Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 955: compassion

Li Tian is really busy now. It stands to reason that he doesn't need to bother about this kind of thing now, but sometimes it's fate if he encounters it.

At this moment, Zhu Lian was just busy with the things on hand, and came to Li Tian's side. Li Tian stood in front of the huge French window on the second floor, pointed at the dark girl outside and asked: "Go and find out, how did she respond? thing?"

Zhu Lian thought that Li Tian had noticed the beauty again, but although the girl was young, there was really no trace of beauty on her body.

"Okay, let me ask."

Zhu Lian went in person.

Nowadays, Zhu Lian’s attitude towards Li Tian is getting better and better. It is not only that Li Tian gave Zhu Lian more shares, which made Zhu Lian’s worth almost straight up, but also because Li Tian’s skills have indeed increased. Bigger.

Zhu Lian mistakenly thought that the video promotion of the superstar Sun Xiaoxiang was planned by Li Tian. In fact, it was not. Li Tian just opened a plug-in and used the [Good Luck Card].

After Zhu Lian comes back, tell Li Tian.

It turned out that this girl was also one of the local dealers. Because she failed the audition, she had no chance to see Li Tian.

The sea election is the most basic hardware facility.

After all, the new vegetables in the Rich Agricultural Park are taking the boutique route. Although the vegetable market is not required to be in the luxury commercial street, at least it should not be too remote, and the facade and interior decoration should not be too broken.

However, the girl’s shop is a bit old and the location is not very good. In a very old community, the traffic is not convenient.

Therefore, in the audition, the girl's front store was not qualified.

In fact, most of the strict requirements of the Rich Agricultural Park were formulated by Li Tian himself, and they were very strict.

But at this moment, it was already dusk outside, and in the huge green landscape of the Fu Agricultural Park Branch, the dark girl's shadow was stretched very long.

Li Tian asked suddenly: "What is the girl's name? How long have you been standing there?"

Zhu Lian knew that Li Tian had moved with compassion. Zhu Lian knew Li Tian and knew that although he was not focused on the feelings of men and women, he was still very kind in his heart.

"I heard from the security guard outside the door that this girl has been waiting in the morning until now. Her name is Miao Zhaomin."


Li Tian has actually noticed the girl’s chapped lips through [Mind Eyes]. The weather at this time is still very hot. Li Tian can work from yesterday to now without taking a break because Li Tian’s physique is different from ordinary people.

But that girl, who seemed to be at most 15 years old, was able to persist for so long under the scorching sun, which was really not easy.

"Let her in, in the opened air-conditioned room, and talk to me face to face."


Zhu Lian nodded. When she walked to the girl, she was thinking in her heart, lucky girl, we must seize this opportunity.

Miao Zhaomin, her name is better than hers, she is really too ordinary, the kind that doesn't make much sense on the street.

She learned from the morning that her shop was unsuccessful. She was very disappointed. She wanted to leave. However, she thought of her ill father and mother who worked hard day and night. She couldn't give up.

Even if she can't live up to the bus fare this time, she will have to wait.

She didn't know what she was waiting for.

This rich agricultural park branch is really big. The two buildings of tempered glass alone are like a modern city, not to mention all kinds of greenery and intelligent vegetable greenhouses. The last boss was rich in the second generation, but he didn't mean to spend money. Later, after realizing it was not profitable, he sold it for 100 million.

Let Li Tian pick up a big bargain. The 100 million acquisition of this company's industry is much better than the Qian Qingping's agricultural park company that he found out on the market before going bankrupt.

Not to mention the dilapidated company, many of its equipment is old, and the company looks like a mess of bad debts.

Taking over is to pick up a pit.

Miao Zhaomin didn't even think that she would be able to persist from morning to dusk in the afternoon. The setting sun stretched her figure very long, and the strange eyes of those who left, even unscrupulous ridicule, were in her ears.

"Little girl, don't insist. The boss of this company is not human, strictly to death. I also know your father's shop. They have been for so many years. They are too old and the location is too remote. The richness is above the top. The Agricultural Park will not cooperate with you."

