpses, red blood stained here, all feet under the blood.

They clearly saw those heads, still staring at themselves.

Even as a powerful god, Shi Wu couldn't help jumping when he saw this scene.

Then they saw the figure not far away, standing in the moonlight.

Ye Feng!

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