"Let's go! Wait here, no one will notice you, just making a joke."

Seeing that the girl was indifferent, some people just sneered: "It turned out to be a neuropathy. I heard that her father is sick, but it turned out to be a genetic disease, hahaha."

There is never a shortage of good people in this world, and of course, there is never a shortage of bad people.

They have no shame, no sympathy, and scorn and bully others will bring them pleasure.

Even if such people are middle-aged or old, the same is true.

As there is a saying: It's not that the times have changed, and the bad guys are getting old.

Those who do bad people have always been those people, from small to old.

Miao Zhaomin cried silently, no one knew what she was insisting on.

Until, Zhu Lian, a capable and windy walker, strode.

Zhu Lian's face value is medium to high, a bit worse than the confidant around Li Tian, ​​but for Miao Zhaomin at this moment, Zhu Lian is at the level of a goddess in terms of temperament and appearance.

"You call Miao Zhaomin, come with me."

When Zhu Lian saw the girl's eyes flashing with anxiety, she just smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's our boss who wants to see you."

When Zhu Lian said this with a smile, to Miao Zhaomin, the setting sun was like the morning sun, full of hope and brilliance.

"I, I, I..."

The girl nervously grabbed the corner of her clothes with a rough palm, her heart almost jumped to her throat, so excited that she didn't know what to say.

"do not worry."

Although Zhu Lian does not know the girl’s family situation, the appearance of her has already made Zhu Lian feel pity. She walked over and patted her on the back and encouraged her: "Our boss is kind, he is willing See you in person, this is an opportunity, you have to take it well."


Miao Zhaomin nodded heavily. In fact, her whole face was already very hot. Zhu Lian almost became her idol at this moment, but because her skin was a bit dark, it was not obvious.

Li Tian was sitting in a very comfortable room with air conditioning. Zhu Lian personally brought in Miao Zhaomin. Perhaps the girl didn't know Zhu Lian's identity and status in the Fufu Agricultural Park. She was personally received by her. What kind of specification is this.

"I heard you waited all day outside my company, why are you so persistent?"

Li Tian's appearance is not as kind as Zhu Lian said. On the contrary, because of constant work, exhaustion and constant dealing with things, his expression is rather impatient.

At this moment, Miao Zhaomin had forgotten all the words that had been thought in his heart. Some were only wronged. Her voice was stubbornly saying, "Because you have no faith in your words."


This answer made Li Tian a little unexpected. He smiled playfully: "How can we lose faith?"

Miao Zhaomin actually had a guilty conscience at this time, but now that she said what she said, she didn't keep it. "Before the fairy star Sun Xiaoxiang did not endorse your company, you had asked us to cooperate. At that time, your request was very simple. However, afterwards, your agricultural garden suddenly became popular, and the threshold was raised. , I didn’t even accept the previously negotiated contract. I was not satisfied, so I kept waiting, waiting..."

Li Tian was stunned, he asked the girl to take out the negotiated contract.

He took a look and couldn't help but smile.

What kind of contract is this? This is clearly a related notice of the intention to cooperate. That is to say, the people from Li Tian Company did find them and gave them preliminary documents. It does not mean that this is about cooperation.

Li Tian’s company has such strict requirements, how could it be so easy to The character of Zhang Yue, the first partner, Li Tian still vividly remembers.

However, this letter of intent for cooperation is not an ordinary document.

This is indeed the 1% dealer that Li Tian’s people had traveled all over the second-tier city before Sun Xiaoxiang had no publicity.

Li Tian didn't expect that the girl's shop was actually one of the 1% dealers who agreed to cooperate.

But later, Li Tian's company became popular, and those who did not agree to cooperate at the beginning came one after another. In order to prevent some miscellaneous fish and shrimp from having an interview, Li Tian raised the threshold.

And this threshold also made Miao Zhaomin's shop with poor foundation completely lost.


Li Tian smiled bitterly: "Our company did the wrong thing, then, Ms. Miao Zhaomin, would you give us a chance at the Rich Agricultural Park so that we can make up for it? For example, you take me to visit your store, if it works. , We just formally sign the cooperation contract."

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